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The idea here is that, the language itself doesn't adapts, the people do.

The legitimate way is to acquire words in each new country where it it

spoken. By legitimate I mean, the English language itself is enriched and
not diminished. In Philippines, for instance, English has acquired so
many loan words. This happens because people speak in English and
when they come to a word that has no English equivalent, they anglicize
it. For example, the word "bungalow" it means a house in a low pitched
roof. So "We visited him at his bungalow " is more natural and perfect
Philippine English than saying "we visited him in his tropical mansion"
or some such nonsense. Language grows with usage and by the people
who use it. Some people use English much better than they use their
native tounges, which is one reason why English now has over
1,000,000 words (by estimates).

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