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Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

● All parts of the electromagnetic spectrum

travel at the same speed
● Wavelength and frequency have an indirect
Electromagnetic Spectrum ● Frequency describes the number of waves
that pass a fixed place in a given amount of
● Is the complete spectrum (or continuum) of
● Frequency is measured in the hertz unit,
all forms of “light”
named in honor of the 19th century German
● An electromagnetic wave consists of electric
physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (Hz)
and magnetic fields which vibrate, thus
● Wavelength is the distance between
making waves
corresponding points of two consecutive
● A gradual progression from the waves of
lowest frequencies to the waves of highest
● “Corresponding points” refers to two points
or particles in the same phase
● The different types of electromagnetic
● Crest is the highest point in a wave while
waves are defined by the amount of energy
trough is the lowest
carried by possessed by the photons
(bundles of wave energy)
● The energy of a photon is given by the Wavelength, Frequency, Energy
equation E=hf, where h is the Planck’s
Constant (6. 63𝑥10 𝐽/𝑠) and 𝑓 is the ● Electromagnetic waves characteristics
frequency of the EM wave ○ Short wavelengths have a high
● The gamma rays have photons of high frequency and energy
energies while radio waves have photons ○ Long wavelengths have a low
with the lowest energies frequency and energy
● Consists of; radio waves, microwaves, ● Electromagnetic waves and energy
infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, and ○ High frequency waves have high
gamma ray energy
○ Low frequency waves have low

● Properties of electromagnetic waves include Radio Waves

speed, frequency, and wavelength
● ‘v’, 𝑓, and ‘λ’ are related in the formula ● Low energy waves with longest
𝑣 = 𝑓λ wavelengths
● All light waves travel at a speed of ● Includes FM (frequency modulation), AM
3𝑥10 𝑚/𝑠 in a vacuum (amplitude frequency), radar (a system that
uses radio waves to find the position of
2 2
● 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 , where 𝑚 is mass and 𝑐 is equal objects that cannot be seen), and TV waves
to (9𝑥10 𝑚/𝑠) ● Produced by making electrons vibrate in an
● Used to transmit sound and picture
Wavelength & Frequency information over long distances
○ Two basic types of propagation
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

— Ground wave may follow an

Infrared Radiation
almost straight path from
transmitter to receiver
— Sky wave is directed ● Detected as heat
upward, enters the ● Can be detected with special devices such
ionosphere and is reflected as night goggles
back to Earth ● Used in heat lamps
● Classification of Radio Waves ● Higher energy than microwaves but lower
○ Low frequencies are 30 to 300 kHz than visible light
○ Intermediate frequencies are 300 to ● Application of Infrared Radiation
3,000 kHz ○ Infrared photographs taken from a
○ High frequencies are 3,000 to satellite with special films provide
30,000 kHz useful details of the vegetation on
○ Very high and ultra-high frequencies the Earth’s surface
are 30,000 to 100,000 kHz ○ Infrared scanners are used to show
● Application of Radio Waves the temperature variation of the body
○ Satellites for communication and for medical diagnosis
— Can carry information from ○ Infrared remote controls are used in
one side of the Earth to electronic appliances
another even from outer ○ Some night-vision goggles
space to Earth ○ Some autofocus cameras have
— Gathers information and transmitters that sends out infrared
carry electronic equipment pulses
which transmit or receive
messages carried by Visible Light
electromagnetic waves
— Comsat is for
● Human eyes can detect visible light
— Metsat is for meteorological
● Red has the lowest frequency while violet
has the highest
— Navsat is for navigation
— Scientific satellites is for
orbiting observations Ultraviolet Radiation
— Landsat is Earth-resource
satellite ● Higher energy than light waves
● Have shorter wavelengths than the visible
Microwaves light
● Uses of Ultraviolet Radiation
○ UV lamps are used by banks to
● Have shorter wavelengths than radio waves
check the signature on a passbook,
● Application of Microwaves
also used to identify fake banknotes
○ Satellite communications
○ Used in sterilizing water from
○ Radar
drinking fountains
○ Terrestrial Communication
○ Activates vitamin D in the skin and
○ Microwave Oven
gives us tanning effect
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

