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Japanese cultural dances, known as "buyo," are traditional dances that have been passed

down through generations in Japan. These dances often depict historical events, folklore, or
traditional rituals, and they are performed in traditional costumes accompanied by
traditional music.
Here are a few popular Japanese cultural dances:
1. Bon Odori: Bon Odori is a dance performed during the Obon festival, a traditional
Buddhist event held to honor the spirits of ancestors. It is a joyful and lively dance
performed in a circle with simple steps and hand movements.
2. Nihon Buyo: Nihon Buyo is a traditional Japanese dance that originated in the Edo period.
It incorporates elements of kabuki theater and portrays various characters and stories. It
requires precise movements, gestures, and facial expressions
3. Kagura: Kagura is a sacred dance performed at Shinto shrines as an offering to the gods.
It is believed to have originated from ancient rituals and often depicts mythical stories and
legends. Kagura dancers wear elaborate costumes and masks.

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