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Nikoloz Pourmotamed

1) Think of your best friend. What makes them special?

When I think of my best friend, I think how lucky I am to have such a funny, loving and full of life
person by my side. Every me we see each other we manage to make special memories out of
ordinary events. He always managed to make me laugh and cheer me up when I’m sad. Most
importantly he is very suppor ve of every decision I make. Does not ma er if it’s smart or stupid.
2) What has been the most memorable experience/achievement in your life?
The most memorable experience and achievement is when I won my rst Tennis Tournament. I
remember I was very nervous when stepping on the court during the Finals. Somehow I knew that
this tournament was the one I should have won. So I believe in myself, stopped worrying about
everything else for couple of hours and then the victory was mine. It felt amazing.
3) If you had the opportunity to do something you have never done, what would you do?
I would love try scuba diving. I love the sea and exploring and doing both at the same me would be
amazing. And I’m sure I will be diving a lot once I become a marine biologist.
4) Your house is on re, your family is safe, you have to take one thing only. What would it be?
De nitely the Saint Nikoloz icon, because as a Chris an it’s one of the most precious thing for me
and I believe it is watching down on me. Most importantly, that icon is the reason I keep moving.
5) In what way is the culture of your country special or di erent from the others?
What di eren ates us from the rest of the word is our language, food, nature, tradi ons, people,
the list goes on. We are one of the oldest na ons and s ll standing strong. And it’s because of
Georgian people. We believe standing together makes us stronger. That is why our Mo o is Strength
is in Unity. I can keep going on for ever and the most important thing to remember is that Georgians
are most loving and hospitable people, as we believe that a guest is a gi from God.

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