○ It could burn the skin and hurt our ● Transmitter

eyes ○ Sends out a narrow beam of
○ It may cause skin cancer microwaves in short pulses
● Receiver
○ Receives some of the signal sent
● Caller (1) <> Base Station (1) <> Switching
Center <> Base Station (2) <> Receiver (2)
● High energy waves
● Shorter wavelengths but higher energy than
● Discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
● Long wavelength X-Rays can penetrate the
Major Divisions and Parts
flesh but not the bones
● Short wavelength X-Rays can penetrate
even through metals ● Central Nervous System (CNS) - the main
processing center for the entire nervous
Gamma Rays ○ Brain - located within the skull that
functions as organizer and
● Highest in energy, shortest in wavelength distributor of information for the body
● Emitted by stars and some radioactive ㅡ Cerebrum - large, upper part
substances of the brain that controls
● Can be blocked by the atmosphere, thick activity and thought
concrete, and Pb (lead) ㅡ Cerebellum - part under the
● Used to treat cancer through radiotherapy cerebrum that controls
● Used for sterilization of drinking water posture, balance, and
ㅡ Brain Stem - part that
connects the brain to the
spinal cord and controls
● Repeater automatic functions
○ Receives the signal and retransmits ○ Spinal Cord - serves as a channel
it to the receiving station for signals between the brain and
● Modulation the rest of the body, and controls
○ Process wherein the carrier wave is simple musculoskeletal reflexes
changed or varied with the loudness without input from the brain
and pitch of the original sound ● Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) -
— AM - amplitude of a high connects the CNS to the organs and limbs
frequency carrier signal is ○ Somatic Nervous System -
varied according to the voluntary control of body movements
amplitude of the lower ㅡ Spinal Nerves - carry motor
frequency modulating signal and sensory signals between
— FM - audio signal is the spinal cord and the body
modulating the frequency of — Cranial Nerves - carry
the oscillator information into and out of
● Antenna the brain stem
○ Scans the surrounding area
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

○ Autonomic Nervous System - ● When a nerve impulse comes to the end of

involuntary control of body an axon, it produces the chemical called
movements neurotransmitter to be released
ㅡ Sympathetic Nervous ● The chemical crosses the space between
System - activated when the neurons called synapse and stimulates the
body is in dynamic role or nerve impulse to start in the next dendrite
stress ● A stimulus is any factor in the environment
ㅡ Parasympathetic Nervous that may trigger a nerve impulse
System - maintains body ● A response is a reaction to a stimulus
functions and restores the ● Reaction time is the length of time between
body to normal or relaxed application of a stimulus and detection of a
mode response

Nerve Cell Brain

● Neurons ● Largest and most complex part of the

● Cell body containing the nucleus nervous system
● Dendrites are root-like structures that carry ● Site of central exchange of nervous
impulses towards the cell body impulses throughout the whole body
● Axons carry impulses away from the cell ● Most highly specialized organ
body / nerve fibers
● Myelin sheath is the fatty material covering
4 Major Regions of the Brain
an axon / facilitates the transmission of
nerve impulses
○ Sensory or afferent neurons - pick ● Cerebrum
up information from the body parts ○ Forebrain
or the environment and transmit this ○ The surface is called the cerebral
information to the spinal cord and cortex which is the outermost layer
brain of the brain that contains gray matter
○ Motor or efferent neuron - carry / responsible functions like language
messages or impulses from the and information processing
brain to the spinal cord and to the ○ It is folded into ridges (gyrus/gyri)
body parts and depressions (sulcus/sulci) called
○ Interneurons or association convolutions which increases the
neurons - carry information between surface area
two other neurons ● Cerebellum
○ Little brain
○ Located between the brain stem and
Nerve Impulse hind part of the cerebrum
○ Attached directly above the pons
● Combination of electrical charge and a ● Brain Stem
chemical reaction ○ Located at the lower part of the brain
● An electrochemical signal moving along a — Medulla Oblongata - spinal
neuron bulb / extends down from the
central part of the brain and
connects to the spinal cord /
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

