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ASCE TI T. LE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0 디 05 니 265 ..

The material presented in this publication has b응en
prepar풍 d in accordance with genera11y recognized
engineering principlεs and practices, and is for general
information only. This information should not be used
without first sεcuring competent advice with respect to
its suitabi1ity for any general or specific application.

The contents of this publication are not intended to be

and should not be construεd to be a standard of the
Am erican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and are
not intended for use as a reference in purchase
spεcifications, contracts, regulations , statutes, or any
other legal document.

No reference made in this publication to any specific

method, product, process, or s응rvice constitutes or
implies an endorsement, rεcommendation, or warranty
thereof by ASCE.

ASCE makes no representation or warranty of any

kind, whether express or implied, concerning the
accuracy, completeness, suitability or utility of any
information, apparatus, product, or process discussed
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Anyone utilizing this information assumes a11 liability

arising from such use , including but not limited to
infringement of any patent or patεnts.

COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers

Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니 27 7 .. / -“、、

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COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers

Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 나 28 9 ..


Des 획ign Criteria, Codes,
Stiα ndαrds, and Regulatory
Provisions Typically Used
for the Civil and
Structural Design of
Fuel εYCle
Prepared by the
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Committee of the
Committee on Nuclear Structures and Materials of the
Structural Division of the
American Society of Civil Engineers

Committee on Nuclear Structures and Materials

R. Kohl (Chairman ), MIT

R. o. Hernandez, TVA D. Pesce (Crmm. emeritus) ,

T. W. Kierans , Consultant Consultant
M. Maxwell ‘ T\IA S. Poppe r; Stone & Webster Eng. Co‘
F.E Meyer,

W. Sawruk, Gilbert Assoc, Inc.
Bechtel Nationa l, Inc. R. Seidensticker,
W.σConnell, Argonne National Laboratory
Lawrence Li vermore Lab. C .L. Wu , Bechtel Nationa l, Inc.

( . __ 1 Published by the
F현훈 I Amerìcan Sóciety of Civil Engineers
\’ BS2 J 345 East 47th Street
、/@ New York, New York 100π2398

COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers
Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 디 7596 口 o 0005 니 E 딩 0 ..



Ll brary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A summary desc꺼p~on o~ d~sig!,l c떼e꺼a, codes, standards, and

reg l!la,táry proyisio~s typic~lIy ~se,d civil an?str~c­
tural desígn of nuclear fuel èycle facilities/prepared by. the
Nuclear Fuel Cvcle CommiUee of the Committee on Nuclear
Structures and Materials 01 the Structural Division of the
American Society of Civil Engineers.
ISBN 0-87262-651-2
1. Nuclear 1acilities-Design and construction. 1. Ameri-
can Society 01 Ci씨 I Engineers. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Committee.
TK9145.S93 1988 88-7058
621 .4 8'335-d c19 CIP

The material presented in this publication has been pre-

pared in accordance with generally recognizedengineering
principles and practices. and is fo( general information only. This
information should not be used without first securing compe-
tent advice with respect to its suitability for any general or spe-
cific application.
The contents of this publication are not intended to be
and should not be construed to be a standard of the Arrterican
Socíety of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and are not intended 10r use
as a reference in purchase specifications. contracts. regula-
lions , statutes. or any other legal document.

No reference made in this publica ion to any specific
method. prαjuct. process , or service constitutes orimplies an
endorsemen t, recommendation. or warranty there01 by ASCE.
ASCE makes no representation or warranty of any kind ,
whether express or implied. concerning Ihe accuracy, com-
pleteness. suitability or utility of any information. apparatus ,
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no liability therefor.

Anyone utilizing this information assumes all liability

arising from such use. ncluding but not imited to infringement
。f any patent or patents.

Authorization 10 photocopy material for internal or personal use

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Ç~eY.rì9ht ~ 1988 by the American Society of Civil Engineers,

AII Rights Reserved ,
Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 88-7058
ISBN 0-87262-651-2
Manufactured ìn the United States of Amerìca.

COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers
Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759bOO 0005 나 3D 7 ..

A Summary Description of Design Criteria. Codes. Standards and

Regulatory Provisions Typically Used for the Civ11 and
Structural Design of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities
Prepared by the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Committee*
~his. report has been prepared by members of the Nuçlear Fuel Cycle
Committee of the ASCE Nuclear Structures and Materials ’ Committee. This
effort has taken place over a period of sever‘ al years. 행nd the committee
m~~bership. ~as , of c~urse , varied during this time. The original
effort. which began under the chairmanship of Mr~ O. Pesce , proceeded to
completion under the guidance of the current chaírman , Mr. Ralph κoh 1.
The report i s a result of the combined efforts of al1 committee mem':"
bers. However‘, each c.hapter was assigned to a single person (and an
alternate in som~ cases)_for initial preparation and-completion òf that
~~ap~er. The follow~ng lists each chapter and the indiv1dual responsi-
ble for its preparation (along with alternates):.
Chapter 1. Introduction D. Pesce
Chapter 2. Uranium Mines and 써 i 11s 써. O'Connell/T. Kierans
Chapter 3. Uran i um Conver‘ sion Facilities F. Meyer‘
Chapter 4. Uranium Enrichment Facility F. Meyer‘ /0. Pesce
Chapter 5. Nuclear Fuel Fabrication R. Seidensticker
Facil ities
Chapter 6. Fuel Handling Facilities M. Maxwel1/R. Hernandez
Chapter 7. Independent Spent Fuel R. Kohl
Storage Facilities
Chapter 8. Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing C. L. 싸u
Chapter 9. Nuclear 싸 aste Disposal C. L. 써u

*Nuclear Fuel Cycle Committee:

R. Kohl (Chairman) , MIT R. O. Hernandez , TVA
써. 0 ’ Connell , R. Seidensticker.
Lawrence Livermore Lab. Argonne Nat ’1. Lab.
F. E. Meyer , D. Pesce (Chrm. emeritus) ,
Bechtel National , Inc. Consultant
T. 싸. Kierans , Consultant 써. Sawruk. Gilber‘ tAssoc •• Inc.
S. Popper , Stone & Webster En9. Co. C. L. 써u. Bechtel National. Inc.
M. Maxwell , TVA

COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers
Information Handling Services, 2000
강 r÷
L?rr p·ι
- 0759600 0005431 『

**As noted in the Preface , this report resulted from an effort spanning sev-
era 1 years. As such. i t i s 1 i ke ly that other‘ source mater‘ ial was developed
--‘ over this time period. τhe user of this document 1s encouraged to seek
。 ut other‘ possible resource documents. One document of particular note ;s
BNL 51444-Rev. 1 , "Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities: Standards. and Criteria
서 서- ‘ .

Guide ,‘’ by 싸. J. Brynda , C. H. Scar‘ lett , G. E. Tanguay , and P. R. Lobner ,

dated September 1986. This latter document is quite comprehens1ve and.
although prepared for use in DOE facilities , is a very good source document
for all types of nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers
Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 면 600 0005 니 320 ..


CHAPTER 1. INTROOUCTION •.•••..•••.•..••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-1
1.1 Purpose and Scope .••••.••••.•••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 1-1
l.2 Design Rec。rnmendat1ons and Reference Documents--------- 1-l
1.3 Government Regulations................................. 1-5
1.4 Des1gn Ph11 。 s。phy-------------------------------------- 1-5
1. 5 C1 。 sure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-5
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COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers

Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 나 332 ..


4.3 General Requir‘ ements................................... 4-3
4.3.1 General Safety •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-3
4.3.2 Nuclear Safety ••.••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-4
4.3.3 Quality Assurance ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-4
4.3.4 Natural Phenomena Risks •••••••••••••••••• ‘ •••..• 4-5
4.3.5 Environmental Protection •••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-5
4.3.6 Fire Protection ••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••• 4-5
4.3.7 Decontamination and Decommissioning ••••••••••••• 4-5
4.4 Codes , Standards. Procedures and References •••••••••••• 4-5
4.4.1 General .........•.•••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••• 4-5
4.4.2 National Codes and Standards .••••••••••••••••••• 4-5
4.4.3 Department of Energy Manual ••••••••••••••••••••• 4-7
4.4.4 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR} ••••••••••••••• 4-7
4.4.5 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Regulation Guides •••.•.•••.••••••••••••••••••••• 4-8
4.4.6 Engineering Procedures , OOE-Oak Ridge
Operations Office ••••..••.•••••••••••••••••••••• 4-8
4.4.7 Local Codes and Ordinances .•.•.••••••••••••••••• 4-8
4.4.8 Site Specific Reports ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-8
4.5 Oesign Criteria •.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-8
4.5.1 General ••••••••••••••••...•••••••••••••••••••••• 4-8
4.5.2 Site 써。 Y‘ k. • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 4-8
4.5.3 Storm Conditions •••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• 4-8
4.5.4 Flood Conditions •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-9
4.5.5 Design loads •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-9
4.5.6 All 。써 able Stresses ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-10
5.1 Scope.................................... ••••••.•• ••••• 5-1
5.2 Description of Nuclear Fuel Fabrication •••••••••••••••• 5-1
5.2.1 General •.....••.•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• 5-1
5.2.2 Facility Description .......•.••.•••••••••••••••• 5-1
5.3 General Requirements................................... 5-2
5.3.1 General Safety •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 5-2
5.3.2 Design Basis Events •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5-2
5.3.3 Transportation •.••••••..•.•.•..••••••••••••••••• 5-3
5.3.4 Shielding .••..•••.•.•.•••.••••••.••••••••••••••• 5-4
5.3.5 Protection Against Fire and Explosions •••••••••• 5-3
5.3.6 Emergency Capability ......•••••••••••••••••••••• 5-3
5.3.7 Confinement Barriers and Systems •••••••••••••••• 5-3
5.3.8 Decontamination and Decommissioning .•••••••••••• 5-3

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COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers
Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SU 센 MAR 88 . . 0759600 000543 나 니 ..



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7. l Scope - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7-l
7.2 Description ..........••....•.........•••..••••••••••••• 7-1
7.2.1 써 et Storage Installation .....••••••••••••.••••.• 7-1
7.2.2 Dry Storage lnstallation ....•.•••••••••.•••••••• 7-1

COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers

Information Handling Services, 2000


: t3
- 0759600 0005 니 35 』

7.3 General Requirements ..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ‘ ••• 7-2
7.3.1 General •......••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• 7-2
7.3.2 Shielding .••••.•••••••• ‘ • . • • • . • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • . . • 7-3
7.3.3 Protection Against Fires and Explosions ••••••••• 7-3
7.3.4 Emergency Capability •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7-3
7.3.5 Confinement Barrier‘ s and Systems ••••••••••••••• ~ 7-3
7.3.6 Sharing of Structures ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7-3
7.3.7 Decommissioning •••••••••••••••••••••• ‘ ..•.. ‘ . . . . 7-3
7.3.8 Quality Assurance •••••••••.•.••••••••• ‘ .•..•...• 7-3
7.4 Codes , Standards , and References ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7-4
7.4.1 Site Suitability and Oevelopment •••••••••••••••• 7-4
7.4.2 Structural •••.•••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7-4
7.4.3 Fire Pr‘。 tection................................. 7-5
7.4.4 Cranes •••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7-6
7.4.5 Security •.•.••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••• ‘ ... 7-6
7.4.6 Mater‘ ial Handling and Shipping •••.•••••••••••••• 7-7
7.4.7 Quality Assurance ..••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• 7-7
7.5 Structural Design Criteria •••••••••.••.•••••••••••••••• 7-7
8.1 Scope ••••.••••.•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-1
8.2 Facility Oescription •••••• 8-1
8.3 General Requirements ...••• 8-2
8.4 Design Criteria , Design Codes , and Standards ••• ‘ 8-4
8.4.1 Site Suitability ••• 8-4
8.4.2 Oesign t。 써 ithstand Natural Phenomena Events •••• 8-5
8.4.3 Design to 써 ithstand Design Basis Events ••••••••• 8-8
8.4.4 Structural Design .•. 8-9
8.4.5 Other Design Considerations •••• 8-10
8.4.6 Decontamination and Decommissioning ••• 8-12
CHAPTER 9. NUCLEAR 써ASTE 01 SPOSAL ••..•••.•••.••••••••••••••••••• 9-1
9.1 Scope ..•.••••.•...•.••••••.•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 9-1
9.2 Facility Oescription .....•••.••..•.••••.••••••••••••••• 9-1
9.3 General Requirements................................... 9-3
9.4 Design Criteria , Design Codes , and Standards ••••••••• ‘. 9-5
9.4.1 Site Suitability .••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••• 9-5
9.4.2 Climatological Considerations ••••••••••••••••••• 9-6
9.4.3 Tornado , 써 ind , and Missile •••••• ‘ . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • 9-7
9.4.4 Seismic Analysis of Surface Facilities ••••••.••• 9-8
9.4.5 Seismic Analysis of Underground
Facilities... ......••.••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• 9-9
9.4.6 Structural Design............................... 9-10
9.4.7 Underground Stability Analysis ••••••••••••.••••• 9-11
9.4.8 Cask Dr‘。 p Mitigation .•.•.•..•..••••.••••••••••.. 9-12
9.4.9 Other Design Considerations .•••••••••••••••••••• 9-13
9.4.10 Decontamination and Decommissioning ••••••••••••• 9-14


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APPENDIX A: Glossary of Terms .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A-1
APPENDIX B: Uranium Mines and Mills ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8-1


단£꾀으; Title 말g르

3.1 Uranium Refining and Chemical Conversion •••••••••••••••••• 3-2
9.1 General Layout of the 써 aste Isolation Pilot Plant ••••••••• 9-2


No. Title 뭘g르

1. Structural Loads to be Considered for Various
Category Classifications •••.•• 5-9

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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 디 759600 0005 나 37 T ..


ACI Amer‘ ican Concrete Institute

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ANS American Nuclear Society
American lational Standards Institute
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DBA Design Basis Accident
DBE Design Basis Earthquake
DOE Department of Energy
DOT Oepartment of Transportation
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EROA Energy Research and Development Administration
(Predecessor to OOE)
FR Federal Register
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protectoin
ILO International Labor Organization
INFCE International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation
ISFSI Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
서SHA 에 ine Safety and Health Administration
MTU Metric Tons of Uranium
NEA Nuclear Energy Agency (of OECD)
NRC U.5. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
OBE Operating Basis Earthquake
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
RG Regulatory Guide (NRC)
SNM Special Nuclear 에 aterials
SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake
UBC Uniform Building Code



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 셔 38 1 ..


1. 1 Purpose and $cope

This ASCE Committee report provides a summary of design criteria ,
cOdes , standards , and regulatory provisions that are applicable to the
civ i1 and structural design of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. The
preparation of this report was considered highly desirable since most
of the information relating to the design of existing nuclear fuel
cycle facilities appeared in fragmented form and ;n several unrelated
documents , placing a great burden on the designer of a new fac i1 ity. ι
The report addresses , in varying levels of detail , the eight principal
elements of the nuclear fuel cycle. The design of nuclear reactors
i s not addressed for reason that thei r desi gn requi rements are exten-
sively documented in recognized publications. However‘, Chapter 6 does
cover those aspects of the nuclear power generating plant which are
unìque or heavily influenced by nuclear fuel cycle considerations. It
is noted that the nuclear fuel enterprise is uniquely structured being
characterized by a limited number of facilities , some of which are
U.S. government owned but are operated by the private sector. For、 a11
fue 1 cyc 1e steps , except permanent di sposa 1 of hi gh-l eve 1 waste and
spent fuel , facilities have been designed and constructed.
1n the case of Chapter 9 - Nuclear 써 aste Di sposa 1. where specifi c
des i gn requi rements for‘ this element of the fuel cycle are not uni-
versally defined , an approach using a specific fac i1 ity for defining
the operation and design has been used thus providing some guidance to
the designer‘ s of future facilities.
Plate A i1 1ustrates the full fuel cycle for LWR. tr、 acing the flow of
fue 1 f rom mi ni ng to fi na 1 repos itory. Sheet 2 of Pl ate A depi cts tw。
possible flow paths , the first (on the left side) is ca11ed the "once
through fuel cycle ,“ which involves 00 reprocess;ng and is the most
prevalent today in the U.S. The second (on the right side) is called
Uranium-Only recycle fuel cycle , in which the fuel is reprocessed and
the fissionable mater‘ i a1 r‘ eused for fresh fuel assemblies.
Plate B denotes the principal design issues and criteria (in the
center bOx) that are involved in the various steps of the fuel cycle.
such as high-level waste repository , spent fuel (interim storage) ,
fuel fabrication , and others.
1. 2 Design Recommendations and Reference Documents
Thi s r、eport i ntends to provide gui dance to the engi neer practiti oner
and give direction on government regulations and industry codes and
standards. Notwithstandi ng the vari ed types of operati ons and the
functional differences between the fuel cycle facilities , many of the
design issues are similar. For example , natural phenomenal loads ,
such as earthquakes , tornadoes , floods , etc. , are to be considered for
equipment and structures important to safety. This situation is evi-
denced by the r、 epetition of the design references appearing in thìs
repor t. The Committee chose to repeat these common elements since it


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 나 393 ..



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from reprocess[ng 상

(펴n 햇 recy끊) 랬默
1 > Z?;;:h?§?ts


to reactor (continued on Sheet 2)

Fig. 1-1


(1 I lustrates the prlnc ple components of the fuel cyclel

Plate A -- Sheet 1


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COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers

Information Handling Services, 2000
- 0759600 0005 니나디 T
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Information Handling Services, 2000
COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers




,「 「

Typical ore contains
about 0.14% U308 ”

About 1/3 of fuel in reactor RISK ASSESSMENTS [):I


口닙 』『口디 口디。 £ ]』
Gaseous uranium hexa-
fluoride (UF6) is
produced from yel10w m
FUEL FABRICATION ENRICHMENT --- cake and .fluoride
Power ola r. t fuel oroduced Uranium hexafludride
enriched to 3% U-235

Fi.g. 1. 2

L‘ j
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075960 디 g 口口 S 니나 23 ..

was anticipated that ordinarily the designer‘ may be concerned with

。 n1y one facet of the fuel cycle.
1. 3 Government Regulations

Feder‘ al regulations describe certain requirements for the design ,

construction , and operation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. These
regulations are promulgated by government agencies including the
Department of Energy (DOE) , the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ,
and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The regulations of
these agencies have significant influence on the design , construction ,
and operation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. The Committee has
endeavor‘ ed to factor these provisions into its report.

1. 4 0esign Philosophy

Civ i1 and structural design activities in the many steps of the fuel
cycle cover a wide spectrum , ranging from retention ponds for the
mi 11 i ng phase to concrete shi el d cell s requi red to handl e i rradi ated
fuels and materials in the reprocessing phase.

Every operation in the nuclear fuel cycle. as well as the operation of

reactor‘ s themse 1ves , must be managed i n a way that will assure that
they do not release radioactivity in amounts and concentrations which
can pose a hazard to man and his environment.
A singular aspect of the entire nuclear fuel cycle is the attention
gi ven to safety concer‘ ns. Nuclear reactor power plants have histori-
cally r‘ eceived a detailed design review with regard to regulatory
requirements , safety concerns , and environment impact; while non-
reactor fuel cycle facilities have been subject to different r‘ eview
and approval steps. 써 ith time however. changes evolved; al1 fuel
cycle facilities are now receiving increased scrutiny. This approach
recogni zes that the objecti ve of the U.S. Department of Energy Manual
Chapter DOEM 0531 , Safety of Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities , is to
assure that there is protection of public safety , property , and the
1. 5 Closure
The user is advised to apply with discretion the design guidance pre-
sented i n th i s report. Many aspects of the nuc 1ear fue 1 cyc 1e are at
t i mes aff ected to va r‘ying degrees by technical , economic , political
and social factors. Since the applicab1e criteria are subject to pos-
sible revisions , the user is str、。 ngly urged to obtain the most recent
guidance available and also to keep in mind the statement made earlier
that much of the guidance is necessar‘ ily based on fi rst. or one-of-a-
kind designs , and hence requires considerable technical judgment as to
specific applicability.



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니나 35 . . 줬


2.1 포뾰르
Thi s chapter‘ brie f1 y r‘ eviews the mining and mi1 1ing o"f uranium ore.
Thi s chapter does not attempt to be comp 1ete i n breadth of coverage
nor in detail. Uranium mines and mi l1 s are a diverse group of facil-
ities , dependent on the ore body ’ s regional location , depth , and
mineralogy. They have diverse solutions to common requirements.
Additional facility descr‘ iptions and a compilation of design criteria ,
requir‘ ements , and guidance are contained in Appendix B of this report ,
along with references cited in this chapter.

2.2 Facility Description

2.2.1 Mines

Uranium is mined from both open pit and underground mînes. The number
。f ‘
mi nes i n the Un i ted States char ges from year to year but is in the
range of 300 to 400 mines.

About 60 to 75 percent (increasing in recent years) of the non-

communist countries ’ uranium production comes from outside the U.S.
[l , 2J. Other leading countries are Canada , South Africa , Namibia ,
Niger‘, Gabon , France and Austr、a1ia.

The ores are low i n u ran i um content , as i s the case with some othe r
metals of economic interest. Hence , the ore volumes to be mined , and
the milling and meta1 extr‘ action processes are analogous to those for
other metals. One difference in uran;um mines is the quantity of
rad; oact i ve radon gas , whi ch bri ngs a requir‘eπlent for more fresh ai r
ventilation. Groundwater inflo써 and hence the need for its drai nage
is usually a substantial problem , because many uranium ores worked to
date occur in a sandstone matrix , and sandstone is usual1y permeable
to groundwater.

τhe mine shaft may be concrete lined. The hoist headframe is a steel
structure. The underground geology and the tunnel support techniques
are important for mi ne stabi 1 ity and for radon gas and groundwater
contr‘ 0 1.

Transport of the ore to the mi l1 s ;s usua l1 y truck , rail or

conveyor be lt.

2.2.2 Mills

Urani um mi 11 s are used to extr‘ act urani um from the mi ned ores and tù
process it into a form usuable in the next step in the fuel cycle (see
Chapter 3). Uranium mil1s are fewer in number than the m;nes. In the
United States in January 1981 there were 22 conventional mills in
oper‘ ation and about eight others licensed but inact;ve or not yet into
operation. For economy in ore transport the mines and mi l1 must be
fai rly close. Hence a large ore deposit may be developed with its


~- .)
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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 딘 600 0005 나나니 7 ..

own mi 11. A primar‘ y siting requirement for the mll1 is the 1ocation
nearby of a suitab1e site for mill tailings disposal.

The mil1s ar.:~~:..a~ge steel frame ~truct~res , with capacities ranging

from 400 to 7000 tons of ore per ~ay. The structure is enclosed , and
the f100r is concrete for easy washdo써 n.

The uran;um is extracted and concentrated into “yellowcake" assaying

?0-90 ~~rcent U308 bl weight. The extraction eff1ciency from th~V
i s 90-98 percent. ~ The process is adapted to the uranium mi ne~al i ~~=
tíon , ore matrix , and impur‘ ities solub1e during leaching (see Refs.
4 to 11). The process genera11y has the fol1owing steps:

’ 1. size reduction ore crushing , sampling , storage in blending

bi ns , mi 11 i ng i n a rod mi 11 , ba 11 mi 11 or -cascade mi 11 :
Transport between steps is usually by conveyor belt;
2. wet leaching by an acid or alka1ine agent;

3. settling of the sand-size and fine solids , filtering and

clarification of the 1iquid;

4. product recovery from the liquid by some combination of ion

exchange using anion r、esin co1umns , organic solvent extrac-
tion , and chemical precipation , and

5. extraction , (?nd in some cases calcining) , and pack:'

aging of the yel10wcake precipitate.

The step~ with la_~ge mat~ria.l vo1ume are the crushing , milling and the
~t~p: , us!~g the first solution pha~.e -- the 1eaching~ sOlids-settling
and the first ion exchange step. The acid liquid , 강epleted of most of
the uranium solute , is recycled to the leaching step.

Details fr‘ om sever‘ al mills ar‘ e presented in Appendix B to illustrate

different design solutions to common requirements in different re-
gion~l. ~nvironments. Appen?;x B also summar;zes general requirements ,
regu 1at 1 ons , standa rds , and des 1gn cri teri a f。 r steps i n mi I 1 i rlg and
in tailings disposal.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 닥 600 디 oos 니나 5 9'"


3.1 프뾰트

Af ter‘ the urani um has been mi ned and separated from the bul k ore
through the milling process , the ‘’ yello_wc~ke." (uranium ox~:J e , U308). is
stil1 far from pure enough for use as fuel in reactors. The next-step
in the fuel cycle is a refining operation which converts the uranium
oxide (U308) to uranium hexafluoride (UF 6 ).

3.2 Descr‘ iption

3.2.1 Process Description

There are two genera 1 processes cur、 rently used in the United States
for convert i ~g u rani um.oxi de J U30S) to urani um hexa f1 uor; de (UF 6)' the
“ wet process" and the "hydrofl uõr‘ process."

