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Origin of the universe

Tuesday, September 01, 2020 3:24 PM

→ Studies the composition and distribution of
celestial objects and phenomena.
Brief History
→ A multidisciplinary science as it is related to Vesto Slipher
physics, chemistry, mathematics computer • Observe the spectra of spiral in galaxy in 1912
science, geology, and biology • He observed that almost all galaxies were "Red
Ancient Astronomy shifted" which means they are all moving away
→ It started when ancient people began to from us
wonder about observable phenomena in the George Lemaitre
sky(day, night, seasons, eclipses, stars, and • He first suggested the big bang theory in
their color etc.) 1920's
Astrophysics • He theorized that the universe is expanding
→ Involves the study of the physics of
which explains why galaxies appeared to be
astronomy and focuses on the behaviour
rushing away from us
properties and motion of object in space
Edwin Hubble
• Observe the variable of stars in Andromeda
→ A branch of astronomy that studies the
galaxy and other galaxy Slipher did and
past, present, and future of the universe
→ NASA defines cosmology as "the scientific
study of the large scale property of the • He found out that the farther away the galaxy
universe as a whole was, the faster it appeared to be moving away
→ It is a highly theoretical science but one on from us and it has been proven at present
which the foundation of astronomy all rest. Fred Hoyle
Universe • First to use the big bang theory
→ It refers to all matter and energy in space, • Developed the steady state theory (1948),
known or unknown to man which said that as the universe expanded
Space new matter was formed to fill void left by
→ It is a thing in which matter and energy the expansion
exists, can be bent by mass creating gravity
and expands causing the universe to expands
carrying along the galaxies with it.
Modern Cosmology
→ Based on big bang theory
→ Developed in the mid-20th century, it is still
the most successful explaination for the
observe properties of the universe and laws
of theoritical physics
Limitation of Cosmology
→ Ability to conduct experiments on the
→ The only universe that can be studied is our
own, so there are no universe to compare
Features of universe are explained by theories
→ Fixed of speed of light
→ The universe is expanding
→ The uniform distribution of matter through
the cosmos

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The big bang theory
10:13 AM

• Traces the expansion of the universe and creation of

all matter back to violent explosion 13.7 billion years
• Accounts for many features of present day universe,
and the evidence in the favor is that the entire sky is
still glowing with faint radiation left from the initial
• It is currently the best model of how universe began
• About 13.8 billion years ago the universe came into
being in a violent explosion
• The theory doesn't and can't attempt to explain
what came "before" because time and space did not
• Infinitely small, dense and not as it came to being.
• For the first 10-43 seconds , the so called plank
time, the normal law of physics did not apply

• The density of the energy was so high that the particles could form and decay
• George Gamow(1904-1968)
○ He help to explain how different particles formed in a hot big bang
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
• Heat left over from the early universe
• Observes have all characteristics expected from the big bang theories
• Accidentally discovered by German-born American physicist Arno Penzias and American
Physicist Robert Woodrow Wilson
Inflammation theory reinforces the bigbang
1970 -Astronomers discovered that the galaxies were distributed very evenly through
the original big bang theories suggested that matter would evenly distributed

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More origin of the Universe
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 11:58 AM

• Galaxies- is a collection of stars gasses

and other matter bound together by the • velocity of light-Hubble analyzed the
force of gravity wavelength of light from distant pulsating
• Milky way galaxy- is one of the billions of stars and noted that the wavelength were
galaxies entrenched in the much larger typically longer and closer to the red end of
universe the spectrum when compared to the light
• Hubble telescope were used by the from closer stars.
astronomers to catalog thousands of • Measuring Distances in Light Years. One
other galaxies in relatively small section light year is the distance that light can
of deep space travel in 1 year and is equivalent to 9500
• 13.8 billion years- current model billion km or 9.5 trillion km. So even though
suggested age of the universe it is a light year it is actually and measure of
• 93 light years observable universe is distance not time.
currently believe Proxima Centauri is 4.3 light years away nearest
How is the age of the universe determined star to our sun
• Astronomers estimate the age of the
○ By looking for the oldest stars
○ By measuring the rate of expansion
of the universe and predicting back
to the big bang
WMAP- Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
• It help to determine the age of the
• Detailed structure of the cosmic
microwave depends on the current density
of the universe, the composition of the
universe, and its expansion rate.
13.77-+ 0.59 billion years- scientist estimated
age of the universe
Einstein's General Relativity
• Can be used to compute how fast the
universe has been expanding in the past.
How is the size of the universe determined?
• Brightness and luminosity. The brightness
of a star depends on the distance to the
star and amount of light energy it
radiates (luminosity).
• The Doppler Effect. If you know the
frequency of the siren that produced the
sound and measured the frequency of an
approaching siren, you could calculate the
speed of the emergency vehicle. The same
effect occurs with light, and Hubble used
the Doppler Effect on light to estimate
the earth's distance from far away stars.

