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Art: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto
Cover Illustrator: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto
Interior Illustrators: Masashi Kishimoto, Naruto
System Creator: Kingsare4ever (Tommie)
Editor: Batasi “A"
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Unlocking the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan is not
something to envy. When you see a Mangekyō Sharingan
it is the result of trauma suffered for a second time but to
a greater degree. It has long been thought that the owner
of the Mangekyō needed to kill their closest friend,
creating a twisted state of thought for many years. This
has since been raised out of the minds of current Uchiha,
while most of the text still remains it is noted as being
inaccurate. But this does not always work unfortunately.
This Mangekyō Sharingan is a powerful evolutionary
Dojutsu that has the power to bend the rules of Chakra
and reality around the user to its whims. The Mangekyō
manifests a series of abilities, usually unique to the user
in either eye, and once a user has reached the peak of
power, they tend to unlock a 3rd, ultimate Mangekyō Art.
The Mangekyō Sharingan is a tool that can be used for
both plot & Mechanical relevance. Both the DM and the
Player can benefit from including this into the narrative.
The Mangekyō Sharingan has been designed to fit into
any story. The Mangekyō Sharingan is a mid to late game
class mod that, if used, should come with moderation
and consideration for other players and keeping balance
with power levels. This, for the most part should only be
gained by characters who have all 3 tomes of the
Sharingan, which is normally gained at level 11. But there
are situations where Uchiha have unlocked it earlier such
as the case with Obito who unlocked it when he had only
2 Tomoe on his Sharingan. While this is a powerful Class
Mod and should not be handed out freely without careful
consideration into enemy choice.
Gaining the Mangekyō Sharingan should always be a
struggle and filled with trials and tribulations. This
advancement and power is not something that should
come easy, or should be planned for, their power should
only come as the result of a major emotionally traumatic
event in the characters life. As there is no direct path to
attaining it, the decision for when it’s unlocked is wholly
in the hands of the DM and/or players as they build the
Leveling up the Mangekyō Sharingan can be a taxing
experience. The Mangekyō Sharingan requires both a
minimum character level and for the user to consistently
use the abilities that come with it. A holder of the
Mangekyō Sharingan must inflict 10d4 Visual Burn onto
themselves to qualify for each level in this Class Mod
while in life threatening combat. (This is strictly counted
as combat against Adversaries of Standard or Higher
VISUAL BURN • +20: You gain a -1 penalty to all attack rolls. Each time
The Mangekyō Sharingan contains awesome power, but you would pass this detriment’s threshold by 5, reduce
the more the eye is used, the greater the risk of losing it by an additional -1, to a maximum of -5.
the power of the Sharingan permanently. This risk • +25: The world around you grows darker. Your visual
comes into play each time the player makes use of this range is reduced to 500ft, everything beyond that
power. The Mangekyō Sharingan requires the player to point becomes heavily obscured. Each time you would
make a significant commitment to using the power of pass this detriment’s threshold by 10, reduce it by
the Dojutsu while also limiting their dependence on it. half, to a minimum of 5 feet.
When you first gain access to the Mangekyō • +30: Your reaction time dulls. You cannot add your
Sharingan, your eye forms, and you develop a unique Dexterity to your Armor Class by any means.
power generally unique to you and most other Mangekyō • +35: Mangekyō Arts increase the amount of Burn
Sharingan users. gained by +1. Each time you would pass this
This unique ability can be used a limited amount of detriment’s threshold by 5, increase the amount by +1.
times as the strain on your eyes slowly becomes more • +40: The cost to activate your Sharingan, Mangekyō
and more extreme and you begin to build up Visual Burn. Sharingan, and Susanoo is doubled.
The more Visual Burn you have, the faster your light • +50: You Lose your Light. You become permanently
fades, until you have accumulated enough that darkness
blinded and lose both your Mangekyō Sharingan Class
permanently overtakes your vision.
Mod and Sharingan Clan Feature.
The Sharingan user who gains access to the Mangekyō
Sharingan, begins with an extremely low chance of
losing their powerful eyes. But as time passes and it is
used more, that chance rises. Each time the Mangekyō
Sharingan’s abilities or features are used the player gain
varying points of Visual Burn. Visual Burn is the codified
method of tracking how much stress and strain the user
of the Sharingan is placing on themselves.
Each time a player has manifested more Visual Burn
than their current level of Sharingan can manage, then
the user begins to suffer Visual Burn Detriments. The user
suffers detriments as soon as they pass their Visual Burn
Limit and may gain repeating detriments if they would
pass that threshold by an increment of either 5 or 10,
depending on the detriment.
At the conclusion of a Long Rest, reduce your Visual
Burn by 1. If you spend 1 Week of Downtime, reduce your
Visual Burn by 2d4. Reducing your Visual Burn past a
threshold removes any Visual Burn Detriments
associated with that threshold other than Losing your
• 0: Everything around you starts to blur. The distance
you can see clearly is reduced to 500ft, everything
beyond that point becomes lightly obscured. Each time
you would pass this detriment’s threshold by 10,
reduce it by half, to a minimum of 5 feet.
• +5: Your eyes begin to bleed. When you would use a
Mangekyō Art, you gain 1 rank of Bleeding, to a
maximum of 5, that can only be removed by taking a
Short or Long Rest, and deals damage directly to your
hit points. This bleed damage is only rolled when you
gain Visual Burn through any means.
• +10: You gain a -1 Penalty to your Wisdom ability
score as you become more and more unstable. Each
time you would pass this detriment’s threshold by 5,
you gain an additional -1, to a minimum Wisdom
Ability score of 6.
• +15: You gain a -1 penalty to all Dexterity saving
throws. Each time you would pass this detriment’s
threshold by 5, you gain an additional -1, to a
maximum of -5.
Beginning at 1st level of this class mod, you have
• Mangekyō Augmentation: You can only use this feature if
unlocked the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan. When
you have the Aggressive Jutsu Augmentation 2 feature. for
the Mangekyō Sharingan is activated, your usually
the duration of your Mangekyō Sharingan, you may give
Tomoe filled Sharingan morphs into a design of your
yourself 1 Visual Burn to upcast any Ninjutsu you cast the
Fire Release Keyword up two times ignoring Jutsu Rank
As a Bonus action, you spend 10 chakra to activate and
Limitations for no additional chakra cost. Alternatively,
materialize your Mangekyō Sharingan. This eye can
you can give yourself 2 Visual Burn to increase the damage
remain active for a total of 10 minutes per long rest. This
by 2 steps.
time can be split between multiple encounters. You gain
• Mangekyō Hypnosis: You can only use this feature if you
all the benefits of your Clan Feature for the
have the Hypnotic Eye 2 feature. for the duration of your
duration you have this eye active.
Mangekyō Sharingan, when you cast Genjutsu: Sharingan!
Additionally, you may select 1 additional feature from
you may give yourself 2 Visual Burn to target all creatures
the 1-Tomoe, 2-Tomoe or 3-Tomoe Sharingan clan
you can see in a 30-foot cone. Alternatively, you can give
feature list. At 2nd level of this Class Mod, you gain 1
yourself 2 Visual Burn to increase the Save DC by your
additional feature from the 1-Tomoe, 2-Tomoe or 3-
Mangekyō Sharingan level.
Tomoe Sharingan clan feature list and you gain an
additional Advanced Adaptation clan feature.
Your reaction time and visual prowess increase as your
eyes evolve, making dodging and picking apart illusions
much easier. While the Mangekyō Sharingan is active
you gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class, Dexterity
Saving throws, and saving throws made against
Genjutsu and Arts with the Genjutsu keyword. This
becomes a +3 bonus at 3rd level of this Class Mod and a
+5 bonus at 5th level of this Class Mod.
Also, for the duration of your Mangekyō Sharingan,
the abilities of your Sharingan become amplified to the
extreme, giving you access to the following features:
• Mangekyō Dodge: You can only use this feature if you
have the Sharingan Dodge 3 feature. When targeted by an
attack or forced to make a Strength, Dexterity, or
Constitution saving throw, as a Reaction you can spend 10
Chakra and give yourself 4 Visual Burn to force the attack
to miss
or automatically pass the saving throw, taking no damage
and suffering no effects.
• Mangekyō Copy: You can only use this feature if you have
the Copy Wheel 2 feature. As a Reaction to seeing any Jutsu
performed, you can give yourself 2 Visual Burn
to instantly copy it without making a check.
• Mangekyō Genjutsu Counter: You can only use this feature
if you have the Genjutsu Counter 2 feature. When you
would make a saving throw as an Action, Reaction, or at
the beginning of your turn by using either of the Genjutsu
Counter features, you can give yourself 2 Visual Burn to
use your Illusions bonus in place of a saving throw.
Beginning at 2nd level of this class mod, you have
unlocked a sleeping power dormant within you. An ever-
present avatar representative of the users will. This
avatar takes shape piece by piece and is completely
under the command of its user. As you are beginning to
tap into this power you gain the ability to manifest your
Susanoo in individual pieces.

