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Character analysis

(Of the 2nd Plate)

Theory of architecture

Top view Front view

This Plate Model (Rounds) was inspired by the Yin & Yang
symbol due to the curves involved. Due to how the symbol
includes enclosing features and how the model 's spiraling
curves is directly inspired from the rotating curves which
expand outwards from the model. Also, upon observing the
model, we can see how the roof of the building contains the
Yin and Yang of the Yin Yang Symbol with the rounds
flowing in the direction of the facing symbol.

Upon observing the given model, it is evident that the model Right view Front view Left view
involves contrast is involved especially when taking into account
the forms derived from this model. Per observation, contrast of
mass can be seen due to the contrast in vertical and horizontal
volumes flowing in different directions which adds contrast to
direction as well. The model also shows contrast of line due to
how the curves are abruptly cut upon reaching the half of the
cylinder with columns and an increasing wave supporting it.
Contrast of size is seen as well due to the varying heights and
volumes of the curves.

Functional Character Associated Character personal Character

Since the model's direct inspiration From the building's size and scale,
would be the Yin and Yang Symbol, besides its interesting usage of
we can say that it takes its influence of
Due to the bizarre and unique form at which functionality, we can say that the
ideas and impressions from the
the model is arranged, the functional building may be able to play with
everflowing nature and constant
character of the building could serve as the person's emotions with them
infinity involved in the Yin Yang
either a series of restaurants which are potentially be encapsulated with
Symbol. However, since the building
connected to one another via the route of how it constantly curves. Upon
may take time for associations to be
the curves. Or perhaps, it could function as observing its characteristics, it
associated with its form, another
an art gallery, an overlooking tower, a
possible derivation would be its displays grace, playfulness,
tourist attraction, or even an office building.
neofuturistic look which allows it to dignification, dignity, individuality,
disassociate itself from the past. and fluidity.

Character Analysis - Activity 10

Justin Carl L. Castro
Ar. Willa Solomon 1AR3
2022 - 2023 11/11/2022

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