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DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2023 Quarter FIRST


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of shapes, space, colors, and the principles
of emphasis, harmony and contrast in digital painting and poster design
using new technologies.

B. Performance Standard Applies concepts on the use of software in creating digital paintings and
graphic designs.

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) Applies concepts on the use of the software (commands, menu, etc.)
(if available write the indicated MELC)

D. Enabling Competencies

(if available write the attached enabling competencies)



A. References

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Guide Pages 21st Century MAPEH In Action

c. Textbook Pages

d. Additional Materials from Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for Development and Laptop, cellphone or tablet,

Engagement Activities For the pupils without gadgets. Paint, paint brush, oslo paper, coupon
bond and water color.


A. Introduction

Review past lessons

1. What is digital painting?

2. What are the advantages of using computer in painting?

3. What are the things you still consider in making a digital painting
to make your design unified?

4. Are the processes, elements and principles of art in digital painting

still applicable?

Many kinds of computer software are available to get started with digital
painting. It is recommended that you use Gimp, Photo Editor Open
Source (free wares) for Tablet PC and Paint (Windows) for
Laptop/Desktop PC. Together, these programs have a wide array of tools
and options that you can manipulate to turn your work into a digitalized

B. Development What do you think are the software tools used by an artist?

These tools help you paint and draw using the computer. You use the
mouse to control the tools.

● What software tools are used in Digital Painting?

1. The Brush Tool- This tool applies color to your work, similar to the
way a traditional paint brush would apply paint on a canvas or paper.
The edges of the lines created when using the brush tend to be slightly
softer than that the other tools, mimicking a real brush.
2. Burn tool: This tool darkens an image. To use this tool, just drag the
icon over the image.

3. Dodge Tool: lightens an image .To use , drag the icon over the image
you want to lighten.

4. Eraser Tool: Not all is perfect for beginning digital artists. Click on
the tool bar icon that looks like an eraser. Doing so changes your cursor
into an eraser.

5. Gradient tool: Use this tool by dragging the pen to highlight a color
and make it fade from dark to light.
6. Hand tool: This tool moves around an image within an object .Use
this with a zoom tool when you want to adjust the section of the picture
you want to look at.

7. Paint Bucket tool: This tool fills or makes an area one color. Can be
used also to fill or change the color of the design.

8. Pencil tool: behaves much like the brush except that it has hard edges.

9. Pen Tool: makes lines and can be used to create different shapes.

10. Sponge tool: soaks color out of the image. Use this tool by dragging
the tool over the section of the image you want to change.

11. Type Tool: This tool places text in a picture.

C. Engagement What are digital brushes?

Brushes are at the heart of all painting software programs. They are
of central importance to the techniques needed to make the
characteristics that you like to have in your work.

What brushes should you use? How are brushes selected and changed in
digital painting?

You can make your mark by choosing brushes and using a variety of
strokes (Brush Dynamics) that you like. You can even customize or
make your own brushes in digital painting.
Do It Yourself (DIY)

My Paint

1. Open Gimp (Open Source) for tablet PC or Sketch App for cellphones
or tablets.

2 .Using your digital pen, draw out your outlines.

3. Then, use the paint bucket tool to dump color into large areas.

4. Create virtual brushstrokes.

5. Work in layers.

6. Use the Artists ’Brushes.


For those who do not have any computers/gadgets.

You make use of paint/watercolor and paint brush to draw your digital
art painting.

(Pupils perform the given activity with the guidance of the teacher)
(Hands On)

D. Assimilation Ask: What software tools are used in digital painting? What does each
tool applies?

Choose the correct answer inside the box what each number refers to.

1. You need this in operating system to run on to create a digital


2. This tool applies color to your work, and this is the tool you will
probably use the most.

3. You use this tool by dragging the pen to highlight a color and make it
fade from dark to light.

4. These are the examples of brushstroke types.

A. Computer
5. What software tool to place text in a picture?
D. Brush tool
B. Type tool E. Gradient tool
C. Bristle, smooth scattered F. Sponge tool

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