3.2. 1. 1 싸 et Process
The most common process , wh;ch is called the "wet process" , employs
dissolution of the yellowcake in nitr‘ ic acid followed by purification
by solvent extraction and then by complete f1uorination to UF6' These
operations are shown in Fig. 3.1.
1n this process , the mill ships drums of yel10wcake to the convers;on
facility for processing. Continuous processing techniques have been
developed utilizing stir‘ red bed and moving bed reactors for the hydro-
gen reduction of uranium trioxide to uranium dioxide. Both sing1e-
stage and two-stage units are in service. Typical units are fabri-
cated from stainless steel , have an inside diameter‘ of 1 to 1-1/2 ft ,
and operate with a 4-1/2-foot bed depth at 550 0 C to yield 8.75 tons
U/day. The UO 'i is fed near the top , the bed is f1 uidized with nitro-
짧r강ngheh%짧뽑 ’g펴잃 §?§ #짧e무ZZdl짧ro:lat1 d;zz:‘3f않g ;짧1 tiRczg§S
rr‘etal fi1ters prior to discharge.

The hydrofluorination of uranium dioxide to uranium tetra f1 uoride is

accomp 1 i shed by cont i nuous process i ng techni que i n either sti rred bed
or stirred fluidized bed reactors.

The stirred bed reactors consist of hor、 izontal screw type reactors ap-
proximately 1.5 feet in diameter by 20 feet in length. Three of these
reactors are mounted above each other so that U0 2 whi ch i s screw fed
i nto the upper reactor i s moved through the reactor by a rotati n9
spi ra 1 ri bbon b1ade and then fa 11 s i nto the second and thi rd reactor
and then into a product hopper-conveyor. A countercurrent flow of 10%
excess of preheated anhydrous HF is fed at the discharge end of the
lower reactor‘ Reactor temper‘ atures are mai ntai ned from 290 0 C at the
oxi de feed to 540 0 C at the product outlet. The reactor off gases are
condensed , distilled , and r~cx_cl_ed to the process. A 95% UF 4 conver-
sion is achieved at rates of 10.5 tons U/day.


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’ ’‘
FROM 1.4’ LL






Fig. 3.1 Uranium Refining and Chemical Conversion


/ 、

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The stirred f1uidized bed reactor consists of two stages approximately

2.5 feet in diameter‘ with a 6-foot bed depth operati ng at 330 0 C and
500 0 C. respect i ve 1y. The off gases are fil tered through s i ntered
meta1 fi 1t ers. condensed , distilled. and recycled. This reactor ca-
pacity is 17 tons U/day at 95% conversion.

The fluorination of UF4 to UF 6 is _accomplished ;n either flame reac-

tors or fl ui di zed bed reactors. The fl ame reactors are constructed
。 f monel pipe and are 8 inches in diameter、 by 11 feet in 1ength. The
reactor‘ is mounted vertical1y and is fed with UF4 at the top. A
mechanica1 rotating disperser is provided at the inlet permitting the
fine powder to react with a concurrent flow of preheated f1 uorine as
it fa1ls in the reactor. Since the reaction is exother‘ mic , coo1ing of
the reactor wall is provided to maintain a wall temperature below
500 0 C. This is accomplished by steam co;ls which are welded to the
reactor exteri or. The reactor off gases are filtered through porous
sintered mone1 fi 1t ers , and the volat i1 e uranium hexafluoride is con-
densed in cold traps operating in series at -10 to -40 0 C. The cold
traps are cycled when full and heated to 90 0 C and 50 psig to permit
the draining of liquid UF 6 into 48-inch diameter cy1inder‘ s of 10- or
14-ton capacity. The cylinder contents are cooled to assure solidifi-
cation at subatmospheric pressure for stor‘ age and transport to enrich-
ment plant sites. The unreacted fluorine which exits the cold trap is
reacted with UF 4 in a f1uidized bed cleanup reactor. The unreacted
ash which is collected in the reactor outlet filter is pulverized and
refed to the fluorination reactor after blending with UF4. The flame
reactor has the capac;ty to fluor‘ inate 6.3 tons of U/day •.

3.2. 1. 2 Hydrofluor Process

In the al ternate hydrofl uor process , the yel10wcake is converted to

an impure UF4 pr~duct in two-stage fluidized bed hydr?fluor~natio~
reactor‘ s. The volatile off gases are filtered through sintered monel
fí1ters , condensed , and distilled for HF recovery.
Fluidized bed fluorination reactors are utilized to f1 uorinate UF I1
which has been pr、 oduced by the dry hydr、ofluor process previouslý
discussed. These reactors are constructed of monel , are 4 feet in
diameter‘, and operate at 500 0 C to fluorinate 12 tons of U/day to UF6'
A bed of inert materia1 such as ca1cium fluoride is maintained as the
heat transfer medi um. The bed materi al i 5 removed conti nuous1y to
eliminate sodium fluoride impurities and to prevent buildup of uranium
r、 adioactive daughter pr‘ oducts.

The uranium hexafluoride product from this process contains impurities

such as the volatile fluorides and oxyfluor、 ide of molybdenum and vana-
dium. These impur‘ ities are removed in a distillation ùperation at
100 0 C and 90 psig , and the UF 6 product is condensed in .a cold trap
system as described for the fläme reactor. The uranium is recovered
from the high and 10w boi1ing fractions by wet processing methods.

Fl uori ne used for the urani um hexafl uori de product i s produced on

site by the electrolysis of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid from a molten


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 나니& 나 ..

electrolyte of potassium bifluoride. A typical electr‘ olytic flourine

cel1 operates on D.C. current at 6 , 000 amperes and 9 volts producing 8
lbs. of fluorine per hour at 0.2 psia pressure. The electrolyte HF
concentration is maintained at 42% by continuously feeding HF vapor‘
below the electrolyte surface. Carbon anodes (2x8x20 inches) and
steel cathodes are assembled in a monel tank which is provided with
rec i rcu 1ated tempe red wate r coo 1 ; ng tubes and j acket to mai nta i n an
electrolyte temperature of 210 o F. The hydrogen and fluorine gas
streams are passed through filters to remove entrained electrolyte and
then through refr、 i gerated condenser、s to recover the HF which is re-
used. The resulting fluorine product containing approximately 2% HF
is then compressed and distributed to the fluor‘ i nat i on reactors. The
hydrogen is either scrubbed with caustic solution and vented to the
atmosphere or util ized as a reducing atmosphere in the U03 reduction
3.2.2 Facil ity Descr‘ iption General
For illustrative purposes a ’‘ wet process" solvent extraction plant is
described in this section which was designed to produce 4 , 500 metric
tons of UF Iî annually with provisions for doubling the output. The
plant consists of a main process buildin_g where U308 is rece1ved ,
assayed , processed to UF 6 • and packaged for. shipment.- The solvent
extraction portion of the process is done ;n a separate building.
Administration offices and maintenance shops are located in the
process building. Support facilities located away from the process
building include a cooling tower. chemical tank farm , boiler , diesel
fuel. sto!, age ~a~k , sub~tation. and a settling basin. Del;ver of U308
to the plant is by truck. Process Building
The process building is a steel frame structure with insulated metal
siding and a metal deck with built-up roofing. Floor slabs are rein-
forced concrete. Conveyor‘ s , elevators , and piping are used in various
stages of the process. Pipe bridges support the process piping and
chemical feed piping between the process building and the support
facilities. Solvent Extraction Building

This structure ìs of the same construction as the process building.
The building contains the solvent extraction and evaporation equipment
used in the process. Support Structures
Support structures include the pipe br‘ idges between the process
building , solvent extraction building and the tank farm. A reinforced
concr‘ ete structure suppor‘ ts a mechani ca1 draft coo1 i ng tower and pump
basin. The water supply pretreatment plant and clear well are rein-
forced concrete structures. Separation of heating and ventilation
systems for the adminìstration and process areas is provided.

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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니나연 6 . . Transportation

The UF h is shipped in a solid state in metal containers each weighing

betweeñ 10 and 14 tons. The containers are approximately 12 feet 10ng
and 4 feet in diameter. Truck is the normal means of transportation
and two containers are a normal load. After arrival at the enrichment
plant the containers are warmed in order to flash-off the UF 6 in a
gaseous state.

3.3 General Requirements

3.3.1 General Safety
The Uranium Conversion Facility must be operated without undue risk to
ethe health and safety of the public and plant per‘ sonnel. Protection
of the pr、。 perty and the envi ronment must a 1so be provi ded. Systems
necessary to achieve these safety goals are considered important to
s a f ety • The prepa rat i on of the Pr‘ eliminary and Final Safety Analysis
Reports (SAR) is required to document that the design and construction
of the facility meets all safety criteria.

1n design of the facilities , those systems , components , and structures

whose fa i1 ure might cause the release of hazardous or radioactive
materials in excess of the design basis quantities , shall meet the
requirements listed below: Provide redundancy and diversity. Minimize the likelihood of common cause failures of
redundant elements in protection facilities. Provide employee protection fr‘ om hazards which could

affect their performance of safety related actions.

Facilities impor‘ tant to safety shall be desi gned to withstand the

effect of environmental conditions , emergency support requirements ,
continuity of safety functions , and necessary protection functions.
3.3.2 Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance program applies to all activities which can
impact performance , including establishments of design Cl‘ iteri a ,
design , development , manufacturing , construction , operation , and
maintenance. The objective is to assure that the facilities perform
as i ntended.
3.3.3 Natural Phenomena Risks

The plant fac i1 ities are designed to withstand wind loads , seismic
excitations and flood conditions. Potential consequences of these
events on the prescribed safety systems and the public are considered
in the facility design.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니 502 . .

3.3.4 Environmental Protection

The facilities are designed to prevent the accidental significant

release of hazardous materials , and to minimize the adverse effects in
the event that a release does occur.

Design of land impr‘ ovements shall minimize erosion and provide sedi-
ment cont ro 1 •

3.3.5 Fire Protection

The fac i1 ities are designed for the prevention and mitigation of fire

3.3.6 0econtamination and Decommissioning

These facilities are designed to fac i1 itate decontamination of struc-

tures and equipment in the event of accidental releases of radioactive
mater‘ ials or in the event of major modifications to those facilities.
The des i gn shou 1d mi ni mi ze the quant ity of radi oact i ve wastes and
contaminated equipment , and facilitate the removal of radioactive
wastes at the time the facilities are permanently decommissioned.

3.4 Codes , Standards , Procedures and References

3.4.1 General

The codes standards , procedures , and references listed govern the

design of a Conversion Facility and are general1y those used in
conventional design.

3.4.2 National Codes and Standard5 of the following organizations:

A. American Concrete Institute (ACI)

ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete"

ACI 315 "Manual of Standard Pr‘ actice for Detailing Reinforced
Concrete Structures
ACI 531 "Concrete Masonry Structures - Design and Construction

B. American Instute of Steel Construction (AISC)

AISC ‘’ Specification for the Design , Fabrication and Erection of

Str‘ uctural Steel for Buildings"
AISC "Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A4 90 Bolts"
AISC "Manual of Steel Constr‘ uction"

C. Am erican Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)

AISI "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel

Str‘ uctural Members"


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 나 51 니 ..


O. Am erican National Standards Institute , lnc. (ANSI)

ANSI A58.1 "Bu i1 ding Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads
in Bu i1 dings and Ot her Structures"
ANSI B31.1 "Power、 Piping"
E. Am erican 씨elding Society (AWS)
AWS Dl.l "Structural 써 elding Code"
A씨 S 01.4 "Structural 써 elding Code - Reinforcing Steel 11

F. Am erican 써 ater 써 orks Association (A씨써A)

A써싸A Mll "Steel Pipe Design and Installatìon"

A써써A C200 "Standard Water Pipe 6 Inches and Larger"
AW써A C301 "Standard for Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pi pe , Steel
Cylinder Type for 써 ater and Other Liquid ’‘
A싸써A 0100 "Standard for 써elded Steel Tanks for‘ 싸 ater
G. American Society for Testing Mater‘ i a1s (ASTM)
H. International Conference of Building Officials , Uniform Builαing
Code and Standard (UBC)
1. National Fire Protectíon Association (NFPA)
J. Other Codes and Standards
NCMA "Specification for the Oesign and Construction of Load-
bearing Concrete Masonr‘y"
CMAA "Spec ification for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes"
API 620 "Recommended Rules for Oesign and Construction of Lar‘ ge
써 e 1ded Low-Pressu re Storage Tanks"

API 650 "써 e1ded Steel Tanks for Oi1 Storage"

AASHTO "Geomet ri c Oes i gn Standards for Hi ghways other than
Freeway ’‘
AASHTO "Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures ll
AREA ‘’ Manual of Recommended Pr、 actice" Vo1. 1 and 11
OSHA "0ccupational Safety and Health Standards" Ti tle 29 - Labor ,
Par‘ ts 15 and 19
3.4.3 Code of Federal Regu1ations (CFR)
Atomi c Energy Aζt of 1954
Title of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974
The National Envir‘ onmental Policy Act of 1969


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 口 7596 口 o 0005 나 526 . .

Federal 써ater Pollution Contro1 Act

10CFR20 - "Standards for Protection Against Radiation ll
10CFR50 - "Li censing of Production and Utilization Facilities"
lOCFR51 - "licensing and Regu1atory Policy and Procedures for Environ-
menta1 Protection"
10CFR73 - "Physical Pr‘。tection of P1ants and Mater、 i a1 s 11
lOCFR711 - "Guideline for Environmenta1 Review ‘’
3.5 0esi gn Criter‘ ia

3.5.1 Site 씨。 rk

Design. criteria for earth work inv。 1ving cut , fi11 , COIRpact1on ,
trenching , etc. , are based on the site geológical investigatio~

3.5.2 Storm Conditions

Rainfall intensity and stor‘ m duration time are determined from the
site spec}fic meteor‘ 010gica1 records. A 50 year mean recurrence
inter‘ va1 (or other interval as appropriate) is used to deter‘ mi ne the
íntens 후ty and duration for the design of drainage works.

3.5.3 Flood Conditions

All the facilities are designed to withstand a f100d condition. A

design basis flood is defined by a site specific study to withstand a
100 year flood (or other interval as appropriate).
3.5.4 Design Loads

Al1 facilities are designed to withstand the following 1oads: Dead Loads

D닫 ad 1oads i nc1 ude the wei ght of a11 permanent construct1on , parti -
tions , and building services and utilities that are fixed in pósition. Equi pment Loads

Equipment 1oads fnc1ude the we1ght and the dYnaInic 1oads geneFated by
the operation of the equipment. Li ve Loads

The 1i ve loads 퍼 c1ude unìformly distributed occupancy loads , moving

vehicles , traveling cr‘ anes , and other moving equipment as well as
loads due to snow , ice , rain , earth and hy dÍ' osta t1 c pressure. The
minimum value of live loads are those defined in ANSI A58.1. The live
10ad arrangement which results in the highest stresses in the sup-
porting members are used in the design.


COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers

Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 나 53 8 .. 1mpact and Fatigue Loads

The impact and fatigue loads of operating equ;pment are defined in ac-
cordance with AISC specifi cat i ons for stee 1 structures. lmpact loads
on concrete shall be considered in accordance with ACI specifications. 써i nd Loads

써ind loads are dete rmi ned by a s ite meteoro 1 og; ca 1 i nvest i gat i on or
are defi ned by the requi rements of ANSI A58.1 , with appropriate ter‘-
rain classification. A 100 yeal‘ mean recurrence interval is general1y
used to select the design basis wind load. Computations of wind pres-
sure are in accor‘ dance with ANSI A58.1. Tornado Loads

Tornado criteria are not applicable to the convers;on facilities.
However , the FSAR requires that the facility must be analyzed to
determine the risk to the public from such events. Snow Loads

A basic sno써 load i s defi ned by the requ; rements of ANSl Standard
A58.1 is generally used for design. The snow load coefficients and
variation with slope of the surface are in accordance with ANSI A58.1. Seismic Loads

Seismic design is normally in accordance with UBC Zone for the site
equivalent loading criteria. Basic requirement is in accordance with
commercial facility (chemical plant) for industrial use. The FSAR
requires a facility seismic analysis to assess the effect on safety
systems (i f any) and r‘ isk to the public. L 。 ading Combinations

Loading combinations are in accordance with ACI , AlSC , UBC , ANSI ,
etc. , codes , as appropr‘ iate.
3.5.5 Allowable Str‘ esses
The allowable stresses of AISC specifications apply for steel struc-
tures. Similarly , ACI Code applies for concrete structures. ln the
event of an earthquake , the str‘ ucture is a110wed to exceed yi e1 d
stress level and the structur‘ a1 system is designed to within the
al1owab1e ductility ratio selected.



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07596 口口 0005 나 5 나 T "


4.1 효뾰르

Uran;um enrichment p1ants operating in the United States and foreign

countries use two proven processes. They are the gaseous diffusion
and the gas centrifuge process. In the United States , gaseous dif-
fusion p1ants provided the first production scale uranium enrichment
serv;ces. Since then. a pr‘。ven gas centrifuge process has warranted
the construction of this type of p1ant. A significant difference
between these two processes ;s the;r energy requirements. The gas
centrifuge p1ant uses on1y 5% of the e1ectric power as compared to a
gaseous diffusion p1ant of similar capacity. Even with the recent
improvements in many operations of gaseous diffusion technology , it
cannot compete with the gas centrifuge ;n the aspect of energy con-
sumpti on for the immedi ate future. However. other advanced i sotope
separation systems are under development. A leading contender is the
advanced laser isotope separ‘ ation process*. This chapter concentrates
。 n the design and construction of uranium enrichment p1ants using the
gas centrifuge process.
An uranium enrichment p1ant is a comp1ex of many facilities. It in-
c1udes Process Bui1dings , a Centra1 Contro1 BUi1ding , a Feed and 씨 ith­
drawal Building. Maintenance Fac i1 ities. an Administration Building.
process and p1ant support faci1ities , and p1ant utilities.
The Process Bui 1dings and Feed and 써 ithdrawal Bu i1 ding are the vital
center of the p1ant. The Process Buildings house the centrifuges
which produce isotopica11y enriched Uranium hexaf1uoride , UF h , from
UFζ of natura1 assay. The enriched UFζ contains a nominal 3% U-235
;sòtope content for various nuc1ear fuel -app1ications.
The enri chment process. usi ng either‘ centrifuges or diffuser‘ s , is a
phys i ca 1 method whi ch separates U-238 ; sotope from U-235 i sotope by
their mass differential. Since the mass differentia1 is smal1 , on1y a
small fract;on of the ~F.6 gas. ;s proc:ssed by one unit of. e~~ipmen t.
Therefore. i n a product iõn p 1ant , a 1arge number of centri fuges or
diffusers ;s required to achieve the desired enrichment level. Large
scale support faci1;ties are also requ;red.

The Feed and 써 ithdrawal Building accommodates the equipmentto provide

feed of UF F. and to withdraw the i sotop;ca 11y enriched UF h' and iso-
topically áepleted ‘ UF 6 .. There are extensive process p;pìng systems
running between this and the Process Buildings.

* During the period of preparation of this document , the United States opted to
stop the construction of the centrifuge enrichment plant. The United States
plans are to support the deve10pment and demonstration of the advanced laser
isotope separation pr‘。 cess and plan configuration. Since the gas centrifuge
process plant confìguration has been proven in a fu11-scale demonstration
p1ant , it is the process described here.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니 55 1 ..

4.2 Description
4.2.1 General
For illustrative purposes. a large scale Gas Centrifuge Enrichment
Plant (GCEP). is described in this section. 써 ith the exception of
process equipment. a Gaseous Diffusion Plant has similar facilities.
The GCEP occupies approximately 200 acres of land. (써 hen fu lly oper-
able , the plant can enriζh enough uranium to fuel 88 one thousand Mwe
nuc1ear power plants. It consists of a number of Process Buildings ,
each Process Building with a total floor area of 475 , 000 square feet.)
A1so included are transfer corridors and process support buildings; a
RecyclejAssembly Bui 1ding; a Feed and 써 ithdrawal Bu i1 ding; a Coo1ing
Tower with Pumphouse and Air Plant; a Maintenance , Storage and Train-
ing Bui lding; a 싸 arehouse; a Central Control Building. a Fire Station
and a Guard Building; and Portal Buildings. Utility systems , rail-
roads. roads and security fencing are also required. An Administra-
tion Bui 1ding on the site ;s shared with other operatìons of nearby
Plant support facilities such as laboratories; laundry; Sanitary
Sewage Plant; Sanitary 써 ater Plant; etc •• are also required.
Power consumption is estimated to be about 135 Mw.
4.2.2 Process Buildinqs
A number of Process Bui1dings are required to contain the gas centri-
fuge machines. They are constructed with steel frames , insulated
meta1 siding. metal deck with built-up roof. and reinforced concrete
slabs and foundations. Each building has the same layout which con-
si sts of crane bays containing service modules , centrifuge machines ,
stat ionary equi pment and other faci 1iti es necessary for machine oper-
ation 써 ith adjoining process support buildings.
Many centrifuge unit cascades operate in paral1el in the Process
bu i1 dings. Individua1 centrifuges within a cascade are connected
to service modules that contain process and service piping , fire pro-
tection equipment , individual electrica1 drive packages , individual
instrument packages , electrical control panels , ventilation ductwork ,
electrical and ;nstrument cable trays and wiring. Each cascade , in
turn. i s connected by process headers i nto the overa 11 process gas
system. The UF r; feed for each process unit is vaporized at the Feed
and 써 ithdrawal ~uilding and piped through feed headers to the centri-
fuges. Product and tails from the Process Building are transferred
through headers to the Feed and 써 ithdrawa1 Bui1ding.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니 56 3 . .

4.2.3 Process Support Buildings

τhe process support buildings contain the staging and storage
facilities ‘ change room. control room. assay instrumentation room.
operations offices. etc. The type of construction of these buildings
is similar to the Process Buildings.
4.2.4 The RecyclejAssembly Buildinq
The RecyclejAssembly Building is a multilevel building containing
assembly and disassembly areas for new centrifuges from vendor-
supplied subassemblies , and for refurbishing damaged or wrecked
centrifuge machines r‘ emoved from the Process Buildings.
Assembly-specific facilities include those for receipt and storage
。f subassemblies. assembly. inspection , and testing of completed
machines. These facilities are also used to rebuild machines.
Ma 1f unct ioned centrifuges are removed from the Process Bu i1 dings and
disassembled in this building. Components are decontaminated to pro-
tect personnel from radiation exposure; then inspected. repaired , and
transferred to storage or to the assembly stations for reuse. Defec-
tive parts are decontaminated and processed for subsequent disposal.
Extensive crane systems are provided to accomnodate the assemble.
disassemble , inspect , test. and repair operatìons. An office , change
house , maintenance area , canteen and an electronic data processing
center are also provided.
The building covers an area of 600 ‘ x 740'. The center high bay area
has a cei 1i ng hei ght of 145 ’ The surγounding low bay area has a
height that varies from 20' to 32'. It is a steel frame building with
insulated metal siding , metal deck with concrete floor. metal deck
with build-up roof and reinforced concrete floor slab and foundations.
4.2.5 Feed and 써 ithdrawal Building
The Feed and 씨 ithdrawal Building houses a process piping system that
distr‘ ibutes the UF ", feed. and collects isotopically enriched UF ", and
tails. The type of construction of this building is the same as the
Process Buildings.
4.2.6 5upport Buildinqs
The support buildings and utilities include the Central Control
Building , Pumphouse , etc. The design and construction of these
buildings are similar to the Feed and 써 ithdrawal Bui1ding.
4.3 General ReQuirements
4.3.1 General Safety
An Uranium Enr‘ ichment Facility must be operated without undue risk to
the health and safety of the public and plant personnel. Protection



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니 57 5 ..

of the property and the environment must al so be provided. Systems

necessary to achieve these safety goals are identified in the Pr‘ elimi-
nary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR). The preparation of the Final
Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) is required to document that the design
and construction of the facility meets all safety needs ideAtified in
the PSAR.
In design of the facil ities. the failur‘ e of whi ch mi ght cause the
re lease of hazardous or radioactive mater‘ ials in excess of the design
basis quantities. the requirements listed must be fulfilled:
A. Provide redundancy and diversity of safety systems.
B. Minimize the likelihood of common cause failures of redundant
elements in protection facilities.
C. Provide employee protection from hazards which could affect
their performance of safety-related actions.
Faci lities important to safety shall be designed to withstand the
effect of environmental conditions , and to provide emergency support
requirements. continuity of safety functions , and necessary protection
4.3.2 Nuclear Safety
The basic criticality safety parameters which must be considered for

Uranium Enrich nent Facilities are those characteristic of uran;um
enriched to 5%.~235 enrichmen t. The_ de~ig r:t,. cons~ruct;on.and ?per~­
tion must providë-ãn acceptable level of r‘ ;sk against equipment mal-
function and operator errors which could result in nuclear criticality
The critical ity safety parameters normally used to ensure the safety
。f equipment and operations are geometry. mass. concentration. compo-
sition. reflection. interaction. enr‘ ichment and neutron absorbers.
Facilities involving enriched uranium require criticality safety
analysis prior to installation , construction , or operation. Formal
criticality safety approvals (CSA) must be issued prior to processing
。f uranium. Strict compliance with the CSA's are enforced and opera-
tional or design changes must be preceded by revisions to the critical
safety analysis and approved.
4.3.3 Qualitv Assurance
The Quality Assurance program applies to all activities which can
impact performance , including establishment of design criteria ,
design. development. manufacturing. construction , operation , and
maintenance. The objective is to assure that the facilities perform
as intended.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 나 58 7 . .

