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Criteria Grading Scale Pts

2 0.50
Excellent 1.5 1 Needs lmprovement 2
Pronunciationwas very Good Satisfactory Student was difficult
clear and easy to Pronunciationwas good Student was slightly to understand, quiet
understand. and did notinterfere unclear withpronunciation in speaking. unclear
with communication at times, butgenerally is in pronunciation.
Grammar 2 fair. 0.50
1.5 2
Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs lmprovement
Student was able to express ¡ Student was able to Student was able to Student was difficult to understand and
express theirideas and responses their ideas and express theirideas and had a hard time communicating their
responses withease in proper fairly well but responses adequately but ideas and responses because of grammar
makes sentence structure and mistakes with their often mistakes.
tenses, tenses. however, is able to correct displayedinconsistencies t
Vocabulary themselves. with their sentence
Needs lmprovement
2 1.5 structure and tenses.
Student had inadequate vocabulary
Excellent Good 1
worc;ls to
Rich,precise and impressive• Student utilized the Satisfactory
words us;ige of vocabul;irywords learnec;l in class,in Student was able to use
an broac;l voc;ibul;irywords
learned in and beyond of accurate manner for waslacking. making him/her express his/herideas properly. which
the class. situation given. repetitive and cannot expand hindered the students in responding.
on his/her ideas.
Fluency .2 required. 1.S 1
Excellent Good Satisfactory
Speech is effortless and Speech is rnostly smooth Speech is slow and often hesitant and
smooth with speed that but with sorne hesitation irregular.
comes close to that of a and unevenness caused Sentences may be left uncornpleted. but
native speaker. primarily by rephrasing the student is able to continue.
and groping for words.

Details-Presentation-Content 2 1.5 Satisfactory
Excellent Excellent Good Adequate description: sorne additional
levelof Good leve!of details should be provided.
description;additional description;all required
details beyond the inforrnation included. 2 Speech is very slow. except for short or understand. Needs improvement
Needs improvement stumbling. Nervous and memorized expressions. 2 Description is so lacking that the
uncertain with response. Difficult for a listener to listener cannot understand.

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