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Personal and Familial Standpoint: The likelihood of stress and/or disorganization of daily life.

It may also strain Familial

bonds because of the distance between, even thou modern technology lessened the strain there are some still there.
 So sa personal standpoint, when a person migrates to a new country syempre may mga challenges and stressors
yan na naka akibat like new culture, language barriers, and syempre the way ng pamumuhay nila which is
challenging kasi nga hindi sila sanay dito.
 In addition, migration can strain familial bonds, kasi nga the fact na mahihiwalay sila sa family nila for extended
period of time syempre hindi mawawala yung may mamimiss silang important family events like birthdays,
 And Even though may modern technology na nag hehelp to lessen the strain by providing ways to communicate
and stay connected with family, syempre yung distance is mag crecreate parin ng feeling of loneliness and
International Standpoint: The Home country would have lessened pool of workforces while the country of destination gets
an increase of work
 By allowing migrants to work in another country can have impacts for both the home country and the destination
country’s workforce. When migrants leave their home country to work in another country, it can lead to a reduced
pool of workers, which can have negative effects on the economy and workforce. This can lead to a shortage of
skilled labor, which may effect the ability of the home country to grow and develop economically.
 On the other hand, the destination country may benefit from an increased pool of workers, which can help fill job
vacancies and boost productivity. Migrants may also bring diverse skills and expertise to the workforce, which
can enhance the country's overall economic performance.

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