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Histology Exam 2 Review

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Connective tissue develops from the ____. Mesoderm
Glycoosaminoglycans are made up of primarily ____. Sugars
Dermature sulfate is found primarily in ____. Skin
Collagen is made up of primarily ____. Protein
Collagen is synthesized by __. Fibroblast
Reticular fibers are made up of ___. Collagen
The cell that develops from blood monocytes is the ______. Macrophage
Plasma cells secrete ___. Antibodies
The dermis of the skin is an excellent example of ___. Dense irregular connective tissue
High concentration of amorphous ground substance, collagen
fibers and fibroblast are found in ____ connective tissue.
Adipose tissue performs all the following functions except:

-Insulates the body

Stores water
-Shapes the body
-Stores Energy
-Stores Water
All the following describe brown (multiocular) adipose tissue ex-

-many mitochondria Flattened peripheral nucleus

-flattened peripheral nucleus
-Smaller lipid droplets
-converts stored energy to heat
The type of cartilage that doe not have a perichondrium is ___. Fibrocartilage
Osteoid is synthesized by ____. Osteoblast
Howship's lacunae are best associated with ___. Osteoclast
Hydroxyapatitie crystals are made up of all the following except:

Within the lamella of ground bone, one would find ___. Osteocytes
Plasma is made up of all the following except:

If the hematocrit is 55%, it means that there is ____ in the blood. 55% erythrocytes
A nucleated red blood cell is referred to as a ___. Reticulocyte
The granules in a neutrophil are ____. Lysosomes
The most numerous white blood cells are the ___. Neutrophils
The function of platelets is ___. Blood clotting
Striations appear in all types of muscle cells except ___. Smooth
Intercalated disk of cardiac muscle represent ___. Gap junctions
The connective tissue that surrounds a muscle fascicle directly is
the ____.
The sarcomere is defined as that area of muscle between two

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The part of the thin filament that binds calcium is ____. Troponin-C
ATP binds to ______ in skeletal muscle. Myosin
The H-Zone is made up of ____. Thick filament only
All the following are true about Type 1 skeletal muscle except:

-Rich in myoglobin
Uses glycolysis
-Uses glycolysis
-Dark red in color
-Used for slow continuous contractions
The terminal cistern store ___. Calcium
The neurotransmitter that is used at the neuromuscular junction
is ____.
The brain and spinal cord make up the _____ nervous system. Central
All the following are examples of glial cells except:

The function of nissl bodies is ____. Protein synthesis
A neuron with two process that attach at the same point on the
cell body is a _____.
The telodendria is part of the ___ of a neuron. Axon
The process of a neuron that carries action potential toward the
cell body is the ___.
Chondroblasts are located in the ____. Perichondrium
A tendon would be an excellent example of ___. (Phrase not word) Dense regular connective tissue
The nodes of ranvier represent interruptions in the ____. Myelin Sheath
2 terminal cistem
The triad of a muscle cell is made up of ____ and _____.
1 transverse tubule
Reticulocytes are ___ that contain a nucleus. Erythrocytes
Connective tissue develops from ___. Mesoderm
The ground substance of connective tissue is made up of all the
following except:

-Phospholipids Phospholipids
-Structural Glycoproteins
The glycosaminoglycan associated with articular fibers is ____. Heparin sulfate
The structural glycoprotein associated with cellular adhesion is
Collagen fibers are synthesized by ____. Fibroblast
The most phagocytes of connective tissue are ___. Macrophages
IgE secretion is associated with the function of ____. Plasma cells
All the following are true about dense regular connective tissue

-Fibroblasts are the main cells Very little collagen

-very little collagen
-Resistant to stress
-Less flexible that areolar connective tissue

Histology Exam 2 Review
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Reticular cells are modified _____. Fibroblast
The connective tissue best associated with the conversion of
Multiocular adipose connective tissue
stored energy to heat is ____. (Phrase)
All the following are true about cartilage except:

-bears mechanical stress

Rich blood supply
-no nerves go to it
-rich blood supply
-low metabolic rate
Hyaline cartilage is made up of all the following except:

Perichondrium is found surrounding ____ and ____cartilage.
Osteoid is secreted by ___. Osteoblast
All the following are true about osteoclast except:

-reside in howship's lacunae

Secrete collagen
-secrete collagen
-have receptors for calcitonin
-derived from monocytes
Hydroxyapatite crystals are made up of all the following except:

The lacunae of the lamella of bone house ___. Osteocytes
Plasma is made up of all the following except:

The specific granules of neutrophils represent:

Bilobated nuclei are characteristic of ___. Eosinophils
Tissue macrophages develop from ____. Monocytes
All the following are true about smooth muscle except:

-fusifrom shaped cells

-central nucleus
Intercalated discs represent ___ between cardiac muscles. Gap junctions
Muscle fascicles are covered directly by ___. Perimysium
Thin filaments are made up of all the following except:

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-TnC Light meromyosin
-Light meromyosin
Thick filament heads have binding sites for ___ and ____.
The z-line is made up of ____. Actin only
All the following are true about type II skeletal muscles except:

-Use glycolysis
Use fatty acids for energy
-Rapid contraction
-Has less myoglobin
-Uses fatty acids for energy
The triad is located at the ____ of a sarcomere. I-Band
The neuromuscular junction uses ___ as its neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine
Cardiac muscle innervation is through the ___ nervous system. Autonomic
The macrophage of the nervous system is the ____. Microglia
Nissl bodies are made up of all the following except:

Golgi bodies
-Golgi Bodies
All the following are true about telodendria except:

-contain no myelin
The are found on distal dendrite
-have multiple terminal buttons
-they are found on the distal dendrite
-the increase surface area
A neuron with two neurites that look like on is classified as ____. Pseudounipolar
A neuron with two neurites that look like one another is classified
All the following are true about telodendria except:

-They increase the surface area

They are found on the distal dendrite
-They are found on the distal dendrite
-Have multiple terminal boutons
-Contain no myelin
Nissl bodies are made up of all the following except: Golgi Body
The macrophages of the nervous system are the ___. Microglia
Cardiac muscle innervation is through the ____. Autonomic nervous system
The neurotransmitter junctions uses ____ as its neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine
The triad is located at the ____ of the sarcomere I band
All the following are true about Type II skeletal muscle except Use fatty acids for energy
The Z-line is made up of ___. Actin Only
Thick filament heads have binding sites for ____ and _____.
The filaments are made up of all the following except:

-Light meromyosin
Light meromyosin
Muscle fascicles are directly covered by ____. Perimysium

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Intercalated discs represent ___ between cardiac muscle cells. Gap Junctions
ALl the following are true about smooth muscles except:

-central nucleus
-fusiform cell shape
The function of platelets is: Blood Clotting
Bilobated nuclei are characteristics of ___. Eosinophils
Specific granules of neutrophils represent: Lysosomes
Plasma is made up of all the following except:

The lacunae of the lamella of bone house Osteocytes
Hydroxyapatitie crystals are made up of all the following except:

All the following are true about osteoclast except:

-derived from monocytes

Secrete Collagen
-have receptors for calcitonin
-secrete collagen
=reside in howship's lacunae
osteoid is secreted by _____. Osteoblast
Perichondrium is found in ____ and ____ cartilage.
Hyaline cartilage is made up of all the following except: Phospholipid
All the following are true about cartilage except:

-low metabolic rate

Rich Blood supply
-rich blood supply
-no nerves go to it
-bears mechanical stress
The connective tissue best associated with the conversion of
Multilocular Adipose
stored energy to heat is ____.
Reticular cells are modified ____. Fibroblast
All the following are true about dense regular connective tissue

-Less flexible than areolar connective tissue Very little collagen

-Resistant to stress
-very little collagen
-fibroblasts are the main cell
IgE secretion is associated with the function of: ___. Plasma Cells
The phagocytes of connective tissues are the _____. Macrophages
Collagen fibers are synthesized by ___. Fibroblasts
The glycosaminoglycan associated with the reticular fibers is ___. Heparin Sulfate

Histology Exam 2 Review
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The ground substance of connective tissue is made up of all the
following except:
Connective tissue develops from the ___. Mesoderm
Reticulocytes are ___ that contains a nucleus Erythrocytes
2 Terminal cisterns
The triad of a muscle cell is made up of _______.
1 transverse tubule
The nodes of ranvier represent interruption in the ____. Myelin Sheat
A tendon would be an excellent example of _____. (Phrase) Dense regular connective tissue
Plasma is made up primarily of ___. Water
The buffy layer of an hematocrit is formed by ____. White blood cells
The cell of blood responsible for oxygen transport is the ___. Erythrocyte
The granules in a neutrophil are really ___. Lysosomes
The most numerous white blood cell is the ___. Neutrophil
The white blood cell that contains histamine is the ___. Basophil
Hydroxyapatite crystals are made up of all the following except:

The cell found in Howship's lacunae are the ___. Osteoclast
The osteogenic layer of the periosteum is made up of primarily of
Isogenic groups of chondrocytes are found in ___, ___, and ___. elastic
The connective tissue cell that secretes heparin in the ____. Mast cell
All the following connective tissues have collagen except:

