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To show agreement with the points made in the essay you are responding to, you can use

supportive and affirming language. Here are some phrases and strategies to demonstrate your
agreement effectively:

You admit that you have never heard of ESD before taking this course. This displays your
willingness to learn and emphasises the importance of raising awareness and educating people
about ESD, particularly in the US.
Educational Access and Retention:

You shed light on the accessibility of basic education in the United States while highlighting the
lack of a widely accepted definition of what qualifies as basic education. This illustrates the
intricate educational system of the nation.

Acknowledgment: Begin by acknowledging the key points made in the original essay. For

"I agree with the author's perspective on..."

"The essay rightly points out that..."
"I share the author's view that..."
Reiteration: Reiterate the main arguments or observations from the original essay to emphasize
your agreement:

"The essay accurately highlights..."

"I echo the author's sentiment that..."
"It's clear from the essay that..."
Supportive Language: Use language that expresses support and alignment with the essay's

"I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that..."

"The author's insights are in line with my own thinking..."
"I am fully in favor of the perspective presented in the essay..."
Specific Agreement: Highlight specific points or examples from the original essay that you find
particularly convincing or well-argued:

"The author's example of [example] is a compelling illustration of..."

"I am particularly impressed by the way the essay addresses..."
"The essay's argument about [specific point] aligns perfectly with my own views..."
Reference to Common Goals: Emphasize common goals or shared values:

"We both seem to share the goal of..."

"Our agreement on this issue reflects our shared commitment to..."
"It's clear that we both prioritize..."
Empathetic Language: Use empathetic language to show understanding and alignment with the
author's perspective:

"I understand and appreciate the author's concern regarding..."

"The essay effectively captures the importance of..."
"The author rightly points out the challenges we face in..."

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