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Curriculum and Material Development

Nur Rahmawati Hasan Hasrin

Lecturer :
Sri Agriyanti Mestari, S.Pd, M.Ed TESOL

“Report of SMK 1 Batudaa and 2013’s curriculum"

English lessons and teaching and its application in Vocational High School
The arrangement applied in vocational high schools certainly depends on each major that
students pursue, which is quite a lot. However, today the 2013 curriculum remains the standard
of learning for Indonesian schools. This has become commonplace, especially in the context of
English language subjects.

What roles for teachers and students are apparent in the learning process?
In the teaching or learning process of the English language subject held at SMK 1 Batudaa, the
teachers provide a variety of preparations and careful analyses of the 2013 Curriculum to be
integrated with the students. Although, SMK 1 Batudaa is in the stage of changing to the
independent curriculum used for some classes. This is reaffirmed in the use of the 2013
curriculum which strengthens in 3 aspects. Starting from the national content contained in
several subjects, namely: Civic education, English, Indonesian, and Maths. National content is
needed by students in strengthening civic education in order to learn national things, besides that
English is also included in this category in order to provide knowledge about vocabulary and
grammar systems to prepare students for advanced levels and international scales. The second is
regional, as well as vocational, where each major chosen has certain content and lessons so that
students who enter the department can explore what has been chosen. From the 3 aspects above,
the teacher will certainly assume a considerable role, for the sake of the continuity of students
who choose their respective majors that have been chosen, so as to create students who have very
valuable results for the use of lessons based on the 2013 curriculum. I myself here can make an
understanding of the use of the 2013 curriculum in this school where these aspects can be
sustainable in the learning system at school, in order to create a very useful role for teachers and
students themselves. Grades 10, 11, and 12 are the levels of application that are neatly organised
by the use of the 2013 curriculum at SMK 1 Batudaa.

What are some characteristic of the teaching/learning process?

Speaking of the characteristics found in learning and teaching, it can be seen from the
perspective of the teacher who is also the assessor of the students. This is explained in the
objectives and principles held at SMK 1 Batudaa. The first principle is the principle of relevance,
such as the relevance of using teaching materials according to the 2013 curriculum and the
characteristics of students. The principle of flexibility on the basis of customising teaching
materials. The principle of continuity in order to continue the learning domain. The principle of
practicality in order to facilitate the teaching materials contained in the syllabus. The principle of
effectiveness in order to get perfect results and according to the targets calculated by teachers in
teaching according to the 2013 curriculum. The curriculum held by SMK 1 Batudaa certainly
uses the above principles as standards that are married to educational objectives, educational
content, and the learning process of students, so that students can understand the standards
applied at SMK 1 Batudaa itself. Things that can be mentioned in this discussion are the
education unit curriculum, graduation competency standards, and competency-based curriculum
What areas of language are emphasized?
Not far from some other schools in Indonesia, especially vocational high schools, so that some
skills from the field of English such as Auditory skills and Visual skills, become the basis of the
embodiment of the skills contained in English. Making these skills part of the school syllabus is
certainly a challenge for every student who conducts English learning activities implemented
according to Curriculum 2013.

How is student learning assessed?

SMK 1 Batudaa uses a three-aspect assessment system. Starting with knowledge, as an
interpretation of the teaching that has been given to students and ending with exams and final
tests in each department. This is patented in the 2013 curriculum as well as an innovation held by
the teachers of SMK 1 Batudaa. The second is skills, based on practicum and assignments in the
form of demonstrations, which each department has different standards and practicums. The last
is attitude, and this is the assessment that is considered very important in applying the 2013
curriculum at SMK 1 Batudaa, in order to form students who are wise but broadly educated.
Regarding the knowledge and skills that must be taught by teachers, and mastered by students.

Evidence of my observation and reference


The process of teaching and learning English at SMK 1 Batudaa for myself is quite structured,
because in addition to the use of the 2013 Curriculum, it also uses the independent Curriculum
which is an innovation by teachers and students. Another thing that came to my conclusion is
that the curriculum at SMK 1 Batudaa is implemented in such a way that the interests, potential,
development, needs, and interests of each learner for the continuity of learning, analysis, and
assessment. This can create two different forms of teaching, but as I myself observed, in the
future this will be an interesting form of learning and advance the way students think in the

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