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Theories on the Formation of the Solar

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 9:16 PM

Terms: • Jovian Planet

• Planetesimal- an object formed from ○ Multiple moons
dust, rock and other material ○ No solid surface
• Protoplanet- a large planetary embryo ○ Support ring system
that originated within photoplanetary ○ Immerse size
• Accretion- process growth/increase in
by size by gradual accumulation of
additional layers of matter
• Angular Momentum- the momentum that
a body has due to its rotation about an
Solar System 101
• It is one over 500 known solar system in • Mercury- Smallest planet
the milky way galaxy Shortest orbit(about 3 earth months)
• It came into being about 4.5 billion • Venus- hottest planet, with temperatures of up to
years ago, when a cloud of interstellar 867 F, due to an atmosphere of carbon Dioxide
gas and dust collapsed, resulting in a and extensive lava flow
solar nebula, swirling disc of material • Earth- world of water
that collided to form the solar system. Water help create only known
• It is located in Milky way's Orion Star environment to sustain life
cluster. Only 15% of stars in the galaxy • Mars- might have also supported life about 3.7
host planetary systems, and one of billion years ago
those is the SUN. • Jupiter -largest planet
○ Revolving around the sun is 8 • Saturn- second largest
planets It's rings are wide enough to fit
• Terrestrial Planet between earth and moon
○ Made of rocky materials • Uranus- rotating on its side
○ Surface are solid • Neptune- the coldest
○ Don’t have rings Asteroid belt
○ Very few moons • Orbiting the terrestrial planets
○ Relatively small • A flat disc of rocky objects full of remnants from
the solar system's formation.
○ Ceres- largest object
Dwarf planet
Kuiper Belt
• Home to draft planet, such as Pluto
• Birthplace of many comets
Oort Cloud
• A vast, spherical collection of icy debris
• Edge of the solar system

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Solar System
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 9:46 PM

Nicolaus Copernicus
Advantage of Encounter Hypothesis
• He described in 1543 the heliocentric
• Explaining why the planets all revolve in the
theory of sun-centered system of
same direction
planetary motion
• Also provide explanation for why the inner
What is a Hypothesis?
world are denser than outer world
• Either suggested explanation for an
Disadvantage of encounter hypothesis
observable phenomenon, or a reasoned
• hot gas expands, not contracts. So lumps of
hot gas would not form planets.
What is a theory?
• encounters between stars are extremely
• A tested, well-sustained, unifying
rare, so rare as to be improbable in the
explanation for a set of verified proven
lifetime of the Universe (15 billion years).
factors and always backed with evidence
GLL de Buffon (1749)
Encounter Hypothesis
• Sun-comet encounter that sent matter to
• One of the earliest theories for the
form planet
formation of the planets
James Jean(1917)
• In this scenario, a rogue star passes close
• Sun-star encounter that would have drawn
to the Sun about 5 billion years ago.
from the sun matter that would condense to
Material, in the form of hot gas, is tidally
stripped from the Sun and the rogue
Nebular hypothesis
• the whole Solar System starts as a large
○ This material fragments into smaller
cloud of gas that contracts under self-
lumps which form the planets. This
hypothesis has the advantage of
• Conservation of angular momentum requires
explaining why the planets all revolve
that a rotating disk form with a large
in the same direction (from the
concentration at the center (the proto-Sun).
encounter geometry) and also
Within the disk, planets form.
provides an explanation for why the
inner worlds are denser than the
outer worlds.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2020 10:18 PM

• It was first proposed in 1794 by Swedish

scientist and theologian Emmanual
• Immanuel Kent developed the theory
further and published it in his universal
natural history and theory of the heavens
○ He argued that gaseous clouds
(nebulae) slowly rotate, gradually
collapsing and flattening due to gravity
and forming stars and planet
• Problem:
○ Titled axes
○ Majority of the angular momentum in
the solar system is held by the outer
Protoplanet Hypothesis
• The current working model for the
formation of the Solar System is called the
protoplanet hypothesis. It incorporates
many of the components of the nebular
hypothesis, but adds some new aspects
from modern knowledge of fluids and states
of matter.

