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A self-consistent global model of neutral gas depletion in pulsed helicon


Article in Physics of Plasmas · January 1999

DOI: 10.1063/1.873289

27 528

1 author:

Suwon Cho
Kyonggi University


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A self-consistent global model of neutral gas depletion

in pulsed helicon plasmas
Suwon Cho
Department of Physics, Kyonggi University, Suwon, Kyonggi-Do 442-760, Korea
~Received 1 June 1998; accepted 25 September 1998!
The time-dependent global model is employed to examine the temporal behavior of the electron
density and temperature in helicon plasmas. The power absorption calculated from the solutions of
the Maxwell equations is used in solving the power balance equation and a balance model for the
neutral gas is considered to find its density self-consistently. The numerical results successfully
explain neutral gas depletion and the occurrence of two distinct modes of pulsed helicon discharge,
which have been observed experimentally. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.

I. INTRODUCTION Maxwell equations and a balance model for the neutral gas
density. The absorbed rf power by plasma is found as a func-
Plasma production by helicon wave excitation has been tion of the electron density in view of the fact that the power
of great interest because high density plasmas can be attained absorption is effectively independent of other parameters,
with a modest rf input power. The reason for the high ion- such as the neutral density and the electron temperature.
ization efficiency has not been clearly known yet, but recent Then the balance equations are solved to obtain the time
theoretical and experimental studies have improved our un- evolution of the electron and neutral densities and the elec-
derstanding of helicon plasmas: The importance of the tron temperature using the power absorption calculated. The
Trivelpiece–Gould mode has been recognized1–4 and the de- results are used to explain neutral gas depletion and to evalu-
pendence of the plasma density on the external parameters, ate the effect of the magnetic field, the gas flow rate, and the
such as the magnetic field and the rf power, has been ex- pressure on the discharge parameters.
plained in terms of the power balance.4–6
One of the characteristics of helicon plasmas that has not
been extensively studied is the ion pumping effect. This re-
fers to the phenomena that an ionized atom reaches the wall II. BALANCE EQUATIONS
at a much faster speed than the thermal speed of a neutral,
Assuming that the plasma is quasineutral, as well as sin-
and recombines with electrons forming a neutral, which is
gly ionized, and that diffusion is ambipolar, the electron den-
pumped out or slowly diffuses back at its thermal speed.7
sity n e can be described by10
This effect expedites neutral gas depletion, and, conse-
quently, the neutral pressure is lower in a plasma with a dn e n eu B
higher ionization ratio.7–9 It has also been reported that there 5K ionn g n e 2 2 a n 2e , ~1!
dt d eff
exist two kinds of the discharge mode, which have different
temporal behaviors of the ion current density depending on where K ion , n g , u B , and a are the ionization rate coefficient,
the value of the magnetic field in pulsed helicon plasma.9 the neutral gas density, the Bohm speed, and the recombina-
An attempt to model the ion pumping effect was made tion coefficient, respectively. The radiative recombination
recently by Yoon et al.10 Assuming the variation of the coefficient is taken as12
power absorption efficiency and the neutral density in accor-
dance with an experimental result, they solved a set of bal-
ance equations for the electron density and temperature to
a 510214 S DF
E ion
kT e
0.41 ln
E ion
kT e S D S DG
E ion
kT e
obtain the time evolution of the ion current density in pulsed
discharge. But, the electron density and temperature affect where k is the Boltzmann constant and E ion is the ionization
the neutral density, and vice versa. The power absorption, energy. The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. ~1!
which depends on the electron density,2,4,11 takes part in de- represents the electron loss rate at the sheath, which is equal
termining the electron temperature and thereupon affects the to the ion loss rate with the assumption of ambipolar diffu-
electron and neutral densities. As these parameters are de- sion, and is expressed in terms of the effective size d eff
pendent on each other, it would be appropriate to treat them 5L/2h L with h L 50.86(31L/2l i ) 21/2, where L is the length
in a self-consistent manner without relying on experimental of the cylindrical plasma column and l i is the mean free path
results. of the ions.13 Here, h L means the ratio of the electron density
In this work, the assumptions on the power absorption at the axial sheath edge to that of the bulk plasma region, and
and the neutral gas density are removed by incorporating the the radial loss is neglected considering that the magnetic
power absorption calculation based on the solutions of the field is applied in the axial direction.14