As an Action you manifest your Susanoo’s ribcage by
spending 10 chakra and giving yourself 3 Visual Burn.
This ribcage is of any color you choose and has a unique
design of your choice. This ribcage, regardless of the
spaces between each rib, guards you from serious
damage. For the next minute you gain 100 Susanoo Hit
Points. These hit points take damage in place of you,
before even Temporary Hit Points. Any attacks that
target you while you have Susanoo Hit points instead
target your Susanoo, which is immune to all conditions,
unless they ignore Full Cover. Arts and Jutsu that target
areas can apply conditions to you as normal. When these
hit points are reduced to 0, you immediately end this
feature. These hit points do not have a way to be
recovered outside of reactivating this feature. Any excess
damage breaks through and affects the targeted creature
as normal.
As a Bonus Action, you can manifest your Susanoo’s
arms for but a moment by spending 5 chakra. When you
do your Susanoo generates a skeletal arm made of pure
chakra. You must spend chakra each time you wish to
manifest and attack with this arm, while you only have
the Partial manifestation feature active.
You make a melee Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu
Malefic Attack against a creature you can see within 15
feet of you. On a hit, the target creature takes 5d8 + Your
Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu Ability Force damage.
As an Action, you can attempt to grapple a creature
within 15 feet of you with your Susanoo’s manifested
arm. You make an Athletics check using your Ninjutsu,
Genjutsu, or Taijutsu ability modifier, and add twice
your proficiency to the check.
Beginning at 3rd level of this class mod, you have
learned to manifest a more solid version of your
Susanoo. You can manifest the entirety of the upper body
of your Susanoo.
Beginning at 3rd level of this class mod, you have
learned to manifest a more solid version of your
Susanoo. You can manifest the entirety of the upper body
of your Susanoo, complete with muscles, skin, and
clothes. As an Action, you manifest both your Susanoo’s
torso, head, and arms by spending 15 chakra and giving
yourself 6 Visual Burn. While Half-Body Manifestation is
active, it occupies a Concentration slot and costs 5
chakra at the beginning of each of your turns to maintain
concentration. You cannot lose concentration on this
feature as a result of a failed concentration check,
damage, or condition. This manifestation covers the
entirety of your body and makes you count as Huge for
the next minute, while also magnifying your innate
bonuses that the Susanoo already grants.
You gain 200 Susanoo Hit points and, although
creatures can see you inside your avatar construct, you
count as being behind full cover and cannot be targeted
by Jutsu and Arts with the Ninjutsu or Taijutsu keywords
or other physical effects as your Susanoo protects you
from all sides. Jutsu and Arts with the Genjutsu keyword
or other mental effects can target and affect you as
The Susanoo’s skeletal arms are now always active
and cost no chakra to use. When it is summoned, your
Susanoo also manifests a single chakra construct like
melee or ranged weapon resembling a weapon that you
are proficient in. If the Susanoo Weapon is a melee
weapon it has a range of 15 feet or a 120-foot range if it is
a ranged weapon. Making an attack with this weapon
does not cost chakra and can be made as both an Action
and Bonus Action, using your Malefic Ninjutsu,
Genjutsu, or Taijutsu attack bonus, and deals 7d8 + your
relevant ability modifier in Force damage.
Also, for your Half-Body Manifestation’s duration,
when you would make a Strength or Constitution Saving
throw or Ability check, you may instead use your
Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, or Taijutsu ability modifier, in place
of Strength or Constitution and are treated as if you are
proficient if you aren't already.