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Earth's characteristic that support

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 10:29 PM

Liquid water • Life-sustaining gases

• Water is essential for life where there is ○ Earth's biosphere control the gases in
water on earth life is present too. the atmosphere to make it more
• Average temperature is 15 degree to habitable of life
make it possible for water to exist as ○ Vegetation(photosynthesis) it absorbs
liquid carbon dioxide and produces oxygen
• Earth has relatively mild temperature that essential for animal life
because of: ○ Greenhouse gases; such as carbon
○ Distance dioxide and water vapor absorbs and
○ Presence of the atmosphere trap heats radiated in the atmosphere
○ Magnetic field increasing the temperature at earth's
Gravity and a protective atmosphere surface by 33 degree
• Earth is held together by gravity • Strong Magnetic Field
• Gravity ○ Earth's magnetic field is produced by
○ Holds its layer of atmospheric gases the convection in earth's outer space
close to its surface  Convection-is the transfer of
• Protective atmosphere heat thru hot material
○ Protective it comets and meteorites
and absorbs harmful radiation from
the sun
○ Atmosphere also blocks, intercepts
and absorbs short-wavelength solar
radiation such as x-ray, gamma rays
and ultra-violet radiation that would
be extremely harmful to living
○ Responsible for energy
redistribution and insulation form
the extreme cold space
 Mutation can cause cancer

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Earth's Subsystem and their

Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:01 AM
The earth system is an integrated system
• part of the Earth where life exists,
that subdivided into four subsystem/spheres:
including every living being
• Lithosphere- solid earth
• contains diverse organisms, including
• Atmosphere- gases fungi and other microorganisms,
• Hydrosphere- all water plants, and animals
• Biosphere-all life
• most living organisms require nutrients
and resources from other three
• Overlaps the other three spheres
because living things are adapted to
inhabit one or more of the other
three spheres: within a shallow
surface layer encompassing the lower
part of the atmosphere (plants,
animals and microorganisms, the
surface of the crust (soil, rocks) and
approximately the upper 100 metres
of the ocean.
• is essential for the existence and
maintenance of life on earth
• Provides habitat for aquatic and
freshwater organisms, both plants and
• envelope of gas, mostly nitrogen and
oxygen along with less abundant gases • earth’s crust and upper part of mantle:
like water vapor, ozone, carbon dioxide, first 60 miles of solid material from
the surface of Earth, constantly
and argon, that surrounds the Earth
essential to life in the biosphere changes due to movement of tectonic
plates (segment of the earth’s crust
• Keeps the heat in a temperature enough
for living organisms to live that moves relative to other segments
and is characterized by volcanic or
• protects the Earth from harmful solar
radiation seismic activity around its margins)
• provides oxygen for breathing and • parts where the processes of erosion,
carbon dioxide for photosynthesis weathering and transport, tectonic
forces and volcanic activity occur
• absorbs water from the hydrosphere
thru evaporation • includes all the rocks that make up
Earth, from the partially melted rock
• Provides climatic conditions/weather
phenomena under the crust, rocks under the
oceans,to mountains, and grains of
sand on a beach

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Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:24 AM


INTERCONNECTED. • Green plants (biosphere) absorb carbon
• What affects one system can affect another. dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and
• A change in one system can cause change in produce carbon-containing sugars through
one or more of the other subsystems photosynthesis.
SAMPLE INTERACTION BETWEEN BIOSPHERE • Animals eat plants (biosphere) to obtain
AND ATMOSPHERE: the energy trapped during photosynthesis
• Atmosphere: Source of carbon dioxide and break down the carbohydrates in the
(carbon sink) plant tissue, releasing CO₂ through
• Biosphere: Plants absorb Carbon dioxide respiration.
from the atmosphere through photosynthesis • When dead plants and animals (biosphere)
to produce oxygen for the atmosphere slowly decay under high pressure and high
MATTER FLOWS IN THE FOUR SUBSYSTEMS temperatures, they may eventually form
• The 4 subsystems are interconnected by flows pools of energy known as fossil fuels.
(and biosphere. pathways or fluxes) of energy Carbon is stored in fossil fuels (fuel
and materials. formed from pre-historic organisms
• Biogeochemical cycles- natural pathways for buried for millions of years) that are in
the circulation of elements that are essential fossil fuel reserves in the lithosphere.
for life: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, • C goes to the atmosphere through
phosphorous and sulphur. decomposition of organic materials and
• Matter is transferred continually between the forest fires and burning of fossil fuels
lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere • CO₂ is exchanged between the atmosphere
and the ocean hydrosphere. Calcium
carbonate (CO₃) is a component of shells of
ocean organisms like oysters and clams and
other microorganisms.
• When the skeletons and shells (made of
CO₃) are buried and compacted, limestone
(a sedimentary rock) is formed in the
oceans (lithosphere). Most rocks remain in
the lithosphere for millions of years.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:31 AM