4.3.4 Natural Phenomena Risks

The plant facilities are designed to withstand wind loads. tornado
loads , seismic excitations and flood conditions.
4.3.5 Envi r‘ onmental Protection

The facilities are designed to prevent the accidental significant

release of hazardous materials , and to minimize the adverse effects in
the event that a release does OCCUY‘ Land improvements are designed
to minimize erosion and provide sediment control.

4.3.6 Fire Pr‘。 tection

The facilities are designed for the prevention and mitigation of fire
4.3.7 Decontamination and Decommissioning

These facilities are designed to facilitate decontamination of struc-

tures and equipment in the event of accidental releases of radioactive
mater‘ ials or in the event of major modifications to those facilities.
The design should minimize the quantity of radioactive wastes and con-
taminated equipment , and facilitate the removal of radioactive wastes
at the time the facilities are permanently decommissioned.
4.4 Codes. Standards , Procedures and References
4.4.1 General
The codes , standards , procedures , and references listed govern the
desi gn of an Enrichment Faci 1ity and are generally those used in
conventional design.
4.4.2 National Codes and Standard~ of the following organizations:
A. American Concrete Institute (ACI)
ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete"
ACI 315 "Manual of Standard Pract1ce for Detailing Reinforced
Concrete Structures"
ACI 531 "Concrete Masonry Structures - Design and Construction
B. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
AISC "Specificat1on for the Design. Fabr‘ ication and Erection of
Structural Steel for Buildings"
AISC "Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A4 90 Bolts"
AISC I‘ Manual of Steel Construction"


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니 599 ..

C. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)

AISI "S pec ification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel
Structural Members"
D. American National Standards Institute , Inc. (ANSI)
ANSI A58.1 "Bui]ding Code Requirements for Minimum Oesign loads
in Buildings and Other Structures ll
ANSI NI01.6 "Concrete Radiation Shields"
ANSI B3 1. 1 "Power‘ Piping"
ANSIjNFPA 8 1 "Recorrmended Fire Protection Practices for Facili-
ties Handling Radioactive Materials ll
E. American 써 ater 씨orks Association
A써써A Mll "Steel Pipe Design and Installation"
A써씨 A C200 "Standard 써 ater Pipe 6 Inches and Larger"
A써써A C301 "Standard for Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe. Steel
Cylinder Type for 씨ater and Other liquid"
AW써A 0100 "Standard for 써 e1ded Steel Tanks for 써ater
F. American 써elding Society (A싸S)

A씨S 01.1 "Structura1 냉e1ding Code ’l

A써S 01.4 "Structura1 써eldíng Code - Reinforcing Steel ll
G. Amerìcan Society for Testing 에aterials (ASTM)
H. International Conference of Bui1ding Off;c;als , Uniform BU;lding
Code and Standard (UBC)
1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
J. Other Codes and Standards
NCMA "S pec ification for the Design and Construction of Load-
bearing Concrete Masonry"
CMAA "S pec ification for E1ectric Overhead Traveling Cranes
API 620 "Recorrmended Rules for Design and Construction of Large
써elded Low-Pressure Storage Tanks"
API 650 ’‘써elded Steel Tanks for Oi1 Storage"
AASHTO "Geometric Design Standards for Highways othel'‘ than
AASHTO "Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures"
AREA "Manual of Recommended Practice" Vol. 1 and II



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07596 口디 0005 니 605 ..

OSHA "~cc~pa~~onal. ~~fety and Hea 1t h Standards" Title 29 - Labor ,

Parts 15 and 19
4.4.3 Depa~tment of Enerqy Manual
DOEM Chapter and Appendix 0505 , "Construction Safety Program"
OOEM Cryapter and Appendix 0510. "Prevention Control and Abatement of
Air and 써 ater Pollut10n"
DOEM Chapter and Appendix 0511 , "Radioactive Waste Management ll
DOEH Chapter and Appendix O513 , ” Eff1tlent and Envir。 nmenta1 Mon1t 。 ring
and Reporting"
OOEM Chapter and Appendix 0524 , "Standards of Radiation Protection ll
DOEM Chapter and Appendix 0530. "Nuclear Criticality Safety"
OOEM Chapter 0531 , "5afety of Nonreactor Nuclear Facil1ties"
DOEM Chapter and Appendix 0545 , "Nuclear Accident Oosimetry Program U
DOEM Chapter and Append1x 0550 , "0perational Safety Standards ll
DOEM Chapter and Appendix 0552 , "Industr‘ ial Fire Protection"
DOEM Chapter 0800 , ’'Cost Control Principles and Techniques U
DOEM Chapter 0820 , "Quality Assurance"
DOEM Chapter and Appendix 2401 , "Physical Protection of Classified
에 atter and Informat 10n"

OOEM ~hap~e~ andAppendix 2405 , "Physical Protectlon of Unclassified

Special Nuclear Materlals"
OOEM Chapter and Appendix 2406 , "Physical Protectlon of DOE Propertyll
DOEM ~hapter and Appendix 6101 , "Management and Admlnistratlon of the
Construction Program"
DOEM Chapter 6202 , "Site Selectlon"
OOEM Chapter 6203 , "Site Development"
OOEM Chapter 6301 , "General Design Criteria"
DOEM Chapter and Appendix 7401 , "Safeguards , Control and Maintenance
of Nuclear Materials".
4.4.4 C 。 de of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Atomic Energy Act of 1954
Title of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
Federal 써 ater Pollution Control Act
lO CFR20 - "Standards for Protection Against Radiation ll
lO CFR50 - "licensing of Production and Ut i1 ization Facilities ll


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니 61 7 ..

10CFR51 - "Licensing and Regulatory Policy and Procedures for Environ-

mental Protection"
lO CFR73 - "Physical Protection of Plants and Materials 11

4.4.5 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guides

R.G. 1. 60. "0es ign Response Spectra for Seismic Oesign of Nuclear
Power Plants"
R.G. 1. 61 , "0amp ing Values for Seismic Oesign of Nuclear Power Plants"
R.G. 1. 92 , "Combining Modal Response and Spatial Components in Seismic
Response Analysis"
R.G. 1. 22 , "Oevelopment of Floor Oesign Response $pectra for $eismic
Oesign of Floor Support Equipment or Components ll
R.G. 3.25 , IIStandard Format and Content of Safety Ana1ysis Report for
Uranium Enrichment Facilities ll
R.G. 4.9 , "Prepar‘ ation of Environmental Reports for Commercia1 Uranium
Enrichment Facilities ‘

4.4.6 Plant Specific Enqineering Procedures. Oak Ridqe Operations

Office , OOE
A number of specific plant procedures were issued for the design of
the GCEP facility. As appropriate they reflected the guidance
presented in Section 4.4.
4.4.7 Local Codes and Ordinances
4.4.8 Site Specific Reports
Site Geological Investigation Report
4.5 Desiqn Criteria
4.5.1 General
The fo 110wing design criteria 써ere used for the design of the GCEP
4.5.2 Site Work
Design criteria for earth work involving cut , f111. compaction ,
trenching , etc. , are based on the site geological investigation
4.5.3 Storm Conditions
Ra infa 11 intens ity and storm duration time are determined from the
site specific meteorological records. A 10-year mean recurrence
interval was used to determine the intensity and durat10n for the
design of drainage works.


‘ /

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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 닥 600 0005 나 629 ..

4.5.4 Flood Condition

A sfte specific study was perfmTIEd to 1nsure that the faci11ty wou1d
not be sUbjected to flood.
4.5.5 0esiqn Loads

All facilities are designed to withstand the fol1owing loads:

A. 0ead Loads

Dead Mads inchjde the weight 。 f a11 permanent construction , part1-

tions. and building services and utilities that are fixed in position.
B. Equiprnent Loads

E~uiprnent loads include the weight and the dynarnic loads generated by
the operation of the equiprnent.
C. Live Loads

The live loads include uniforrnly distributed occupancy loads , moving

vehicles , traveling cranes , and other rnoving eqúiprnemt as we l1 as
loads due to snow , ice , rain , earth and hydrostd t1 c pressure. The
rninirnurn value of live loads are those defined in ANSI A58.1. The live
loa~. arran~ernent which results in the highest stresses in the sup-
porting rnernbers are used in the design.
O.rnpact and Fatique Loads

The irnpact and fatigue loads of operating equiprnent are defined in

accordance with AISC _ ~pecifications for steel structures. Irnpact
loads on concrete shall be considered in accordance with ACI speci-
E. 써 ind Loads

써 ind loads are deterrnined by a site rneteorological investigation or

are de~ine~ _~Y the requirernents of ANSI A58.1. - with appropr1ate ter-
rain classification. A 100-year rnean recurrence interval' is used to
select the design basis wind load. Cornputations of wind þressure are
in accordance with ANSI A58.1.
F. Tornado Loads

Tornado wind loads are deter‘ rnined by a site specific study or defined
by the wind requirernents of ANSI A58.1. Tornado loads are considered
in the design of safety related and/or essential facilities. Tornad。
rnissile criteria are not applicable to the enrichrnent facilities.
G. Snow Loads

A basic snow load as defined by the requirernents of the UBC 써 ith 100-
year mean recurrence interval is used for design. The snow load


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Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 면 bOO 0005 셔 b3 0 ..

coefficients and variation with slope of the surface are in accordance

wi th ANS 1 A58. 1.
H. Seismic Loads
A11 seismic design requir‘ ements inc1uding design philosophy and seis-
mic parameters are given in GCEP seismic design criteria , ORO-EP-120.
The key features of this procedure are described ;n the following
The faci1ities are classified in four c1asses according to their im-
portance to plant operation and safety. The potential health hazards
and monetary losses resulting from the failure of the structure. sys-
tem and component due to a seismic event are used as the standards of
c1assification. The four c1asses are:
C1ass 1: (1) No persona1 injury , or (2) total 10ss is less
than $5 , 000.
Class II: (1) Minor injury or occupational illness. or (2)
total 10ss is between $5 , 000 and $500 , 000.
C1ass 111: (1) Major injury or occupationa1 illness , or (2)
tota1 10ss is between $500 , 000 and $5 ,000 ,000.
Class IV: (1) Mu1tip1e , major injuries or occupationa1 i11-
nesses or fata1ity , or (2) total 10ss greater than
$5 , 000 , 000.
Class 1 and II facilities were designed for UBC Zone 1 loads using
static analysis methods. C1ass III and IV facilities were designed
for both the operating and the maximum earthquakes using the response
spectrum method. There are four types of seismic excitation recom-
mended for response loads:
UBC Zone 1 equiva1ent static loads;
Operating Earthquake - an earthquake whose horizonta1 peak ground
acceleration has a 50% probability of being exceeded in 50 years.
Max imum Earthquake - an earthquake whose horizonta 1 peak ground
acceleration has a 5% probability of being exceeded in 50 years.
Long Duration Operating Earthquake - A supplemental earthquake
for the design of select equipment.
I. Loading Combinations
Load ing Cαnbinations are in accordance with ACI , AISC. ANSI , etc. ,
4.5.6 Allowable Stresses
The allowable stresses of AISC specifications app1y for steel struc-
tures. Similarly , ACI Code applies for concrete structures. In the


COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers
Information Handling Services, 2000
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 단 600 0005 나』나 2 ..

event of a maximum earthquake , the structure is allowed to exceed

y~~ld s~ress leyel and the structural system is designed to within the
al10wable ductility ratio selected.



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5.1 프뾰g

This chapter addresses criteria applicable to the design of nuclear

fuel fabrication facilities. The exact criteria which wil1 apply to a
given facility is influenced greatly by whether the fac i1 ity will
process uranium only or will process as well plutonium or plutonium-
bearing materials. This chapter is prepared on the assumption that
plutonium will be involved in the fabr‘ ication process at some point.
In applying these criteria it should be noted that there are signi-
ficant differences bet써een nuclear fue 1 stored and used in a nuclear
power plant as compared to the actual fabrication of that fuel. 1n
a power p 1ant , the fue 1 i s a lways i n one form , 1. e •• a comp 1eted
assembly , either‘ fresh , i n the reactor produci ng heat energy or as
spent fuel , awaiting shipment. In a fabrication plant. the fuel
exists in many forms and phases as it is assembled into useful fuel
5.2 0escription of Nuclear Fuel Fabrication
5.2.1 General
In a uranìum nuclear fuel fabrication facil ity , the "or iginal fuel ’l
is made by ~onverting UF 6 to uranium dioxide (U0 2 )! [ it into
a suitable form such as -pellets , sintered. encapsulated in metallic
tubes , and assembling these into fuel elements or subassemblies. The
subassemblies are then shipped for use in the nuclear power plant to
produce electrical energy.
It is at thìs step of the nuclear fuel cycle in which PuO? , recovered
from spent nuclear fuel , would be introduced into the uraninum fuel
cycle by blending it with uranium dioxide to form !l mixed-oxide" (MOX)
fuels. 써 hen fabricating mixed-oxide fuels , (or any form of plutonium
fuel processing) the radiotoxicity of plutonium requires that the
fabrication processes be carried out in closed handling systems that
isolate the plutonium dioxide and mixed oxide mater‘ ials from the plant
until the pellets are sealed ìn the fuel tubes. Oepending upon the
purity of the plutonium recycled , shielding may also be required t。
reduce the radiation field. All related operations are similarly
affected , such as scrap-recovery , which wil1 require specia: handling.
5.2.2 Facility Description
General design criteria for extreme loads such as earthquakes , tor-
nadoes. floods , etc. , for a fuel fabrication facility are. ;n many
areas. quite similar to those used in the design of a nuclear power
P1an t.

Facilities designed to fabricate plutonium into mixed oxide fuels

require greater siting considerat1o~ for three reasons! (1) pTutonium
is much more toxic than enriched uranium and consequently similar‘


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 덕 600 0005 니 666 . .

releases to the environment are more serious; (2) the potential threat
or diversion of plutoniurn for‘ use in weapons by international or do-
rnestic terrorists; and (3) the ernotional manner in which sorne individ-
uals view the plutoniurn problern.
In fact , genera 1 desi gn cr‘ iteria for extrerne loads. such as earth-
quakes , tornadoes. floods , etc. , are quite sirnilar for both the fabri-
cation facility and the power pìant -- for equiprnent and structures
irnportant to safety.
These forces rnay lead to siting in rnore rernote areas (to rninirnize
population exposure) or in cornbination with fuel reþrocessing plants
(to rninirnize the threat of plutoniurn theft 써 hile it is in a for‘ rn rnore
suitable for weapons use). It is probable there will be sîgnificant
public involvernent in siting any proposed rnixed oxide fuel fabrication
faci 1ity.
5.3 General Requirernents
5.3.1 General Safetv
Many structural features of a nuclear fuel fabrication facility rnust
rernain functional , even during and after the Design Basis Earthquake
(DBE) , in order to prevent uncontrolled release of special nuclear
rnater‘ ials. A critical step in establishing specific structural design
requirernents is the classification of structures. cornponents , and sys-
terns according to the irnportance of their role in providing such con-
tainrnent of special nuclear materials.* Structural loading , loading
combinations , and construction of critical safety and fire protection
features shall be in accordance with r‘ equirernents contained in appli-
cable nationally recognized codes and standards. 씨 here loca 1, or
regíonal codes , are rnore stringent than nationally recognized codes ,
they are utilized.
5.3.2 0esiqn Basis Events
Structures , systerns , and components of nuclear fuel fabrication
facilities that are important to safety are designed to withstand the
effects of natural phenornena such as earthquakes , tor‘ nadoes. floods ,
and hurricanes such that their capabi~ity to perform their apprùpr‘ ;ate
safety funct ions i s not impa ired. $pecìfic codes and criteria are
given later in this chapter.

* Critical íterns are defined as those structures , systerns , equiprnent and cornpo-
nents whose continued integrity and/or operability are essential toassure
confinernent of radioactive materials in the event of a Oesign Basis Accident
(DBA). Critícal iterns shall be capable of performing required safety func-



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5.3.3 Transportation
Appropriate attention must be given to those aspects of the transpoY‘-
tation of fuel into and out of the nuclear fuel fabrication facilities
with respect to structura 1 des ign requirements in thi s area. (See
Section 5.4.1 1.)
5.3.4 Shieldinq
Radiation protection should be provided in all areas where personnel
may be exposed to radiation or airborne radioactive materia1s. Struc- ‘
tures or parts of structures 써 hich must provide radiation protection
shal1 be designed and constructed to 1imit exposures to personne1 from
Y‘ adiation to values below those published as acceptable minimum.
5.3.5 Protection Against Fire and Explosions
Structures. systems. and components important to safety shall be
designed to perform their safety functions effectively under credible
fire and explosion exposure conditions. Noncombustible and heat-
resistant materials shall be used wherever pr‘ actical , particularly in
locations vital to the control and confinement of y‘ adioactive materi-
a1 s and to the mai ntenance of safety control and nuc1ear safeguard
5.3.6 Emerqency Capability
Structures important to safety are designed for contro1led access by
emergency equipment and personnel.
5.3.7 C 。nfinement Barrier‘ s and Systems
Fuel cladding and shippingjhandling cask and other containers shal1 be
protected agai nst degradat ion and gr‘。 ss ruptures. Steel-lined cells
shall provide leaktight barriers with proven and documented leakage
rates which limit out-leakage to permissible levels. Specìal atten-
tion is given to the seals for equipment , piping , electrical and other‘
penetrations through the liner to assure ease of maintenance , inspec-
tion , repair and replacement. Adequate structural strength for these
barriers may be available by virtue of the need for substantial con-
crete shielding 써 alls. floors and ceiling closures.
5.3.8 Decontamination and Decommissioninq
These facilities are designed to facilitate decontamination of struc-
tures and equipment in the event of accidental releases of radioactive
materials or ìn the event of major modifications to those facilities.
The desìgn 'should minimìze the quantity of radioactive wastes and con-
taminated equipment. and facilitate the removal of radioactive wastes
at the time the facilities are permanently decommissioned.


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5.4 C。des , Standards and References

5.4.1 General
This section identifies and lists those codes. standards and other
criteria currently in use which involve civil and structural engi-
neering design aspects of nuclear fuel fabrication fac i1 ities. At
this point in time , it must be recognized that the list i5 neither
complete nor exhaustive. Furthermore. unlike nuclear power plants.
there is far less experience upon which to draw since only a small
number of nuclear fuel fabrication facilities have been proposed or
designed in recent times.
Also included in this section are standards and criteria promulgated
by the Oepartment of Energy (OOE) for‘ nuclear Fuel fabrication
facilities. These criteria are identified as It OOE 서 anual Chapter"
requirements. Although these criteria are required officially only
for OOE facilities. they do provide additional guidance for des ’igners ,
especially in areas lacking in coverage in nationally rec(껴 nized codes
and standards.
5.4.2 Federal Requlations
The design , construction , and operation of nuclear fuel fabr‘ ication
facilities is regulated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC.
The following parts of the Code of the Federal Register (CFR). Ti tle
10 , specify the rules and regulations applied to the construction and
operation of a nuclear fuel fabrication facility:
10CFR20 - "Standards for Protection Against Radiation"
10CFR21 - "Reporting of Defects and Noncompliances"
lOCFR50 - uLicensing of Production and Utilization Facilities"
10CFR70 - "0 omes tic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material"
10CFR73 - UPhysical Protection of Plants and 에aterials"
lOCFRI00 - "Reactor Site Criteria"
5.4.3 Site Suitability and Development
Requirements for the evaluation of the suitability for proposed sites
for nuclear fuel fabrication facilities are generally similar to those
required for siting of nuclear reactor plants. although they are some-
what less restrictive. A very useful document 15 "Nuclear Facilities
Siti ng 11 , prepared by the Environmental Engineering Oivision of the

* This descriptive material was taken from "Nuclear Facilities Sit1ng ," ASCE



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The following documents contain material applicable to site selection

and evaluation activities: NRC Requlatory Guides
3.3 "Qual ity Assurance Program Requirements for Fuel Reprocessing
Plants and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication
Plants “.
3.4 - "Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations 씨 ith Fissional
Mater‘ ials Outside Reactors".
3.34 - "Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological
Consequences of Accidenta 1 Nucl ear Critical ity in a Uranium
Fuel Fabrication Plant".
3.35 - "Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological
Consequences of Accidental Nuclear Criticality in a Plutonium
Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plant '’.
3.39 "Standard Format and Content of License Applications for‘
Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrîcations Plants" (Chapter

3.40 - "Design Basis Floods for Fuel Reprocessing Plants and for
Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants".
3.42 - “ Emergency Planning for Fuel Cycle Facilities and Plants
Licensed Under 10CFR50 and 70".
4.16 - "Measuring , Evaluating , and Reporting Radioactivity in
Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Airborne
Ef f1 uents from Nuclear Fuel Processingand Fabrication
Plants" (for comment). 0OE Requirements
DOEM Appendix 6301 , Part II - "Buildings and Facilities Design ‘’,
Section B.5 , "Plutonium Facilities , Site Evaluation and Studies". National Standards
• ANSI N287 "Criteria for the Design of Plants for the
Manufacture of Mixed Oxide (U-Pu) Fuels" (Section 4).
5.4.4 Facility Confiquration
The building design and layout of a nuclear fuel fabrication facility
is influenced heavily by the actual fabrication processes and methods.

Journal of the Environmental Engineering Division , June 1979. (Prepared by

the Task Committee on Nuclear Effects of the Committee on Air Resources and
Environmental Effects Management of the Environr떼ltal Engineering 9ivision.)


1 ‘~/

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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 口 005 나 70 8 ..

In addition. matters which have significant influence on building and

space layout include radiation protection. cr‘ iticality safety. secur-
ity , energy conservation , fir‘ e protection (plant and safety to life).
emergency access facilitation , special structural design considera-
tions , and confinement of radioactive materials (both during normal
operations and under accident conditions).

The facilities should be designed to facìlitate u1timate decontami-

nation and decommissioning. This requires an overa l1. integrated
systems-oriented approach with special emphasis on the fo110써 ing

a. Piping , conduits , and ductwork in the plutonium processing

area should be arranged to faci1 itate decontamination; also ,
such items should be kept to a minimum in these areas.

b. Use of modular , removab1e partitions to minimize the area of

permanent. fixed portions of the facility.
c. Minimal use of 10ng runs of contaminated buried piping and
exhaust ducts.
d. Avoidance of the accumulation of radioactivity in natural
soil columns.

e. Prudent use of approved protec 턴 ve wa 11 cover‘ ings to facil i-

tate decontamination efforts.

The fol10wing documents contain material applicable to the fac i1 ity

configurat ion: NRC Requlatory Guides

3.39 "Standard Format and Content of License App1ications for
Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrìcation Plants “ (Chapter
5) .

3.43 - ‘’씨 uclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fiss i1 e


5.7 Control of Personne1 Access to Protected Areas , Vital Areas ,

and Material Access Areas".

5.12 "General Use of Locks in the Protection and Control of

Facilities and Special Nuclear Materials".
5.27 ~Special Nuclear Material Doorway Monitors".

5.30 - "1뻐 teria1 s Protect ion Contingency "1 easures for Uranium and
Plutonium Fuel Manufacturing Plants".


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075960 口 000 .5나 71 T .. 0OE ReQuirernents

• DOEM Appendix 6301 - "Faεilities General Design Criteria !l (Part
1. B; Part l I. B - "Plutonium Facilities ll ; and Part II.H -
"Occupational Health Facilities").
[NOTE: DOEM 6301 contains references to numerous other DOEM
Requirements Documents which forrn a part of these overall
requirernents.) National Standards
• ANSl N287 "Criteria for the Oesign of Plants for the
Manufacture of Mixed Oxide (U-Pu) Fuels".
• ANSI N512 - ‘’ Protective Coatings (Paints) for the Nuclear
Industry “ .
• ANSI NI04.4 - "Quality Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied
to Nuclear Facilities".
• ANSI N16.5 - "Guide for Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage
。 f Fissile Materials".

• ANSI N7.2 “ Radiation Protection in Nuclear Reactor Fuel

Fabrication Plants".
• UBC "Uniforrn Bu i1 ding Code" (International Conference of
Building Officials).
• NFPA Std. 101 - 샤 ife Safety Code !l (National Fire Protection
5.4.5 Structural General
Structures and associated critical equipment. ventilation , electrical ,
fire protection. and utility systems should be designed to prov~de
confinement of radioactive materials both during norrnal operations and
in the event of a design basis accident that can be postulated for the
facility , including accidents caused by natural phenornena. Structural
design , loading cornbinations , and construction of critical safety and
fi re pr‘。 tection features should be in accordance with nationally rec-
。gnized codes and standards. If local codes are rnore stringent than
the nationally recognized codes. they should be followed.
NRC has issued a number of Regulatory Guides which provide consider-
able guidance in addressing the structural engineering aspects of the
fuel fabrication fac i1 ity. Many of these guidelines parallel those
used in the design of a nuclear power plant. though important differ-
ences exis t.