-Dense Irregular
All the following describe a yellow (unilocular) fat cell except:

-Surrounded by reticular tissue

Membrane bound lipid droplets
-Membrane bound lipid droplet
-Peripheral nucleus
-Flattened nucleus
Glycosaminoglycans are made up of primarily of ___. Carbohydrates
Loose areolar connective tissue contains all the following except:

-Collagen fibers
Mysoin fibers
-myosin fibers
-elastic fibers
-reticular fibers
The type of connective tissue that resist stress is one direction is
Tropocollagen would be found in all the following except:
Nerve dendrite
-elastic cartilage

Histology Exam 2 Review
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-nerve dendrite
The connective tissue best associated with the conversion of
Multiocular adipose connective tissue
stored energy to heat is ____.
IgE secretion is associated with the function of ___. Plasma cells
The phagocytes of connective tissues are _____. Macrophages
The glycosaminoglycan associated with reticular fibers is ____. Heparin sulfate
The ground substance of connective tissue is made up of all the
following except:

-Phospholipids Phsopholipids
-Structural Glycoproteins
A tendon would be an excellent example of ___. Dense regular connective tissue
Which of the following may be seen by both the light end electron

-M-Line A-Band
A peripheral nucleus is found in ___ muscle. Skeletal
All the following are true about Type II skeletal muscle except:

-Use glycolysis
Uses fatty acids for energy
-Rapid Contraction
-Has less myoglobin
-Uses fatty acids for energy
The Z-line is made up of ___. Actin only
Thin filaments are made up of all the following except:

Light Meromyosin
-Light Meromyosin
Intercalated discs represent __ between cardiac muscle cells. Gap Junctions
All the following are true about smooth muscle except:

-fusiform shaped cells

-central nucleus
2 terminal cistern
The triad of a muscle is made up of _____ and ___.
1 transverse tubule
The function of a nissl body is ___. Protein synthesis
A neuron with two neurites that look like one is classified as ____. Pseudounipolar
Nissl bodies are made up of all the following except:

Golgi Bodies
-Golgi Bodies
The macrophage of the nervous system is the ___. Microglia

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The nodes of ranvier represent interruptions in the ____. Myelin sheat
Connective tissue develops from the___. Mesoderm
Glycosaminoglycans are made up of ____ and ____.
Secretion of elastin occurs from which connective tissue cell? Fibroblast
Immunoglobulin secretion is best associated with ____. Plasma cells
Tendons would be classified as ___. Dense regular connective tissue
The connective tissue that transforms stored energy to heat is
Muliocular adipose tissue
All the following are true about cartilage except:

-Low metabolic rate

Has a rich blood supply
-has no innervation
-has a rich blood supply
-uses diffusion for nutrients
The intervertebral disc is an example of ____.

-fibrocartilage Fibrocartilage
-elastic cartilage
-hyaline cartilage
The cell that is derived from blood monocytes is the ____. Osteoclast
Hydroxyapatite crystals contain all the following except:

The cell that can be found in the periosteum is the ___. Osteoblast
Plasma is made up of all the following except ____. Red blood cells
In a hematocrit of a healthy individual, which of the following forms
the highest percentage?
The blood cell associated with heparin secretion is the ___. Basophil
Platelets function in the process of ____. Blood clotting
Intercalated discs are best associated with ___ muscle. Cardiac
Centrally placed nuclei are characteristic of ___ and ____ muscle.
A sarcomere is defined as the area between ____. Z-lines
The H-Zone is made up of _____. Myosin only
Howships lacunae are found in ____. Bone
The part of a thin filament that binds calcium is ____. Troponin
ATP binds to ___ in skeletal muscle. Myosin
The type of muscle that uses fatty acids for energy is ___. Type 1
The transverse tubule (t-tubule) is located at the ____. A-I band junction
The neurotransmitter used at the neuromuscular junction is ____. Acetylchoine
Visceral organ innervation is through the ___. Autonomic
Nissl bodies are made up of all the following except:

Histology Exam 2 Review
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A neuron with two processes at either side of the cell body is
classified as _____.
The function of a macrocyte is ___. Oxygen transport
Sharpey's fibers are found in ___. Bone
Dermatan sulfate is best found associated with the connective
tissue of the ___.
All the following may be found in loose areolar connective tissue
except ___.
Gap junctions are characteristics of ___ muscle. Cardiac
The most numerous white blood cell is the ____. Neutrophils
Which of the following cells have no nucleus?

-smooth muscle
Red blood cell
-red blood cell


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