• The Earth is driven by two sources of

energy: an internal source (the decay of
radioactive elements in the lithosphere,
which generates geothermal heat) and an
external source (the solar radiation
received from the Sun.
• As the energy flows (and cycles) through
the subsystems, they are changed from
one form to another.
• Solar radiation heats Earth’s surface
unevenly causing the air in the atmosphere
to move. This movement of air distributes
energy throughout the atmosphere. The
transfer of energy, especially heat, due to
the movement of matter, such as air, is
called convection.
The sun’s energy heats ocean water
(hydrosphere) unevenly causing changes in
its temperature: warmer at the
equator and colder to freezing at the
The temperature of ocean water also
decreases with depth. Differences in
temperature cause differences in density
which in turn cause the water to move by
convection. Convection current is the
movement of matter caused by
differences in density and can
distribute energy in the ocean.
• Energy enters the biosphere as sunlight.
Plants change light energy into chemical
energy through the process of
photosynthesis. Then, chemical energy is
passed to organisms that eat the plants.
Energy and matter is also passed between
organisms when they eat one another.
• The transfer of energy in the biosphere
does not stop when a living thing dies.
Dead organisms are consumed by
decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi.
• In the lithosphere, energy from inside the
Earth is responsible for internal
processes such as volcanism and plate

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Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:42 AM

Physical Properties of Minerals used

to Identify them:
• are naturally occurring inorganic solids of
one or more elements that have a definite
• The shape of the crystal that a mineral
chemical composition with an orderly
forms when it is free to grow
internal arrangement of atoms.
unhampered. The shape of a mineral is
• The consistent arrangement of atoms means
related to the way chemical bonds form.
that the mineral has a uniform chemical
• Shapes maybe prism, pyramids, needles,
cubes and sheets
• Minerals are interesting Earth materials
that surround us.
• More than 4,000 minerals are known
• Around 50–100 new minerals are discovered
• Minerals make up rocks but not that many
of minerals are found in rocks
Mineral Characteristics/Criteria:
• A state of matter that can maintain its
shape indefinitely
• Minerals are solids, not liquids or gases.
• Not made from living things or not living
• Do not have carbon-hydrogen bonds
• Formed geologically
• Found in nature
• Not man-made
• Have defined chemical formula
• Property of a mineral to break along one
• Quartz- SiO₂
or more cleavage planes (parts of the
• Calcite-CaCO₃
mineral where ions are connected by
relatively weak ionic bonds; the cleavage
Atoms in a mineral are arranged in a specific
produces flat, shiny surfaces
order or structure


• The physical properties of minerals
(hardness, shape) are due to the internal
arrangement of their atoms

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Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:51 AM

• Part of visible light that is not absorbed
by a mineral
• Used with care when identifying mineral
because some minerals can exist in a wide
range of colors e.g. quartz (clear, white,
yellow, pink, purple, gray, etc.)
• Minerals can change in color when exposed
to changing natural conditions (e.g. heat)
on or near the surface of the Earth
• Common dark-colored minerals (black, dark
brown, dark green): amphibole, olivine,
pyroxene LUSTER
• Common light-colored minerals (white, pink, • How light is reflected from a mineral
gray, translucent): quartz, feldspar, • Could be metallic (looks like a metal)
gypsum, halite, calcite. or nonmetallic (silky, glassy, pearly,
dull etc.)

