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Dua Latif

XI- Silver

Subject: Application for Business Society President

Dear Teacher/s,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the position of President of the Business

Society. As a dedicated member of the society and having served as Vice President in
the previous academic year, I am eager to contribute my leadership skills and passion
for business to further enhance the society's initiatives.

In the past year, as the Vice President, I had the privilege of working closely with the
my team to successfully execute our flagship event, "Break Through." The event
garnered substantial participation and positive feedback from both students and
faculty. Building on this success, I am excited to propose innovative ideas that will
continue to elevate the Business Society's impact within the academic community.

One of the main highlights of my proposal is to organise an enriching trip to the

Lahore Stock Exchange or a reputable bank. This hands-on experience will provide
our members with valuable insights into the practical workings of the financial sector.
By interacting with professionals and witnessing the day-to-day operations,
participants can gain a deeper understanding of how theoretical concepts are applied
in real-world scenarios. This excursion will undoubtedly broaden our members'
perspectives and equip them with practical knowledge that complements their
academic learning.

In addition to this, I have brainstormed an innovative business event idea that would
further engage and challenge our members. The "Business Fusion Challenge" would
involve collaborative teams from diverse disciplines working together to devise
innovative solutions for real-world business challenges. This event would foster
creative thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, while also promoting
interdisciplinary collaboration.

If elected as President of the Business Society, I am committed to fostering an

environment that encourages active participation, academic growth, and networking
opportunities. I believe my experience as Vice President, coupled with my passion for
business, technology and leadership, makes me well-suited to lead the society
towards even greater accomplishments.

Thank you for considering my application, looking forward to a positive response.

Yours Sincerely,
Dua Latif

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