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As mentioned earlier in the material it is essential to classify

structures , components and systems according to the importance of
their role in confinement of the special nuclear materials used in
the facil ity. In fact , such structures for nuclear fue1 fabrication
p1ants are classified in severa1 ways , described as fo11 0'써 s:
a. Based on anticipated usage and size , the structure must be
assigned a fire occupancy rating as per the Uniform Bui1ding
Code (UBC);
b. Type of construction (material) required;
c. Based on presumed 10ss of building integrity and/or hazards
associated 써 ith such 10ss the structure must be assigned an
Occupancy Importance Factor in accordance with UBC;
d. Based on security requirements , each structure must be
classified in accordance with the degree of ‘’ security-
hardening" required; and
e. For seismic design and analysis purposes , categorize each
structure according to its importance in the role of
confinement of special nuclear materia1s.
Category 1
써 ith regard to seismic design classification , NRC Regu1atory Guide
3.14 divides structures , systems , and components into two categor‘ ies:
Seismic Category 1 and non-Seismic Category I. Seismic Category
covers those structures , systems , and components which must remain
functional if an earthquake occurs in order to ensure (a) t f-J e integ-
rity of the fue1 containmentjconfinement structure or system from
써hich releases of radioactive material are controlled; (b) the capa-
bility to shut down the facility safely and maintain it 'n a safe
shutdown condition; or (c) the capability to prevent or mitigate the
consequences of accidents which could result in potential offsite
exposure comparable to the guideline exposure of 10CFR100. Those por-
tions of structures , systems , or components whose continued function
is not required but whose failure may adversely affect the functioning
。 f any Category 1 item to an unacceptable safety level , sha l1 be de-
signed to Category 1 requirements. Category 1 items must be designed
for the Oesign Basis Earthquake (OBE) [analogous to the Safe Shutdown
Earthquake (SSE) for nuclear power plant designsl.
All other structures , systems , and components are classified a non-
Category 1 in NRC Regulatory Guide 3.14. Non-Category 1 items can be
further divided as follows:
Cateqory 11
Category 11 structures , systems , and components are those whose
fa i1 ure would not result in the release of significant radioactivity
and 써 ould not prevent safety shutdown or not violate iso1ation of the
fuel facility. Their failure , however , could interrupt normal process


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07 딜뭔』디디 000 .5니 733 . .

。perations of the facilities. The design of Category II facilities

generally shall be in accordance with the applicable section of DOEM
Appendix 6301 and Unìform Buildìng Code (UBC).
Cateqory II 1

Category 111 structures , systems , and components are not required for
the safe shutdown of fuel fac i1 ities. Failure of a Categor‘ y III
structure wi 11 not result ìn a release of radioactive , hazardous or
toxic mater;al and w; 꺼 not interrupt normal process operations. (Ex-
amples of such facilìtìes ìncludes office facilities and warehouses.)

An example of the loads which must be considered for various catego-

r;es of structures ìs given in Table 1.

The following documents contain information and guidance applicable t。

seismic design: NRC Regulatory Guides

1. 60 "Design Response Spectra for Nuclear Power Plants ll •

1. 61 "0 amp ing Values for Sei smic Oesign of Nuclear Power Plants".
1. 92 "Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismìc
Response Analysis “.
3.3 "Qual ity Assurance Program Requirements for Fuel Processing
Plants and for Pluton;um Processing and Fuel Fabrication
3.9 "Concrete Radiation Shields".
3.14 "Se ismic Oesign Classification for Plutonium Processing and
Fuel Fabrication Plants".
3.17 "Earthquake Instrumentation of Fuel Reprocessing Plants".
3.39 "Standard Format and Content of License Applications for
Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants".
3.40 - “ Oesign Basis Floods for Fuel Reprocessing Plants and for
Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants ll •
NRC Standard Review Plan , Section 0OE Requirements

DOEM Appendix 6301 - "Facil ;ties General Oesign Cr‘ iteria ll (Part
I.C; and Part II.B - "Plutonium Facilities"). National Standards

• ACI-318 - "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete".

ACI-349 - "Code Requirements of Nuclear Safety Related Concrete
Structures ".


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 연 60 口 000 .5나?나 5 ..

• ANSI A58.l - . ” Bui 1d1ng c。de Requirements f。r Minimum Des1gn

Loads in Bμildings and Other Structures"
• ANSI N101.7 - "Concrete Radiation Shields"
• ANSI N287-1976 - "Criteria for the Oesign of Plants for the
Manufacture of Mixed Oxide {U-Pu} Fuels “ (Sections 5 and 6).
• AISI - "Spe~i~~ca~ i o. n for the Oesign. Fabrication and Erection
。f Structural Steel for Buildings “·

• AMSI N45·? - %qu1reI1lents f。r a QA Pr。gram for Nuc1ear



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‘~~ .
ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07S뭔 600 0005 냐 75 7 . . ;파

Table I.
Structura1 Loads to be Considered for Various Category
C1 ass ifi cat i ons

1. Service Loadings
Category Category Category
표쁘으l I II III
a. Norma1 Loads
Oead Yes Yes Yes

Li ve Yes Yes Yes
Later‘ a 1 Earth Yes Yes Yes
Pressure (Static)
Therma 1 T Yes Yes Yes
Pr‘ essure (Static) F Yes Yes Yes
b. Severe Environmenta1 Loads
써i nd cι Yes Yes Yes
Ear‘ thquake (UBC) u No Yes Yes
Earthquake (OBE) o Yes No No
Lateral Earth Pressure ”o Yes No No
Increment caused by OBE

Pressure Increment Fo Yes No No
caused by OBE
2. Extreme Loadings

‘a +L %‘ V
I I n

a. Extreme Environmenta1 Loads
Tornado (OBT) 써
t Yes No ”O

Earthquake (OBE) Ess Yes *
Lateral Earth Pressure HsS Yes No ”O

caused by OBE
Pressure Increment Fss Yes No No
caused by OBE
b. Abnormal Conditions
Design Basis Yes N。 No
Acci dent (DBA)

*It may be necessary to show by analysis that failure (collapse

of Category 11 structur、 es) does not impair the safety functions
of Category 1 equipment or structur‘ es.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005 니 769 .. Other Oocuments

• ASCE - "에anual of Engineer‘ ing Practice No. 58 - ~tructural Analysis

and Desiqn of Nuclear Plant Facilitie~" (1980)
5.4.6 Pipinq Systems and Supports

Design of critical piping systems and supports should assure their

integrity under specified combinations of design basis loadings.
As in the case for structures , piping systems are categorized in
accordance with the importance of their role in confinement of the
special nuclear materials used in the facil ity. (See Appendix 5.A for
suggested pertinent documents.)

5.4.7 Heatinq , Ventilatinq. and Air Conditioninq (HVAC)

Ventilation systems are designed to confine radioactive materials

under normal and design basis accident conditions and to limit radio-
active discharges to a practicable minimum. Separate exhaust ventila-
tion systems are provided for‘ room and glovebox systems. Items which
may require structural design and reinforcement include ductwork ,
ductwork supports , exhaust stacks. HEPA fi lters. fi lter plenums and
rel ated eq 띠 pmen t. (See Appendix 5.A for suggested pertinent docu-
5.4.8 Fire Protection

One of the most important considerations in the design of fuel

fabrication facilities , especially those involving plutonium. is t。
prevent. suppress. or contain fires. Generally , the design of the
structures and fire suppression systems should meet the reqUirements
of DOE requirements specified in DOEM 0552. DOEM 6301 , DOEM 0550 , and
OOEM 0524. (See Appendix 5.A for suggested pertinent documents.)
5.4.9 Electrical

The areas most likely to involve structural work in the electrical

systems include cable tray design , equipment supports , and seismic
qualification of critical electrical equipmen t. Much guidance in
these areas can be obtained from similar design features in the
nuclear power plant. (Additional guidance may be obtained from
documents listed in Appendix 5.A.)
5.4.10 에 echanical

Mechanical design aspects of fuel fabrication facilities may involve

structural engineering in such areas as (1) utilities; (2) fire pro-
tection; (3) glove-box design; (4) vent i1 ation systems; and (5) SNM
material handling 써 ìthi n the faci 1 ity. Some of these are covered in
the preceeding subsections. (Appendix 5.A lists additional documents
for further guidance.)


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5.4.11 Material Handling and Shipp;ng

The subject of inter-site transportation has received much attention

in the past few years and several guidelines and codes havebeen
developed. The handling of special nuclear materials (SNM ), shipping
casks and other parameters must be fully considered in the design of
fuel fabr‘ ication facilities. This includes such things as delivery
and recei vi ng of heavy , shi e 1 ded shi ppi ng casks whi ch wi1 1 requi re
adequate strength in the floor areas involved as wel1 as radiological
separation considerations. Of course , each facility will have its own
unique r‘ equirements on material handling within the facility depending
on the actual processes employed. Only general design criteria are
included here for initial guidance and background information.

5.4.1 1. 1 NRC Regulatory Guides

7.1 "Administrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting

Radioactive Material “.

7.2 "Packaging and Transportation of Radioactivity Contaminated

Biological Materials ‘’.

7.3 - “ Procedu res for Pi ck i n9 Up and Recei vi ng Packages of Radi 0-

active Mater、 i a 1 “ (for comment).

5.4.1 1. 2 0OE Requir‘ ements

" DOEM Appendix 6301 - (Part 1I. A - "Unirradiated Enriched Uranium

Storage Facilities"; and Part 11. B ψlutonium Fac i1 ities").

5.4.1 1. 3 National Standards

8 ANSI N14.3-1973 - “ Packaging and Transportation of Radioactivity

Contaminated Biologìcal Materials".

• ANSI N14.5-1977 - "Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of

Radioactive Mater‘ ials".

ð ANS1 N14.6-1978 - "Liftìng Devices for Shipping Containers

써 eighìng 10 , 000 Pounds (4500 kg) or More for Nuclear Materials “.

ð ANSI N14.7-1975 - "Guìde to Design and Use of Shipping Packages

for‘ Type A Quantities of Radioactive Mater‘ ials ll •

Additional References Containing StructuraljCiv i1 Engineering Require-


A. Pi 민므요

1. NRC Regulatory Guides

3.39 "Standard Format and Content of License Applications for

Plutonìum Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants".


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2. 0OE Requirements

DOEM ~ppe!1 dix 6301 (Part I. 1; Part I. D; Part I. G; Part I I. 8; and

Part I I. HL

3. National Standards

• ANSl 83 1. 1 - "Power Piping ’

• ANSI 83 1. 7 - IINuclear Power Piping".

• ANSI N287 - "Criteria for the Oesign of Plants for the

Manufacture of Mixed Oxide (U-Pu) Fuels~.

8. Heating , Ventilating , and Air-Conditioning (HVAC)

1. NRC Regulatory Guides

3. 7 - ” MOn1tori ng of c。rnbust1b1e Gases and Vapors in P1uton1um Pr。-

cessing and Fuel Fabrication Plants ll •

3.12 - "General Design Guide for Ventilation Systems of Plutonium

Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants".

3.39 "Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Plu-

tonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plàríts".

4.16 - :M:asuring ,__Ev~.luati !1g_, and Reporting Radioactivity in

Releases of Radioactivity Materials in -Li quid and Airborne
Effluents from Nuclear Fuel Processing and Fabrication
Plants" (for comment).

2. DOE Requirements

• DOEM Appendix 6301 - Part 1 I. 8 "Plutonium Facilities".

- “ Nuclear Air Cleaning Handbook" by C. A. 8urchsted.

3. National Standards

• AISC "_Sp_ecification for the Design , Fabrication , and

Erection of Structural Steel for 8ui lding-s"-.

• A써 SI N287 - "Criteria for the Design of Plants for the

Manufacture of Mixed Oxide (U-Pu) Fuels “ (Section 6).

• ANSI N290 - ‘’ Design , Construction and Operation of Ventilation

Systems for Mixed-Oxide (U02-Pu02) Fuel 'Fabrication Plants".

• ANSI N509 , - llNuc1ear PO씨er Plant Air Cleaning Units and

Components ‘ •

• UBC - "Uniform Building Code" (International Conference of

Building Officials).



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C. Fire Protection

1. NRC Requlatory Guides

3.16 "General Fire Protection Guide for Plutonium Processing and

Fuel Fabriεation Plants".

3.39 "Standard Format and Content of License Applications for

Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants".

2. DOE Requirements

• DOEM 0524 - "Standards for Radiation Protection".

• DOEM 0550 - "Operational Safety Standards".

• DOEM 0552 - "lndustrial Fire Protection".

• DOEM 6301 Part 1. 1; and Part I 1. B IIPlutonium


3. National Standards

• UBC - "Uniform Building Code" (I nternational Conference of

Building Officials).

• ANSI N287 - IICriteria for the Design of Plants for the

에anufacture of Mixed-Oxide (U-Pu) Fuel s" (Section 6).

• ANS 1 jN FPB 801 - "Reco l1111 ended Fi re Protect i on Pr‘ actice for
Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials".

D. Electrical

1. NRC Regulatory Guides

1. 100 - ’‘ Seismic Qualification of Electrical Equipment for Nuclear

Power Pl ants 11.

3.39 "Standard Format and Content of License Applications for

Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants ‘’.

2. DOE Requirements

• DOEM Appendix 6301 - (part I. E; I. J; and Part I 1. B -

"Plutonium Facilities").

3. National Standards

• ANSI N16.2 - "Critical Accident Alarm System".

• A씨 SI /I EEE344 11 Recommended Practices foy‘ Sei smic

Qualification of Class 1E EquipUl ent for Nuclear Power
Generating Stations".


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ASCE TITLE*SUM 찌 AR 88 . . 0759600 0005 나 800 . .

• ANSI N287 - "Criteria for the Oesign of Plants for the

Manufacture of Mixed Oxide (U-Pu) Fuels~ (Sections 5 and 6).
E. Mechanical
1. NRC Regulatory Guides
3.10 - "Liquid 씨 aste Treatrnent Systern Oesign Guide for Plutoniurn
Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants 'l .
3.39 "Standard Forrnat and Content of license Applications for
Plutoniurn Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plan~~II.
2. 0OE Requirernent
• OOEM Appendix 6301 - (Part I. D; and Part II.B - “Plutoniurn

3. National Standards
• ANSI N287 - "Criteria for the Design of Plants for the
Manufacture of Mixed Oxide (U-Pu) Fuel Sll.
• ANSI 15.9 - “ Nuclear Mater‘ ial Control Systerns for Fuel
Fab 서 cation Facilities (A Guide to Practice)".
• ASME - 냉 oiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Section VIII-
Oivision 1".


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 00 디 5481 2 ..



6.1 프뾰르

There is consider‘ able guidance available in the power generation

aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle. Specific references for site
suitability and structural design are presented for fuel handling
facilities of nuclear power plants. These fuel handling facilities
include the reactor bu;lding , containment , and other structures used
in the receiving , handling , and storage of nuclear fuel. The material
described herein is limited to light water reactors and excludes the
design of the reactor vessel and internals. The design of other‘
facilities such as turbine and control buildings is excluded as well.
6.2 0escr;ption
6.2.1 General
Hew fuel arrives at the plant and is received and stored in the fuel
building. It;s either‘ placed in the reactor or stOY‘ ed unt; 1 needed
at refueling. Once "spent" , approximately one-third of the fuel ;n
the core is removed from the reactor normally through a transfer canal
to a spent fuel storage pool ;n the fuel buì lding where it rema;ns
unt;l shipped offsite for further processing or‘ storage.
6.2.2 Fuel Handlinq Structures
The fuel ;s normally stored ìn a reinforced concrete structure which
houses the following functìons dealing with the handling of fuel int。
and out of the power generating facility:
a. Shipping and Receiving Bay - Hormally facilities accommodate
both rai 1 and truck access as we 11 as cranes to handle both
new fuel assembl;es and spent fuel casks.
b. Fresh Fuel Storage Areas - These are areas where the ne써 fuel
;s stored in dry storage racks until needed. This area usu-
ally provides storage for at least one-third of a core of new
c. Transfer Canal - The new fuel is transported by elevator into
the transfer canal where ;t is carried underwater by a fuel
carri age and upender machi ne to a transfer tube which pene-
trates into the reactor building.
d. Spent Fuel Pool - The spent fuel pool and spent fuel racks
are where spent fuel removed from the reactoy、 i s stored unt i 1
shipped off-site. Spent fuel handling equipment is also pro-
vided for placement and removal of spent fuel assemblies.


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ASCE TITLE*SUM 에 AR 88 _ 07596 口 D 口 005 나 82 니 -

e. Cask Handling Areas - These areas include cask loading ,

storage , and decontamination areas with an overhead crane for
cask hand1 i ng purposes. Spent fue 1 i s loaded i nto the casks
by the spent fuel handling equipment.
f. Other Support Areas - Am ong other funct ions housed i n the
fuel building are pool coo1ing and filtration systems , HVAC ,
new fuel inspection area. gas treatment systems. and tool
setdo 써n areas.

6.2.3 Reactor Buildinq

닝 hilethis building houses a variety of systems and components , the
pertinent features relating to the flow of fuel thr‘。ugh the plant in-
c1υde the reactor vesse1 where the fuel performs its intended function
in the release of therma1 energy , fuel handling equipment. fuel up-
ender machine , and refueling pool.
6.2.4 Primary Containment
The reactor along with other primary Nuclear Steam Supply System fea-
tures is housed in the containment structure. This structure part of
the reactor building or complex has as its primary function that of
providing a leak-tight boundary around the reactor to prevent the re-
lease of radioactive substances to the environment.
6.3 Genera1 Requirements
” ’
. -’


Nuclear fuel storage and handling features of a power generating plant

are essential to the operation of the plant and are therefore ìncluded
in the 1icensing of the plan t. Licensing of nuclear power generating
plants is performed in accordance with Part 50 - Title 10 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (10CFR5여.
Spent fuel storage and handl ing features are "safety class structures ll
and are specifi ca 11y classified as Sei smic Category 1. As such , they
are designed to remain functional in the event of a Safe Shutdown
Earthquake (SSE). These features normally act as barriers against
1eakage of radioactive substances , biological shielding , and as pro-
tection for safety-related equipment and systems.
6.3.2 Desiqn ßasis Events
The definition of these design basis events is covered by the per-
tinent references else\'l here in this chapter. Am ong those which must
be considered are: extreme environmental events such as earthquakes ,
tornadoes , floods. and hurricanes.
Other design basis events concern themselves with postulated accidents
to which fuel and its handling systems may be subjected. These in-
clude accidents which could result in reduced criticality margins or
the failure or breeching of spent fuel rods such as:


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 디 005 나 83 6 ..

a. Postu1ated fue1 bundle drop accident

b. Postulated maximum load on fuel storage racks based on trans-
fer crane limiting device
c. Spent fuel cask drop acc;dent
d. Flooding of new fue1 rack storage area.
ln addition to these postulated accidents , design considerations in-
clude maximum and minimum 써ater 10ads ;n the spent fuel and refueling
poo 1s. temperature extremes of poo 1 water. use of sta i n1es s s tee 1
lines to ensure water tightness , and the evaluation of rack disp:ace-
ment due to seismic loads or loads imposed by handling machines or
6.3.3 Environmental Protection
These facilities are designed in compliance with the pertinent provi-
sions of federal regulations dealing with air and water pOllution and
。 ther environmenta1 protection regulations.

6.3.4 Shieldinq
Shie lding i s provided in a 11 areas where personnel may be exposed to
radiation or radioactive materials. Bu i1 ding layout should consider
shie1ding protection. Under써 ater transfer of spent fuel and remote
loading of spent fue1 casks contribute to the reduction of radiation
6.3.5 Buildinq Iso1ation
The reactor and fuel buildings are designed to be 1eaktight and a;r-
tight by the use of liners in pool storage areas , seals at expans;on
joints , the use of air-tight doors and HVAC contro1s to maintain
slight negative pressures.
6.3.6 Protection Aqainst Fires and Exp1osions
These structures , systems , and components are designed to perform
their intended functions under credible fire and explosion exposures.
Noncombustible and heat-resistant materials shou1d be used wher‘ ever
prac 쉰 ca l.

6.3.7 0ecommissioninq/Oecontamination
Nuclear fuel storage and handling facilities should be designed to
facilitate decontamination of structures and components and the subse-
quent decorrmissioning of the facilities. The design should minimize
the extent Qf contaimination of the faci1ity.
6.3.8 엎막낀표

These facilities should be designed to control access and ensure the

protection of the fuel mater‘ ials.


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6.3.9 τransportation

~ra~~~:~atio~ of spe.nt fuel to storage. reprocessing , or disposal

faci 1iti es is done i n accordance with per t1 nent Fedëral and State
6.4 C 。<:L~~_ Standards. and References
6.4.1 General
Federal regulations , industry standards , codes , and references which
assi st the engi neer’ ;n developing design criteria for fuel-related fa-
cilities associated with nuclear power-generating plants are presented
in this chapter.
Additional information is also contained in ASCE Manual No. 58.
~Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities."
6.4.2 Federal Requlations
The des.ign , c~Jn struct 10n , and operation of nuclear po써er generating
plants is regulated by the NRC.
6.4.3 Si1; e Suitability
Site selection and suitability affects activities in which civilj
structural engin~er.s_.partic1pate. Early decisions dealing with this
sUbJect have _si~~~f~cant consequences in the detailed- design of
nuclear plant facilities. NRC Regulations , Guides , and Standards
NRC documents which provide guidance and criteria are:
a. C。de of Federal Requlations
• 맨CFRlOO Appendix A - This regu1ation defines the Operating
Basis and Safe Shutdo써n Earthquakes for which nuclear plants
must be design~d_.. In addition. intensities and falJl ting
parameters are defined.
• lO CFR50 A~pen~ix. A .- This document sets forth the general
des~gn criteria to be used in the design of safety-related
nuclear power plant facilities. Specif1~ criteria ;f 1nter-
est included are:
Criterion 2 - Design Basis for Protection Against Natural
Criterion 4 - Environmental and Missile DesignBasis


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b. Regulatory Guides LR~ì

Specific Regulatory Guides of interest are as follows:



R.G Number -rl·

m ……


or ”

ti k



1. 12 U

1. 27 Ultimate Heat Sink for Nuclear P 。써 er Plants

1. 59 Design Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Plants
1. 76 Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power Plants
1. 115 Protection Against L。싸 -Trajectory Turbine Missiles
1.132 Laboratory Investigations of Soils for Engineering
Analysis and Design of Nuclear Power Plants
4.2 Prepar‘ ation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power
Stat ions
4.7 General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear PO써er
c. Standard Revi e써 Plans (SRP)
Pertinent SRP's are the ones dealing with site characteristics-
Chapter 2 of RG 1. 70. SUbjects addressed include hydrologic engi-
neering and geology , seismology , and geotechnical engineering. ANS Standards
Pertinent ANS Standards include the following:
ANS Number Subject Matter
2.1 Guidelines for Determining the Vibratory Ground Motion
for the Design Earthquake for Nuclear Facilitìes
2.3 Standards for Estimating T。γnadoes , Hurricane and Other
Extreme 싸 ind Parameters at Power Reactor Sites
2.4 Guidelines for Determining Tsunami Cr‘ iteria for Power
Reactor Sites
2.7 Guidelines for Assessing Capability for Surface
Faulting at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites
2.8 Standards for Determining Design Basis Flooding at
Power Reactor Sites


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2.10 Guidelines for Retrieval , Review , Processing , and

Evaluation of Records Obtained from Seismic

2.11 Guidelines for Evaluating Site-Related Geotechnical

Parameters at Power Reactor Sites

2.12 Guidelines for‘ Combi ni ng Natura 1 and Externa 1 Man-Made

Hazards at Power Reactor Sites

2.14 Oetermination of the Shape of Response Spectra for Use

in Nuclear Facilities Oesign
6.4.4 Structural Oesiqn NRC Requlations , Guides. and Standards

a. C 。de of Federal Requlations

In addition to those 1 isted in Section the following provide

additional guidance:
• 10CFR50 Appendix A
Criterion 1 - Quality Standards and Records

Criterion 16 - Containment Oesign

Criterion 50 - Containment Oesign Basis

Criter‘ ion 51- Fracture Prevention of Containment Pressure

Criterion 52 - Capability for Containment Leak Rate Testing

Criterion 5J Provisions for Containment Testing and

• 10CFR50 Appendix B - This regulation presents the quality

assurance criteria for nuclear po써er plants.
10CFR21 "Reporting of Oefects and Noncompliances ll - This
regulation addressed reporting of defects and
noncompliance. It includes provision for civil penalties for
failure to comply.

• 10CFR73 "Physical Protection of Plants and Materials “.

b. Regulatory Guides (RG)

The reader is referred to the NRC's listing of Oivision 1 Regulatory

Guides for a complete listing. Am ong those RG's of interest in fuel
handling facilities are:



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TITLE*SUMMAR 88 0759600 0005 나 87 3

RG Nurnber Subject I‘latter

1. 13 Spent Fuel Storage Facility Design Basis

1. 60 Design Response Spectra for Seisrnic Oesign of Nuclear

Power Plants

1. 61 Darnping Values for Seisrnic Oesign of Nuclear Power


1. 69 Concrete Radiation Shields for Nuclear Power Plants

1. 104 Overhead Crane Handling Systerns for Nuclear Power Plants

1. 136 Material for Concrete Containrnents

1.142 Safety-Related Concrete Structures for Nuclear Power

Plants (Other than Reactor Vessels and Containrnents)

1. 143 Oesign Guidance for Radioactive 씨 aste Management

Systems , Structures , and Components Installed in light-
싸a ter-Coo 1 ed 써 uclear Power Plants

c. Standard Review Plans

nu 4lnu n Otl
The reader i s referred to SRPs ; n Chapter 3
m ‘ pS Structures ,


Components , Equipment , and Systems , RG 1. 70.

