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Name: Class:

Energy Usage Homework

Task 1: Complete the Bipolar Survey for at least 4 people (they can be you, family of friends)

Use a tally/colour coded key to put all 4 answers on the same table.
1 2 3 4 5
(I strongly (I agree) (I neither (I disagree) (I strongly
agree) agree nor disagree)
I recycle waste goods at home and use the correct bin.
I use a reusable drinks bottle at school/work.
I turn off electrical products at home like the TV/computer
rather than putting it on standby.
I only eat/ cook what I need and don’t throw food in the bin.
I send old/used clothes to charity and the clothes banks.
I turn off taps to avoid unnecessary water waste e.g. when
brushing my teeth.
I only charge my phone till it is full battery rather than leaving
it on all night.
I walk short journeys rather than other forms of transport
when safe to do so.

Task 2: What 3 conclusions can you make from the data on your table?

Task 3: Complete the table below to get an indicator of your carbon footprint/ food miles:

Country of Origin

4 food items

4 clothes items

4 electrical items

Task 4: Answer the following questions:

1. What continents are your items from? Are there any continents that did not produce your goods?

2. What item travelled the furthest? Where is it from?

Name: Class:

3. Are there any trends to where your products come from?

4. Did anything surprise you? Why?

Task 5: Annotate the following photo to show the social, economic, and environmental impacts of a landfill site.

Extension: What is the worst impact? Explain your opinion.

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