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Intermediate Writing

Name : Niluh Wayan Asmara Ratih

Std number : 2013042010
Task : Chronological Order

Paragraph Essay When Who What

1 Introduction
2 Developing essay August 15, Japan Japan
1945 surrenders to
3 Developing essay August 16, Young Rengasdengklok
1945 people, Ir. incident
Moh. Hatta
4 Developing essay August 17, Ir. Soekarno The
1945 proclamation of
5 Conclusion

Rengasdengklok Incident

Rengasdengklok incident is an event surrounding the seconds of Indonesia's

independence from the hands of the colonialists. This incident is also known as the
kidnapping of two important state figures, namely Ir. Soekarno and Moh. Hatta to
Rengasdengklok by young people.

Initially on August 15, 1945, Emperor Hiroto announced that Japan had surrendered
unconditionally to the Allies. This was caused by the Japanese territory that had been
destroyed after getting an atomic bomb attack by the Allies which caused Japan to
experience destruction. The news of Japan's surrender to the allies finally reached
Indonesia and was heard by young people. For young people, this is a good opportunity
to immediately proclaim independence because Indonesia is experiencing a power
vacuum or what is known as a vacuum of power.
After that, the next day on August 16, 1945, Soekarno and Hatta were brought by a
young group to Rengasdengklok, Karawang. They urged Sukarno to immediately
proclaim Indonesia's independence. However, Ir. Soekarno chose not to be in a hurry
and wanted to negotiate everything before the proclamation to the parties involved.

Finally on August 17, 1945, after conducting negotiations regarding the proclamation
and compiling the text of the proclamation, Ir. Sukarno proclaimed Indonesia's
independence. The proclamation of independence was carried out at the residence of Ir.
Soekarno on Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 56, Jakarta.

It can be concluded that from the rengasdengklok incident, the youths had the
enthusiasm to proclaim independence, but the older group felt that it had to be thought
out wisely and not in a hurry. The events of the proclamation of Indonesian
independence on August 17, 1945 cannot be separated from the important role of the
youth and the elderly. This incident is also the first step in building an Indonesian state
that is free from the shackles of colonialism.

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