• The mark formed when a mineral is
scratched across an unglazed piece
of porcelain

• Measures the resistance of a mineral to
• Derives the strength of atomic bonds.
• Hardness of a mineral is compared to the
Mohs scale for hardness - hierarchy of
scratch ability (Friedrich Mohs)

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Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:57 AM
Igneous Rocks
• Rocks formed from cooling and
crystallization of magma
• Has two types based on where they
were formed: intrusive (plutonic)
or extrusive (volcanic)
What is Magma
• Magma is the completely or partially
molten material, which on cooling
solidifies to form an igneous rock
• Igneous rocks that cool below the
• Once it is formed it rises towards the Earth’s surface
surface through pipes or fractures in
• Have big mineral crystals that form with
the Earth’s crust because it is less
plenty of time to grow into large crystals
dense than the surrounding rocks.
as the magma cools slowly below the
• Magma that reaches the earth’s surface
is known as Lava
• Coarse-grained texture
• Igneous rocks that form when magma in
Earth’s interior rises to the surface
through pipes or fractures in the
Earth’s crust
• Cool rapidly at the surface because they
undergo a rapid temperature drop of at
least 700⁰C upon reaching the surface


• Texture or the size and arrangement of
their mineral grains which depends on
how fast the magma cools and solidifies.
• Color which represents their chemical
composition or silica content.
• Light-colored igneous rocks such as
rhyolite and granite are formed from
• Individual mineral crystals are small
silica-rich (felsic) magmas and contain
because do not have much time to grow
abundant white, pink or translucent
when magma cools rapidly
silica-rich minerals
• Fine-grained texture
• Dark-colored igneous rocks such as
basalt and gabbro are formed from
silica-poor (mafic) magmas and are
dominated by olivine and pyroxene , dark-
colored minerals

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Metamorphic Rocks
Sunday, October 18, 2020 9:57 PM

Meta- change • Types of rocks formed by Regional

Morphe- form ○ Folliation
Metamorphosis -change Types of Metamorphic Rocks
• Metamorphism- change in the mineral • Foliated- have foliation
composition/texture(grain size) of a - Have parallel layers of
pre-existing rocks metamorphic rocks
• Chemical Reaction- can caused Example
chemical change in the composition of * Gneiss
rocks * Phyllite
• Factors that can change rocks: * Schist
○ Increased of temp • Non-foliated - don’t have foliation and
○ Increased of pressure parallel layers
○ Presence of Fluids * Quartzite
• 200 c- 1100 c - temperature range for * Marble
most mineral rocks near the earth's
surface to melt
• Foliation- alignment of minerals into
sheets/ creating of alternating light
and dark bands cause by the pressure
on the rocks
Contact Metamorphism
• Occurs when rocks come in contact
with a source of heat(e.g magma body)
that cause change in the texture of
the rock
○ Marble- its pre-existing rock is
limestone that had been heated
to high temperature(limestone
and marble have same composition
but marble has larger grains)
• Features of rock formed by contact:
○ Stronger that pre-existing rock
○ More resistant to erosion than
pre-existing rocks
Regional Metamorphism
• Occurs when rocks at depths of 7-8
kilometers undergo increase temp. and
pressure usually due to collision of
tectonic plates at convergent
bounderies resulting to growth of
some specific minerals

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Sedimentary Rocks
Monday, October 19, 2020 12:22 PM

• Form layers like the pages of the books Types of Sedimentary Rocks
• The layers record a history of ancient • Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
environment - Composed of sediment rocks and
• The layers occurs only in the upper part of minerals that form when rocks break
the crust apart at near earth's surface
• Cover underlying basement rocks - Formed form one-separated grains
that have been packed together and
Key words then cemented to one another
• Sediment - Makes up the majority of all the
○ Consist of rocks/materials; shells and sedimentary rocks
shell fragments; or mineral crystals - It was formed by
that precipitate directly from water  Weathering- generation of loose
• Bed clstivia rpck disintegration
○ Layers of sedimentary rocks  Erosion- Removal of sediment
• Clast grains from the parent rock
○ Loose fragment of many sediment  Transportation disperal by
materials gravity, wind, water and ice.
○ Come in varies of sizes ranging from  Desposition- settling out the
too small to see even with a transporting fluids
microscope, to car-sized, or even  Lithification- transformation into
larger solid rock.
Sedimentary rock - Examples
• A rock that forms at/near surface of the  Congolmerate
earth in one of the ff ways:  Breccia
○ Compacting/cementing together of  Red sandstone
loose fragments produced by  Gray Sandstone
weathering of pre-existing rocks;  Shale
○ Growth of shell masses by cementing • Chemical Sedimentary
together of shells and shell - Rock that crystallized from
fragments solution(sea water) as a result of
○ Accumulation of and alternation of changing condition
organic matter left after the death - Formed by different/direct
of plants and planktons precipitation of minerals from water
○ Precipitation of minerals directly solution
from water solution - Commonly have a crystalline texture
• Where do sedimentary rocks came from?  Table Salt- Halite mineral that
○ Stream Channel forms when sea water evaporate
○ Floor of the deep ocean - Examples
• It occurs only in the upper part of the Gypsum Rocksalt
crust and effectively form a cover that 
Travertine chert
buries underlying basement of igneous and
metamorphic rocks
• Physical and chemical weathering provide
the raw material for all sedimentary rocks