1070-664X/99/6(1)/359/6/$15.00 359 © 1999 American Institute of Physics

360 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1999 Suwon Cho

The electron temperature T e can be obtained from the evacuated; but many neutrals are recycled, if they have been
power balance equation10,14 recombined at the wall, which does not have a pump line at

its vicinity, or there is a large processing chamber attached to
d 3 P abs P coll n e u B 5
n kT 5 2 2 eV s 1 kT e a source chamber. Namely, the fraction of the recycling neu-
dt 2 e e V V d eff 2 trals depends on the configuration of a particular device, as
3 well as the absorption and desorption properties of the cham-
2 a kT e n 2e , ~3! ber wall. Denoting this fraction by g, one obtains the balance
equation for the neutrals
where V is the plasma volume, V s is the the sheath voltage, dn g n eu B
P abs is the power absorption by plasma, and P coll is the col- 5 b ~ n 0g 2n g ! 1 a n 2e 2K ionn e n g 1 g , ~9!
lisional power loss given as15 dt d eff
which completes the set of balance equations. Equations ~1!,
P coll
5n e n g (j K j E j . ~4! ~3!, and ~9! can be solved to find the time evolution of the
densities and the temperature, provided that the dependence
The K j ’s are the rate coefficients and the sum is over several of the power absorption on either time or other parameters
collisional loss processes such as ionization, excitation, and are known.
elastic collisions. The rate coefficients can be fitted accord- The power absorbed by plasma can be expressed in the
ing to form16

K j 5 s j v e e 2E j /T e , ~5! Rp
P abs5 P [ h P rf , ~10!
R p 1R c rf
where v e is the electron mean thermal speed, and the s j ’s
and E j ’s are constants.15 where R p is the plasma radiation resistance and R c is the
In a steady state without plasma, the neutral gas is fed equivalent conduction resistance of the device, and P rf is the
from the source and lost via pumping at constant rates. In the rf power delivered from the power supply. In this work, the
present model, its loss rate is assumed to be proportional to plasma resistance is calculated analytically, assuming that
the density so that the neutral density n g is governed by the plasma is uniform.2 Inhomogeneity in the plasma density
may modify the structure of the electromagnetic fields and
dn g the values of the plasma density found from power balance
5s2 b n g , ~6!
dt consideration,11 but the uniform plasma model retains the
most important characteristics of helicon plasmas, such as
when the external power for ionization is not turned on. The
the density jumps and the linear relationship between the
coefficient b is related to the feeding rate s by
density and the magnetic field.4–6 In addition, the collision
s5 b n 0g , ~7! frequency is taken to be constant, since collisions of the elec-
trons with the neutrals decrease but collisions between the
where n 0g
is the equilibrium gas density in the absence of charged particles increase as the ionization process contin-
plasma, and then n g may be written as ues. It is also noted that the plasma resistance does not vary
n g ~ t ! 5n 0g 1 @ n g ~ t 0 ! 2n 0g # e 2 b ~ t2t 0 ! . ~8! significantly with the collision frequency in the typical pres-
sure range of helicon plasmas, as shown in Fig. 1~a!. Landau
If the perturbed neutral gas density reaches its equilibrium damping may be neglected in calculating the plasma resis-
value in a few milliseconds,7 b may be guessed to be of the tance R p . These considerations eliminate the necessity of
order of 102 s21 or it can be estimated from the volume flow solving simultaneously the Maxwell equations and the bal-
rate of the gas as follows: If the flow rate is 50 sccm, the ance equations which are coupled through P abs . In other
neutrals are fed into the chamber at the rate S.231019 words, the plasma resistance can be calculated as a function
neutrals/s at room temperature. Since b 5S/n 0g V where V is of the electron density before the balance equations are
the volume of the chamber, it is approximately 100 at 1 solved with respect to time, and then it can be used without
mTorr for the chamber with 5 cm in radius and 80 cm in significant errors to estimate the power absorbed by plasma
length. at electron densities to be obtained from the balance equa-
In the presence of plasma, there are ionization and vol- tions.
ume recombinations that control the neutral density. In addi-
tion, there is diffusion of the neutralized particles to the
plasma from the wall where recombination occurs, since the
speed of the recombined neutrals near the wall is slower than To illustrate the results of the current model, numerical
the speed of the ions leaving the plasma, so that there is a examples are taken with the following parameters unless oth-
gradient in the neutral density at the plasma boundary. But, erwise specified: the chamber length L580 cm, the plasma
this effect cannot be treated properly with the global model. radius r p 55 cm, the antenna location r a 56 cm, the conduc-
One of the possible approaches is to consider the fraction of tor boundary radius r b 510 cm, the rf frequency v /2p
the neutralized particles which diffuse back into the plasma. 513.56 MHz, the magnetic field B 0 5200 or 700 G, the gas
If there is a pump line near a wall, the steep density gradient pressure p51 mTorr, the collision frequency n 50.1v , the
near the line would cause most of the neutrals around it to be loss rate coefficient b 5110 s21, and the conduction resis-
Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1999 Suwon Cho 361

FIG. 3. The time evolution of ~a! the electron density, ~b! the electron
temperature, ~c! the neutral gas density, and ~d! the power absorption effi-
ciency at B 0 5700 G.