’ of interest

SRP Number Subject Matter

3.2.1 Seismic Classification

3.5.3 Ban‘ ;er Design Procedures

3.8.1 Concrete Containment

3.8.2 Steel Containment

3.8.3 Concrete and Steel Internal Structures of Steel 。r

Concrete Containments

3.8.4 Other Seisrnic Category 1 Structures ANS Standards

Pertinent ANS Standards include the following:

ANS Number Subject Matter

4.1 Design Basis Criteria for Safety Systems 1n Nuclear

Power Generating Stations

58.1 Plant Design Against Missiles






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58.2 Design Basis for Protection of Nuclear Power Plants

Against Effects of Postulated Pipe Rupture
58.5 Probabilistic Risk Assessment
51. 7 Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary
Pressurized “later Reactor Plants
51.7 Single Failure Criteria for P써R Fluid Systems
52.1 Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary
Boi 1i ng Water‘ Reactor Plants
58.9 L써 R Single Failure Criteria
57.7 Away from Reactorts Spent Fuel Storage Facilities
56.3 Overpressure Protection of Low Pressure Systems
Connected to the Reactor‘ Coolant Pressure Boundary
54.6 Pressure/Temperature Transient Analys;s of L써R
56.8 ‘
Reactor Containmer t Leakage Testing Requirements
56.9 Environmental Envelopes to be Considered in Safety
Related Equipment 1ndustry Standards
a. American Society of CivilEngineers (ASCE)
ASCE has ?evel~ped a reference cove!, ing civ i1 /structural engineering
as~e<:ts .of nuclear pow~~ pla~t design entitled UStructural -Analysis
and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities u • The use of this reference
(Manual of Engineering Practice No. 58) is recommended for the
civil/structural engineer.
b. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (AS~’ E)

The fol1owing codes are of prime interest in containment design:

• Boiler Pressure Vessel Nuclear Components Code , Section llI ,
Division 1
• Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code , Section 111. Concrete
Components in Nuclear Service , Division 2
• Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code , Section XI. Rules for
Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
• PjNC-77-3 Proposed Standard on overhead and Gantry Cranes



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075~bOO 口口디 5 나 a 연 7.



c. American Concrete Institute (ACI)

ACI Committee 359 in cooperation with ASME has developed the code for
concrete pressure retaining components in nuclear service 싸lich guides
the design of concrete containments and reactor vessels.
ln addition ACI 359 addresses the design of safety-related concrete
structures of nuclear power plants. ACl 318 and 349 are also utilized
in the design of nuclear concrete structures.
d. American lnstitute of Steel Construction (AISC)
A1SC has developed a standard presently available on a tr‘ ial use and
corrrnent basis for the design of safety-related structural steel fea-
tures of nuclear power plants. The document is titled IISpec ification
for the Design. Fabrication. and Erection of Steel Safety-Related
Structures for Nuclear Facilities ll ANSI N690. ln addition , AISC ’ s
Manual of Steel Construction is often utilized.
e. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ANSI Standards of interest in fuel handling facilities include:
ANSI No. Subject Matter
N45.2 Qua 1ity Assurance Progr 히n Requirements for Nuclear
Facil ities
N45.2.5 1979 Supplementary Quality Assurance program Requirements
for Installation , Inspection. and Testing of Structural
Concrete and Structural Steel. and Foundations During the
Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants
N45.2.6 Qualifications of lnspection. Examination and Testing
Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power
N45.2. 1O Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions
N45.2.11 Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear
Power Plants
N45.2.20 Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Subsur-
face Investigation Prior to Construction Phase of Nuclear
Power Plants
N210 Design Objectives for Light 써ater Reactor Spent Fuel
Storage Facilities at Nuclear Power Stations
A58.1 Bui lding Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in
Buildings and Other Structures


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f. 0~Qer Codes/Standards

Manr. o~h~r codes and standards of genera 1 engineer‘ i ng pract i ce are

applied 1n the design of n따 ear power plant facilities. Am ong these

Am erican 씨 elding Society (A씨 5) 5tructural 써eld1ng Code

• American 50ciety for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

• American 씨 ater 써orks Association (A패A) Standards
• Hydraulic Institute 5tandards

• Crane Manufacturing Association of 매lerican (CMAA) Standards

• National Fire Protection Association (애 FPA)

6.5 Structural Oesign Criteria

The reader 1s referred t 。 the documents 1i sted in this chapter for

specific Criteria t。 be app1ied in the des1gn 。 f fue1 storage and
handling facilities at nuclear power generating~facilities.


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7.1 프뽀르

This chapter includes the codes , standards , and criteria applicable to

the εìvi1 and structura1 engineerìng design of wet or dry independent
spent fuel storage instal1ations (ISFSI). These structures are inde-
pendent of the fuel handling structures described in Chapter 6.
7.2 0escription
7.2.1 싸 et Storaqe Installation
The independent spent fuel storage facility (ISFSI) includes fuel
sto~~~e capacity for fue1 (U0 2) from either‘ B 찌R or P써R or both , and
auxiliary systems required to -support fuel storage. The facility is
designed for use at an existing nuclear po매 er or a processing plant
site. The design emp10ys water for cooling and shie1ding the spent
fuel until the fuel elements can be further processed or permanently
For illustrative purposes , a typical ISFSI facility with a capacity
。f 1 , 400 metri c tons (MTU). of fuel ~U02) i s a ~~c~~nQu~ a~ structure
approximately 120 ft wide by 140 ft 10ng and is divided into the fol-
1 。써 ing three functional areas: the shipping bay , the fuel pool bay ,
and the auxiliary bay. The building is founded at grade. The spent
fue1 storage and cask unloading pools are founded below grade. The
pool is stainless stee1 1ined and uses a leak collection system that
al10ws detection and collection of any leakage. The walls and floor
。f the poo1 are approximately 5 -0 thick reinforced concrete sections.

A fuel handling crane is located on rai1s over the poúl and 1ifts the
fuel elements out of the cask and positions them in the poo1.
The receiving bay has a 130 ton crane which services the fuel cask.
The crane handles the cask and moves it to the unloading position
adjacent to the storage poo 1. The arrangement of the crane i s such
that the cask is precluded from traveling over the storage pool. 80th
ra; 1 and truck acces s are provi ded for i n the rece i v i ng and sh i ppi ng
bay. All cask handling and c1eanup are done in this area.
7.2.2 0ry Storage Insta11ation
The types of dry storage are the vault (canyon). drywell (caisson).
and the cask (si10) and they are described as follo써 s: Vault or Canyon Storaqe
The air cooled vault (canyon) storage is similar‘ to the ISFSI or pond
storage , except that the coolant is air and the cooling is
accomp1ished by convection. For il1ustrative purposes the building has
a fuel storage area in the lower level and a fuel handling crane and
venting system above the fue l. The lower level consists of a plenum
써 ith a seri es of tubes that are sea 1ed and 써 hich hold the irradiated



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07~ 면 600 0005 나 92 7 ..

fue1. On the top of the plenum is a thick πloveable plate with access
plugs for the fuel to be inserted by a special transporter. Any air
discharged from the p1enum atmosphere ;s filtered. The decay heat
from the fue1 is transferred to the wa11s of the tubes by convectionj
This storage design can be suited to modular construction methods.
Modules of approximately 400 MTU capacity appear to be feasib1e. The
canyon type of storage can also be located at an independent site. 0ryWell or Caisson Storaqe
One or more fue1 assemblies can be stored in a container which may be
sea1 we1ded before being lowered into a caisson in the ground. Th e'
concrete caisson enc10ses , protects and shields the container with the
spent fue 1. Contai ners may be stacked on top of each other depending
on the depth of the concrete caisson. A concrete shield plug is set
。 n top of the ca isson and activity monitors are arranged to mon;tor‘
the state of the environment within the caisson. Cask or‘ Silo Storage
The cask is constructed of materials such as 1ead. stee1 , and cast
iron. A buìlding generally does not have to be erected as the cask
itse1f stores the fue1. Open air cask farms can be set up in a re1a-
tively short time.
The si10 is a thick 써 al1ed reinforced concrete cy1inder encapsulating
a stainless steel sealed canister. The top of the si10 is sealed with
a canister shield plug. The s i1 0 is approximately 7 ft in diameter
and 20 ft high. Provisions for lifting pads may be bu i1 t into the
7.3 General Requirements
7.3.1 Genera1
Structures. systems , and components of the ISFS 1 that are important t。
safety are designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena such
as earthquakes. tornadoes. fl oods. and hurr‘ icanes without impa;ri ng
their capability to perform safety funct;ons. The design ;s based on
lO CFR72.

The storage of aged spent fuel is a low hazard potential activity.

In fuel storage design decay heat is not a major design consideration
because the spent fuel sha 11 have aged a minimum of one year s ince
discharge from the reactor core.
Because of the 10w potential for airborn radioactive materials above a
spent fue1 storage pool. the building housing such poo1s need not be
designed for confinement.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . D759bDD 0005 나 939"

7.3.2 Shieldinq
Radiation protection is provided in all areas where personnel may be
exposed to radiation or airborne radioactive materials. Structures or
parts of structures which must provide radiation protection shall be
designed and constructed to shield personnel from radiation exposure.
7.3.3 Protection Aqainst Fires and Explosions
Structures. systems. and components important to safety are desi gned
to perform their safety functions effectively under credible fire and
explosion exposure conditions. Noncombustible and heat-resistant
mater‘ ials are used 써herever practical. particularly in locations vital
to the contr‘ 01 of radioactive mater‘ ials and to the maintenance of
safety control functions. The design of an ISFSI includes provisions
to protect agai nst adverse effects that might result from either the
。peration or the fai1ure of the fire suppression system.

7.3.4 Emerqency Capability

Structures important to safety are designed for controlled access of
emergency equipment and support personnel.
7.3.5 C。nfinement Barriers and Systems
Fuel cladding must be protected against degradatio l) and grossrup-
tures. For underwater storage of spent fuel in which pool water
serves as a shie1d and a confinement medium for radioactive materials.
the pool water level is designed so that any abnormal operations 01‘
failure in those systems from any cause 써 ill not cause the water level
to fa 11 be 1 。써 safe limits. Dr‘ a i ns or other‘ features that cou1d ‘ cause
a significant 10ss of water are not used. τhe pool has a 1iner with a
1eak detection system.
7.3.6 Sharinq of Structures
Structures. systems. and components important to safety are not shared
between an ISFSI and other facilities. unless it is shown that such
sharing will not impair the capability of either‘ faci 1ity to perform
its safety functions. including the ability to return to a safe condi-
tion in the event of an accìdent.
7.3.7 0ecommìssìoninq
The ISFSI is designed for decommissioning with adequate provisions
for decontamination of structures and equipment. for minimizing the
quantìty of radioactive wastes and contaminated equipment. and to
facilìtate the removal of radioactive wastes at the time the ISFSI is
permanently decomrnissioned.
7.3.8 Quality Assurance
A qua 1ity as surance program i s estab 1i shed and imp 1emented for the
structures , systems , and components of an ISFSI that are important to

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7.4 Codes. Standards. and References

7.4.1 Site Su;tability and Development
Requireme~!~ for the evaluation of the suitability for proposed sites
for an ISFSI are generally similar to those required for‘ siting of
nuclear reactor plants , although they are somewhat less restrictive.
The evaluation should provide the basis for the engineering design of
the installation. The following documents contain mater‘ i al on site
selection and evaluation:
1. NRC Requlations

1.1 - R.G. 3.44 , Standard Format and Content for the Safety Analys;s
Report for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
(써 ater-Basin τype)

1.2 - R.G. 3.48. Standard Format and Content for the Safety Analysis
~eport ~or an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (Dry
1.3 - 10CFR70 , 0αnesting Licensing of Special Nuclear Material
1. 4 - 10CFR72. Storage of Spent Fuel in an Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Instal1ation
2. National Standards
2.1 - ANS 2.19 , Guidelines for Evaluating Site Related Parameters
for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
7.4.2 Structural
1. NRC Requlations
1. 1 - lO CFR72. Storage of Spent Fuel in an Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation
1.2 - 10CFR21 , Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance
1.3 - R.G. 1.60. Design Response Spectra for Nuclear Power Plants
1. 4 - R.G. 1. 61. 0 뻐 ping Values for Seismic Oesign of Nuclear Power
1.5 - R.G. 1.76 , Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power Plants
1.6 - R.G. 1.92. Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in
Seismic Response Analysis
l.7 - R.G. 1.l22 , Deve1 。 PInent of F1 。。r Des1gn Response Spectra for
Seismic Oesign of Floor-Supported Equipment or Components





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1.8 - R.G. 3.44 , Standard Format and Content for the Safety Analysis
Repor~ for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Instal1ation
(μater‘ -BasinType)
1.9 - R.G. 3.48 , Standard Format and Content for the Safety Analysis
Report for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (Dry
2. National Standards
2.1 - ANS 57.5 , Design Criteria for an Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation (써ater PO여 Type)
2.2 - ANS 57.9 , Design Criteria for an Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation (Dry Storage Type)
2.3 - UBC - IIUniform Building Code" - (International Conference of
Building Officials)
2.4 - ACI-318 , Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete
2.5 ACI-349 , Code Requírements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete
2.6 - ANSI A58.1 - Building Code Requirements for Minimum Oesign
Loads in Buildings and Other‘ Structures
2.7 - AISC - Specification for the Design , Fabrication. and Erection
of Structural Steel for Buildings
2.8 - ASCE - Manual of Standard Practice in the Structural Design of
Nuclear Plant Facilities
2.9 - Am erican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code , Section 111 , Division 1
2.10 - Am erican 써 elding 50ciety (A써 5)

A써 5 D1.1 Structural 써 elding Code

A써 5 01.4 Structural 씨 elding Code - Reinforcing Steel
7.4.3 Fire Protection
1. NRC Requlation
1. 1 - 10CFR72 , Storage of Spent Fuel in an Independent 5pent Fuel
Sto r. age Installation
2. National 5tandards
2.1 - UBC - Uniform Building Code (International Conference of
Building Officials)


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.... ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 口 005 나 96 나 ..

2.2 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

NFPA 10 Portable Fire Extinguishers
NFPA 13 Installation of Sprinkler Systems
NFPA 14 Standpipe and Hose Systems
NFPA 70 National Electric Code
NFPA 720 Proprietary Protective Signaling $ystems
NFPA 72E Automatic Fire Oetectors
NFPA 78 Lightning Protection Code
NFPA 801 Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials

7.4.4 Cranes
1. CQg~ of Federal Regulations (CFR)
1.1 - Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations , Part 173.397
1.2 - Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations , Part 173.393
2. National Standards
2.1 ANSI B30.2.0 , Safety Standards for Overhead and Gantry Cranes
2.2 - ANSI B30.11 , Safety Standards for Hooks
2.3 - 매 5I 830.11 , 5afety Standards for Monorails and Underhung
l, ranes
2.4 - ANSI B30.16 , 5afety 5tandard for Overhead Hoists
2.5 - ANSI/ASME NOG-1 , Rules for Construction of Overhead and Gantry
Cranes (for N니다 ear Facilities)
3. 1ndustry Standards
3.1 - Standard Specifications for Electric 써 ire Rope Hoistes , HMI

3.2 - Specifications for Underhung Cranes and Monorail Systems , 에MA

Specificat ion
3.3 - CMAA 70 , Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes
7.4.5 엎민낀표

1. NRC Requlations
1. 1 - lO CFR72 , _Storage of Spent Fue 1 i n an Independent Spent Fue 1
Storage Installation



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1.2 - 10CFR73. Physical Protection of Plants and Materials

7.4.6 Material Handlinq and Shippinq
1. NRC Requlations
1. 1 - R.G. 7.1 , Administrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting
Radíoactive Material
1. 2 - R.G. 7.3 , Procedures for Pícking Up and Receiving Packages of
Radioactive Material
2. National Standards
2.1 - ANSI N14. 5-1977 , Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of
Radioactive Materials

2.2 - ANSI N14.6-1978 , Lifting Oevices for Shipping Container

써eighing 10 , 000 Pounds (4500 kg) or More for Nuclear Materials
7.4.7 Quality Assurance
1. NRC Requlation
1. 1 - 10CFR72 , Storage of Spent Fuel in an Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation
2. National Standard
2.1 - ANSI 45.2 , Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear
7.5 Structural Desiqn Criteria
The foundations are designed for all applicable loads , including
seísmic. The superstructure is also designed for al1 applicable loads
including seismic and tornado wind loads. The interior concrete walls
and slabs are designed to provide support and shielded access t。
equipment and piping. Shielding re uirements are confirmed priol‘ to
final issue of the concrete drawings. The natural phenomena. or low
probabil ity events for which the storage facìl ities are designed t。

fur ction without impairing their capability to perform safety
functions. are earthquakes , tornadoes. lightning. hurricanes , floods ,
tsunami , and seiches. It need not be protected from tornado missi les ,
but should be designed to prevent massive collapse of building
structures or the dropping of heavy objects on to the stored spent
fuel as a result of the structural failure of the building.



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 를. 口 759600 0005498 8 . .

ANS 57.7 and 57.9 address the fol10wing loads:

a. Normal Loads

(0) Oead
(L) L ive
(T) Therma 1
(F) Hydrostat ic
(H) Latera1 50;1

b. 5evere Environmenta1 Loads

(써) 써 ind

c. Extreme Environment Loads

(DE) Oesign Earthquake

(써 T) Tornado (Pressure and Ve10city Loadings)

(F 1) Flood
d. Abnorma1 Loads

(Ta) Temperature rise from 10ss of p。이 cooling water system

for extended period of time

(A) Loads due to a drop of fuel cask


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8.1 약뾰트

This chapter covers the civil and structural engineering aspects of

the design of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. A facility descrip-
tion is provided for‘ general information. Important design criteria
and licensing requirements are identified , and applicablecodes and
standards are listed as a general civil and structural design guide
for such a facility.
New nuclear fuels contain about 3% of uranium 235 and 97% of uranium-
238. 씨 hen spent fuels are discharged from nuclear reactors. they
contain about 1. 5% of U-235 and 1% of plutonium , both of which are
fissionable. The remainder is mostly U-238 and small percentage of
highly radioactive fission products. The valuable fissionable mate-
rials can be recovered through chemical reprocessing of the spent
fuel. The fission products in the spent fuel can be separated and
converted to a stable form for permanent disposal. Therefore , nuclear
fuel reprocessing plants offer an ideal and logical way to dispose of
spent fuel 써 ith respect to economics , material conservation , and envi-
ronmental protection.
8.2 Facility Description
A nuclear fuel reprocessing plant usual1y consísts of a fuel receiving
facility. a fuel reprocessíng facility , a waste fixation facility. and
。 ther‘ support facilíties.

The spent nuclear fuel is transported in shielded casks from nuclear

reactors to the fuel receiving station of the nuclear fuel reproces-
si ng pl an t. The spent fuel can be unloaded under water or in a dry
cel l. For the dry concept. the cask is moved to a cask unloading
facility where the spent fuel assemblies are taken into aluminum or
stainless steel baskets. The fuel baskets are then transferred under-
water and stored in the fuel storage pool prior to reprocessing.
The fuel basket is moved through the fμel transfer canal to the
processing cell of the reprocessing bu i1 ding where the end-fitting
hardware is dismantled and fuel elements are sheared into small
pieces. The pieces are placed in a dissolver where nitric acid is
used to dissolve the oxide fuel materials and fission products. The
uranium and plutonium are separated from the fission products by a
solvent extraction process. corrmonly known as Purex. The uranium
nitrate from the solvent extraction process is purified by an addi-
tional solvent extraction process and converted to fluoride product.
A sim i1 ar‘ purification process is carried out for the separated plu-
ton;um nitrate; the product ;s plutonium oxide. The residual solution
from uranium and plutonium separation is high-level liquid waste.
This waste is stored in tanks for aging before further treatment.
The high-level liquid waste is processed in the waste fixation
facility. First. the high-level liquid waste is solidified into an


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07596 口口 0005500 2 . .

oxide powder form in a high-temperature calciner. The calcined

product is then mixed with glass frit and melted to fix the waste
calcine in a glass form. The melting can be carr‘ i ed out i n me 1t i ng
equipment (the melter) or in a waste canister (in-can melter). The
encapsulated waste glass is then ready for permanent disposa 1. The
leached hulls of the fuel elements are compacted as intermediate-level
solid waste.
The support facilities include emergency utilities , water pond and
pump station , administration building. warehouse. and vehicle main-
tenance buildings.
8.3 General Requirements
For a comrnercial. nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. a construction
permit and operating license from the Nuclear Regulatory COIrmission
(NRC) are required to build and operate such a facility. A prelimi-
nary sa fety ana lys i s report (PSAR) , envi ronmenta 1 impact statement ,
and final safety analysis report (FSAR) are required to be submitted
to the NRC. The process is similar to that required for a commercial ,
nuclear power plant.
In the safety analysis report (SAR). the owner. with the assistance
。f the architect-engineer , proposes the design criteria for the engi-
neering design effort of the nuclear fuel reprocessing plan t. These
criteria are established to assure the NRC and the pUblic of the plant
safety. and compliance with regulatory positions. The NRC publishes
its rules and regulat;ons in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
They are for the purpose of implementing federal laws which affect the
construction and operatìon of nuclear‘ facil ities. In addition , the
NRC provìdes Regulatory Guides (RG) which state the acceptable meth-
。dology for implementing the regulatory requirements. For a nuclear
fuel reprocessing plant. the applicable regulation guides are ìncluded
in Division 3 , partìcularly Regulatory Guide 3.26 I’Standard Format and
Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Fuel Reprocessing Plants. 11
Many of the regulatory guides in Division 1 for nuclear power plants
are also applicable to a nuclear fuel reprocessìng plant. The NRC
staff a 1so prepares Standard Revì ew Pl ans (SRP) whi ch descri be the
technical position of NRC staff in reviewing the SAR. These SRPs are
written for nuclear power plants. They also provide useful guidance
for preparation of the SAR and design of the nuclear fuel reprocessing
plan t. Furthermore , state and local regulations also are considered
in the design.
The industr‘ ial codes and standards established by various engineering
societies and code corrmittees provide basic engineering design t'e-
quirements for facil ities and components of its jurisdiction. The
applicable industrial codes and standards specify the minimum design
requirements which must be complied with.
From the civil and structural standpoint , the nuclear fuel reproces-
sing plant is designed to withstand all credible natural phenomena and
design basis accidents so to ensure structural integrity , maintain
confinement of radioactive material , and prevent accident criticality.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005501 니 톨 찮

The natural phenomena include floods , rainfal1 , winter precipitation ,

tornado and sei smic events. The design basi s accidents of a nuclear
fuel reprocessing plant include the drop of the fuel casks , drop of
fuel baskets. indoor explosions. off-site explosions , etc.
The nuclear fuel reprocessing plant is a large industr‘ iai complex
which consists of many related facilities as described in the facility
description. The facilities are subject to different safety require-
ments. which are based on radiological consequences in case of failure
of the facility. system. or components due to natural phenomena or
postulated design basis accidents. According to the radiological
consequence in terms of site boundary dosage. the structures. systems ,
and components of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant are classified
into three major design classes as follows:
• Desi gn C1 ass 1: Structures. systems. and components. the
functional fai lure of which may resu1t in a who1e body dose
commitment at the site boundary in excess of 0.5 Rem per
accident. These structures. systems. and components are
considered safety-related items.
• Design Class II: Structures. systems , and components , the
functional fai lure of which may resu 1t in a whole body dose
commitment at the site boundary less than 0.5 Rem per
acciden t.
• Design Class III: Structures. systems , and components , the
functional fa i1 ure of which wi 11 not result in a release of
radioactive material.
The design c1assification is based on criteria set forth in
ANSI N46.1 "Guidance for Defining Safety-Related Features of
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Faci 1ities".
Other codes and standards which contain material applicable to the
design classification are listed as follows:
ANSI NlO1. 3 "Guide to Principal Oesign Criteria for Nuclear Fuel
Reprocess Plant"
lO CFR72 "L icensi ng Requir‘ ements for the Storage .of Spent Fuel in
an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Insta11ation"
The civi1 and structural requirements for Oesign Class-I structures ,
systems. and components are similar to those for the Seismic Category-
1 features of a nuclear power plant. Requirements for Design Class-
III items are the same as ordinary industrial and commercial facili-
ties. The Oesign Class-II designation applies to on1y a few unique
structures. such as the superstructure for the fuel storage pool , in
which the failure of major elements may pose a hazard to primary con-
finement of radioactive mater‘ ial. The main structural framing and
foundations of these structures are designed to prevent collapse
duri ng the credib le natural phenomena. However , these requirements


,r-- >


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generally do not apply to the building metal roof decking. or siding.

the 10ss of which would not pose a hazard to primary confinement of
radioactive material.
8.4 0esiqn Criteria. Desiqn Codes. and Standards
This section identifies codes , standards. and other design criteria
that are currently considered appl icable to the civi1 and structural
design of the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. There are on1y three
conmercia1 nuclear fue1 reprocessing plants designed and built , or
partial1y designed or built in the United States at this time. but
none is in actual operation. Very few of the regulations are directly
applicable. and some of the codes , standards , and design criteria are
still in a developrnental stage. The fo11o매 ing lists are based on
experience with licensing , design , and construction of these commer-
cial plants.
8.4.1 Site Suitab i1 ity
The requirernents for the site selection for the nuclear fuel repro-
cessing plant are similar to a nuclear power plant. Major factors t。
be considered include the following:
• Geographic Location
• Demography
• Environmental Impact
• Transportation and Supply of Utilities
• Geotechnical Features
• Natural Phenomena Events
The last two iterns are more directly related to the civil engineering
and site characterization. The site should be located in an area of
stable geological formation. The foundation material should have ade-
quate beari ng capacity as determi ned through subsurface exp loration
and examination of bor‘ ing data. Competent rock formation at the foun-
dation level of the structures would provide optimμm support. Inves-
tigation must ensure that there are no significant soft lenses in the
soil or cavities in the rock , otherwise extensive subsurface rernedial
work rnay be requi red. Ana lyses are conducted to ensure that site
subsidence will not occur and there is an adequate margin of safety
against sliding and soil liquefac 쉰 on. Based on geographical , geo-
technical , and rneteorological data , the site characterization a1so
involves an evaluation of the frequency and sever‘ i ty of the natura 1
phenomena such as earthquakes , tornadoes , wind , rainfall. floods.
etc. These parameters are irnportant in the site selection.
The following codes and standards contain mater‘ ials applicable to the
civil and structural aspects of site selectìon and characterization.