regulates the heartbeat rate

Temporal Lobe Learning and memory
and breathing / makes the
possible contraction or Parietal Lobe Touch and sensory
expansion of the blood input
vessels and other reflexes for
Occipital Lobe Vision, motor output
sneezing, vomiting and
and speech
swallowing / plays a role in
arousal states Frontal Lobe Personality, thought
— Pons - connects the medulla and speech
oblongata and the cerebrum /
contains the motor
conduction paths between DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM
the cerebral cortex and
cerebral hemisphere Meningitis
— Midbrain - short segment of
the brain stem just above the
● Haemophilus influenzae meningitis
pons / serves as a pathway
○ Leading cause of bacterial
of nerve fibers leading to the
meningitis in children under 5 years
various areas of the brain
old, occurs most frequently in
and the spinal cord /
children from 1 month up to 4 years
responsible for eye
with a peak at 6-9 months
movement and dilation of the
○ Infection usually spreads from
somewhere in the respiratory tract to
● Diencephalon
the bloodstream and then to the
○ Thalamus - top of the brain stem /
meninges (membranes that cover
relay center for sensory impulses on
the brain). At the meninges, the
their way to the cerebral cortex /
bacteria produce infection and
receives the optic nerve messages
inflammation causing serious illness
and directs impulses to the cortex for
and sometimes death
interpretation / screens stimuli and
● Complications
prevents sensory overload
○ Roughly 20% of patients may
○ Hypothalamus - lies under the
experience some hearing loss
thalamus / controls and coordinates
○ Some patients will have brain
homeostatic mechanisms
● Meningococcal meningitis
Spinal Cord ○ Infection caused by neisseria
meningitidis that causes
● Large rope-like segment of the nerve tissue inflammation of the membranes
extending from the medulla to the vertebral covering the brain and spinal cord
column ○ Death rate ranges from 5% to 15%
○ Young children and adults over 50
have the highest risk of death
Major Divisions of the Forebrain
● Complications
○ Brain damage
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

○ Increased spinal fluid pressure tropical, and subtropical

○ Myocarditis (inflammation of the climates
heart) ● Complications
○ Hydrocephalitis (blockage of spinal ○ Permanent nerve damage
fluid in brain) ○ Cosmetic disfigurement
○ Deafness
○ Paralysis of various muscles
Polio / Poliomyelitis
○ Mental retardation
● Pneumococcal meningitis
○ Streptococcus pneumoniae is the ● Causes nerve injury leading to paralysis,
most common cause of meningitis in difficulty in breathing and death
adults, and second most in children ● 95% are subclinical infections
older than 6 years old ● Subclinical Infection
● Nonparalytic Poliomyelitis
● Paralytic Poliomyelitis

● Hansen’s disease
● Characterized by disfiguring skin lesions,
peripheral nerve damage, and progressive ● Caused by the toxin of clostridium tetani
debilitation ● Can result in death
● Causes, Incidence, and Risk Factors ● Infection begins when the spores are
○ Caused by mycobacterium leprae introduced into an injury or wound / the
○ Is a difficult disease to transmit spores germinate, releasing active bacteria
○ Has a long incubation period that multiply and produce a neurotoxin
○ Children are more susceptible than called tetanospasmin / tetanospasmin
adults to contracting the disease selectively block inhibitory
● 2 Common Forms neurotransmission from the spinal cord to
○ Tuberculoid and Lepromatous the muscles, allowing the muscles to go into
— Both produce lesions on the severe spasm
— Lepromatous is more severe, Botulism
producing large disfiguring
● 98% seen in children under 6 months of age
— Both cause peripheral
● Caused by clostridium botulinum that lives
neurological damage
in the soil and dust, it may also contaminate
manifested by sensory loss
foods especially honey
in the skin and weakness of
● Clostridium bacteria produces a toxin called
the muscles
botulinum toxin
— People with long-term
leprosy may lose the use of
their hands or feet due to Rabies / Fatal Encephalitis
repeated injury which results
from absent sensation ● Caused by rabies virus
— Is common in many ● Contracted through bite of infected animal
countries; in temperate, ● 2 Forms of Rabies
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

