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Advocates as a law enforcement profession are free and

independent in carrying out their duties and are responsible
for upholding the law, justice and truth. spearheading reform.
development and formation of laws for the implementation of
legal supremacy. Advocates in carrying out their professional
duties as law enforcers collaborate with all penczak, other law
enforcers and cannot be separated from supervision both by
the organization that accommodates and gives birth to them
and cannot be separated from the attention and supervision of
the community, government and other law enforcers, as well
as nutmeg as a profession whose position very important and
strategic in helping to create legal certainty for the community

The type of research in this thesis is normative juridical

research which is supported by empirical juridical research
using primary data in the form of interviews and also
secondary data which includes primary legal materials,
secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. This
research uses qualitative data analysis

The conclusion in writing this thesis is that the Legal Rules

regarding the Code of Ethics for Indonesian Advocates are
based on a historical perspective, supervision of advocates is
carried out in two ways, namely internal supervision and
external supervision. Internal supervision is carried out by the
Professional Honorary Council which during the New Order
period could not run smoothly because of the large number of
government intervenes in professional organizations, while
external supervision is carried out by judicial bodies which,
based on statutory mandates, are given the authority to do this.
As time went by and changes occurred in this country, Law
no. 18 of 2003 concerning Advocates The birth of this law
fulfills the expectations of advocates in monitoring their
performance. The rules governing procedures for examining
violations of the Advocate Code of Ethics are based on the
Decree of the National Leadership Council of the Indonesian
Advocates Association Number 02 of 2007.

Keywords: Client Code of Ethics Advocate

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