Beginning at 4th level of this class mod, you have
mastered your Susanoo further, gaining the ability to
generate a set of armor over its body and evolving your
control over the technique.
As a Bonus Action, while you have your Half-Body
Manifestation already active, you can manifest a set of
armor over your Susanoo by spending 15 chakra and
giving yourself 6 Visual Burn. All damage to your
Susanoo is repaired as muscles knit themselves back
together, sprouting from the skeleton, then skin covers
the muscles, then clothes, and finally a thick set of
armor forms over the Susanoo. The amount of Susanoo
Hit Points you have immediately becomes 300. Also, you
gain the ability to quickly manifest your Susanoo in
times of extreme danger. While you don't have a
Susanoo, as a Reaction to being affected by an Art or
Jutsu or taking damage you can spent 5 Chakra and give
yourself 3 Visual Burn to summon your Susanoo’s
ribcage until the beginning of your next turn to protect
yourself. Alternatively, as a Reaction, you can manifest
your Partial or Half Body Susanoo for 4 Visual Burn in
addition to its activation cost with its normal duration.
Finally, beginning at 5th level of this class mod, you
have learned to conjure the entirety of your Susanoo,
also known as the Perfect Susanoo. You create a Colossal,
100 foot tall, figure of pure chakra that on its own could
completely wipe out countries. For the next minute you
manifest your Susanoo’s full body, the final and most
perfect form it can achieve. This manifestation can look
in any way you wish to describe it.
As an Action you manifest this full-bodied Susanoo by
spending 20 chakra and giving yourself 15 Visual Burn.
While your Full-Body Manifestation is active, it occupies
a Concentration slot and costs 10 chakra at the start of
each of your turns to maintain concentration.
You stand inside your Susanoo’s head while you pilot
it, and cannot be targeted or affected while it still has Hit
Points. While it is manifested, any Jutsu or Arts affecting
you instead affect your Susanoo, granting it their
benefits and detriments for the same duration you would
have them. If the Susanoo is destroyed you once again
gain the benefits and detriments (if it is not immune to
them) of any Jutsu or Arts affecting the Susanoo,
including any it fell under the effects of while it was
active as if you had gained them at that point in time
yourself. The Full-Body Manifestation has the following
Statistics, and acts in place of you on your turn, being
able to use your Action, Bonus Action, movement and
Reaction as you see fit;

Malefic Techniques. Susanoo can cast a Taijutsu, Ninjutsu or Genjutsu that

you know, using your Attack Bonus and Save DC. You spend chakra and gain
Colossal Humanoid Construct detriments as normal. If these Jutsu have a range of Self, they instead target
the Susanoo. The Susanoo can’t add its Manifested Weapon and Arm
Armor Class 25 + Your Mangekyōu Sharingan level damage to Weapon Attacks, Bukijutsu, or Taijutsu more than 3 times per
Susanoo Hit Points 100 x Your Mangekyōu Sharingan level round, or multiply it by more than 3, defaulting to your weapon and
Speed Equal to twice yours, Flight Speed equal to three times your speed unarmed damage after that.
Malefic Power. Susanoo’s Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, and Weapon Attacks can never
deal less than half damage. This does not ignore immunity, but ignores all
28 (+9) 28 (+7) 28 (+9) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5)
other effects. Also, Susanoo adds twice your Proficiency bonus to checks
that use Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution regardless of if you are
Damage Immunity Chakra Damage proficient in them.
Damage Resistances All
Condition Immunity All
Skills Yours Multiattack. Susanoo can make 3 Melee or Ranged Manifested Weapon
Senses Yours attacks as an Action.
Melee Manifested Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: Malefic Taijutsu, Ninjutsu,
Full Body Manifestation. Susanoo uses your Intelligence, Wisdom and
or Genjutsu Attack Bonus + your level in this Class Mod to hit, reach 25 ft., one
Charisma saving throws in place of its own. It also adds your Proficiency to
target. Hit: 53 (8d10 + 9) Force damage.
its Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throws.
Ranged Manifested Weapon. Ranged Weapon Attack: Malefic Taijutsu,
Mangekyōu Art. Susanoo can cast one of your Mangekyōu Arts as if you had
cast it. You spend chakra and gain Burn as normal when doing this, you Ninjutsu or Genjutsu Attack Bonus + your level in this Class Mod to hit, reach
240 ft., one target. Hit: 49 (9d8 +9) Force damage.
also use your Malefic Attack bonus and Malefic Save DC.
Manifested Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: Malefic Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu
Malefic Fatigue. Downsides you receive due to Burn also affect the Susanoo.
Attack Bonus + your level in this Class Mod to hit, reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 42
(6d10 + 9) Force damage.
The first true roadblock to true power. The Eternal
Mangekyō Sharingan is a power fabled and sought after
by the upper echelon of the Uchiha. This power comes at
a great price. Severing the ties of blood. In order to gain
this elusive power, you must take the Mangekyō
Sharingan from a direct blood relative (Parent, Sibling,
Child). At any point in time after you reach 4th level in
this Class Mod and are given the opportunity to complete
this task by your DM, you can choose to gain the benefits
of this class mod feature.
When you do, you must complete a ritual which
consumes both yours and the gained Mangekyō
Sharingan, fusing them both into a single pair replacing
your current eyes.
This ritual takes 12 weeks to complete and stopping or
interrupting it early can result in permanent blindness
to you. If your ritual is interrupted or stopped, roll 1d100
+ your current Burn. On a result of 50 or greater the
ritual fails losing your class mod and Sharingan Clan
Feature permanently.
This time can be reduced by half with a DC 35 Medicine
check made by another creature assisting you in
performing the ritual. (On a failure, the time doesn’t
When the ritual is complete reduce the amount of burn
you have accumulated by half. You also cleanse yourself
of all built up penalties gained from your burn results.
You also gain the benefits of the Eternal Mangekyō
Sharingan. All Class Mod features that requires the
Mangekyō Sharingan class mod feature can now be used
while you have the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan active,
which activates when you would attempt to activate your
Mangekyō Sharingan.
Your Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan grants you the
following benefits:
• All Mangekyō Arts that have d4’s as part of the initial
Visual Burn casting cost, instead give 2 Burn for every
d4 you would normally roll.
• Your Visual Burn Limit increases by 20.
• Your Malefic Attack Bonus and Malefic Save DC increase
by half your level in this Class Mod.
• You can never Lose your Light, merely continuing to
compound pervious detriments after passing your
Visual Burn Limit by 50.
• Instead of reducing Visual Burn after spending a week
of downtime, when you would benefit from a Full Rest,
you reduce the amount of Visual Burn you have by 2d4.
This increases to 3d4 at 5th level of this class mod.