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Monday, October 19, 2020 1:20 PM

• Biochemical Sedimentary rocks

- Form by the actions of living
organism/ composed of
remains of dead organism
- Sediment derived from the
shells of living organism
- Example
 Coquina
 Limestone

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Minerals important to the Society
Monday, October 19, 2020 1:24 PM

• Wolframite
• Naturally occurring substance
(element/compound) that is mined in ○ Source of tungsten- used to make
pen nibs
the ground
• Graphite
• A substance that occurs naturally
from the rocks ○ Used in batteries, lubricant,
electric motors, nuclear reactors,
Mineral Ore
carbon fibers, pencil leads
• Mineral from which metal is extracted
Why are minerals important • Mica
○ Electrical Insulator, heating
• They are used everywhere
• They have uses in many areas of
human life • Diamond
○ Gem, abrasive, cutting tools,
○ Foods
○ Shelter
○ Cosmetics
Metallic Minerals
○ Transportation
• Copper
○ Communication
○ Electrical wires, electronics, pipes
○ Electronics
• Silver
Minerals and their uses: ○ Coins, jewelry, photography,
• Magnetite and Goethite battery
○ Contain a lot of iron to used in
• Zinc
making steel, iron nails
○ Galvanize steel(carbon and iron)
• Kaolinite alloys(mixture of 2 or more metal)
○ Clay material used to make brass (Zinc and copper)
• Lead
○ Used for medicine and lotion
○ Batteries
• Quartz
• Tin
○ Used to make glasses, electronics
○ Electrical, cans, construction
and gems
• Gold
• Fluorite
○ Jewelry, arts, electronics, dental,
○ Source of fluorine used in making medical (pacemaker)
non-stick pans
• Platinum
• Calcite
○ Catalyst for chemical reaction,
○ Chemical Name: Calcium electronics, glass, jewelry
• Nickel
○ Used in making cement, plaster
○ Important alloy in steel,
for wounds
electroplanting vehicle
• Gypsum
• Iron ore
○ Used in making cement, plaster
○ Main ingredients in steel
products in medicine and even
• Cobalt
○ Airplane engine metal, chemical
• Bornite and Chalcopyrite
• Titanium
○ Mineral source of copper
○ White pigment, metal in airplane
• Chromite and human joint replacement
○ Source of chromium- used to coat
other metal to stop from rusting

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Monday, October 19, 2020 4:34 PM

• Aluminum
○ Cans, airplane, building, electrical
• Phosphate rock
Fertilizer, animal feed supplement
• Lithium
○ Ceramic, glass, lithium ion
batteries and electric car

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Finding, mining and processing ORE MINERALS
Monday, October 19, 2020 4:37 PM
• It's a deposit in deposit in earth's crust ○ Concentration of mineral is only
of one/more valuable minerals called an ore deposit if it is
• The most valuable ore deposits contain profitable to mine
metals crucial to industry and trade, like • Geoscientist and exploration geologist
copper, gold and iron conduct survey across potential
• It is naturally occurring mineral from exploration targets using several
which metal can be profitable extracted geophysical techniques
Example • After finding a mineral, geologist
Aluminum is found in bauxite. determine its size. The deposit is
• Some ore-forming environment involve outlined and the surrounding geology on a
hot/deep processes and other involve low- geologic map
temperature process typical of near- • The amount of valuable minerals miners
surface environment think they will get from the deposit is
Surficial Process calculated
• Weathering Enrichment (mineral is Surface Mining
leached from rocks by weathering then • Allows extraction of ores that are closes
deposited elsewhere) to earth's surface
• Formation by weathering(accumulation of • Overlying is blasted and the rock that
residual materials as other chemical contains the valuable minerals is placed in
elements are leached away by weathering) a truck and taken to refinery
• Mechanical Concentration(sorting and • Includes open-pit mining and strip mining-
concentration of mineral as they are mountain top removal
transported by rivers and waves) Underground Mining
• Low-temperature Precipitation(deposition • used to recover ores that are deeper
of valuable minerals by evaporating into earth's surface
sea/lake water ) • Blast and tunnel into rock to gain access
How are ore mineral found? to the ores
• Mineral exploration • Very expensive and dangerous
○ Finds out deposits of mineral and How are minerals processed?
rocks that can be used to meet the • Rocks are crushed so that the valuable
resource needs to society. minerals can be separated from waste
• Mineral Exploration rocks
○ Searching for new mineral prospect ○ Mineral Processing- mineral are
and evaluation of the property for separated out of the ore by various
economic mining operation known collectively
○ The process of searching for • Methods for Extracting Ores:
evidence any mineralization hosted in ○ Heap leaching- addition of chemicals
the surrounding rocks such as cyanide/acid to remove ore
• Geologist ○ Flotation - addition of compound
○ Study geological formations and then that attaches to the valuable
test the physical and chemical mineral and floats
properties of soil and rocks ○

