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-Karl Marx (1818-1882):

Significance of Karl Marx:

Marx's Objective:

Marx's School of Thought - Socialism:

Defining Social Justice:

Marx's Concern for the Working Class:

Linking Exploitation to Capitalism:

Marx's Analysis of Capitalism:

Praxis and Revolutionary Theory:

Marxism as an Ideology:

- Why Marx Supports Violent Revolution?

Violence as the Midwife of Change:

Marx's Essence of Marxism:

Violent Revolution and the Destruction of Capitalism:

Marx's Call for Global Unity:

Marx's Labeling as Anti-National:

- Early Socialists vs. Marx's Scientific Approach:

Early Socialist Utopians:

Marx's Critique of Early Socialists:

Marx's Scientific Understanding of Capitalism:

Marx's Approach as Dialectical Materialism:

- Influence on Karl Marx:

Influences on Marx's Thought:

Hegel's Concept of Dialectics:

Hegel's Concept of State and Marx's Critique:

Hegel's Influence on Marx's Thought:

- Kant and Hegel in Marx's Thought:

Immanuel Kant and the State of Western Philosophy:

Kant's Challenge to Empiricism:

Kant's Dual Worlds: Phenomena and Noumena:

Hegel's Counter to Kant: Real is Rational:

Understanding Hegel's Dialectics:

Hegel's View on the State and Kant's Influence:

- Hegel's View on Dialectics and Marx's Critique:

Hegel's Dialectics and Marx's Counter:

Hegel's Concept of State and Marx's Rejection:

- Understanding the World of Noumena and

Categorical Imperatives:

Kant's Exploration of Noumena:

Categorical Imperatives Defined:

Secular Basis of Ethics:

Kant's Transcendentalism:

- Categorical Imperatives vs. Hypothetical Imperatives:

Categorical Imperatives as Absolute Duties:

Hypothetical Imperatives as Conditional Duties:

- Kant's Epistemological and Ontological Concerns:

Kant's Exploration of Reality:

Reality and Its Accessibility:

- Integration of Empiricism and Rationalism:

Reviving Rationalism:

British Empiricism vs. Kantian Rationalism:

- Kant's Universal Ethical Principles:

Foundation of Ethics: Reason and Universality:

Categorical Imperative as the Moral Principle:

- Kantian Ethics vs. Utilitarianism:

Kant's Deontological Ethics:

Utilitarian Ethical Framework:

- Hegel's Solution to Kantian Problem:

Hegel's Absolute Idealism:

Hegel's Integration of Knowledge:

- Hegel's Conception of Reality:

Dynamic Reality and Dialectics:

- Understanding God through Hegel:

Hegel's God as Absolute Idea:

- Integration of Idea and Matter:

Integrating Matter and Idea:

- Complexity of Reality:

Reality as Comprehensible but Complex:

-- Rational is Real & Real is Rational; Hegel Historical

Idealism; Hegel Laws of Dialectic:

Hegel's Philosophy to Address Kantian Problem:

Infinite Capacity of Human Mind:

Unity of Rational and Real:

Metaphysics and Understanding Reality:

Integration of Empiricism, Rationalism, and


Hegel's Conception of God:

- Historical Idealism:

Hegel's Approach to History:

Historical Change through Idea Movement:

- Dialectics and History:

Dialectical Movement of Ideas:

Three Laws of Dialectics:

Understanding Dialectical Method:

Hegel's Perspective on Historical Progression:

Interconnectedness of History Stages:

- Hegel's Impact on Understanding Reality and


Synthesis of Empiricism, Rationalism, and


Unification of Real and Rational:

Philosopher of History:

Understanding Dialectics:
Hegel's Contributions to Philosophy:

-- Hegel - Laws of Dialectics, Concept of State, Civil

Society, Freedom, Man-Communism:

Hegel as a Philosopher of History:

Cause behind History - Historical Idealism:

Understanding Dialectical Movement:

Description of Human History:

Institutions of Hegelian View:

State as the End of History:

