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Matter - is defined as anything that occupies space and has mass (can have no mass
sometimes). According to Einstein's theory of relativity, mass and energy are equivalent (as
described by the famous equation E=mc^2), and mass can be converted into energy and vice
versa. This means that even massless particles, such as photons (particles of light), can be
considered as having "relativistic mass" when they have energy. In this sense, they contribute to
the overall mass-energy content of a system.

Definite Shape: Solids have a definite and fixed shape. The arrangement of particles in a solid is
highly ordered and tightly packed.
Definite Volume: Solids also have a definite volume, meaning they maintain their shape and
volume unless acted upon by an external force.
Low Compressibility: Solids are generally incompressible because the particles are closely
packed and have little room to move closer together.
High Density: Solids are typically denser than liquids and gases due to the close packing of
Vibrational Motion: While particles in solids cannot move freely, they do vibrate in place due to
thermal energy, which gives solids a characteristic rigidity.

Liquids: (water, olive oil, milk, ethanol, gasoline)

Indefinite Shape: Liquids have an indefinite shape, meaning they take the shape of their
container. However, they have a definite volume.
Definite Volume: Liquids maintain a constant volume unless poured into a different container or
acted upon by external forces.
Moderate Compressibility: Liquids are less compressible than gases but more compressible
than solids.
Moderate Density: Liquids have a moderate density compared to solids and gases.
Fluidity: Liquids flow and can be poured, indicating that their particles can move past one
another. This property is responsible for their fluid nature.

Gases: (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium)

Indefinite Shape and Volume: Gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume. They
expand to fill the entire container they are placed in.
High Compressibility: Gases are highly compressible because their particles are widely spaced
and have room to move closer together.
Low Density: Gases are less dense than both solids and liquids due to the significant space
between particles.
Random Motion: Gas particles move randomly and at high speeds, colliding with each other and
the container walls.
Expansion with Heat: Gases expand when heated and contract when cooled because
temperature affects the average kinetic energy of gas particles.
Plasma: (stars, lightning, neon lights, auroras northern and southern lights, fusion reactors)
High Energy State: Plasma is a high-energy state of matter in which electrons are stripped from
atoms, creating a mix of positively charged ions and free electrons.
Electric Conductivity: Plasma is an excellent conductor of electricity due to the presence of free
electrons that can move in response to electric fields.
Luminosity: Plasmas emit light and can be found in stars, lightning, fluorescent lights, and some
industrial processes.
Lack of Definite Shape or Volume: Like gases, plasmas do not have a definite shape or volume
and fill the container they are in.
High Temperature: Plasmas often have very high temperatures, such as those found in stars,
where nuclear fusion occurs.

Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC): (rubidium)

Ultra-Low Temperature: BECs are formed at extremely low temperatures, typically just a few
billionths of a degree above absolute zero (-273.15°C or -459.67°F).
Quantum Behavior: BECs exhibit quantum mechanical behavior on a macroscopic scale, with
all particles occupying the lowest quantum energy state.
Superfluidity: BECs display the property of superfluidity, where they flow without friction and can
even climb up the sides of containers.
Large Wavelengths: BECs are characterized by their large de Broglie wavelengths, which lead
to unique wave-like properties.
Experimental Observations: BECs are observed in specific conditions, typically involving cooling
atoms to extremely low temperatures and confining them using lasers and magnetic fields.
These characteristics distinguish each phase of matter and help explain their behaviors and
properties under different conditions.

Melting (Solid to Liquid): (ice, candle wax, butter, chocolate, metal) This phase change occurs
when a solid gains enough thermal energy (heat) to overcome the forces holding its particles
together in a fixed structure. As a result, the solid becomes a liquid.
Freezing (Liquid to Solid): (ice, food, frost, ponds, liquid nitrogen) Freezing is the reverse of
melting. It occurs when a liquid loses enough thermal energy to change into a solid.
Evaporation (Liquid to Gas): (drying clothes, puddle when sun after rain, boiling, swimming pool,
salt production salt crystals)
The key difference between evaporation and vaporization lies in where and how they occur.
Evaporation happens at the surface of a liquid at temperatures below the boiling point and is a
slow process. Vaporization, on the other hand, occurs throughout the entire bulk of the liquid at
or above the boiling point and is a faster process.
Condensation (Gas to Liquid): (morning dew, window, cloud, cr mirror, cold drink) It happens
when a gas loses thermal energy and transforms into a liquid. For example, when steam cools
down, it condenses into water droplets, leading to the formation of clouds.
Sublimation (Solid to Gas): (dry ice, mothballs) Sublimation occurs when a solid directly
changes into a gas without passing through the liquid phase. Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)
sublimes at room temperature, producing carbon dioxide gas.
Deposition (Gas to Solid): (frost, snowflake) Deposition is the opposite of sublimation. It
happens when a gas transforms directly into a solid, skipping the liquid phase. An example is
the formation of frost on a cold surface when water vapor in the air comes into contact with it.
Ionization (Gas to Plasma): Ionization is the process in which a gas becomes a plasma by
losing or gaining electrons. This typically occurs at very high temperatures when gas atoms
become ionized, creating positively charged ions and free electrons.
Deionization (Plasma to Gas): Deionization is the reverse of ionization. It occurs when a plasma
loses its charged particles and returns to the gaseous state.
Bose-Einstein Condensation (Gas to BEC): Bose-Einstein condensation is a phase transition
that occurs at ultra-low temperatures, causing a dilute gas to condense into a single quantum
state, forming a Bose-Einstein condensate.


Physical Properties of Matter: Physical properties are characteristics or attributes of a substance

that can be observed or measured without changing the substance's chemical composition.
These properties describe how a substance behaves under certain conditions.
(Color, Density, Melting Point, Boiling Point, Odor)
Chemical Properties of Matter: Chemical properties are characteristics of a substance that
describe how it can undergo chemical reactions and change into new substances. These
properties involve the substance's reactivity with other substances.
(Flammability, Acidity, Oxidation, Toxicity, Precipitation)
External/Extrinsic Physical Properties: External or extrinsic physical properties are
characteristics of a substance that can be observed or measured from the outside, without
altering or affecting the substance's chemical composition. These properties are often related to
how a substance interacts with its environment. (Color, Texture, Odor, Taste, Luster)
Internal/Intrinsic Physical Properties: Internal or intrinsic physical properties are characteristics
of a substance that pertain to its internal structure or composition. These properties are typically
not visible from the outside and may require more in-depth analysis to determine.
(Density, Refractiveness of light, Specific Heat Capacity, electrical conductivity, molar mass)
In summary, external/extrinsic physical properties of matter are observable characteristics that
can be sensed or measured from the outside, whereas internal/intrinsic physical properties are
inherent to the substance's internal structure or composition and often require more specialized
measurements or tests to determine. Understanding both types of properties is essential for
characterizing and studying various substances.

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