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With great pride and honor, I am here to introduce to you the

man of the hour whom we chose to be our guest of honor and speaker
for this momentous event. An indefatigable leader this is how people
see him as a person.
He is a living inspiration to the youth for he has been teaching
agricultural subject through immersion class at Anao senior high school
and Nampicuan high school in the school year 2017-2019..He was also a
TESDA courses organizer.He was elected as municipal councilor from
2019 until the present moment.. He is a man of virtue and simplicity.
We are so lucky that he really find way to be with us despite of his
hectic schedules.
With all the love and joy in our heart.Please help me in welcoming
our guest of honor and speaker, honorable Wilmar J.Tabile.pls rise and
let us give him a massive applause.

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