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Hector Berlioz
Name the year of Berlioz birth and the year of his death _________
1803 - _________


Country of birth _________________


Identify the significant of each of following in his musical career.

Harriet Smithson ____________________________________________________________

He fell deeply in love with her and "Symphonie fantastique" was dedicated to
expressing his love for her.
Idée xe __________________________________________________________________

He developed "Idee fixe" and it is his term for a recurring theme of which symbolizes
the principal subject
Shakespeare __________________________________________________________________

He had symphonies based on Shakespeare's works and when he first saw Harriet
Smithson while watching a Shakespeare play
Orchestration ____________________________________________________________

His Treatise on Orchestration is a study of orchestral technique and instrumentation. As well, his orchestras in
his works were often larger and he is known as the creator of the mordern orchestra.

Symphonies __________________________________________________________________

Berloiz was interested in larger-scaled works such as symphonies.

Name 4 genres he cultivated and give 1 example of each

Symphony ________________________________________________

Symphonie fantastique

Mass ________________________________________________

Requim Mass

Oratorio ________________________________________________

L'enfance du Christ

Concert Overtures ________________________________________________


Identify 4 specific style traits of the composer

1. __________________________________________________________________________

Had larger orchestration

2. __________________________________________________________________________

Had idee fixe

Many of his works were influenced by writers.

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

His music had many novel effects.


Symphonie fantastique
Title of work __________________________________ Composer H. Berloiz

Genre ______________________ How many movements contain this theme _________

Performing force ____________________________________________________________

Symphony orchestra (expanded)

Final movement title ___________________________________________________________

Dream of a Witches' Sabbath

Instrument plays this theme ________________


Theme is distorted through the use of ___________________

Trills and grace notes

The theme below can be described as ___________________________

Idee fixe

Which two themes are played together near the end of this work?


Dies irae and Witches' Dance in polyphonic texture

The instruments that play this theme are:

Bassoons and Ophicleide Trumpets and Violins Flutes and Clarinets

Identify 2 innovative musical features of this work

The dancing of skeletons at the end is created by "col legno" on violons

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

There is idee fixe

Show how the work reflects the style period during which it was created by
identifying 4 specific musical features

1. __________________________________________________________________________

It is a program symphony of which is a symphony based on a literary/pictorial association.

2. __________________________________________________________________________

There is idee fixe, a recurring theme to represent the beloved.

There is "expression of emotions", in this case love, etc.

3. __________________________________________________________________________

There is dies irae which is a chant melody.

4. __________________________________________________________________________

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