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Table 1 : Pre Test Experimental and Control

Group M Sd t p Cohen’s F
Experimental 113.31 4.306 .165 .866 26.303 .181
Control 113.13 4.257 .165 .866 26.572
Table 1 displays the results of a pre-test between two groups: the experimental group and
the control group. The pre-test was conducted to measure the initial performance of the
participants before the intervention or treatment.
The experimental group has a mean score of 113.31 with a standard deviation of 4.306.
The t-value for the experimental group is 0.165 with a p-value of 0.866, indicating that there is
no significant difference between the pre-test scores of the experimental group. The effect size
of the experimental group, as measured by Cohen's d, is 26.303, which is a large effect size. The
F- value is 0.181, which suggests that the variance of the scores in the experimental group is not
significantly different from that of the control group.
On the other hand, the control group has a mean score of 113.13 with a standard
deviation of 4.257. The t-value for the control group is also 0.165 with a p-value of 0.866,
indicating no significant difference between the pre-test scores of the control group. The effect
size of the control group, as measured by Cohen's d, is 26.572, which is also a large effect size.
The F-value for the control group is 0, indicating that there is no variance between the scores
in the control group.
Overall, the pre-test results suggest that the initial performance of the participants in both
the experimental and control groups are similar and there is no significant difference between
the two groups.

Table 2 : Post Test Experimental and

Group M Sd t p Cohen’s F
Experimental 116.16 4.356 2.278 0.028 0.655 .003
Control 113.70 4.120 2.282 0.028 0.138
Table 2 shows the results of a post-test between the experimental and control groups.
The post-test was conducted to measure the performance of the participants after the
intervention or treatment.
The experimental group has a mean score of 116.16 with a standard deviation of 4.356.
The t-value for the experimental group is 2.278 with a p-value of 0.028, indicating that there is a
significant difference between the post-test scores of the experimental group compared to the
pre-test scores.The effect size of the experimental group, as measured by Cohen's d, is 0.655,
which is a medium effect size. The F-value is 0.003, which suggests that the variance of the
scores in the experimental group is significantly different from that of the control group. On the
other hand, the control group has a mean score of 113.70 with a standard deviation of 4.120.
t-value for the control group is also 2.282 with a p-value of 0.028, indicating that there is a
significant difference between the post-test scores of the control group compared to the pre-test
The effect size of the control group, as measured by Cohen's d, is 0.138, which is a small
effect size. The F-value for the control group is 0, indicating that there is no significant
difference in the variance of the scores between the control and experimental groups. Overall,
the post-test results suggest that the intervention or treatment has a significant effect on the
performance of both the experimental and control groups. However, the effect size of the
experimental group is medium, indicating a more substantial improvement in their performance
compared to the control group, whose effect size is small.

Table 3 : Pre and Post Test Control Group

Control M Sd t p
Post -Test 113.70 4.120 2.282 0.028
Pre - Test 113.13 4.257 .165 .866
Table 3 presents the results of the pre-test and post-test conducted on the control group in
an experiment.
The t-value for the post-test is relatively high (2.282) compared to the pre-test (0.165),
indicating that there is a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
scores of the control group.
The p-value for the post-test is 0.028, which means that there is less than a 3% chance
that the observed difference in scores could have occurred by chance alone. This is a statistically
significant result and suggests that there may have been some external factors that influenced
the post-test scores of the control group.
Overall, Table 3 suggests that the control group did show some improvement in their
post-test scores, but it is not clear whether this improvement was due to the intervention or to
other external factors. It is also worth noting that the experimental group showed a
statistically significant improvement in their post-test scores, which suggests that the
intervention was effective in improving their performance.

Table 4 : Pre and Post Test Experimental

Experimental M Sd t p
Post -Test 116.16 4.356 2.278 0.028
Pre -Test 113.31 4.306 .165 .866
Table 4 presents the results of the pre-test and post-test conducted on the experimental
group in an experiment.
The t-value for the post-test is relatively high (2.278) compared to the pre-test (0.165),
indicating that there is a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test
scores of the experimental group. The p-value for the post-test is 0.028, which means that there is
less than a 3% chance that the observed difference in scores could have occurred by chance
alone. This is a statistically significant result and suggests that the intervention was effective in
improving the post-test scores of the experimental group. Overall, Table 4 suggests that the
intervention had a positive impact on the experimental group's post-test scores, as evidenced by
the statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the
experimental group.

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