When you reach 5th level in this class mod with this
feature you have reached a level of power only one other
has ever attained. You gain the unique ability allowing
you to regulate the stress Mangekyō Arts put on your
eyes. When you cast a Mangekyō Art, you can give
yourself 1d4 additional Visual Burn to reduce the initial
chakra cost of the Art by 5 times the result, to a
minimum of 1. Alternatively, you can spend chakra in
multiples of 5, up to a maximum of 20, to reduce the
initial Visual Burn casting cost of the Art by 1 Visual Burn
for every 5 chakra spent to a minimum of 1 Visual Burn.
Also, at 1st level of this class mod, you have unlocked the
core power of your Mangekyō Sharingan, known as
Mangekyō Arts. These arts are extremely powerful
abilities and techniques unique to the user of the
Mangekyō. You start off with one Art. This Art will help
define your path moving forward and help in deciding on
how your future arts evolve your path forward. You gain
one additional Art at 3rd level. You cannot gain the final
additional Mangekyō Art at 5th level of this class Mod
unless you have access to the Eternal Mangekyō
Sharingan class mod feature.
The Save DCs and Attack Bonuses of your Mangekyō
Arts can be calculated by using your Taijutsu, Ninjutsu,
or Genjutsu Save DC or Attack Bonus, depending on the
Art’s keyword, and adding your level in this Class Mod.
This is known as you Malefic Attack Bonus and Malefic
Save DC.
You select from one of the listed Mangekyō arts at the
end of this class mod section.