1st Quarter- Earth Science Page 19

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 9:27 AM

○ Smelting- roasting rock, causing it to segregate into layers so minerals can

be extracted
• Electrolysis
○ Acid and electricity are used to separate a metal from its ore

1st Quarter- Earth Science Page 20

Formation of the Fossil Fuels
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 3:11 PM
• Burying and Covering of Source Rocks
What is Fossil Fuel? ○ Overtime, source rocks can be buried
• Coal, oil or natural gas by more sedimentary rocks, becoming
• Non-renewable resources from remains of plants heated by temperature increase with
and animals that have been buried in the ground depth.
for millions of years ○ When heated to 60⁰C to 120⁰C, long
What is petroleum? hydrocarbon chains in kerogen break
• Naturally-occurring petroleum is an organic down into heavy and light oils
substances largely composed of carbon chemically ○ When heated to 200⁰C, the oily
bonded with hydrogen and small amounts of other hydrocarbons change into natural gas
• This is why oil and natural gas are hydrocarbons
• Naturally form when sediment rich in organic
material is deposited, buried and heated to
slightly increased temperature
• Once formed , petroleum can escape to the
surface or be trapped at depth, where it can be
discovered by geologist and extracted through
What are the sources of organic material in petroleum?
• Reefs with microscopic and macroscopic
organisms contribute organic material to deep-
ocean sediment
• plants when buried can change to make coal and
methane gas
• Most petroleum comes from microorganisms that
occur in great variety and abundance in seas and
lakes settles when they die
What processes turn organic material into oil and
natural gas?
• Accumulation of organic material
○ Occurs in a layer of dark, organic-rich mud • What is coal?
○ Source rock contains enough organic ○ Coal is a carbon-based resource
material to produce petroleum. formed from buried and compacted
○ Accumulated organic material still retains plants
the structure of the animals or plants from • How does coal form?
which the material was derived 1. Accumulation of plant matter and organic
• Preservation of Organic Material materials
○ The organic material is deposited in oxygen- - This happens in swamps and other
poor conditions and buried under the layers wetlands
of sediment before decomposing. When  Formation of Organic Material
buried to shallow depths and heated to less - This starts when the organic material
than about 60⁰C, the organic starting starts as compressed and partially
material is converted into kerogen (a thick decomposed plant matter including peat
substance composedof long chains of (water-soaked mass of relatively
hydrocarbons). unconsolidated plant remains found in

1st Quarter- Earth Science Page 21

Thursday, October 22, 2020 12:26 PM

• Formation of Lignite
○ The pressure that accompanies rapid burial of plant matter
squeezes water and other impurities out, changing it to low-
quality coal called lignite, has less carbon than other coals
• Formation of Bituminous Coals
○ Compaction and increased temperature convert lignite to
subbituminous and then bituminous coal both of which
contain more carbon and less water than lignite
• Maturation
- The process by which coal changes as it
is buried
• Formation of Organic Material
○ This starts when the organic material starts as compressed
and partially decomposed plant matter including peat (water-
soaked mass of relatively unconsolidated plant remains
found in bogs)
• Formation of Lignite
○ The pressure that accompanies rapid burial of plant matter
squeezes water and other impurities out, changing it to low-
quality coal called lignite, has less carbon than other coals

1st Quarter- Earth Science Page 22

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