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Subject: Suspension Notice - Improper Behavior

Dear RAZEL Palencia,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address a recent incident that has come to my attention.
It has been brought to my notice that you were involved in a situation where you attributed the
responsibility for the malfunctioning air-conditioner to me, the owner of the restaurant.

As the owner, I take pride in creating an environment where open communication, accountability, and
professionalism are paramount. Blaming someone, especially a superior, without proper investigation
and communication, goes against the principles we uphold at Las Tres Marias Manila Branch. Such
behavior not only damages our team's cohesion but also undermines the trust that we have collectively

In light of this incident, I find it necessary to take appropriate action to ensure that our workplace culture
is maintained and that all team members adhere to our values. Therefore, I regret to inform you that,
effective immediately, you will be suspended from your duties for a period of August 17 th 2023.

During your suspension, I encourage you to reflect on the importance of proper communication,
accountability, and maintaining a respectful demeanor within our team. We value your contribution to
the restaurant and believe that this situation can serve as a learning experience for all involved.

Upon the completion of your suspension, we will have a meeting to discuss the incident and the
necessary steps moving forward. Repeating the same violation is will be termination.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Diana Lyn Dela Cruz


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