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The most important thing in my life right now.

The most important thing in my life right now is my family and it will always be
my family no matter what if we are mad at each other or something else. They’ve
always have been there for me no matter what or the circumstances they’ve
always been there for me, I can fail classes races projects or be bad at a sport, but
they will always support me and be there for me I know I can count on them on
every day or minute of my life no matter the time the mood the place I know they
have my back and help me get back up. My family is conformed by my dad, my
mom, my 2 brothers, me and my 2 dogs. Mauricio is the oldest brother he is
goona have a baby boy soon, Diego is the middle one, and then there’s me.
Mauricio already finished the university and is working already, Diego is still in the
university, my dad works and is doing a mastery at the same time, my mom does
the works in the house remodelate things the lunch and dinner she does the
chores that’s why she goes out a lot.
Almost always we go to a trip on the end of the year sometimes to Peru or Disney
or somewhere else, if we don’t do a trip, we go to our beach house on

Diego and I are excited to be uncles of Mauricio’s son he is gonna be born in

august, so we are gonna be with him for some of our birthdays and Christmas and

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