Comparing Hegel and Kant:

Hegel's Concept of Freedom and Alienation:

Moral Freedom and Positive Liberty:

Development of Idealism and Liberalism:

-- Political Thought of Karl Marx:

Idea of Mature Marx:

Central Theme of "Communist Manifesto":

Marxism as a Revolutionary Doctrine:

Concept of Communism:

Marx's Historical Materialism:

Key Principles of Marxism:

Historical Materialism:

Marx's Approach to History:

Economic Basis of Society - Base and Superstructure:

Marx's Structuralist Approach:

Implications for State and Revolution:

Marxism and Scientific Objectivity:

Lenin and Implementation of Marx's Ideas:

Scientific Character of Social Sciences:

-- Base and Superstructure Model of Society by Marx:

Division of Society:



Economic Structure as the Basic Structure:

Implications of Economic Structure as Basic:

Critique of Hegel and Marx's Standpoint:

Historical Materialism and Economic Determinism:

Class Division and Class Struggle:

Relation of Production (Class) and Economic Structure:

Class Struggle and Revolution:

Mode of Production Components:

Class Identity and Economic Interest:

Call for Proletarian Unity and Revolution:

Conflictual Nature of Class Relations:

Importance of Manual Labor:

Intellectuals and False Consciousness:

Society as Divided into Classes:

Marx's Theory vs. Weber's Critique:

-- Marx's Theory of Class Struggle:

Purpose of Suggesting History as Class Struggle:

Explanation of History:

Comparison between Hegel and Marx's Views on


- Dialectical Materialism of Karl Marx:

Interpretation of Historical Movement:

Dialectics of Matter:

Difference Between Hegel and Marx:

- Stages of History:

Pre-Historic Age - Primitive Communism:

Slave Society:

Feudal Society:

Capitalist Society:


Socialism vs. Capitalism:

Dictatorship of the Proletariat:

Capitalism and Democracy:

Exploitation in Capitalism:
Socialism (Dictatorship of the Proletariat):

-- Socialist Revolution and Property Redistribution:

Socialism: Dictatorship of the Proletariat:

Path to Communism:

Transition to Communism:

Marxism and Gandhi's Ideals:

Marx's Critique of Capitalism:

Relevance of Marxism:

Capitalism's Contradictions:

Surplus Value and Exploitation:

Alienation and Dignity of Labor:

-- Capitalist Self-Destruction:

Capitalism's Characteristics and Exploitation:

Wage Determination and Exploitation:

Capitalism's Monopoly and Polarization:

Revolution and Comprehensive Change:

Dialectical Change and Equilibrium:

Revolution: Change in Exploitation and Class


Role of Communist Party and Lenin's Perspective:

Revolution in Developed and Less Developed


Lenin and Totalitarianism:

Class Consciousness and Revolutionary Process:

-- Marx's Aim and Exploitation:

Revolution and Social Engineering:

Historical Materialism and Change:

Class Struggle and Dictatorship of the Proletariat:

Marx's Concept of Alienation:

Freedom and Happiness in Capitalism:

Human Essence and Creative Nature:

Phases of Alienation:

Capitalism and Alienation:

End of Alienation and Communism:

Young Marx's Philosophy and Connection to Hegel:

Young Marx and Emancipation:

Orthodox Marxism and Lenin's Role:

Russian Revolution and Totalitarianism:

Neo-Marxism and Critical School:

Alienation in Capitalism:
Hegel, Feuerbach, and Alienation:

Freedom, Capitalism, and Rousseau:

Human Essence, Capitalism, and Alienation:

Phases of Alienation:

Capitalism, Workers, and Alienation:

De-alienation and Communism:

-- Existentialism vs. Essentialism:

Existentialism and Authenticity:

Marx and Consciousness:

Application to Dalit Upliftment:

Marx's Critique of State and Hegel:

Ideology and Religion:

Existence and Consciousness in Marxism:

Gandhi-Ambedkar Debate:

True Consciousness and Social Movements:

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