Classification: Mangekyō Art • Amaterasu: Fire Release; You produce the highest level of
Cost: 6 Chakra fire release said to represent the material world and light.
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Clash Your flames are black and will never stop burning.
Description: You use your chakra to enhance your innate Malefically Enhanced Condition: The target gains the
Nature release. Your Chosen Nature Release is represented as Burned condition for 1 minute. If a target is Immolated
follows, and gains the listed bonus effects. Jutsu and Art through Amaterasu, they can continue to gain stacks of
abilities that count as being Malefically Enhanced, that would Burned, replacing each five ranks with another stack of
clash with another Jutsu, automatically wins. If a creature Immolated. These ranks of Burned and Immolated always
takes damage from a Malefically Enhanced ability or Jutsu deal maximum damage and cannot be extinguished, ignore
they gain a special condition determined by the element it resistance and immunity.
was Malefically Enhanced by. Also, each Nature release grants o Bonus Jutsu: Fire Release: Fire Wall
a bonus jutsu, which you can spend 3 Burn, as an Action to • Fūjin: Wind Release; Your produce the highest level of Wind
cast, for no chakra, ignoring all component requirements. Release, said to represent the thin barrier between the
This jutsu counts as being Malefically Enhanced. For the world of the living and Dead. Your blackened wind strips
duration of your Mangekyō Sharingan Class mod feature. You life from all who breathe it in.
may use your actions, paying the listed chakra cost to do the Malefically Enhanced Condition: The target gains 3 ranks of
following; the Bleeding condition, and later 3 ranks of the Lacerated
condition, which always deal max damage, ignore
resistance and immunity and adds a +10 to the DC made to
end the Bleeding or Lacerated condition.
o Bonus Jutsu: Wind Release: 10,000 Slicing Blades
• Raijin: Lightning Release; You produce the highest level of
Lightning Release, said to represent the wrath of the
creators. Your crimson Lightning consolidates the rage of
the gods before it strikes.
Malefically Enhanced Condition: The target gains 2 ranks of
the Shocked condition for 1 minute. If a target is
Galvanized through Raijin, they can continue to gain stacks
of Shocked, replacing each five ranks with another stack of
Galvanized. These ranks of Shocked and Galvanized always
deal maximum damage.
o Bonus Jutsu: Lightning Release: Thunderstorm
• Ryūjin: Water Release; You produce the highest level of
Water Release, said to drown even the souls of the
damned. The deep violet waters move with the grief of the
fallen with unfinished deeds, unsettling even you.
Malefically Enhanced Condition: The target gains 1 rank of
the Chilled condition for 1 minute. If a target gains a stack
of Frostbite through Ryūjin, they can continue to gain
stacks of Chilled, replacing each five ranks with another
stack of Frostbite. These ranks of Chilled and Frostbite
always deal maximum damage.
o Bonus Jutsu: Water Release: Maelstrom.
• Kukunochi: Earth Release; You produce the highest level
of Earth Release. The golden stone you create can crack
the very crust of the world.
Malefically Enhanced Condition: the target gains 1 rank of
the Bruised condition for 1 minute. If a target gains a stack
of Staggered through Kukunochi, they can continue to
gain stacks of Bruised, replacing each five ranks with
another stack of Staggered. These ranks of Bruised and
Staggered add a +10 to the DC made to end the condition.
o Bonus Jutsu: Earth Release: Antlion Collapse.
• 1 Action;
o (1d4 Burn) Jet: Make three Ranged Malefic Ninjutsu
attacks with your chosen element as it fires forward
from you at a creature within 90 feet. On a hit, you deal
3d8 damage of the equivalent Nature Releases damage
type. (Water Release = Cold). This ability counts as
Malefically Enhanced.
o (1d4 Burn) Collapse: Select one creature you can see
within 90 feet. The target must succeed a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 14d6 damage of the equivalent
Nature Releases damage type on a failed save, or half
as much on a successful save. This ability counts as
Malefically Enhanced.
o (1 Burn) Weaponize: Select one weapon that you can
see within 90 feet. The target weapon becomes bathed MALEFIC DOMINION
in your chosen element. Its damage increases by 2d10 Classification: Mangekyō Art
of your chosen Nature Release. If added to your Cost: 8 Chakra
Susanoo’s weapon, you instead increase your Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu
Susanoo’s damage die by 2, and change its damage Description: You use your chakra to command and
type to match your chosen nature releases. This art dominate the forces of time and space gaining the ability to
requires concentration, the cost of which is 1 Burn per make and control dimensional space. You always have a
round. pocket dimension that this Mangekyō Art may refer to. This
• Bonus Action; pocket dimension is yours and yours alone. This dimension
o (1 Burn) Nullify: As a Bonus Action, when you cast a is 1000 feet in diameter in the shape of a sphere. If this
Ninjutsu with a Nature Release Keyword, you may dimension is ever destroyed, another one forms when you
Malefically Enhance it. When you do, choose any number would gain the benefit of a long rest. For the duration of
of creatures who your jutsu does not affect for its your Mangekyō Sharingan Class mod feature. You may use
duration as you combine shape transformation with the your actions and pay the above listed chakra cost to do the
highest level of nature transformation forcing it to flow following;
around allies. • 1 Action;
• Reaction; o (2d4 Burn) Massive Warp: Select one target (object or
o (1d4 Burn) Guard: As a Reaction, when you would take creature) that you can see within 90 feet of you. That
damage of any type, you may use your Malefic target must make a Dexterity saving throw vs your
Illumination element to intercept. Roll 12d10, gaining Malefic Ninjutsu Save DC +3. On a failed save the target
that many Temporary Hit Points. These Temporary is sucked into your pocket dimension.
Hit Points last until the beginning of your next turn. o (1d4 Burn) Collapsing Warp: Select one target (Object or
Melee attacks that hit these Temporary Hit Points deal creature) that you can see within 90 feet of you. That
damage of your chosen element’s type equal to the target must make a Dexterity saving throw vs your
triggering creature equal to their attack’s damage. Malefic Ninjutsu Save DC +3. On a failed save the
This ability counts as Malefically Enhanced. targets body is temporally crushed taking 12d10 Force
• Special; damage on a failed save that cannot be reduced by any
o (1d4 Burn) Augment: When you cast a Ninjutsu with a means or half as much on a success.
Nature Release Keyword, as part of the same action, o (2d4 Burn) Group Warp: As an Action, you may attempt
you may Malefically Enhance the casted jutsu. When to warp all space around you within 5 feet. All
you do, you increase the damage die by 1 step. (D4 >D6 creatures must succeed a Dexterity saving throw vs
> D8 > D10 > D12). If the damage die cannot be your Malefic Ninjutsu save DC +3. On a failed save,
increased, treat all rolls 4 and below as 5. While affected creatures are all pulled into or out of your
Malefically Enhanced, you ignore damage resistance pocket dimension along with you.
and immunity.
• Reaction;
• Bonus Action; o (2d4 Burn) Defensive Warp: As a Reaction, when a
o (1 Burn) Collapsing Augment: As a Bonus Action, when creature you can see would make an attack, cast a
you make an attack or cast a Jutsu that is physical in Jutsu or Art with the Ninjutsu or Taijutsu keyword or
nature (DM discretion), you surround your technique use an ability that is physical in nature (DM
with this collapsing temporal space. The damage dealt discretion), you attempt to warp the technique away.
by your technique ignores damage reduction, barriers Make a Malefic Ninjutsu attack vs the attack roll or
and temporary hit points as everything that might get Save DC of the triggering creature. If your roll is
in its way is simply moved into your dimension. higher, the Jutsu, Art, or attack is warped to your
o (1 Burn) Self-Warp: As a Bonus Action, you may warp pocket dimension harmlessly. If the triggering Jutsu or
yourself to your own pocket dimension, or warp Art has multiple attacks associated, make a Malefic
yourself out of your pocket dimension to your last Ninjutsu attack for each attack. If the attack was a
location in the real world. melee Taijutsu or unarmed attack and your roll is
o (2d4 Burn) Mass Displacement: As a Bonus Action you higher, the target takes 5d6 Force damage that cannot
may move all of your mass to your pocket dimension. be reduced and ignores Resistance and Immunity. If
Until you use your Bonus Action again for this ability, the Jutsu, Art, or attack was made with a weapon and
you cannot interact with the physical world. People your roll is higher, the weapon is warped to your
can see you, and you can see them. But cannot interact pocket dimension.
in any way. You can remain this way for up to 5 o (2d4 Burn) Phase: As a Reaction, to being targeted by
