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Chapter 1: Lesson 1: Activity page 3

Answer the following in not less than three sentences each.

1. Explain why coordination, efficiency and effectiveness are intrinsic to the nature of

In a business, it is essential to do the right things in order for us to have a good result. Efficiency
and effectiveness come together, the faster and right as well as the good quality of the product
you make, the better result you will have. On the other hand, the coordination of the employees
on making a good quality product is also essential for the business. Thus, coordination,
efficiency and effectiveness play a huge role in the success of the organization.

2. Enumerate the five functions of management and describe each

The first function of management, which is planning—determines the strategic actions for the
business to meet its goal and to make an effective and efficient plan to meet the desired result.
Second is organizing—it prevents the team from chaos; it brings harmonious relations among the
individuals. Third, staffing—it is the process of finding the eligible candidates for the specific
position in the organization; it evaluates the employee’s skills, knowledge and putting them in a
job that they are good at. Fourth, leading—it serves as the one who motivate its subordinates to
do their best and to help the organization to attain its set goal. Lastly, controlling— they are the
ones who are in charge of keeping things in its proper place and to ensure that they are all aiming
for the same goal.

Note: Due on Sept 02, 2020 until 5pm

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