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Cycle – 1/ September 2023 - BLUE PRINT

Diagnostic Assessment (Page 1- 25)


Assessment type pattern

1. Short quiz Oral test 10

2. Story narration relating to Extempore 20

his/her ambition

3. Student reflection- (Picture Written test 10


4. Mind maps – Manifesting Drawing 10

ambition for 60 sec

Total 50

1.SHORT QUIZ: (10 marks )

1. What is the preamble of my green book?

a. Destiny to dream
b. Dare to dream
c. Dream to destiny
d. Dream & Destiny

2. Making your dreams happen in the world is called as

a. Yoga path
b. Artha path
c. Ayngara path
d. Budhdham & dhammam path
3. Who is the author of My Green book?
a. Robert kiyosaki
b. Swami Vivekananda
c. Tr. J. Arawindhan
d. Tr. Radhakrishnan

4. What is meant by SKY?

a. Skill- Knowledge- Yantra
b. Source- Knowledge – Youth
c. Sincere- Knowledge- Yantra
d. System- Knowledge- Youth

5. Synergy of attitude, knowledge & skills is known as:

a. Commitment
b. Ability
c. Purpose
d. Process

6. How many steps are involved in Goal setting activities?

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

7. What is meant by SMART goal?

a. Small-Main-Asset- Realistic- Tool
b. Skill – Manifest- Accomplish- Readiness- Talent
c. System- Measured- Assertive- Relevant- Time
d. Specific- Measurable-Attainable- Relevant- Timed
8. “Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates” – this quote
was stated by:
a. Tr. Arawindhan
b. Kim Kiyosaki
c. Gandhiji
d. Kate Angell

9. Which tool has to be used to maximize your potential?

a. VED analysis
b. SWOT analysis
c. PDCA process
d. SKY test

10. What is the first habit in the Seven habits tree?

a. Be productive
b. Be proactive
c. Be participative
d. Be particular
2. Story Narration (relating to his / her ambition) (20 marks)

Each student will be narrating story about his/her ambition and how he/she
was able to do the goal setting activities in relevance to the ambition fixed
(2min – extempore)


 Participant has to speak only in English.

 Maximum time limit to think over the topic will be 2 minutes and the
maximum time for speech will be 5 minutes.
 The participant will be allowed to select the topic once only.
 Participants will not be allowed to take any paper or material with him
or her during the speech.
 Paper will be provided to make notes about the topic but they will not be
allowed to carry them for the speech.
Please note:

 Judges will be looking for clarity of thought, logical organization,

sincerity and the effective use of plain English.
 In the case of a tie, the winner will be decided by the panel of judges by
mutual discussion.

Rubrics: Participants will be judged on the following criteria. Rubrics Score
1 Appearance (School dress code) 1
2 Poise/Self-confidence 2
3 Voice projection/Inflection 2
4 Diction/Enunciation 1
5 Facial Expressions 2
6 Gestures 1
7 Eye Contact 2
8 Enthusiasm 2
9 Persuasiveness 3
10 Clear presentation of ideas 4
Total 20

3. `Student reflection: - Picture Perception & Description

test - ppdt (10 marks)

During PPDT, a blurred picture is shown on screen to the students for about 30
seconds. In about next one minute students will have to write down the details
that have noticed in the picture, it will help them in narrating the story,

For example,
4. Mind maps: (10 marks)
Students would be asked to imagine their goal/dream/ambition
for 60 sec and to draw a mind map on how they would reach
their destiny using the below template as reference.
Template for reference

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