minutes before automatically being ejected into the an attack, or being forced to make a Strength,
real world. Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw, you can enter
o (1 Burn) Space-Time Step: As a Bonus Action, you can your pocket dimension for an instant, completely
fold space-time between your dimension and the real ignoring the triggering effect as it sails through your
world to shorten the distance between two points and now intangible body. These effects must be physical in
appear in a space you can see within 240 feet. nature (DM discretion). Each time you Phase, you gain
an additional Reaction for the purposes of using this
ability. If this ability was triggered on your turn, you
must abandon your current action if it has not yet been
resolved and stay Phased until the end of your turn,
unable to affect other creatures.
• Reaction;
o (1d4 Burn) Instinctual Reactions: As a Reaction, cast
one Taijutsu or Bukijutsu of A-Rank or Lower, with
a casting time of a Reaction, treating this Arts cost
as the Jutsu’s Cost. You cannot upcast a Jutsu cast
this way. If a Jutsu’s cost is lower than the cost of
this Art, you instead reduce the cost by 2 (min 1). If
you cast a jutsu that requires Concentration, you
may concentrate on that jutsu as normal.
o (1 Burn) Instinctual Parry: As a Reaction to being
targeted by a melee attack you can attempt to redirect
it back at the attacking creature. Make a Malefic
Taijutsu Attack. On a hit, the creature suffers the
effects of their own attack. If their attack would have
hit you, your Malefic Taijutsu Attack roll result must
be higher than the triggering attack roll, on a success
their attack instead misses you.
• Special;
o (2d4 Burn) Instinctual Finisher: As a Bonus Action
MALEFIC INSTINCT or Reaction, after using a Taijutsu or Bukijutsu
Classification: Mangekyō Art Finisher, you can target one affected creature with
Cost: 10 Chakra a second Finisher, once per turn, ignoring its listed
Keywords: Hijutsu, Taijutsu casting time.
Description: You use your Sharingan to recall all of the
martial techniques you’ve seen over your career, and
even theorize techniques you’ve never seen but your
Sharingan concludes is absolutely feasible. You may use
your actions and pay the above listed Chakra cost to do
the following;
• 1 Action;
o (1d4 Burn) Instinctual Combat: Cast one Taijutsu or
Bukijutsu of A-Rank or Lower, with a casting time
of 1 Action, treating this Arts cost as the Jutsu’s
Cost. You cannot upcast a jutsu cast this way. If a
Jutsu’s cost is lower than the cost of this Art, you
instead reduce the cost by 2 (min 1). If you cast a
jutsu that requires Concentration, you may
concentrate on that jutsu as normal.
o (1 Burn) Evasive Stance: As an Action, you use your
Sharingan to foresee all attacks coming at you.
Until the start of your next turn, you gain an
additional Reaction for each attack that targets
you, which can be spent to take the Attack Action
against the triggering creature, or use a Jutsu with
a casting time of a Reaction. Also, until the start of
your next turn, you suffer no damage or conditions
from Dexterity saves you pass.
• Bonus Action;
o (1d4 Burn) Instinctual Combos: As a Bonus Action,
cast one Taijutsu or Bukijutsu of A-Rank or Lower,
with a casting time of 1 Bonus action, treating this
Arts cost as the Jutsu’s Cost. You cannot upcast a
Jutsu cast this way. If a Jutsu’s cost is lower than
the cost of this Art, you instead reduce the cost by 2
(min 1). If you cast a jutsu that requires
Concentration, you may concentrate on that jutsu
as normal.
o (1 Burn) Instinctual Stance: As a Bonus Action, you
can enter any Taijutsu or Bukijutsu stance.
o (1 Burn) Instinctual Blitz: You seemingly disappear
in a burst of speed. As a Bonus Action, you can
immediately take the Dash, Dodge, and Disengage.
Classification: Mangekyō Art o (3d4 Burn) Mokiho: As a Reaction to seeing a
Cost: 10 Chakra creature attempting to take any action within 90
Keywords: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Visual feet of you, so long as you can make eye contact
Description: You use your Sharingan to drill deep into with them, the target creature must succeed a
the subconsciousness of a creature whom you can see Wisdom Saving Throw vs your Malefic Genjutsu
and is looking at you. By making eye contact with a Save DC. On a failed save, the target creatures
creature while your Mangekyō Sharingan is active you action is interrupted, and instead, you decide its
are able to inject a powerful illusion deep into the minds course of action for the remainder of its turn. At
of your target. You can only ever affect one target at a the end of the target creatures turn, they do not
time with this Mangekyō Art. If you target a second remember their last 6 seconds of activity.
creature with this Art, while you are maintaining o (1d4 Burn) Yami: As a Reaction to seeing a creature
concentration on this art affecting another creature, this attempting to cast a Genjutsu, within 60 feet of
art’s effects immediately ends on the first creature; you. If you can make eye contact with them, the
• 1 Action; target makes an Intelligence Saving Throw vs your
o (4d4 Burn) Tsukuyomi: Select one creature that you Malefic Genjutsu Save DC. On a failed save, the
can see and whom you can make eye contact with, genjutsu is never cast, however the creature still
within 60 feet of you. Target creature makes two believes they have successfully cast it.
Wisdom Saving Throws vs your Malefic Genjutsu Alternatively, you can change the target of the
Save DC. If a creature has Chakra sight, they Genjutsu to another creature or area within range.
instead make a single Saving Throw. If even one Either way, if the jutsu requires concentration,
save is failed, the target creature is mentally sealed they must continue to spend chakra to maintain it.
inside an illusory world of your creation. The user They can only realize the jutsu was never cast when
and the target are both mentally transported to they would fail a concentration check to maintain
this world and remain there for 10d8 mental years. it, or decide to end the jutsu of their own accord.
These years last until the end of your turn, but the
target experiences each of these days in full. For
the duration of this effect, while within the illusory
world, the user may exchange information or
mentally torture the target.
▪ Information: If you choose to share information.
You can choose to end this effect on the target
creature early without them needing to
experience the full duration of this Art. You are
able to communicate with the target for as long
as you wish mentally, but at the end of your
turn, the communication ends. While inside of
this mind space, you cannot accomplish
downtime activities, such as Learning or
Creating a jutsu, learning a feat, or
▪ Torture: If you choose to torture the target, for
each year they are trapped inside your illusory
world, they take 1d8 Psychic damage. At the end
of the duration, the target creature is Weakened
and Dazed until they complete a long rest. You
can choose to not inflict some of the listed
conditions, or deal half or less of your damage
result to a target.
o (1 Burn) Ochiru Tsuki: Select one creature that you
can see and whom you can make eye contact with,
within 60 feet of you. Target creature makes a
Wisdom Saving throw vs your Malefic Genjutsu
Save DC at disadvantage. On a failed save, the
target creature is assailed by what they believe to
be a falling moon that comes and crashes down
upon them. Target creature takes 8d10 Psychic
damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.
• Bonus Action;
o (1 Burn) Tsukuhito: As a Bonus Action, you can
select one allied creature that you can see within
60 feet of you, whom you can make eye contact
with. If target creature is under the effects of any
Ninjutsu or Genjutsu that alters, controls, or
manipulates its actions, thinking or personality.
That Jutsu immediately ends, releasing them from
its effects and returning them to their original
mental state.
o (6d4 Burn) Koto-Amatsu-Kami: Select one creature
that you can see and whom you can make eye
contact with, within 60 feet of you. Target creature
makes two Charisma Saving Throws vs your
Malefic Genjutsu Save DC. If a creature has Chakra
sight, they instead make a single Saving Throw. If
even one save is failed, the target creature is
permanently Charmed by you until they are aware
of this feature’s existence and hold a general
understanding of what it does. In which case they
can, as an Action remake the Saving Throw once
per Short Rest. Additionally, when you would use
this feature, you must select the additional
effect(s) this Art benefits from. A creature affected
by this Art is unaware they are currently or have
ever been under the effects of this Art unless they
rationalize, they are through other means;
▪ Rewrite: While a creature is under the effects of
Koto-Amatsu-Kami you are able to rewrite
memories that you are aware of. Affected
creatures’ memories are overwritten and
suppressed for the duration of this Arts effects.
You are not able to completely change a
creature’s personality using this additional
effect. But you are able to alter their reasoning
behind their actions.
▪ Enforce: While a creature is under the effects of
Koto-Amatsu-Kami, select one thing they could
