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“People should not be judged by the clothes they wear”

It is widely believed that the clothes people wear define them as a person. As a result,
some people tend to judge others by their style. Nevertheless, is it a proper way to behave?

On the one hand, society considers it crucial to follow a certain dress code for
different occasions. For instance, attending a wedding with baggy clothes could be seen as a
sign of disrespect. Furthermore, people not only pick their clothes in order of the situation,
but also are influenced by their personalities. Depending on their values they might prefer to
buy second-hand clothes rather than acquire a brand new article.

On the other hand, if we discuss job opportunities, it is vital to make a good first
impression. It is often said that the more tattoos you have, the harder it is to get a job. Even
though the personal appearance should not interfere, applicants had to be aware of that

To sum up, even if the clothing can give you a clue about their personality, it will
never be accurate enough to judge others.

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