FIG. 1. The plasma resistance is given as a function of the electron density

~a! for the different values of the collision frequency at B 0 5700 G and ~b!
are taken to be reasonably small, and the initial value of n g ,
for different values of the magnetic field when n / v 50.1. i.e., n 0g is estimated from the ideal gas law. As shown in Figs.
2 and 3, the different values of the power absorption under
what is otherwise the same condition, result in two kinds of
tance R c 51 V. The Nagoya type III antenna is used and modes having different temporal behaviors of the discharge
supposed to be at the center of the chamber, and the conduct- parameters. In the case of 200 G, the absorption efficiency is
ing plates are assumed to be located at the ends of the cham- relatively low, so that ionization and depletion of the neutrals
ber as in the previous works.2,11 It is also assumed that the occur slowly enough to be compensated by the inflow of the
constant rf power of 300 W is turned on during 60 ms. gas. But, more absorption of the rf power can cause faster
The plasma resistance R p is presented in Fig. 1~b! as a depletion, making the electron density decrease as in the case
function of the electron density for the cases of B 0 5200 and of 700 G, since the ionization rate decreases with the neutral
700 G. Equations ~1!, ~3!, and ~9! are numerically integrated density. It may be worthwhile to note that the temporal be-
to find the electron density and temperature and the neutral havior of the electron density and temperature is more
density as functions of time. As R p depends on the electron strongly related to that of the neutral density rather than the
density, the power absorption efficiency h is calculated at power absorption.
every time step using the results given in Fig. 1~b!. The If the electron density decreases with a similar amount
initial values for n e and T e do not affect the results if they of the power absorption, the temperature should be in-
creased, as indicated by Fig. 3~b!. The variation of the elec-
tron density and temperature is reflected on the behavior of
the ion saturation current, which has actually been measured
in experiments.7,9 The ion current density calculated from
J ion5h L en e u B , ~11!
is presented for the cases of B 0 5200 and 700 G in Fig. 4.
Since J ion}n e AT e , the variation of J ion is more sensitive to

FIG. 2. The time evolution of ~a! the electron density, ~b! the electron
temperature, ~c! the neutral gas density, and ~d! the power absorption effi- FIG. 4. The time evolution of the ion current density at B 0 5200 G ~the
ciency at B 0 5200 G. dotted line! and B 0 5700 G ~the solid line!.
362 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1999 Suwon Cho

FIG. 5. The time evolution of ~a! the electron density, ~b! the electron FIG. 6. The time evolution of ~a! the electron density, ~b! the electron
temperature, and ~c! the neutral gas density is presented to show the effect temperature, and ~c! the neutral gas density is presented to show the effect
of the gas feeding rate, which is proportional to the pressure at the fixed of the pressure at the same gas feeding rate. The dashed, dotted, and solid
value of b 5110 s21. The magnetic field is 700 G. lines represent the cases of p50.5 mTorr and b 5220 s21, p51 mTorr, and
b 5110 s21, and p52 mTorr and b 555 s21, respectively. The constant rf
power 300 W is assumed to be turned on during 80 ms and the magnetic
field is 700 G.
that of n e than T e . Thus, it has a peak during the early period
of the rf pulse and then has a following plateau in the case of
700 G.
The steady state values of the electron temperature and depletion causes the electron temperature to rise and the
density can be estimated from electron density to fall. As seen from these examples, the
usual time-independent global model may not predict correct
E ion values for highly ionized plasmas if depletion of the neutral
kT e 5 , ~12!
ln~ 4 s ionn g d eff! 14.7 gas is not considered. Setting dn g /dt50 in Eq. ~9! leads to
the steady state value
P abs
n e5 , ~13! a n 2e 1 b n 0g 1 g n e u B /d eff
u B A effE T
n g5 , ~14!
b 1K ionn e
where s ion and E T are the cross section for ionization and the
total energy lost per electron–ion pair created in the system, which should be solved simultaneously with Eqs. ~12! and
respectively, and A eff52p r2phL .14 These are equivalent to ~13!. However, the time-independent treatment does not give
Eqs. ~1! and ~3! without the recombination term when the an advantage over the time-dependent one, because the gov-
time derivatives are set to be zero. For the case of 200 G, erning equations are nonlinear and should be solved itera-
Eqs. ~12! and ~13! yield T e .2.4 eV and n e .2.031012 tively if the effect of neutral gas depletion is included.
cm23 which roughly agrees with the results given in Fig. 2. For the same amount of the power absorption, the exis-
Here, the result in Fig. 2~d! is used to estimate P abs.153 W. tence of a peak in n e or J ion depends on whether depletion of
However, one finds T e .2.4 eV and n e .2.931012 cm23, the neutrals is sufficiently compensated by the inflow of the
using P abs.225 W for the case of 700 G, which are notice- neutrals. Figure 5 shows the effect of the gas feeding rate,
ably different from the results in Fig. 3. This discrepancy is which is proportional to the initial off-plasma gas pressure p
due to the substantial amount of neutral depletion, but can be at the fixed value of b. For p52 mTorr, neutral depletion is
corrected to get T e .4.7 eV and n e .1.931012 cm23 if the negligible and the neutral pressure remains virtually constant
factor of 0.036 from the result given in Fig. 3~c! is taken into during the whole period of discharge. On the other hand,
account for n g which varies from the initial value of 3.3 when p50.5 mTorr, the inflow, as well as the initial number
31013 to 1.231012 cm23. It is noted again that neutral of the neutral before discharge, is so small that the neutrals
Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1999 Suwon Cho 363

