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Topic: Exploring 'Photograph' by Ed Sheeran.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 45 minutes


- Improve listening skills by comprehending the lyrics of 'Photograph.'

- Enhance vocabulary and understanding of idiomatic expressions.

- Encourage discussion and personal reflection on the song's themes and emotions.

Pre-Listening (10 minutes):

Warm-up activity: Start by asking students if they are familiar with Ed Sheeran and his song
'Photograph.' Briefly discuss their familiarity and opinions about the song.

Vocabulary building: Introduce a few key vocabulary words from the song lyrics (e.g., photograph,
memories, heartbreak). Ask students to brainstorm possible meanings and associations.

Predicting the content: Share the title of the song, 'Photograph,' and ask students to predict what
the song might be about. Encourage them to think about personal experiences related to

While Listening (20 minutes):

First listening: Instruct students to listen to the song without focusing on the lyrics. Encourage them
to take note of their initial impressions, emotions, or any specific elements that stand out to them.

Second listening: Provide the lyrics of 'Photograph' to the students. Explain that they should listen
attentively to the song while following along with the lyrics. Emphasize the importance of
understanding the main ideas and specific details.

Fill in the gaps: Distribute a worksheet with selected gaps in the lyrics. Instruct students to fill in the
missing words as they listen to the song. This activity will help them reinforce their understanding of
the lyrics.

Post-Listening (15 minutes):

Discussion: Divide students into pairs or small groups. Ask them to share their thoughts and
interpretations of the song's lyrics, themes, and emotions. Encourage them to connect the song to
their own experiences or the experiences of others.

Reflection: Provide a set of discussion questions for students to answer individually or in pairs. These
questions could include:

- How do you personally relate to the themes presented in the song?

- What emotions do you feel when listening to the song, and why?

- What message or lesson do you think the artist is trying to convey?

- Can you think of any other songs or artworks that convey similar themes?
Creative response: Invite students to create their own artistic response to the song, such as writing a
poem, drawing a picture, or composing a short piece of music. This activity encourages students to
engage further with the emotions and themes presented in the song.


Wrap up the lesson by allowing students to share their creative responses and reflections. Encourage
a brief class discussion to summarize key points and insights gained from the activity. Finally, thank
the students for their participation and encourage them to explore more songs by Ed Sheeran or
other artists that resonate with them.

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