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10CFR lOO Appendix A "Se ismic and Geological Siting Criteria for
Nuclear Power Plants"
lO CFR70 "Domestic Li censing of Special Nuclear Materials ‘l

10CFR72 "L icensing Requirements for the Storage of Spent Fuel in

an Independent Spent Fue 1 Storage Installation ll
R.G. 3.40 1I 0es ign Basis Floods for Fuel Reprocessing Plants and
for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants"
R.G. 3.3 “ Quality Assurance program Requirements fo 1'‘ Fuel
Reprocessing Plants and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel
Fabrication Plants ‘’
R.G. 3.26 "Standard For‘ mat and Content of Safety Analysis Reports
for Fuel Reprocessing Plants"
ANSI/ANS 2.19 "Guidelines for Establishing Site-Related Parameters
for Site Selection and Oesign of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage
Installation (씨 ater Pool Type)"
ANSI/ANS 57.7 "Oesign Criteria for an Independent Spent Fuel
Storage Installation (써ater Pool Type) 1I
ANSI/ANS 57.9 "Design Criteria for an Independent Spent Fuel
Storage installation (Ory Storage Type)"

Std. Revie써 Plan 3.5. 1. 6 "Aircraft Hazard"

8.4.2 0esiqn to 써 ithstand Natural Phenomena
The nuclear fuel reprocessing plant is designed to withstand credible
natural phenomena including maximum flood. rainfall. winter‘
precipitation , tornado , and seismic events.

• Flood
The nuclear fuel reprocessi ng pl ant must be protected from
regional floods. Under the most severe flood , the plant must
maintain its safety-related functions. The desigrr basis flood
for the plant is usually adopted from the Probable Maximum
Flood (PMF) of the site. The PMF is the flood level for which
there is virtually no possibility of being exceeded. The ap-
plicable codes and standards include the fol10wing.
R.G. 3.40 "Design Basis Floods for Fuel Reprocessing Plants
and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants"
10CFR100 Appendix A "Se ismic and Geologic Siting Criteria for
Power Plants"


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• Rainfall
The Design Class 1 facilities and their drainage areas of the
nuclear fuel reprocessing plant are designed for a Probable
Maximum Precipitation (PMP). Other plant areas may be de-
signed for the 100-year rainfall. Applicable codes and
standards include:
ANSI A58.1 "Building Code Requirements for Minimum Oesign
Loads in Buildings and Other Structures ’‘
• 찌 inter Precipitation
The Design Class 1 facilities of the nuclear fuel reprocessing
plant are designed for a loading of a snowpack resulting from
a Probable Maximum Sn。써 storm. The othey‘ plant facilities are
designed for the 50-year snowpack. The applicable codes and
standards include:
ANSI A58.1 "Building Code Requirements for Minimum Oesign
Loads 1n Buildings and Other Structures"
Std. Review Plan 2.3.1 "Regional Climatology"
• Tor‘ nado 써i nd and Mi ssiles
The Design Class 1 facilities are designed to withstand maxi-
mum credible tornado wind velocity pressure , atmospheric
pressure drops , and tornado-generated missiles. Tornadoes
vary 1n s1ze , configuration , intensity. and frequency of
occurrence , depending on geographical location. regional top-
。 graphical and meteorological conditions. In absence of a
site-specific study. the tornado wind veloc\ty components
provided by ANSI-2.3 for an annual risk of 10-/ for the site
location are recommended as design parameters.
Defining the design basis tornado missiles involves identi-
fication of a spectrum of credible missiles near the plant
site , and the pick-up , injection , and trajectory of these ob-
jects i n the assumed 써 ind field mechanism. ANSI-2.3 provides
a 1ist of credible tornado missiles and their velocity compo-
The fo11 。‘바 ng codes and standards contain material applicable
to this design:
ANSljANS-2.3 "Am erican National Standard for Estimating
Tornado and Extreme 써 ind Characteristics at Huclear‘ Power
Plant Sites ’I
ANSI A58.1 "Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design
Loads in Buildings and Other Structures"


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 - 0759600 0005505 1 .톨

• Seismic Events
The i ntended functions of Oesign C1 ass-I ,
and components must be ensured for any credib1e seismic event
at the plant site. R.G. 3.26 requires that two design earth-
quakes be specified for eaεh plant site. i. e. ‘ Safe Shutdown
Earthquake (SSE) and the Operat;ng Basis Earthquake (OBE).
The SSE is the maximum credible earthquake for the site.
During and after the SSE , the Design Class-I structures.
systems , and components must remain functional for an order1y
safe shutdown of the p1ant. During the OBE , the Design C1ass-
1 port;on of the plant should be capab1e of continuing norma1
。 peration. The maximum ground acce1eration associated with the
SSE ;s determined by the seismic eva1uation of the site. The
maximum ground acce1eration of the OBE i s the acceleration
that could r‘ easonably be expected during the operating lîfe of
the plant. The term Oesign Basis Earthquake (DBE) and SSE are
interchangeably used for nuclear fuel reprocessing plant crî-
teria and are equal in value.
The following codes and standards contain mater‘ ials applica-
ble to the determination of maximum ground acceleration , se-
lection of design response spectra and damping values , method
of seismic analysis and design criter‘ ia for structures and
components , and seìsmic instrumentation for the nuclear fuel
reprocessing plant:
R.G. 3.26 "Standard Format and Content of Safety Analys;s
Reports for Fuel Reprocessing Plants"
10CFRIOO Appendix A ‘’ Seismic and Geologic Siting Criterîa for
Nuclear Power Plants"
R.G. 1.60 "Design Response Spectra for Seismic Oesign of
Nuclear PO써er Plants"
R.G. 1. 61 "Damping Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power
R.G. 1.92 "Combining Modal Responses and Spatia1 Components in
Seismic Response Analysis"
R.G. 1. 122 "Development of Floor Design Response Spectra for
Seismic Design of Floor Supported Equipment or Components"
R.G. 3.14 "Seismic Oesign Classification for Plutonium
Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants ’l
R.G. 3.17 "Earthquake Instrumentation for Fuel Reprocessing
Plants ’

Std. Review Plan 3.7.2 "Se ismic System Analysis"


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Std. Revie 써 Plan 3.7.3 "Se ismic Subsystem Analysis"

Std. Review Plan 3.7.4 "Seismic Instrumentation ll
IEEE Std-344 Il S~ismic Qualifications of Class lE Equipment for
Nuclear Power Plant Generation Stations '’ (provides general
gui~ance for seis~ic qualification of equipment required
during safe shutdown).
8.4.3 0esign t。 써 ithstand Oesiqn Basis Accidents

The nuclear fuel reprocessing plant is designed to withstand credible

design b~sis acçidents including: drop of fuel cask. drop of fuel
basket. indoor explosions , off-site explosions , and impact óf an air-

• Orop of Fuel Cask

The accidental drop of the fuel cask , which can weigh up t。

120 tons. due to malfunction of the 1 ifting mechañism' can
potentially cause damage to Oesign Class 1 structures. These
pote~t i a 1 t !irg~ts have to be ana lyzed and des igned so that
the damage is localized and can be repaired , and- there is no
uncontrol1ed leakage of radioactive materials due to such

• Orop of Fuel Basket

The aluminum or stainless steel baskets are designed t。

maintain separation of fuel bundles so to avoid criticality
cond i t ion dur‘ ing and after the drop.
• Indoor Explosions

Some vessels in the reprocessing facility contain chemicals

with explosive potential. Should an explosion occur. there
will be a sudden re 1ease of energy i n the form of héat and
pressure. The adjacent equipment , walls. view windows. and
cell hatches are desi.g~ed to withstand the impulsive pressure
load as 써 e 11 as poss ib 1e impact of the fragments produced by
~he ..rup~~~~ of the disintegrated container.- Load1ng effec tS
to the HVAC system due to pressure wave of the explos;on must
be considered.
• Off-Site Explosion

Potential sources of off-site explosions could be highways or

riverways adjacent to the nuc1ear Fue1 reprocessfng p1ant.
Nearby chemical plants may also have explosiòn potent1a í. An
accidental explosion.of such magnitude close to ~he plant site
could pr~duce a significant pressure wave. The design consid-
eration for such an event is similar to that for the tornado


\ )

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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005507 5 . . '

R.G. 1. 91 IIEvaluation of Explosions Postulated to Occur on

Tranportation Routes near Nuclear Power Plants"
• Impact of Airplanes
Aviation traffic may present a safety hazard to the plant.
The probabi lity analysis and structural design criteria are
outlined ;n the follow;ng:
Std. Rev;ew Plan IIAircraft Hazards"
8.4.4 Structural Oesiqn
ln the design of the Oesign Class 1 structures and components of a
nuclear fuel reprocessing plant , the loads produced by the postulated
natural phenomena and design basis accidents are combined with other
service loads for both service load conditions and factored load con-
ditions , for concrete and steel structures may be in accordance with
ACI Std-349 and ANS N690 (listed below) , respectively. The resulting
combined load conditions are used in design according to the require-
ments of applicable industrial design codes and standards as follows:
• Reinforced Concrete for Oesign Class 1 Structures
ACI Std-349 "Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related
ACI Std-315 ’‘ Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing
Reinforced Concrete Structures"
ANSI NI0l.6 "Concrete Radiation Shields"
AμS 01.4 "Structural 싸 elding Code - Reinforcing Steel"

• Reinforced Concrete for Oesign Class 11 and 111 Structures

ACI Std-318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
UBC "Uniform Building Code"
• Structural Steel for Oesign Class 1 Structures
ANS 써 690 ’‘ Specification for the Oesign , Fabrication , and
Erection of Steel Safety-Related Structures for Nuεlear
Faci 1iti es 11
AISC IIStructural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts ll
AISC "Manual of Steel Constr‘uc 친。n ll

AWS 01.1 "Structural 싸 e 1di ng Code"

• Structural Steel for Design Class 11 and Class 111 5tructures



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AISC IISpecification for the Design. Fabrication and Erection

。 f Structura1 Steel for Buildings"

UBC "Uniform 8uilding Code

AISI "Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel
Structural Members"
CMAA "Specif1cation for Electr‘ ic Overhead Traveling Cranes ll
AASHTO "Standard Practice for Highway Bridges ll
• Other Structural Codes and Standards
AAA "Aluminum Construction Manual ll
NCMA "Specification for the Design and Construction of Load-
bearing Concrete 에 asonry"
ACI 531 "Concrete Masonry Structures Design and
Constr‘ uction"
• Piping and Vessels
ANSI B3 1. 1 11 Power Pi pi ng 11
ASME "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ll Section III. Division
1, Subsection NC
ASME IIBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code" Section VIII. Division

8.4.5 0ther Oesiqn Considerations

The fo llow1ng codes and standards contain material s appl icable t。
uti1ities. access , architectural. fire protection , mechanical and
electrical equipment , and quality assurance program requirements:
• Utilities and Access
A써써A Mll ’ Steel Pipe Oesign and Installation ‘’

A써써A C200 "Standard 써 ater Pipe 6 Inches and Larger ll

A써써 A C301 "Standard for Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe.
Steel Cylinder Type for 써ater and Other Liquid"
A써써A 0100 "Standard for 씨elded Steel Tanks for Water Storage ll
API 620 "Recommended Rules for Oes ign and Constr‘ uction of
Large 냄elded Low-Pressure Storage Tanks ‘l
API 650 11 써 elded Stee1 Tanks for 011 Storage"
AASHTO "Standard Practice for Highway Bridges ll


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ASCE TITLε*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005509 9 . .

AASHTO "Geometric Design Standards for Highways other than

AASHTO IIInterim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures"
Ca1ifornia Dept. of Transportation "Highway Design Manual"
AREA IIManual of Reconmended Practice" Vo 1. 1 and II
• Facility Configuration
UBC IIUniform Building Code ll
R.G. 3.42 IIEmergency Planning for Fuel Cycle Fac i1 ities and
Plants Licensed Under 10CFR50 and 70 11
R.G. 5.7 IIControl of Personnel Access to Protected Areas ,
V1tal Areas and Material Access Areas"
R.G. 5.12 "General Use of Locks 1n the Protection and Control
。f Facilities and Special Nuclear Materials"
R.G. 5.27 "Special Nuclear Material Doorway Monitors “
ANSI N305 IIDesign Objectives for Highly Radioactive $01 id
Material Handling and Storage Fac i1 ities in a Reprocessing
ANSI N512 "Protective Coatings for the 에 uclear IndustryU
OSHA "0 CCμ pational Safety and Health Standards" CFR Ti tle 29 -
Labor , Parts 15 and 19
OOE Order 6430 "General Oesign Criteria Manual ll
• Fire Protection
NFPA "National Fire Code"
ANSI/NFPA 801 IIRecommended Fire Protection Practices for
Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials ‘l
OOE Manual Appendix 0550 1I 0perational Safety Standards ll
OOE Manual Appendix 0552 ’‘ Industrial Fire Protection"
• Mechanical and Electrical Equipment
R.G. 1. 100 IISei smic Qual ification of Electrical Equipment for
Nuclear Power‘ Plants ’l

IEEE 344 IISeismic Qualifications of Class lE Equipment for

Nuclear Power Generating Station ll


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‘ ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075960 口 0005510 5 . . ‘

~~S! __N1_4.6 "Lifting Devices for Shipp;ng Container‘ s Weighing

10 , 000 Pounds or More for Nuc1ear Materiaís ll
NUREG-0612 "Contr‘ 01 of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants ll
• Quality Assurance
lO CFR50 Appendi x 8 "Qua 1ity Assurance Cr‘ iteri a for Nuc lear‘
Power Plants and Fue1 Reprocessing Plants"
R.G. 3.3 "QU~~ity Assurance Program Requirements for Fuel
~epr?ce~~;ng Plan~s and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel
Fabricat10n Plants"
~NS!/ASM~ NQA:~ "Quality Assurance Program Requirements for
Nuclear Power‘ Plants ’ l

ANSI N46.2 ‘’ Qua~ ity Assurance Program Requirements for Post

Reactor Nuclear Fuel Cycle Faci1ities"
10CFR21 "Reporting of Defects and Non-compliance"
8.4.6 0econtamination and Decommissioning
These facilities are designed to facilitate decontamination of struc-
tures and equ~pment in the event of accidental releases of radioactive
mater‘ 1a1s 。 r 1n the event 。 f maj 。r mod1fications tG those faci1ft1es.
The des1gn shou1d m1n1rn1ze the quantity of radioactive 써astes ana
contaminated equipment. and facilitate - the removal of radioactive
wastes at the time the facilities are permanently decommissioned.



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005511 7 . .


9.1 프뽀르

Two methods of nuclear waste disposal currently being used are shallow
burial and geologic isolation. This chapter covers geologic isolation
of nuclear wastes only. and describes the civil and structural engi-
neering aspects of the design of the 써 aste Isolation Pilot Plant
(써 IPP) of the Department of Energy as an example. The 싸 1 PP facil i ty
provides for geologic isolation of nuclear waste in bedded salt. 써 IPP
i s on ly ; ntended for storage of the nucl ear waste generated by the
defense program. At the end of 1982. the U.S. Congress passed the
Nuclear 써 aste Policy Act. Under this act. the U.S. Department of
Energy was given the responsibility for managing , design and construc-
tion of thi s nation l s first nuclear waste repository for disposal of
civilian nuclear waste. Four types of host rocks including salt.
basalt. tuff and crystal1ine and various sites are being investigated
and character‘ ized. 에 IPP being the f;rst facility of this kind ;s
described here as a case history for future reference.
The facility descriptions and design criteria provided herein are
intended to give an overview of facility types for which important
design criteria and technical requirements are identified. Codes and
standards are listed as references for civ i1 and structural design of
a similar facility.
써 IPP is a full-scale pilot plant facility which has been designed and
;s currently under construction to provide for the permanent storage
。 f 25 , 000 cu ft of remote-handled (RH) transuranic (TRU) waste and
6.000.000 cu ft of contact-handled (CH) TRU waste ;n deep underground
salt beds. This pilot plant wi1 1 also demonstrate the technical and
。perational pr‘ inciples of permanent isolation of the defense waste in
an underground salt formation. As a secondary objective. it will also
provide an experimental facility for further understanding of the be-
havìor of high-level waste in this geologic medium. This information
wi 11 be useful for future development of permanent r‘ epositories for
defense. as well as commercial , nuclear waste.
9.2 Faci 1ity Descr‘ iption
The 써 aste Isolation Pilot Plant (Fig. 9.1) consists of a surface
facil ity and an under‘ ground facility. The surface facility receives
and conducts mechanical processing of the waste. The shafts and
underground drifts provide space for transportation and emplacement of
the 써aste as well as backfilling operations.
The CH waste is contained in 55-gallon drums or large metal boxe_s.
which are transported into the waste handling building by rail or by
truck. After unloading , the waste containers are inspected for pos-
sible leakage. The few that may leak wi1 1 be overpacked in larger
containers. The waste containers are then carr‘ ied by a forkltft to a
waste conveyance which lowers the waste 2.200 ft through a 19-ft diam-
eter waste shaft to the storage facility level in the middle of the


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005513 0 . .

salt formation. There the waste containers are moved by the forklift
to CH waste storage rooms. The CH waste processing is performed by a
contact-handled operation.
The RH waste canister encased ;n a heavy shielding cask is transported
into the waste handling building by rail or by truck. The cask 1s
then moved into a thick concrete hot cel1 where the RH waste proces-
sing is conducted by a remote-handled operation. The cask cap is
。pened and the canister is removed. inspected. and transferred 1nto a
facility shield cask. If leakage is found in the inspection. a remote
。verpack operation is perfor‘med inside the hot cel l. The facility
cask is then taken underground to the RH waste storage room 써here the
canister is horizontally emplaced 1nto holes in the salt wall.
The waste handl ing building is a 440-ft by 160-ft steel frame struc-
ture on a rei nfor‘ ced concrete foundation and is enclosed with metal
siding. The concrete hot cell and the steel waste shaft tower and
hoist system are constructed as part of the waste handling building.
The waste shaft , the 14-ft diameter exhaust shaft. and the lO -ft
di ameter‘ construction and salt handling shaft connect the surface
facilities to the underground drifts. The construction and salt
handling shaft provides fresh air and personnel access to the under-
ground , as well as a salt skip for the removal of excavated salt.
The underground facility level is divided by vent;lation barriers ;nt。
a constructi on area and a storage area. The area i n which access
drifts and storage rooms are being excavated is called the construc-
t10n area. The exhaust shaft is constructed by downhole dril1ing. and
is lined with steel for the upper 820 ft to the top of the salt forma-
tion. The remaining two shafts are lined with unreinforced concrete
in the upper 820 ft. For the unlined portion of the shafts , wire mesh
and rock bolts are installed as required to maintain stability.
There are several support facilities on the surface including the sup-
port building , warehouse , water tanks and pumphouse , and hoist house.
All these buildings are steel-frame structures on concrete foundations
and are enclosed with metal siding.
The plant site consists of forty acres of graded area. a salt storage
pile of 1.800.000 tons in capacity. and a sewage treatment facility.
There are seventeen miles of access roads. four miles of access railr-
oad. and thirty-one miles of water pipeline.
9.3 General Requirements
씨 IPPis a defense facility , and thus does not come under the jurisdic-
tion of the U.S. 써 uclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). At present. NRC
regulatory positions for a commer‘ cial nuclear waste repository are in
a developmental stage.
To assure the state and the publ ic of the safety of 써 IPP. a safety
analysis report (SAR) and an environmental impact statement have been
prepared. The SAR describes the design criteria for every engineering



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ASCE TITLE*SU 센 MAR 88 . . 0759600 0005514 2 . .

design effort of the 써 aste Isolation Pilot Plant. These criteria are
derived from requir‘ ements of current Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR). NRC Regulatory Guides (RG) , and Standard Review Plans (SRP) for
nuclear facilities including nuclear power plants. nuclear fuel repro-
cessing and fabrication plants , and radwaste facilities. The estab-
lishment of the criteria is in some cases by direct application and in
。 ther‘ cases by logical or reasonable judgment.

State and local regulations and requirements are being complied with
to the extent agreed upon by the Department of Energy and state and
local agencies. Industrial codes and standards established by various
engineering societies and code comnittees provide basic engineering
design requirements for facilities and components of its jurisdiction.
The applicable industr‘ ial codes and standards specify the m;n;mum
design requirements which must be met.
From the civil and str‘ uctural standpoint , the selected facilities of
the μaste Isolation Pilot Plant are designed to withstand credible
natura 1 phenomena and desi gn bas i s accidents so as to ensure struc-
tural integrity and maintain the confinement of radioactive material
to the plan t. The natural phenomena include flood. rainfa l1. snow.
wind , tornadoes , and seismic events. The design bas;s accidents of
the 써 aste Isolation Pilot Plant include the drop of waste canisters
and a design basis fire.
The 씨 aste Isolation Pilot Plant is a large industrial complex which
consists of many related facilities as described in the facility
description. The facilities are subject to different safety require-
ments. The safety requirements are based on radiological consequences
in case of failure of the facility , system or components due to natu-
ral phenomena or postulated design basis accidents. According to
the radiological consequenεes i n terms of site boundary dosage , the
structures. systems and components of the 싸aste Isolation Pilot Plant
were examined for classification into three major Design Classes as
fo11 。써 s:

• Design Class 1: Structures , systems , and components. the

functional failure of which may result in a whole bOdy dose
commitment at the site boundary in excess of 0.5 Rem per
accident. These structures , systems , and components are
considered safety-related items.
• Oesign Class II: Structures. systems. and components. the
functional failure of which may result in a whole body dose
commitment at the site boundary less than 0.5 Rem per accident.
• Design Class III: Structures. systems , and components , the
functional failure of which will not result ;n a release of
radioactive mater‘ ia 1.
The design classification is not based on any existing regulations.
codes or standards and is unique for this defense facility. However ,
the following list is useful for future references:


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005515 나 ..

