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Activity 2
A. What factors have influenced my moral development? (At least three sentences)
- My family played a significant role in instilling early moral values. Growing up in
a household where honesty, empathy, and kindness were consistently emphasized
laid a strong foundation for my moral compass. My personal experiences and life
events also have had a profound impact on my moral development. Facing
difficult decisions, witnessing injustice, and going through personal growth and
self-reflection have all contributed to the ongoing development of my moral
B. How can I apply Kohlberg's stages of moral development to real-world situations?
(At least three sentences)
- I can apply Kohlberg's stages to understand the perspectives of others in a conflict
or ethical dilemma. By recognizing that individuals may be at different stages of
moral development, I can approach discussions and negotiations with empathy
and patience, aiming to find common ground and promote ethical growth.
Furthermore, it's important to comprehend the perspective of each individual
when they engage in not usual manner of behavior.
C. What are some ethical dilemmas that I have faced in my life? (At least three
- I found myself torn between supporting a close friend who was involved in a
morally questionable situation and upholding my own ethical standards.
Balancing loyalty to a friend with my commitment to doing what I believed was
right was incredibly challenging. I never actually knew what to do that time since
she was my friend for the longest time but I am glad that she eventually came out
clean to her parents.

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