○ Furious rabies - restless then ● Salivary, sweat and mammary glands

become excitable and snap at
anything / paralysis sets in and flow
Endocrine Glands
of saliva increases / nervous control
is progressively lost
○ Paralytic rabies - minimal ● Ductless
excitability / remains relatively quiet ● Secretes their product directly into the
and unaware of surroundings / bloodstream
transient but fatal ● Pituitary Gland - master of the ductless
glands / hypophysis / lies at the base of the
Notes ○ Oxytocin - responsible for
contraction of the uterine muscles
● Left side of the cerebrum controls speech, during the final stage of pregnancy
mathematics and logic while the right side of ○ Vasopressin - increases blood
the cerebrum is for musical talents and pressure and decreases urine flow /
artistry antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
● DPT shots (D - diphtheria, P - pertussis or ○ Growth Hormone - somatotropic
whooping cough, T - tetanus) for infants hormone / essential for normal
● Immunization provides protection for ten growth
years ○ Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
(ACTH) - controls the adrenal glands
that takes part during emergency or
stressful situation
○ Prolactin - initiates milk production
● Helps you cope with changes in your ○ Luteinizing Hormone (LH) -
environment stimulates the formation of ovarian
● Works with the nervous system, hormones and the subsequent
reproductive system and other organs such release of a mature egg
as kidney, gut and pancreas to help ○ Follicle Stimulating Hormone
maintain and control body energy levels, (FSH) - responsible for the formation
reproduction, growth and development, of follicles around an egg in the
responses to stimuli and stress and internal female ovary and the development
balance of sperm in males
● Thyroid Gland - H-shaped organ / beneath
Gland the larynx
○ Thyroxin(e) - controls the body’s
metabolism / tetraiodothyronine (T₄) /
● Is an organ that produces a secretion for
increases oxygen consumption /
use elsewhere in the body, or in a body
speeds up the metabolic rate of
nearly all the cells in the body / may
be hyperactive (hyperthyroidine) or
Exocrine Glands underactive (hypothyroidine)
○ Calcitonin - triiodothyronine (T₃) /
● Secretions pass through a duct to the site storage of calcium and phosphorus /
where they take effect takes calcium and phosphorus ions
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

from bones so that they will be functions the same way that
available in the blood, the muscles adrenalin does, supplements the
and nerves action and complex functions of the
● Parathyroid Gland - 4 small glandular nervous system
bodies / size of a small pea / attached to the ● Pancreas - between the kidneys /
back of the thyroid gland hormone-secreting cells are found in the
○ Parathyroid Hormone or islet of Langerhans
Parathormone - controls the ○ Glucagon - converts glycogen
calcium levels in your body and (stored body sugar in the liver) to
normalizes bone growth / (same as glucose when your blood glucose
last description of calcitonin) concentration becomes low
● Thymus Gland - 2 lobes located at the ○ Insulin - controls the storage of
upper part of the chest, below the neck / sugar in the liver and the breakdown
prominent in early life but degenerates in the tissues
when puberty sets in then it will be replaced — Diabetes mellitus -
by a fatty or fibrous tissue pancreas produces
○ Thymosin - manufactures white insufficient insulin / body’s
blood cells and antibodies that make cells fail to respond correctly
it possible to develop immunity to insulin
against infection — Diabetes insipidus - there is
○ Promine - promotes growth an excretion of large
○ Retine - retards growth amounts of diluted urine that
● Adrenal Glands - small glands above each cannot be further reduced /
kidneys deficiency in ADH
○ Adrenal Cortex - outer portion; ● Male Gonads / Female Gonads - lower
secretes corticoids / regulates abdomen
metabolism / storage and use of ○ Testes - secretes androgen and
proteins, fats and carbohydrates / testosterone / control maturation and
control the amount of water which male characteristics
the body retains or excretes / — Prostate Gland - produces a
monitor the levels of important body thin, watery, alkaline
salts / influence growth and secretion that mixes with the
development / control the production sperm and other secretions
of blood cells / controls the formation to form the semen
of the skin color — Cowper’s Gland
○ Adrenal Medulla - inner portion; (bulbourethral) - adds fluids
secretes adrenalin / epinephrine / and protection to the semen
secreted during times of excitement, during the process of
anger, stress, pain or cold / raises ejaculation
the blood pressure, increases the ○ Ovaries - secretes estrogen and
heartbeat and body temperature / progesterone / influence female
brings about the widening of the traits / supports reproductive
blood vessels in the liver, heart and function
skeletal muscles / promotes the
conversion of sugar in the body /
noradrenalin or norepinephrine
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

