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CLIL Paul Cézanne, The Card Players

This small work is one of the many versions that Cézanne paint- centrality while maintaining a completely credible gaze on a
ed on a theme which interested him for a number of years. He scene taken from real life.
began the Card Player series in 1890, modelling his figures on
farmers observed in Aix-en-Provence. However the artist’s in- Intersecting Relations
terest had nothing to do with rural life or with social or symbolic In spite of his attention to realism, Cézanne has used an ab-
elements; rather he aimed to depict the game as it plays off his stract approach to the composition, as can be seen in the
work’s rigorous composition. The first representation of the se- work’s symmetry and specular character.
ries (today at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia) portrayed The player on the left, in a blue-toned coat and yellow pants,
five figures, of whom only three playing cards, and employed a seems made up of hard cylinder shapes as seen in his hat,
wider palette of colours as well as a multitude of curving lines. pipe, torso, and forearm. By contrast the man on the right, in
In this version, by contrast, the artist’s emphasis on the psycho- a yellow coat and blue-toned pants, seems composed of soft
logical competition between the men connotes an attention to triangles, which are repeated in the hat, the jacket that widens
all aspects of life that involve a two-way exchange. towards the bottom, the arrangement of his arms as well as
The strongly geometrical composition confers a classical in the shape of his face. The only other colour on the canvas
dignity upon the two figures. There is no folklore in the telling surface is brown, which takes on an ochre hue when Cézanne
of the scene but rather a vital tension and, possibly, even a depicts the table and its cloth, the window’s fixtures and the two
dark meditation on human existence. men’s faces. Indeed the whole work seems based on lowering
the tones of the three basic colours: blue, yellow and red.
Balanced Forms The paint is applied in small brush strokes, sometimes isolated
Cézanne constructs the space according to a grid of lines: the and out of place, such as in the bottle highlighted by a line of
horizontal axes can be seen in the plane of the table and in the light, or the simple stroke of brown that describes the sunken
edge of the window while perpendicular verticals are echoed eye of the card player on the right.
between the table legs, the bottle, and – on the left – the card
player’s chair and the tablecloth’s folds. Inside this composition- A Mental Painting
al scheme the artist situates diagonals in the form of the short As we have seen, all elements of the work converge to de-
white line of the tobacco pipe and the folds in the tablecloth scribe the two men’s relationship, which is characterized si-
(right) as well as of the card players’ bent arms. multaneously by opposition and exchange. Thus the painting
The whole scene is placed slightly off-centre, as can be seen renders not just an “impression”, but also a description
in the bottle and the table which separate the two men but of the action’s inner meaning. In this way the work seems to
are shifted slightly towards the lower right-hand side of the communicate the essence of an experience which, almost
painting. The distortion is visually counterbalanced, however, solidified and given the form of memory, is destined to last in
by the window in the upper left. In this way Cézanne achieves the mind’s eye.

Fig. 1, 2
Paul Cézanne,
The Card Players, 1892-1895.
Oil on canvas, 47x57 cm.
Paris, Musée d’Orsay.
Below: compositional diagram.

1 © Istituto Italiano Edizioni Atlas

✓ Exercises Paul Cézanne, The Card Players

Read and Recognise

1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

❍ ❍ 1. In The Card Players the artist focuses on humble farmers engaged in a commonplace activity.
❍ ❍ 2. According to Realism in art, Cézanne was interested in rural life and social problems.
❍ ❍ 3. The huge dimension of the canvas emphasizes the importance of the theme.
❍ ❍ 4. Geometry and tension are essential components of the composition.
❍ ❍ 5. Cézanne use central perspective and place the bottle exactly on the focus point.
❍ ❍ 6. The artist doesn’t just describe the scene but explores its existential essence through the two men’s relationship.

2 In Cézanne’s works, composition is carefully created via counterbalancing elements. Can you find the most
important ones? Fill in the table below.

Compositional feature Seen in these elements Counterbalanced by Seen in these elements

_______________________________________ Table plane, window, _______________________________________ Table legs, chair, bottle

___________________________________ [1] edge ___________________________________ [2]

Off-centre placement, _______________________________________ Window, upper left _______________________________________

lower right ___________________________________ [3] ___________________________________ [4]

Hard cylinder shapes _______________________________________ Soft triangles _______________________________________

___________________________________ [5] ___________________________________ [6]

_______________________________________ Blue-toned coat, _______________________________________ Yellow coat,

___________________________________ [7] yellow pants ___________________________________ [8] blue-toned pants

3 The text contains some words which are combinations of one word added to another. Match them and write
them, deciding which ones are composite and which ones need a hyphen (-). Write the Italian translation next
to the English word.

1. Off a. cloth ________________________ ________________________

2. Table b. way ________________________ ________________________
3. Counter c. centre ________________________ ________________________
4. Two d. balance ________________________ ________________________

2 © Istituto Italiano Edizioni Atlas

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