normally do with their Actions, Bonus Actions,
or Reactions. They, for the duration of this Art,
forget how to perform the selected action,
unable to learn, or relearn the forgotten ability,
MALEFIC HYPNOSIS feature or jutsu.
Classification: Mangekyō Art
Cost: 14 Chakra
Keywords: Hijutsu, Genjutsu, Tactile, Unaware
Description: You use your Sharingan to twist, alter,
dominate and completely rewrite a person’s entire
personality in the span of a moment, so subtly that they
don’t even know that a jutsu had been cast;
• 1 Action;
o (6d4 Burn) Izanami: Upon activation, you record
this moment in time like a snapshot with your
Sharingan. Memorizing both yours and your
targets physical sensations. As a Reaction to your
opponent repeating any action more than once,
within the next minute, you can give yourself 6d4
Burn as you attempt to trap them into a never-
ending loop, repeating the same events that
transpired between when you activated this Art and
when they repeated their action. The target
creature must succeed three Charisma Saving
Throws vs your Malefic Genjutsu Save DC. If even
one save is failed, the target is trapped in this
never-ending loop until their current ambitions
are abandoned. If the creature does not have
ambitions, such as a beast who survives and works
off of instincts, like a wolf, lion, or cat, this Art
immediately fails. If casting or triggering this
ability would bring you to 30 or more over your
Maximum Burn Limit, you lose one of your
Mangekyō Sharingan permanently and one of your
available Arts. Even the Eternal Mangekyō
Sharingan cannot prevent this loss. If you lose your
second eye in this matter you lose your light, going
permanently blind and losing your Mangekyō
Sharingan Class Mod and Sharingan Clan feature.
o (3d4 Burn) Libre: All creatures of your choice that
you can see within 60 feet of you must succeed a
Wisdom Saving throw vs your Malefic Genjutsu
save DC having their vision obscured and their
movements completely thrown out of control by
temporarily rewriting how their brain interprets
their bodies controls. On a failed save creatures can
no longer see, hear, feel, taste or smell for the next
minute, instead the shape of your eyes completely
takes over their vision and a nightmare inducing
silhouette takes hold of their entire body. They
count as always being in eye contact with you.
Additionally, for the next minute, when the
creature wishes to take an action of any type, they
must make a DC 12 Wisdom check. On a success the
creature is able to complete its actions. On a
failure, they are unable to complete the chosen
action instead gaining the Stunned condition until
the beginning of their next turn.
• Bonus Action;
o (1d4 Burn) Beam of Light: All creatures of your
choice currently under the effects of any feature,
Art or Jutsu with the Genjutsu keyword that you
cast must succeed a Wisdom Saving throw. On a
failed save, they all see the sky crack as beams of
light rain down upon them dealing 8d8 psychic
damage on a fail or half as much on a success.
• Reaction:
o (1d4 Burn) Recollection: When hit by an attack or
would take damage, you may as a reaction force the
target creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On
a failed save the target creature believes they have
killed you. They can see, feel, and smell your
corpse. They believe you are dead until you attack
them again or it pointed out directly by their allies
that you are indeed alive. Otherwise, they will
forever believe that you are dead.
Classification: Mangekyō Art o (6d4 Burn) Rewound Fate: You choose this moment
Cost: 1 Chakra in time to record a creature you can see within 60
Keywords: Hijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Unaware feet of you into. At any point in time, within the
Description: You use your Sharingan to twist reality to next minute, when the target creature would move
your whim and control the laws of the world. You more than 60 feet away, regain Hit Points, gain
command reality to bend to your will, allowing you to Temporary Hit Points, make an attack, cast a Jutsu
rewrite it based on your wants and needs. If casting or or Art, you may as a Reaction, trigger this Art,
triggering abilities from this Art would bring you to 30 or rewinding them back to the moment you recorded
more over your Maximum Burn Limit, you lose one of them. They appear in the space they were
your Mangekyō Sharingan permanently and one of your originally in when you recorded them. If this was
available Arts. Even the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan triggered as a Reaction to them making an attack,
cannot prevent this loss. If you lose your second eye in or casting a Jutsu or Art, they instead fail to do so,
this matter you lose your light, going permanently blind spending resources and being treated as if they
and losing your Mangekyō Sharingan Class Mod and had. They also do not regain Hit Points, Chakra
Sharingan Clan feature.; Points, limited use resources, or movement spent
since you first cast this ability. Each time you
• 1 Action;
trigger this Arts reaction ability, you gain an
o (6d4 Burn) Controlled Fate: You choose this
additional 6d4 burn.
moment in time to lock yourself into for the next
• Reaction;
minute. Record your current Chakra Points, Hit
o (12d4 Burn) Altered Fate: When you would take
Points, and limited use resources. At any point in
damage or fail a saving throw, you may as a
time, within the next minute, when you would take
Reaction, rewrite reality so that the thing that
damage of any type, as a reaction, you can choose
would have affected you, instead does not. Your Hit
to activate this feature. When you do your body
Points are restored back to its value before you
resets and appears back at the exact location you
took the triggering damage and you are treated as
locked yourself into. Your Chakra Points, Hit
if you were never forced to make the saving throw.
Points, and limited use resources are then set back
When you use this ability in Reaction to an effect
to the recorded value when you first cast this
that would have reduced you to 0 hit points or
ability and you lose any Conditions you gained
instantly killed you, you can choose to inflict
from hostile sources since after you first cast this
additional Burn onto yourself (1d4>2d4>3d4) to
ability. Each time you trigger this Arts reaction
delay your resurrection. (1 Minute>1 Hour>1 Day)
ability, you gain an additional 6d4 burn.
o (8d4 Burn) Decided Fate: When a creature you can
see within 90 feet of you would take damage or fail
a saving throw, you may as a reaction, rewrite
reality so that the thing that would have affected
them, instead does not. Their Hit Points are
restored back to its value before they took the
triggering damage and they are treated as if they
never had to make a saving throw.
Classification: Mangekyō Art o (1 Burn) Telekinetic Marking: You mark all weapons that
Cost: 12 Chakra you are proficient in within 5 feet of you when. Marking
Keywords: Hijutsu, Bukijutsu weapons is instant and permanent until the weapon
Description: You use your Sharingan to create telekinetic breaks. You can mark up to 20 Bulk worth of weapons/
connections to a distinct weapon type. Select a weapon you weapon stacks at a time. A marked weapon can be called
are proficient with. All weapons that share this weapons type to you from up to 120 feet flying to you while
can be manipulated by you using your telekinetic connection; attempting to avoid obstructions it may encounter as a
bonus action as well. You do not inherently know where
• 1 Action;
marked weapons are when you attempt to summon
o (1 Burn) Telekinetic Assault: Weapons of your choice that
you have marked, that you share a telekinetic
o (1 Burn) Telekinetic Shield: You command your marked
connection with move at your command to attack a
weapons to guard you as they create a wall in front of
creature you can see within 90 feet of you. As an Action
you. For the next minute, until you command your
make a Ranged Malefic Taijutsu attacks for each
marked weapons to complete another action using this
weapon you have marked, dealing 2d6 for each Bulk a
Art, they provide you with three-quarters cover.
weapon has on a hit.
o (1d4 Burn) Telekinetic Velocity: You enhance your
o (1d4 Burn) Telekinetic Bombardment: Weapons you have
Telekinetic weapons movement speed, making them
marked, that you share a telekinetic connection with
move like missiles, breaking the sound barrier. Until
begin to pepper the battlefield. All creatures of your
the end of your turn, if you would make attacks with
choice within 60 feet of you must succeed a Dexterity
Telekinetic Assault, you roll 3d20 and take the highest
saving throw vs your Malefic Taijutsu Save DC dealing
result and if a creature would make a saving throw
2d6 for each Bulk of your marked weapons combined or
against Telekinetic Bombardment, they roll 3d20 and
half as much on a successful save.
take the lowest result.
• Reaction
o (1 Burn) Telekinetic Interpose: You command your
marked weapons to interpose in-between you and an
incoming attack. As a reaction, when you would take
damage, you sacrifice 6 Bulk worth of your marked
weapons causing them to immediately be destroyed,
taking all damage that you would have taken and
granting you immunity to the Jutsu, Art, or Attack.