ANSI N46.1 "Guidance for Defining Safety-Related Features of

Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facil ities l!
10CFRI00 UReactor Site Criteria ‘’
10CFR72 UL icensing Requirements for the Storage of Spent Fuel in
an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ll
ANSI NI01.3 "Guide to Principal Design Criter1a for Nuclear Fuel
Reprocess Plant ll
The radiological accident analyses concluded that there 1s no Design
Class-I requirement for the 써aste Iso1 at ion Pilot P1 ant. The waste
hand1ing building and the storage exhaust filter building are essen-
tial to maintain the confinement of the radioactive material. These
structures , systems , and components are Design Class 11. The accident
ana1ys is a lso concluded that the design basi s accidents such as the
drop of waste canisters and design bas;s fire will not cause a signif-
icant release of radioactive materia 1. Therefore. this des;gn gUide
emphasizes the civil and structural design requirements of the Design
C1ass-11 structures , systems. and components to withstand the natural
phenomena , while the Design Class-III items conform to the require-
ments of codes and standards for or‘ dinary industrial and cOßlllerc;al
faci 1ities.
9.4 Desiqn Criteria. Desiqn Codes. and Standards
This section identifies and lists codes , standards , and other design
criteria that are currently considered applicable to the civi 1 and
structural des ign of the 써 aste Is01ation Pilot Plan t. The Code of
Federal Regulations. NRC Regulatory Guides. and Standard Review Plan
are 1isted for reference on1y unless otherwise indicated.
9.4.1 Site Suitab11ity
The 써 aste Iso1ation Plant is intended to be a-long-term underground
experimental faci1ity for the disposa1 of nuclear waste. The primary
consideration 1n site se1ect1on is the stability of the underground
formation for thousands of years 1n the future.
Several types of rock formation have been investigated for use as a
nuclear waste disposal facility. They include granite , salt. basalt.
tuff , and shale. Many of these underground formations have remained
stable for the last tens of thousands of years. The plastic behav10r
。f salt under high pressure is an attractive feature for encapsulation
。 f nuclear waste. The Los Medanos site in southeastern New Mexico was
selected for the pilot plant described herein after many years of
field drilling and geological and hydro1ogical investigations. After
the first shaft was constructed , an in-situ test exploratory pr‘。 gram
is being conducted to gather more data for full validation of the
Subsurface exp1orations inc1uding soi1 borings and test pits have been
performed to develop the foundation design criteria for the surface


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005516 6 . .

facil it i es. It has been found that competent rock i s near the sur-
face. and there is virtually no site subsidence , sliding or soi1
liquefaction potential.
The following regulatory publications. codes , and standards are useful
references for consideration in the site selection and characteriza-
lO CFR60 "Disposal of High-Level Radioactive 써 astes in Geologîc
10CFR100 Appendix A IISeismic and Geological Siting Criteria for
Nuclear P。써er Plants ‘’
lO CFR70 "Domestic Li censing of Special Nuclear Materials ll
ANS 2.19 IIGuideline for Establishing Site-Related Parameters for
Site Selection and Design of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage
9.4.2 ClimatoloQical Considerations
This section covers the design considerations for climatological
factors including flood. rainfall , snow , and wind. Tornado design is
addressed in Section 9.4.3.
• Flood
The plant grade elevation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
is about 400 ft above the regional Probable Maximum Flood
(PMF) leve l. Thus PMF is not a concern for this site.
• Rainfall
Interceptor ditches ‘ berms. and cu 1verts are pr。피 ded around
the site perimeter to divert runoff from the drainage plane
above the site as a result of the Probable Maximum Precipita-
tion. 씨 hi le the on-site runoff collecti on system is des;gned
for the 25-year rainfall. the building floors are raised to 1
ft above the finished grade elevation. Parapets are elimi-
nated fr‘。m buildings to prevent accumulation of water on the
• Snow
The desi gn snow load of 27 lbjsq ft is derived by combining
the 100-year sn。써 load specified in ANSI Standard A58.1-1972
and the quantity of standing water from winter precipitation
required to arrive at a runoff threshold condition. Coeffi-
cients for roof snow load calculation are according to ANSI


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005517 8 . .

• 써i nd
A site-specific wind study concluded that the wind velocity at
30 feet above ground is 110 milesjhr for 1 t OOO-year recurrence
interval. 99 mi 1 esjhr for a 100-year recurrence interval and
91 mi lesjhr for a 50--year‘ recurrence interval. These design
wind velocities are assigned to the buildings according to the
design classification. The vertical velocity distribution ,
gust factors , and the effective pressure coefficients are
according to ANSI A58.1.
The following codes and standards contain reference mater‘ ials for the
climatological design considerations.
ANSI A58.1 "Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design loads
in Buildngs and Other Structures"
T. T. Fujita "A Site-$pecific Study of 써 ind and Tornado Probabil-
iti es at he 써 IPP Site in Southeast New Mexico. 1I SMRP Research
Paper No. 155 , February 1978.
R.G. 3.40 "Design Basis Floods for‘ Fuel Reprocessing Plants and
for lutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants ll
Std. Review Plan 2.3.1 IIRegional Climatology"
9.4.3 Tornado , 써 ind and Missile
The Design Class-II waste handling bu i1 ding is designed to withstand
the maximum tornado wind velocity pressure , and atmospheric pressure
drops. Tornadoes vary in size. configuration. intensity , and fre-
quency of occurrence , depending on geographical location , and regional
topographical and meteorological conditions. A site-specific study
was conducted to determine the Most Severe Credible Tornado for the
site location in southeastern New Mexico. The following tornado
parameters were obtained thrpugh a probabilistic analysis and based on
an annual probability of 10- v •
Maximum wind speed 183 mph
Translational velocity 37 mph
Tangential velocity 146 mph
Pressure drop 0.69 psi
Rate of pressure drop 0.08 pSijsec
Radius of maximum wind 492 ft
This Most Severe Credible Tornado has been adopted as the Oesign Basis
Tornado for design of the Design Class-II surface facilities.
A separate study also identified the following credible tornado-
generated missiles compatible 써 ith the Design Basis Tornado:


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07596 口 o 0005518 T . .

Missile Miss11e
써e1igbht. Velocity. EnergyE.
Missile Dimensions !!!1?l! Status E=1/2 MV2
써。 od 2 in. x 12 in. 54 100 τrave11ntg 18.O x lG3 ft-1b
Plank x 12 ft end-on a
any height
Plywood 3/4 in. x 4 ft 56 150 Trave1inagt 42.1 x lO3 ft·1b
Sheet x 8 ft end-on
any height
Steel 26 in. x 20 ft 100 150 Trave11nagt 75.2 x 103 ft-1b
Siding end-on
any height

An accident analysis indicated that the penetration of these missiles

!hro.~gh the Oesig~ Class-II ~~ildings _cou1d on1y cause limited damage
to the as te conta i ners.
,,:, The postu 1ated damage wou 1d not cause - a
radioactive release to exceed the dose limit ãt the site boundary.
Therefore , the stru~tural des~gn to withstand the tornado-generatëd
missi1es is not required from the radiological point of view.
The following codes and standards contain reference materials for the
tornado design:

ANSI/ANS-2.3 "American National Standard for Estimating Tornado

and Extreme 써 i nd Character‘ istics at Nuclear Power Plant Sites ll
ANSI A58.1 "Bui.l~ing Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads
in Bui1dings and Other Structures"

T. Theodor‘ e Fujita , “A Site-Specific Study of Wind and Tornad。

Probabilities at the WIPP Site in Southeasi New Mex1co." SMRP No.
155 , p~ep~artment of Geophysical Sciences , University óf Chicag마
Feb. 1978.
9.4.4 S~smic Analysis of Surface Facilities

The waste handl ing buildi ng and its ventilation damper‘ s are designed
to withstand a Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) , 써hich is an earthquake
that has a reasonab 1e probab il ity of occurrence based on stud ie's of
hi storic sei smic ity and structura 1 geo 10gy. For the 써 aste Iso1ation
Pilot Plant , the DBE establ_is_he_s __a ground--acceleration of 0.10 9 based
。 n a recurrence interval of 1 , 000 years. The response spectrum-analy-
sis technique is used for the seismic analysis of the 'structure. A
Si~pl~fied ~~~~ys.i~ is conducted to derive floor response spectra fo•
seismic qualification of equipment and components.

The following codes and standards contain reference materials for

the determination of maximum ground acceleration , selection of desian
resp 。nse spectra and damping va1ties , method of se1smic ana1ys1s a6d
des~gn criteria for structures and components. and seismic iñstrumen-
tation for the waste isolation pilot plant.


( }

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R.G. 1. 60 "Design Response $pectra for $eismic Oesign of Nuclear

Power Plants"
R.G. 1. 61 "Damping Values for‘ Sei smic Des ign of Nucl ear Power
R.G. 1. 92 "Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in
Seismic Response Analysis"
R.G. 1. 143 까)esign Guidance for Radioactive 씨aste Management
Systems , Structures , and Components Instal1ed in light-Water-
Cooled Nucler Power Plants"
R.G. 3.17 11 Earthquake Instrumentation for Fuel Reprocessing
Plants ‘’
Std. Review Plan 3.7.2 "Seismic System Analysis ’‘
$td. Review Plan 3.7.3 "Seismic Subsystem Analys;s
Std. Review Plan 3.7.4 "Seismic Instrumentation"
9.4.5 Seismic Analysis of UnderQround Facilities
The underground facilities include the three vertical shafts and
multiple unlined drifts at the storage facility level.
The UBC earthquake i s the specifi ed earthquake used to des ign the
shafts and drifts. It i s used to assess the structural performance
with respect to personnel safety during plant operation which is the
same requirement as conventional mining facilities. The DBE is used
to assess the structura 1 performance of the shafts and 깅 rifts with
respect to accessibility and retrievability under the most severe
seismic event postulated for the 씨 IPP facility. This DBE requirement
is imposed because 써 IPP handles nuclear material and the accessibility
and retrievabil ity have to be maintained during and after earthquake
events. The UBC earthquake for Zone No. 1 has an equivalent ground
acceleration of 0.05 g.
Underground structural responses were obtained by modifying the free-
field stressesjstrains (calculated by the computer program SHAKE) with
dynamic stressjstrain concentration factors. Two ground motion rec-
ords 써ere selected to simulate the ground motions at the site. These
are the 1952 Kern County and 1971 San Fernando records.
The standards used to assess str‘ uctura 1 stab i 1i ty of the shafts and
drifts , as. related to stress and strain. are the Griffith and Newmark
rock failure criteria. ln addition. particle velocity criteria based
on observed seismic damage and calculated peak particle velocities are
used to assess structural stability.
For the upper portion of the shafts which are lined with unreinforced
concrete , the fol1owing conclusions were drawn:



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005520 8 . .

(1) 써 ith respect to the UBC earthquake , the calculated particle

velocity is less than the empirical particle velocìty criterion.
the calcu1ated shear stresses are less than the Griffith stress
criterion. and the free-field strains are less than Newmark ’ s
strain criterion. No spalling is expected to occur as a result
of the UBC earthquake and personnel safety should be maintained.
(2 ) 써 ith respect to the DBE , the calculated particle velocity is less
than the empirical particle velocity criterion for the threshold
of damage and the calculated shear stresses are less than the
Griffith stress criterion. Therefore. no spa l1 ing is expected
under these criteria. However. the free-field strains in the
upper 200 ft of the shaft exceed the Newmark strain (spalling)
cri teri on. Therefore. accord i ng to th i s cr‘ iterion alone , spal-
1ing may occur 1n this portion of the shafts. Considering all
three fa il ure criter‘ ia. it is not expected that drops of suffi-
cient magnitude to cause closure or blockage of the shaft wi1 1
。 ccur. Thus. accessibility and retrievability should be main-
For the unlined portion of the shafts and drifts. the fol10wing
conclusions 써ere drawn:
써 ithrespect to the UBC or DBE earthquake , the calculated parti-
cle velocity and free-field strains are less than the associated
empirica1 evaluation criteria. and the dynamic stresses are only
a small fraction of the static stresses due to overburden pres-
sure. No spalling is expected to occur , provided normal required
maintenance is performed. Therefore , accessibility. retr‘ ievabil-
ity and personne1 safety should be assured.
9.4.6 Structural Desiqn
In the design of the Design Class II structures and components of
the 써aste Isolation Pilot P1ant. the loads produced by the postulated
natural phenomena are combined with other‘ service loads for both ser-
vice load conditions and factored load conditions according to the
Std. Review Plan 3.8.4 "0ther Seismic Category 1 Structures ll
The resulting combined load conditions are used in design according
to the requirements of the following industl‘ ial design codes and
standards. The load combination and other design requirements for the
Design Class III structures and components are also according to the
following codes and standards:


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005521 T . .

• Reinfor‘ ced Concrete

ACI Std-318 IIBuilding Code Reqμirements for Reinforced
Concrete ‘’
ACI Std-315 IIManual of Standard Practice for Oetailing
Reinforced Concrete Structures ll
UBC "Uniform Bui lding Code ll
ANSI NlO1. 6 IIConcrete Rad1ation Shields"
A써 S 01.4 IIStructural 씨 elding Code - Reinforcing Steel"
• Structural Steel
AISC IIS pec ification for the Oesign , Fabrication and Erection
of Structural Steel for Buildings ll
AISC "Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts"
AISC "Manual of Steel Construction ll
UBC "Uniform Building Code"
A써 S 01. 1 IIStructural 써elding Code"
CMAA IIS pec ification for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes ll
9.4.7 Underground Stability Analysis

In the design of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. a considerable

structural engineering effort is devoted to the stability analysis of
the shafts and underground openings. The performance assessment of
the underground facilities is concerned with mechanical effects from
μnbalanced forces at excavated openings and thermomechanical effects
from radiogenic heating. Although the potential chemical effects
between the waste and other materia1s introducgd into the storage
facility and the host rock are also very important. they are nõt
considered as a part of structural engineering effort.
The rock sa lt has an i nherent creep behav10r under h igh overburden
pr~ss~re. The creep rate especially increases in heated regions. The
salt formation itself is composed of various layers of different prop-
ert i es. Between the 1ayers. there i s often a weak cl ay seam. The
clay seam tends to all 。때 salt layers to slide relative to each other
in the deformation process. The.arrangement of the underground open-
ings further poses a three-dimensional problem.
The three-dimensional nonlinear system described above is simplified
to a mathematical model for which the analysis using computers is
feas ib le and can be performed at reasonab le cos t. For the 써 aste
Isolation Pilot Plant , the analysis has been conducted using a two-
dimensional plane-strain finite element model. The element properties



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005522 1 . .

include creep characteristics of salt and sliding effects at the clay

seam. The preliminary results indicate that there will be significant
gradual deformation at walls , floors , and ceilings of the underground
openings. These results are used in the design to ensure personnel
safety during operation , retr‘ ievabìlity of the waste within five years
after emplacement , and encapsulation of the waste after backf i1 1 and
deco l11ll ission.
Since the start of construction of the shafts and underground openings
in ‘July 1981 , instrumentation has been installed in the shafts and at
selected locations of each underground area. Rockbolt load cells ,
multipoint extensometers , and horizontal and vertical convergence sta-
tions are installed in the shafts , shaft stations , and access drifts.
Full-size test rooms are provided for design validation of the waste
storage rooms. They are instrumented with vertical and horìzontal
convergence stations , multipoint extensometers , soft-;nclusion and
hard-i nclusion stress meters , pressure cells , and incl inometers. The
analytical results from the salt creep analysis are correlated with
the field data , and parameters are adjusted to better predict the
underground behavior , to enhance the design confidence. and achieve
design validation of the undergr‘。und facilities.
Although there are no applicable codes and standards identified for
this analysis , published papers and reports are ava11able for refer-
9.4.8 Cask Orop 서 itiqation

Ouring normal operation , the reπlote handled (RH) waste canlsters are
transported in a facility cask from the waste handling building to the
waste hoist , which then lowers the cask 2200 ft to the waste storage
leve l. There is a potential accident condition in which the cask
mi ght be dropped down the shaft , ei ther together wi th the hoi st con-
veyance or by itself (free fa l1). For design purposes , the governing
case is the free fal1 condition. Should the cask drop to the bottom
of the shaft , 1t wil1 reach a velocity of 376 ft/s. This velocity is
substantially belo써 the terminal velocity of a. cylindrical object
travelling in the air. The pressured drag and friction drag of the
air have a negligible effect on the cask.
To mitigate the impact of a free falling cask and to prevent breaching
the waste canister inside , one solution is to place a layer of energy
absorbing material at the bottom of the shaft. The energy absorbing
mater‘ ial will soften the impact of the cask and limit the impact force
on the cask and canister so that the integrity of the canister will be
maintained. The ideal energy absorbing material is aluminum honeycomb
which is manufactured for a specific crushing strength with a high
compression ratio. Other candidate materials include cel1ular con-
The facility cask is 15 ft long. Its inside diameter (to accommodate
a waste canister) is 30 in , and the outside diameter is 41-1/2. in.
The 11-1/2 in thick cask 써 all is constructed of a 1/2-in stainless
steel inner shell and a 5/8-in carbon steel outer shell with 10-3/8 in


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005523 3 . .

。f lead filling between them. The tota1 weight of the cask and can-
ister is 75 , 000 lbs. It was estimated that the cask cou1d susta1n a
40-g force during the impact with limited deformation. Under this
criteria. approximately 60 ft thick aluminum honeycomb material or
120 ft thick cellular concrete would be required at the bottom of the
An a1ternative consideration of the cask dropping with the hoist
conveyance is a more realistic accident condition which results from
the breaking of the hoist ropes. There are six hoisting ropes and s;x
tail ropes used in the Koepe hoist. Sandia National Laboratories con-
duεted several scale-model tests on the cask drop associated with the
rope breaki ng. High-speed motion pictures and X-ray pictures were
taken for ana lys i s. 써 hen the ropes break. they will coil at the
boUom of the shaft and act as shock-absorbi ng materi a1 . It was con-
cluded that the hoist conveyance and the cask will be caught in the
nest of cabl ing formed on top of the shaft station furnishing. The
cable mass acts as a good shock mitigating material. No real damage
was evident on the cask and conveyance models. Based on these test
results. the mitigating effect of the ropes was taken into accúunt in
the radiological safety analysis to develop a pulverization factor úf
the waste during the cask drop. The accident analysis indicated that
the cask drop wi1 1 not cause the site boundary dosage to exceed the
acceptable 11mi t. Therefore. the mitigating effect of the ropes was
considered adequate and no other mitigating system was necessary.
9.4.9 0ther Oesiqn Considerations
The following codes and standards contain reference materials for
design of utilities. access. architectural. fire protection ,
mechanical and electrical equipment. and quality assurance program
• Piping and Vessels ANSI 83 1. 1 uPower
ASME "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code" Section VIII. Division 1
• Utilities and Access
A써써A C301 "Standard for Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe.

Steel Cylinder Type for later and Other Liquid"
A써WA 0100 "Standard for 싸 elded Steel Tanks for 씨ater Storage ll

AASHTO "Geometric Oesign Standards for Highways other than

Fr‘ eeway ‘l
AASHTO ’'Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures"
Cal iforni a Oep t. of Transportation IIHighway Design Manual ll
AREA "Manual of Recommended Practice ll Vol. 1 and 11



~ )

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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 000552 니 5 .톨

• Facility Configuration
UBC "Uniform Building Code"
OSHA 1I 0ccupational Safety and Hea lth Standards" CFR Title 29 -
Labor. Parts 15 and 19
MSHA ‘’ Mine Safety and Hea 1t h Administration" CFR Ti tle 29 -
Part 57
OOE Order 6430.1 IIGeneral Oesign Criteria Manual"
DOE Order 5632.2 ‘’ Physical Protection of Special Nuclear‘
Mater‘ ials"
Sandia 76-0554 I’ Intrusion Detection Systems ll Vol. 1 and 11
Sandia 77-1033 IIEntry Control Systems Handbook ll
ANSI A117.1 IIS pecification for Making Buildings and Facilities
Accessible to , and Usable by. the Physical1y Handicapped ll
ANSI 쇄 512 ‘’ Protective Coatings for the Nuclear Industryll

• Fire Protection
NFPA "National Fire Code
DOE Manual Appendix 0550 "0perational Safety Standards ll

• Mechanical and Electrical Equipment

ANSI N14.6 IIL ifting Oev;ces for Shipping Containers 써eighing

10.000 Pounds or More for‘ Nuclear Materials"

• Quality Assurance
ANSIjASME NQA-1 IIQuality Assurance Program Requirements for
Nuclear lower Plants"
ANSI N46.2 "Qual ity Assurance Program for Post Reactor Nuclear
Fuel Cycle Facilities"

9.4.10 0econtamination and Oecommissioninq

These facilities are designed to facilitate decontamination of struc-

tures and equipment in the event of accidental releases of radioactive
materials or in the event of major modifications to those facilities.
The design should minimize the quantity of rad10active wastes and
contaminated equipment. and facilitate the removal of radioactive
wastes at the time the facilities are permanently decommissioned.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005525 7 . .

Access Dri f! -- An underground excavated corridor which gives access
to mined areas.

Calcinin9 -- Heating a substance to a high temperature t causing 10ss

of moisture and impurities or causing oxidation.
Confinement Systeæ: A system of physical barriers which together with
an operating ventilation system or systems minimizes the release
of radioactive mater‘ i a 1s to the envi ronment under norma 1 and ab-
normal conditions.
c。 ntact-Handled TRU Waste -- Transuranic waste with a contai ner sur-
face dose rate no higher than 200 mi l1 irem per hour which can be
handled without extens;ve shielding.
Design-Basis Accident (OBA) or Even! -- A postulated event or sequence
。f events leading to a condition for which the confinement system
must meet its functional goals. DBA and design-basis events are
the most drastic events that must be designed against , and thus
they represent the limiting design case.
Design-Basis Earthquake (OBE1 -- The maximum credible earthquake
。btained by deterministic approach according to lO CFRI00 Appendix
A. It i s the same as the Safe Shutdown Earthquake for nuclear
power plants.
。。 se C01ll11 itmen1 -- The total dose from an exposure that an individual
will accrue in his lifetime , normal1y assumed to be fifty years
following exposure.

Essential Structure~ -- Structures , the continued integr‘ ity of which

is essential to ensure the confinement of radioactive materials.
In the event of a design-basis accident or event , essential struc-
tures shal1 be capable of performing required safety functions.
Essential System~ - Systems , equipment. and components the continued
integrity or operability of which is essential to ensure the
confinement of radioactive materials. In the event of a design-
basis accident or event. essential systems sha l1 be capable of
performing required safety functions.
Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) -- The FSAR assures and documents
that conditions specified in the PSAR in fact have been complied
with during the facil ity construction. The FSAR a150 documents
operating safety requirements which assure that the facility
management philosophy , operating procedures. training and emer-
gency procedures are adequate to assure protection of the publ ic
from hazards unique to the nuclear facility.



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07S9600 0005526 9 . .

Fuel Receivinq Fac i1 ity -- An area where spent fue 1 i s recei ved ,
Y‘ emoved from shielded transportation casks , placed in fuel bas-
kets. transferred underwater. and stored in the fuel storage pool.
Fuel Reprocess;nq Facilitï -- An area where spent fuel elements are
dismantled. sheared. and dissolved , and uranium and plutonium are
separated from fission products by a chemical process.
Gas Centrifuqe Enrichment Proces~ -- A process of uranium enrichment
with the use of centrifuge machines whereby particles of gas are
subjected to a centrifugal force causing a separation of U-238
isotopes from U-235 isotopes due to their mass differentials.
Gaseous Oiffusion Enrichment Proces~ -- A process of uranium enrich-
ment with the use of diffusers 써hereby particles of gas are placed
into movement due to thermal agitation causing a separation U-238
isotopes from U-235 isotopes due to their mass differentials.
Hazardous Material~ -- Any chemical or radioactive substance that may
cause undue risk to the health and safety of the pUblic or plant
HEPA Fllte!: -- A high efficiency particulate air filter capable of
removing particulates from the air stream with an efficiency of
99.97% for 0.3 micron particles.
Hot Cell -- A shielded room where remote-handled waste canistet‘ s are
removed from shipping casks , inspected , and overpacked as required
by remotely operated equipment.
Hydrofluor Proces? -- A process used for converti ng uranium oxi de
(U10~) to a UF product by the use of two-staged fluidized bed
hyarõfluorination reactors. and then to uranium hexafluoride (UF h )
~y ~luorina~j !,g the UF 4 .. in _~_lui9ize~ bed ~luori nation reactors.
Product purification by 'dist i1 1ation is required to produce speci-
fication grade UF 6 •
In-Process Materia1: -- Any special nuclear material not maintained
under tamper-safe conditions.
Maximum Cr‘ edible EarthQuak~ -- The maximum credible earthquake. is
defi ned i n 10CFR100 Appendix A as that earthquake which would
cause the maximum vibratory ground motion , based upon an evalu-
ation of earthquake potential considering the regional and local
geology and seismology and specific characteristics of local sub-
surface mater‘ i a l.
쁘브 -- The M;ne Safety and Health Administration defines this essen-
tially as any facility for‘ crushing. processing or concentrating
。res at or ;n connection with a mine. The NRC has extended defi-
nition of ‘’ uranium milling" as any activity that results in the
product i on of ta i 1i ng s or wastes i n the extract ion or concentra-
tion of uranium from uranium ore; this includes unconventional
processes such as in-situ leaching.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 디 7596 디디 0005527 0 . .

