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Question 1: When people gather in large groups, they may experience ____________,

losing their sense of individual identity.

A. Dissociation B. Interpersonal C. Deindividuation D. Reaction
Question 2: what does CT stand for?
A. Centred tomography
B. Computered tomography
C. Complex treating
D. Computerized tomography
Question 3: what does PET stand for?
A. Power electron tomography
B. Proton emission tomography
C. Positron emission tomography
D. Photo emission tomography
Question 4: what does CMC stand for?
A. Computer-mediated communication
B. Computer-middle communication
C. Communicate-mediated communication
D. Computerized-mediated communication
Question 5: People addicted to drugs or alcohol may need a period of ____________ to
A. Inductive B. Interpersonal C. Regression D. Rehabilitation
Question 6: Which one is the synonym for “personality”?
A. Behaviour B. Trait C. Action D. Component
Question 7: Prefix “inter” means
A. Inside B. Among C. Negative D. Remove
Question 8: According to Freud, personality is formed by the
A. Nerves B. Social C. Conscious D. Unconscious
Question 9: “Personality is shaped by social interaction”
A. Psychodynamic
B. Social constructivism
C. Behaviourism
D. Humanistic
Question 10: Trauma events can lead to a sense of unreality or .
A. Displacement B. Independent C. Dissociation D. Interaction
Question 11: what are NOT the benefits of computer on psychology?
A. People who shy can try out new personalities
B. Improving problem-solving skill
C. Taking pictures of brain
D. Improving studying capacity

Write down THREE words to describe the following pictures



What you know about cognitive behavioural therapy?

List out the roles of occupational psychologists.

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