Majestic Weapons
Yasaka Magatama
Character gets 2 legendary weapons based on Japanese Shuriken?
mythology. Kinda Attack Action is replaced with 2 attacks (one set of beads
per hand)
Ame no Nuhoko Each attack splits apart into 3 attacks (3 beads per set)
Requires Alteration Hama Yumi
Re arranges battlefield. Maybe gives the ability to cast Ranged Weapon
certain Jutsu with the themes of creating constructs, Requires Kamui
barriers, or tangible obkects with additional benefits. Weapons passively augmented and do collapse on a hit?
Like earth wall for better defense and that giant water
bubble jutsu. 2 or so per element

Totsuka no Tsurugi (Totska Blade)

Requires Illusion
Replace attack action for 3d4 burn
3 Cha saves if even one fails perma seal inside sword

Kusanagi no Tsurugi
Indestructible? Cuts through anything?

Ame no Makakoyumi
Requires telekinetic?
Huge range. Can change directions mid flight and hit all
creatures in path with same attack roll

Muramasa Blades
4 swords basically madara
Adds more attacks to attack action or maybe doubles
number of attacks in a Bukijutsu and doubles amount
of times weapon damage can be added

Can increase the size of the Susanoo to grant it more hp
and damage or decrease it to increase speed, ac, and
saves. Not too extreme due to them being passives.

Yata no Kagami
Requires illumination
Immunity to all elemental Jutsu and Arts that you know
the superior element to as a Reaction for X burn

Illumination name followed by either Yumi or Ken

depending on your element
Requires illumination
Sword or Bow
Lets you give conditions with your weapons on a hit and
passively weaponized

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