Natural Phenomen~ -- All such , including the earthquakes and the most
severe-weather cond i t; ons (tornadoes and f1 oods) that have been
historically reported for the site and surrounding area , with
sufficient margin for the limited accuracy , and quantity , of the
h;stor;cal data and the period of time in which they have been
N。 npyrophorif-- Any material that wi11 not ignite spontaneously under
ambient atmosphere , pressure , and temperature.
Operating-Basis Earthquak~ -- The maximum earthquake that , considering
the regiona 1 and loca 1 geology and sei smology and the specific
characteristics of local subsurface materials , could be expected
to occur at the plant site during the operating life of the plant.
Operating Controls and Li mit~ -- Technica1 operating 1imits , condi-
tions , and requirements imposed upon the plant management and
operation in order to preclude any μndue ri sk to the health and
safety of employees and the public , to the national secuy‘ ity. and
to the environment.
Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) -- The PSAR assures that the
design provides for protec 턴。n of employees and the public.
Primary Confinemen1 -- The barrier which is normally directly exposed
to plutonium , sealed process eqμipment (pipes , tanks , hoppers ,
etc.) , gloveboxes. caissons , and cells and their ventilation sys-
tems. Fuel-rod claddings , bags , and other sealed containers may
also be considered as primary confinement.
Probable Maximum Flo。~ --The hypothetical flood that is considered to
be the most severe at a particular site.
Probable Maximum Precipitation -- The theor‘ etically greatest depth of
precipitation for a given duration that has virtually no possibil-
ity of being exceeded over a particular drainage area.
E쁘르즈 -- A patented chemical process that separates uranium and plu-
tonium from fission products by solvent extraction.
Radon Dauqhter~ -- Products in the decay chain of radon. They are
radioactive except for the final member in the chain. Radon-222
(half-life of 3.8 days) generates in succession Polonium-218
(half-life of 3 min.) , Lead-214 (half-lìfe of 27 min.) , Bismuth-
214 (half-life of 20 min.) , Lead-210 (half-life of 22 years) ,
followed by Bismuth-210 , Polonium-210 and stable Lead-206.
Remote-Handled TRU 써 aste -- Transuranic wastes with a container sur-
face dose rate greater than 200 millirem per hour but less than
1000 rem per hour , with an average of 200 rem per hour.
Sa 1t CreeQ -- Inherent viscoplastic behavior of rock salt under high
。 verburden pressure , resulting in the gradual closure of excavated
。 penlngs.


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759bOO 0005528 2 . .

Secondary Confinemeni -- A barrier enclosing a room or compartment in

which the primary confinement is located.
보브핀g프 -- The solid or predominantly solid residual materia1 after
uranium mining or milling. Mine ta i1 ings include overburden ,

waste rock excavated for shafts and sub-commercial Jranium-bearing
rocks. Mill tailings are the sand and more finely ground ore rock
and residual radioactive elements after extraction of the uranium
mi nera ls.
Tamper-safinq -- 에eans the use of devices and conditions that assure a
clear indication of any violation of the integrity of previously
made measurements.
Transuranic 써aste -- 써astes that contain or are contaminated with more
than 100 nanocuries of transuranic elements per gram of waste. A
transuranic element is a nuclide with an atomic number high than
uranium Enrichmeni -- A phys ica 1 method by 써 hich the amount of U-235
isotope occurring in uranium hexafluoride is increased for use as
nuclear fuel.
Vent i1 at ìon Zone ! -- The space within the primary confinement and its
assocìated ventilation system; any space that during the course of
normal operations may contain plutonium.
Ventilation Zone I! -- The space within the secondary confinement and
its associated ventilation system exclusive of ventilation zone 1.
씬효앞르 -- Any material that is to be discarded. Any gaseous t liquid.
。r solid nonreturnable material that leaves the facility in other
than product form.

‘~aste Fixation Facil ity -- An area where the high-level waste is

solidified , mixed with glass frit , and melted to fix the waste in
a glass form.

써et Proces~ -- ~, pro~~ss , .~:e? .for ..con~er.ting.. uranium oxide (U308~ t。

uranium hexafluoride (U~6) by dissolv_ing the 'ye~low cake in~nltric
acide , purifying by solvent extraction , and then completing the
fluorination to produce specification grade UF 6 •
Ye llow Cak~ -- A concentrate from uranium ore. usually as an oxide or‘
salt of uranium , containing 70-90 percent of U30a or equivalent.



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ASCE TITLE*SU 센 MAR 88 . . 0759600 0005529 니 ..


B.1 Introduction
This appendix covers in greater detai1 the mining and rni11ing of ura-
niurn ore. It is hoped that the cited references and regulations wi11
provide an introduction and an over‘ view picture of the rnain prob1erns
and solutions in this area.
8.2 Facility Description
8.2.1 General
A general description of the uranium mines and rnills are contained
in Chapter 2 of this report. The fo11 。써 ing information provides addi-
tional details on these facilities.
8.2.2 센끄 1 i 므g

One rnill as an exarnple may illustrate the size of the equipment and
structures. The mill in the Shirley Basin of 써yoming [12] is designed
for 1200 short tons per day. The crushing step is bypassed. Run-of-
mi ne ore i s i ntroduced to an 18- ft di ameter of 6 foot 10ng cascade
type mil1. Further equipment includes storage tanks. two stages of
leaching tanks and solids thickening and sett1ing tanks , c1arifying
beds. ion exchange colurnns. storage and settling tanks. centr‘ i fuges.
dryers and an enc losed hopper for the packagi ng operat ion. Except
for the six 100 foot diameter thickener vessels , all other‘ pieces of
equipment are contained within one bu i1 ding structure. 427 feet 10ng
and 190 feet wide.
써 ith ores averaging
0.12 percent of uraniurn oxide or equiva1ent. rnost
。 f the ore becomeswaste ta i1 ings. The ta i1 ings are transported t。
the tailings pile via slurry pipeline. using some of the spent pro-
cessing water as the slurry liquid. Excess wastewater is piped t。
evaporation ponds.
In semi-arid areas such as the copper and uraniurn rnining areas in the
써 estern United States and the South African gold mining district [131
tailings dams (used to preventjcontrol seepage oftailings rnaterial
into surroundìng areas) can be built up in part using the coarse frac-
tion of the tailings. For uranium rnill tailings rnost of the radiurn in
the 1 iquid fraction can be precipitated out by pH control and bariurn
chloride addition. Important factors in tailings site se1ection and
design are tailings dam foundation and stability. seepage contro1 , and
topography which , together w1th postc1osure sealing and ground cover ,
will be conducive to 10ng term stability of the tailings rnaterials
[14-16). In some cases a below-grade tailings pit or disposa1 in
mined-out areas may be preferred , when the 1atter‘ is not incompatib1e
써 ith the mining method. In one northern Canadian district [17] where
the evaporative potential over the year is srna l1. a combination is



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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 075 단 600 0005530 0 . .

used of return to the rni ne and sett1 ;ng of ta i1 ings in a dedicated

pond. The coarse fraction of the tailings is separated for use as
rni ne backfi 11 , and the fines and 1 iquid fractions are treated in a
series of ponds by sett1ing and chernica1 precipitation. thereby
reducing the radiurn content of the treated water belo써 one-fifth of
the federa 11y allowed 1irnit before the water is released to an open
The yel10wcake product ;s usua11y packed in 55-gallon drurns or sealed
bulk containers. It is shipped by truck , rail , or air to a uranium
conver‘ sion fac i1 ity where it wi1 1 be further purified and converted to
UF 6 .
B.2.3 Unconventional Recovery Methods
In-situ leaching frorn underground ore bodies and byproduct recovery
frorn phosphate rnining have contributed a yearly 6 to 7 mi 11 ion lbs.
~308 U. S. produc 턴。 n recent ly [2]. Other method s such as heap

leaching and bypr‘。 duct r ecovery frorn copper produc 턴 on have potential.
In-situ leaching [11] uses a pattern of injection and production wells
to leach uraniurn frorn the ore body in place. A surface plant recovers
the uraniurn from the leach liquor as in a conventional mill. The re-
sidual solution liquid is regenerated and recirculated to the in-situ
production process. The rnajor environmenta1 concerns to be contro11ed
are (1) the protection of the regiona1 gr‘。undwater outside the rnining
area , (2) restoration of the groundwater conditions in the mîning
area after completion of the leaching operation , and (3) disposal of
sludges that contain sorne of the same radioactive substances as found
in the tailings fr‘ orn conventional mills.
8.3 General Requirements
The principal health and safety pr‘ oblems requiring design attention
are: (1) the health of the workers , and (2) control1ing the release
into the environrnent of the natural radioact;ve materials found with
the uranium ore , especi ally secur‘ ing the tailings disposal site over
both the short and 10ng term. Ease of decontamination and decomrnis-
sioning (0&0) of the rnill site rnust a1so be a factor in its design ,
since the rni11 will operate for perhaps on1y fifteen or twerity years ,
depending on the local ore reserves.
Radon gas and its decay products present a potential hea1th hazard
particularly for undergound rniners. Radon. the decay product frorn
radiurn. can percolate thrαJgh fractured or porous rock into the mine
atrnosphere. 씨 hen ít decays , its product attaches preferential1y to
dust partic1es or else to the rnine wal l. Fine inha1ed dust can be
retained. Thus , great attention is given to the age of the air in the
rnine , requiring rnuch greater ventilation capacity than in other mines.
Oust control ;s also irnportant , as are sea1ing of the mine walls and
rnined-out areas. and lirn;ting the inventory of broken-up ore in the
rnine. Control of radon and radon-daughter products in rnine atrnos-
pheres is rev;e써 ed i n Re f. [18].


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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 07S9bOO OOOS531 2 . .

For open pit mines. the natural air circulation is very helpful in
limitíng radon buíldup. Dust control ís emphasized as in other types
。 f mining.

1n the mi 11 s. the ye 11 owcake product wi th more than 70 percent μra­

nium oxide is often a fine powder. (Calcining. used in some mills ,
produces a denser and larger grained powder.) The feed ore is more
dilute but contains uranium decay products. To control dust. enclosed
operat ions and 써et processing are used. 80th enclosed dry and wet
milling of the ore are in use. Succeeding steps up to product drying
are in a liquid medium , so dust control just involves spill control or
c1eanup. Particu1ar attention is paid to the drying and packaging
process enc10sure and stack emission control. The mil1s have concrete
floors with convenient1y 10cated sumps for easy washdown of the plant.
Air filtering systems are also used.
The public is protected by limiting the release of radioactive mate-
rials to the environπlen t. Solid tailings are disposed of where their
mater‘ ials can be contained. 써 ater seepage , dust contro1 , and 10n9-
term stability are criteria for tailings disposal location , design and
。perating procedures. Mine dr‘ ainage water is treated or used as mil1
process water. The exhaust air meets radioactivity limits by limiting
the sources of radon and by dust filtering.
Mine tailings have more vo1ume but less radioactivity than mil1 tail-
ings , and hence are a lesser hazard to the pub1ic. The mine tailings
include overburden or waste rock from tunnels , and sub-ore which con-
tains a smal1 amount of uranium and its decay products [10 , 19]. Much
of the tailings is used as mine backfi11. 1n open pit mines , tailings
are used to refill spent pits; the least uranium-bearing overburden is
replaced on the top. Sealing and surface revegetation are used.
Mil1 tailings receive most of the orels radioactivity , i.e. , the prod-
ucts following from uranium decay which have built up in the uranium
。 re over its geologic history [10 , 20). As mentioned in the preceding
section , the mi11 tailings disposal requires design for both operating
and 10ng-term stabi 1 ity. 1imit ing releases of radon gas at the sur-
face , radium via water percolation , and mass via windblown dust or
water-borne erosion. Ta i1 ings dam construction is a key element.
Post-closure surface sealing with asphalt is sometimes used. and a
soi1 layer is applied on top of the tailings pile.
B.4 0esign Criteria. Codes , and 5tandards
8.4.1 U.5. Regulatory 50urces
Mi ners Health and Safety - The Mi ne Safety and Hea 1th Admi ni strati on
(M5HA) , Oepartment of Labor sets standards for mining safety and
1i mits the exposure of rni ners to radon and radon daughters. The
standards are in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR):
30CFR55 Health and safety standards - rnetal and nonrnetallic open
pit rni nes



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30CFR57 Health and safety standards - metal and nonmetallic

under‘ ground mines

The radon daughters limit is based in part on guidance from the Envi-
ronmenta 1 Protect i on Agency [18] and ear‘ lier recorrmendations of the
Federal Radiation Council [21J.

uranium Mi 11~ - The EPA [22 .23J provides general standards for envi-
ronmental radiation protection covering the uran;um fuel cyc1e:

40CFR190 Environmental radiation protection standards for

nuc1ear power operations

40CFR192 Health and environmenta1 protection standards for

uranium mi11 tailings

40CFR440 Ore mining and dressing point source category:

effluent limitation guidelines and new source
perforrnance standards

The NRC is _~~sponsible for rnill licensing. radiological health and

safety in rni l1 s , and for ensuring that each mill w111 rneet the EPA
environrnent~l standard. The MSHA also has responsibilities for
occupationa1 health and safety at mills; NRC and MSHA coordinate their
roles. NRC sections of the Code of Federal Regulations relevant to
uran;urn rn;lls ;nclude:

10CFR20 Standards for protection against radiation

10CFR30 Rules of general ~pplicability to domestic licensing of
byproduct material

10CFR40 Dornestic licensing of source rnater‘ i al

10CFR51 Licensing and regulatory policy and procedures for

envìronrnental protection

10CFR150 Exernptions and continued regulatory authority in agree-

rnent states and in offshore waters under Section 274
Especially note 10CFR40 on licensing. since lI source rnaterial 11 includes
rnined uraniurn ore and yellowcake. 10CFR40 Appendix A presents crite-
ria r.e_'.ating to the _ operation of uraniurn rnills and the d;sposition
of ta~~ings. Appendix A is currently being held ;n abeyance- [24 , 25]
and NRC 1icensing is proceeding on a licensee-by-licensee basis. rn
"agreernent states ," cover‘ i ng most of the rni ni ng regions , the states
administer the NRC regu1atory authority on rnills and mil1 tailings.

The Departrn~nt of Transportation provides the rnain regulations on

transport of the ye 11 owcake. under i ts hazardous mater‘ ials regula-

49CFR173 Shippers-General requirernents for shiprnents and

packagi ngs




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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005533 6 . .

The Uranium Mill Ta i1 ings Radiation Contro1 Act of 1978 has expanded
regulation for tail ;ngs piles of active mi1 1s. as well as inactive
uranium processing sites and tailings p;les. This has led to expanded
EPA and NRC regulations in some of the CFR sections listed above.
B.4.2 International Gu;dance

Since uranìum mining and milling ;s done in many countries , interna-

tional guidance on hea 1t h and safety embodies extensive experience
which can prove helpful to domestic projects. Here we note Refs.

B.4.3 Requl ator‘ y Guides

NRC regulatory authority covers uranium m;lls and mill tailings piles.
but not mines. Of the ten subject areas of NRC regulatory guides , the
areas most 1’‘ elevant to uranium mills are:

Division 3: Fuels and Materials Facilities

Division 4: Environmental and Siting

Divìsìon 8: Occupatìonal Health

Regulatory guides include:

R.G. 1. 59 Design Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Plants

R.G. 3.5 Standard Format and Content of Li cense Appl ications
for Uranium Mills (For Comment)
R.G. 3.8 Prepar‘ ation of Environmental Reports for Uranium
Mìlls (For Comment)

R.G. 3.11 Design , Constructìon. and Inspection of Embankment

Retentìon Systems for Uran;um Mi11s

R.G. 3.11.Dperational Inspection and Surveillance of

Embankment Retention $ystems for Uraniυm Mi 11
Tailings (For Comment)

R.G. 3.23 $tabilization of Uranium-Thorium Mil1ing 싸 aste

Retention $ystems

R.G. 4.14 Radiological Effluent and Environmenta1 뻐onitoring

at Uranium Mills

R.G. 4.15 Qua1ity Assurance for Radiological 에 onitoring

Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent Streams and
the Environment

R.G. 8.10 Operating Philosophy for Maintaining Occupational

Radiation Exposures as Low as is Reasonably


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- R.G. 8.15 Acceptable Programs for Respiratory Protection

‘” R.G. 8.22 Bioassay at Uranium Mills

Draft regulatory guides include:

Draft R.G. OH 710-4 Hea1th Physical Surveys in Uranium Mills

Draft R.G. OH 941-4 Information Re1evant to Ensuri ng that Occu-
pational Radiation Exposures at Uranium
에 i11s wi11 be as Low as is Reasonably
Draft R.G. RH 802-4Ca1culationa1 Models for Estimating Radia-
tìon Doses to Man from Airborne Radioactive
Mater‘ ials Resulting from Uranium Mil1ing
Draft R.G. FP 818-4Standard For‘ mat and Content Li cense Appl i-
cations. Including Environmental Reports.
for ln-Situ Uranium $olution Extraction
B.4.4 National Standards
Of particular relevance are:
ANSI N13.8 Radiation Protection 1n Uranium 써 ines Operation
ANSI N313 Stabilization of Uranium-Thorium Milling 싸aste
Retention Systems (1974)
UBC Uni form Buï 1di ng Code (International Conference of
Building Officials)
ACI-318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete
AISC ~pecification for the Design , Fabrication , and
Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings
B.4.5 State and Local Environmental Standards

The Federa 1 써 ater Pollution Control Act , administered by the states.

governs liquid effluents. Under Section 401 , the faci1ity must obta 깨
a state certification that any discharge wil1 comply with applicable
effluent 1 imitations and other water pollution co-ntro1 requirements.
The facility may also be required to obtain a Nationa1 Pol1ution
Dì s~ha:~e E1 imi nation Sy_stem (NPDES) permit to di scharge effluents to
navigable streams under Section 402 of the act.


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B.4.6 0esiqn Criteria

Criteria relating to operation of yellowcake drying and packaging
in the míll are given ;n 10CFR40 Appendix A. Other aspects of mill
design are not as sensitive or unusual; design load cr it.eria and
national standards such as those presented in Chapter 3 of this doc-
ument. for uranium conversion facilities , may be used as appropriate.
Criteria for ta il ings management and disposal are given in 40CFR192 ,
10CRF40 Appendix A and R.G. 3.11.
Uran;um Mil1 Building
10CFR40 Appendix A requires that mill operations by conducted so that
airborne effluent r‘ eleases are reduced to levels as low as is reason-
ably achievable. The primary means of acco찍plishing this shall be by
err끼 ssion controls. Particular attention is directed to the yel10wcake
drying and packaging operation. Air is exhausted through a stack with
emission control equipment and continuous monitoring.
Cessation of operations is the required remedy when the drying pro-
cess , emission control or mαlitoring are not performing within their
prescribed ranges. No special design loads are required. Hence , the
UBC design loads are appropriate , including wind load per ANSI A58.1 ,
a 100-year flood (or othet‘ interval as selected) and a seismic load
and design in accordance 써 ith the UBC seismic zone. 샘 o tornado load
is required.
The qual ity assurance program for the mi 11 project and radiation
safety program , including monitoring , is to be described in the 꺼­
cense application as called for‘ in R.G. 3.5.
Ta i1 ings Disposal
40CFR192 provides health and environmental protection standards ap-
plicable to the tailings operations and to design for the post-closure
period. For protection of surface water and groundwater. some sec-
tions of 40CFR264 for hazardous wastes are made applicable to uranium
tailings impoundments. New impoundments will require a liner capable
。f preventing migration of waste into the ground and water. If
groundwater standards are exceeded at any licensed site , corrective
action is required. Looking to the post-closure period. the design
should maintain its integrity with reasonable assurance for 1 ,000
years and should limit radon release so as not to exceed an average
release rate of 20 picocuries per square meter per second.
The 10CFR40 Appendix A criteria are for the most part more specific t。
site selectìon and design. The sìte selected for the impoundment may
not be located near a capable fault that could cause a maximum credi-
ble earthquake larger than that which the impoundment could reasonably
be expected to withstand. "Capable fault" is as defined in 10CFR40
Appendix A. The tailings retention embankment must be designed for
seismic stability. limiting or preventing settlement~ displacement ,
liquifìcation and shear failure. References are provided in R.G. 3.11
(also see Ref. (33)).

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The tailíngs retention system must be designed for a probable maximum

flood series estimated per R.G. 1.59. The design capacity pertains to
the d;version system for the upstream catchment area. an emergency
spillwayand a surcharge storage capacity of the tailings retention
system. In site selection. a smal1 upstream catchment area is prefer-
able to limít both floods and long-term erosion potential.
8.5 References

2. "Annual Survey and Outlook. ’‘ Eng;neering and Mininq Journa1.

(March , 1983).
3. E. Cook , "Li mitations to Exploitation of Nonrenewable
Resources ," Science 191 677 (1976).
4. IAEA , The Recovery of Uraniu~. Proceedings of a Symposium
(Vienna: IAEA) (1971).
5. IAEA. Uranium Ore Process;ng. Proceedings of an Advisory
Group Meeting (Vienna: IAEA) (1976).
6. lAEA , Production of Yellowcake and Uran;um Fluorides.
Proceedings of an Advisory Group Meeting (Vienna: IAEA)
7. M. Eisenbud , Environmental Radioactivitt. 2nd Edition (New
York: Academic Press) (1973).
8. NEA , Safety of the Nuclear Fuel Cyclg. Nuclear Energy Agency
。f OECO (Paris: OECD) (1981).
9. R. E. Lueze. "An Overview of the Light 써 ater Reactor Fuel
Cycle in the U.S .• " in L;qht 써 ater Reactoy‘ Nuclear Fuel
잃딘료. edited by R. G. 씨ymer and B. L. Vondra (8oca Raton.
Florida: CRC Press) (1981).
10. J. μ. McKlveen , "The Fate of Uranium Progeny in Uranium
Mining and Milling Operations." in 써 aste Manaqement ’ 80
(Tucson: University of Arizona , College of Engineering)
11. OECD and IAEA , Uranium Extraction Technoloqt (Paris: OECD)
12. M. 1. Richie , "Utah Construction and Mining Companyls Unique
Shirley Basin Uranium Mill." p. 147-156 in Re f. [4].
13. Current Geotechnical Practice in Mine 싸 aste Disposa1 •
Committee on Embankment Oams and Slopes. Geotechnical
Engineering Oivisíon , ASCE (New York: ASCE) (1979).


COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society Of Civil Engineers
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ASCE TITLE*SUMMAR 88 . . 0759600 0005537 3 . .

14. NEA. Manaqement. Stabilization and Environmental Impact of

Uranium Mill Tailinq~. Proceedings of a Seminar; OECD
Nuclear Energy Agency (1978).

15. NEA. Uranium Mill TailinQs Manaqemer!! , Proceedings of T'뼈

씨。 rkshops;OECD NuclearEnergy Agency (1981).

16. IAEA and NEA. Manaqement of 싸 astes from Uranium Mining and
멘J끽므g , Proceedings of a Symposium (Vienna: IAEA)~ (1982).

17. G. H. Kassakhian and A. 써. Ashbrook , "Canadian 씨 aste

Management - The Eldorado Experience. 1I in 써aste Manaqement
펴으 (1980).

18. A. Goodwin. "Problems and Techniques for Removal of Radon

and Radon-Daughter‘ Products from Mine Atmospheres , n 씬브드브효ζ
화뜨!y 핀, 643 (1973).

19. R. l. Blanchard , T. 써. Fowler. T. R. Horton and J. M. Smith ,

npotential Health Effects of Radioactive Emissions from
Active Surface and Underground Uranium Mines ,lI 쁘딘르효r
쁘뜨!y 23 , 439 (1982).

20. V. C. Rogers and K. K. Nielson , "Tailings Piles from Uranium

Producers , u in 써 aste Manaqement ’ 8。 (Tucson: University of
Arizona. College of Engineering) (1980).

21. Federal Radiation Councìl. Staff Report No. 8 , ~uidance for

the Control of Radiation Hazards in Uranium Mining (U.S.
Government Printing Office).

22. 씨. D. Rowe , "EPA ‘ s Rol e in Standards Setti ng , 11 i n Inerqy and

the Environmen낀 Cost-Benefit Analysi~ , Georgia Institute
of Techn이 ogy , June 23-27 , 1975 (New York: Pergamon Press)
(1 975) .

23. U.S. Environment Protection Agency , "Environmental Standards

for Uranium and Thorium Mill Tailings at Licensed Commerc;al
Processing Sites ," final rule added to 10CFR192 , 택쁘쁘l
쁘잎프er 48 , p. 45926-45947 (October 7 , 1983).

24. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , "Uranium Mill Ta i1 ings

Regulations; Proposed Suspension of Selected Provisions ,
lO CFR40 ," Federal Reqister 앨, p. 23649-23657 (May 26.
1983) .

25. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory COIrmission , IIUranium Mill Ta i1 ings;

Suspension of Selected Provisions , 10CFR40 ," Federal Reqis-
뜨! 48. p. 35350-35355 (August 4 , 1983).

26. ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) ,

Radiatìon Protection in Uranium and Other Mines. ICRP Publ;-
cation 24 (1977).


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27. ICRP. ~adioloqical Protection: Recornmendations of the

International Commission on Radio1oqical Protection , ICRP
Publication 26 (1977).

28. ICRP. ~imits for Intakes of Radionuclides by 씨。rkers , ICRP

Pub1ication 30 (1979).

29. IAEA and ILO (International Atomic Energy Agency. and

International Labor Organization). ßadiation Protection of
써。 rkers in the Mininq and Mi11inq of Radioactive Ore~ , IAEA
Safety Series No. 26 (1983 Edition).


3 1. IAEA , 헤anagement of 써astes from the Mininq and Mil1in디 of

uranium and Thorium Ore~. IAEA Safety Series No. 44 (197õ).

32. IAEA. Current Practices and Qptions for Confinement of Ura-

nium Mill Tailinq~ , IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 209
(1981) •

33. 0ynamic Stabi1ity of Tai1inqs Oam~. Session Preprint , 50i1

Oynamics Committee. Geotechnical Engineer‘ ing Division. ASCE
National Convention. New Orleans , LA. October 1982 (New
York: ASCE) (1982).


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