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Choosing a career as a software engineer has been a significant decision in my life, and it has
been shaped by my inherent traits, particularly my hands-on nature and thinking outside the
box nature. From a young age, I've always been a hands-on person, like when I built 3 personal
gaming computers from scratch for myself and my family. I prefer learning through direct
experience and experimentation rather than simply reading or listening. This trait has greatly
influenced my approach to problem-solving, decision-making, and learning, like in auto instead
of watching videos on how to do an oil change, executing it teaches me a lot more. Becoming a
software engineer requires complex problem solving and challenging coding and it interests me
because I embrace them as opportunities to apply my hands-on skills to find innovative
solutions that no one else has. One of my biggest traits is being resilient, specifically speaking
the field of technology is ever evolving, and being a successful software engineer requires
continuous learning, which means learning from mistakes and never giving up. The ability to be
adaptable is very important in the tech industry because as I mentioned before the world is
changing rapidly and being adaptable is important in a software environment because you’ll
always be learning new coding languages and personally, I’m never afraid to step out outside my
comfort zone and learn new things that will take my career to the top. My ability to step up and
be a leader, while software engineering can sometimes be an individual pursuit, collaboration is
often essential in larger projects to be successful.

Relating back to my 16-personality trait of a consul I feel like it half connects to my personality
to at least of what I think. Specifically speaking a weakness of a consul is they’re inflexible and
vulnerable to criticism. Personally, I love to be flexible, when it comes to either school or in the
real job work, specifically at work I don’t mind being a cook one day and a dish washer another.
Relating to criticism, I love to have feedback and criticism specifically in school because if you
take the feedback then make changes that’s how you can improve your marks like I always did In
English. Lastly a strength that makes sense and aligns with my personality, having strong
practical skills. I personally have strong practical skills as I care for others and making sure they
are cared for, like my friend’s and family.

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