by the existence of an initial peak and a following plateau in

the time variation of the electron density or the ion current
density, is basically subject to the gas flow rate and the
power absorption, as expected. The magnetic field affects the
power absorption efficiency, which is modeled in this work.
However, it plays another role in controlling the radial loss
of charged particles and power, and this implies that the
differences between the low and high field discharge may be
larger due to the confinement effect in actual experiments
than in the results of the present model.
FIG. 7. The time evolution of the ion current density when b 555 s21 and
g 50.5. All other parameters are the same as in the case of B 0 5700 G
presented in Fig. 4. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
The global balance equations combined with a power
absorption calculation are used to investigate the time evo-
are exhausted quickly and, accordingly, the electron density lution of the electron density and temperature in helicon
is decreased fast. This discharge is liable to disruption, how- plasmas. The power absorption is obtained from the solu-
ever, since the final steady state electron density is about tions of the Maxwell equations for uniform plasmas and the
1012 cm23 which is in the unstable range characterized by neutral gas density is determined from its balance equation.
] P abs / ] n e ,0 as denoted in Fig. 1.5 Calculation is performed in a self-consistent manner, as the
For the same gas feeding rate, the initial number of the electron density and temperature, the neutral density, and the
neutrals can be different depending on the loss rate coeffi- power absorption depend on each other.
cient b as they are related by Eq. ~7!, and the various com- The numerical results explain the effect of neutral gas
binations of b and n 0g or p leads to the diverse results of the depletion and the existence of distinct modes for the tempo-
final steady state as well as the transient state. Examples of ral behavior of the electron density or the ion saturation cur-
cases presented in Fig. 6 have the same feeding rate corre- rent in pulsed helicon discharge, which have been experi-
sponding to p51 mTorr and b 5110 s21, but different val- mentally observed. The condition of the different modes is
ues of the pressure and the loss rate coefficient. When p identified; the behavior of the discharge parameters primarily
50.5 mTorr and b 5220 s21, the steady state is quickly depends on the power absorption and the gas flow rate, but
reached, accompanying rapid depletion of the neutral gas and the pressure controls the electron density and temperature of
the low value of the equilibrium electron density. Compared the final steady state as well as the transient state even with
to that of the p50.5 mTorr and b 5110 s21 case in Fig. 5, the same flow rate. It is also shown that the usual balance
however, the gas feeding rate is twice, which results in formula for estimating the electron density and temperature
slower depletion and higher steady state values of the neutral may not yield proper values for highly ionized plasmas
and electron densities. Finally, when p52 mTorr and b where neutral gas depletion is significant.
555 s21, the initial number of neutrals is quite large so that
ionization does not cause fast depletion of the neutrals, but ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the inflow of the gas is not sufficient enough to compensate
further loss of the neutrals contrary to the case of p The author would like to thank Dr. Jong Gu Kwak for
52 mTorr and b 5110 s21 given in Fig. 5. reading and comments on the manuscript.
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recombined at the wall are pumped out to explain numeri- ence Institute and, in part, by the Academic Research Fund
cally the basic characteristics of the ion pumping effect using of the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea ~BSRI-97-
a model as simple as possible without an extra parameter ~g! 2458!.
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