○ Pancreas makes extra insulin at first,

● Chemical messenger that transports a but over time cannot keep up and
signal from one cell to another cannot make enough insulin to keep
● “Target cells”, hormones react only in blood glucose at normal levels
specific cell types ● Type II Diabetes Treatment
○ Same as Type I Diabetes
Grave’s Disease
● Cretinism - physically and mentally
retardation due to failed development of the ● Enlarged thyroid, protrusion of eyes, lumpy
thyroid gland reddish skin on lower legs, excessive
● Without a sufficient supply of iodine, all reactions to stimuli, period of hyperactivity
body cells will work harder which eventually and fatigue, and tremors
results in swelling of the thyroid or known as ● Graves’ Disease Causes
goiter ○ Autoimmune disorder triggered by a
bacterial infection leading to
overproduction of hormones in the
● Graves’ Disease Treatments
Type I Diabetes ○ Can only treat symptoms
○ Antithyroid drugs, partial or complete
destruction of thyroid by radioactive
● High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia),
iodine, and partial or complete
>200 mg/dL
surgical removal of thyroid
● Excess excreted in urine
● Insulin dependent diabetes
● Juvenile onset diabetes Dwarfism
● Type I Diabetes Causes
○ Insulin deficiency ● A person who is shorter than 4’10”
○ Inherited immune disorder that ● Dwarfism Causes
destroys pancreatic cells ○ Acondroplasia, a genetic condition
● Type I Diabetes Treatment that causes growth factors to not be
○ Insulin injections, monitor blood registered by the bones
glucose levels, and exercise and ○ Human growth hormone (HGH)
healthy diet deficiency due to genetics, stress
and malnutrition
Type II Diabetes ● Dwarfism Treatment
○ Hormone therapy if it’s growth
hormone deficiency (25% chance of
● High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia),
>200 mg/dL
○ Physical therapy(?) and braces if the
● Non-insulin dependent diabetes
condition causes pain
● Adult-onset diabetes
● Type II Diabetes Causes
○ Insulin resistace Hypothyroidism
Reviewer | 2nd Quarter

● Levels of thyroid hormones are low ● Hirsutism Treatment

● Poor muscle tone, fatigue, increased ○ Drugs to reduce hormone levels or
sensitivity to cold, constipation, depression, waxing/shaving/hair removal
pale and dry skin, decreased sweating, and
weight gain
● (Later) Slow speech, deep puffy face, low
body temperature, and abnormal menstrual
● Hypothyroidism Causes
○ Iodine deficiency
○ Autoimmune disorder where
antibodies attack the thyroid
● Hypothyroidism Treatment
○ Hormone replacement pills for
thyroid hormones
○ Iodine in diet


● Enlargement of the hands, feet, nose, lips

and ears, heart, kidney, and skull
● Protruding brow and lower jaw, gaps
between lower teeth
● Headaches and visual disturbances
● Acromegaly Causes
○ Overproduction of growth hormones
is caused by a benign tumor of the
pituitary gland
○ Tumors produce excess growth
hormones and, as they expand,
compress surrounding brain tissues,
such as the optic nerves
● Acromegaly Treatment
○ Surgery, drug therapy or radiation
therapy to remove or destroy the


● Excessive hair on the body

● Hirsutism Causes
○ Increased levels of male hormones
in body (stimulating hair growth) or
sensitivity of hair follicles to male

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