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CPU Business and Information Technology College

Department of Information Technology

Model Exercise
Competency: Operate Database Application

Part I
1. Create a new database by the name Samsung Company under My Document.
2. Design the following tables and enter the given Data.
 Use proper Data type
 Appropriate Field Properties
 Set a Primary Key Fields

 Category

 Category-ID , Category Name

 Use Validation rule for Category-ID to accept only M-6971 , L-3544 , P-1235

Category-ID Category Name

M-6971 Monitor
L-3544 Lap top
P-1235 Phone

 Products

 Product-ID , Category-ID , Model Number , Model Name , Average Unit Cost

Product-ID Category-ID Model Number Model Name Average Unit Cost

PR-5679 M-6971 SNM-236944360 LCD 3591
PR-3671 M-6971 SNM-859665076 CRT 665
PR-F78H L-3544 SNL-496312451 ATIV Book 9 5970
PR-LK81 L-3544 SNL-891230647 Samsung 400B5C 7840
PR-6HGF P-1235 SNP-798956061 Samsung Wave Y 2400
PR-k087 P-1235 SNP-453287892 Samsung Galaxy Grand 8536

3. Create an appropriate relationship between the two tables.

4. Create a data entry form for Products table and save it by the name Products Data Entry Form.
5. Enter your own records for Products table using the data entry form created above.
6. Design a Non-Action Query (Select Query) that selects whose Category ID M-6971 and average unit
costs less than 670 from products table and save it by the name Old Model.
7. Create a make table query that shows Product-ID, Category Name, Model Number, Model Name and
Average Unit Cost.
8. Create a query which accesses Model Number of products and display all products that belong to the
same Model Number and save it by the name Model Number.
9. Create a report using the fields Product-ID, Category ID, Model Number, Model Name and Average Unit Cost
Use Products Reports as a title.
10. Print a database report.
Part II

1. Which data type is better to use for storing the price of an item?
2. Which criterion returns only those addresses beginning with the letter “K”?
3. Which data type is better to use for storing phone number in this format “977-1-1234567”?
4. Which type of field is incremented automatically?
5. In a datasheet what does each row represent?
6. In a datasheet what does each column represent?

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