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Human Respiratory System

Human Nervous System Human Circulatory System

Chapter 3

Blood Circulatory System
Transport System in Organisms 生物
A specialised transport system is used to
• Transport substances needed by cells
• Excrete waste products

Need 需要

Transport Nutrients


Excrete 排泄 Carbon dioxide

Transport System in simple and complex organism

Type of Organism Simple Organism Complex Organism 复杂的生物

Rate of exchange Exchange of substances between Exchange of substances between
cell and external environment is in cell and external environment is in
small volume but at a suitable rate. large volume but at a low rate.
Involves all part of the organism. Does not involves all part of the
Specialised transport system

Example Unicellular organism such as Multicellular organism such

Amoeba sp. Euglena sp., human, animals and plants
Paramecium sp.
Cell Tissue Organ System
Importance of Transport System 重要性 Importance

• Transport substances such as oxygen and nutrients needed by body

cells ( 运输/传送 Cell 需要的东西: 氧气、养分)
• To eliminate excretory substances such as carbon dioxide from the cells
(去掉/排泄 cell 不需要的东西 : Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳、毒)
• Transport substances needed such as water and carbon dioxide to plant
cells for photosynthesis (植物光合作用所需要的水份、二氧化碳)
• Transport substances produced by photosynthesis (运输糖分,食物)
Transport System in Complex Organism •• Human 人类
Animal 动物

• As complex
organisms, human
and all vertebrate
animals have a
transport system
known as blood
circulatory system.
Single Circulatory Double Circulatory
System System
Fish Amphibians Birds and Mammals
Single Circulatory System
Double Circulatory System
Incomplete 不完整 Complete 完整
Single Circulatory System
• Fish
• One atrium, one ventricle
Gill Body Cell Heart Gill
Double and incomplete
circulatory system
• Amphibians 两栖动物:青蛙
• Two atrium, one ventricle
• Contain mixed blood in the
ventricle and blood circulatory
Lung Heart Body Cell Heart Lung/Skin
Double and incomplete
circulatory system
• Reptiles (鳄鱼、蛇)
• Two atrium, one ventricle (two parts)
• Contain mixed blood in the parts of
Lung Heart Body Cell Heart Lung
Double and Complete
circulatory system
• Mammals and birds
• Two atrium, two ventricles
• Does not contain mixed blood
Lung Heart Body Cell Heart Lung
Component in Human Circulatory System
Blood Vessel Artery

Blood Capillaries
Right atriums & ventricles Left atriums & ventricles
Deoxygenated Blood Oxygenated Blood
*Vena cave *Pulmonary veins (lung to heart)
*Pulmonary artery *Aorta
-Tricuspid valve -Bicuspid valve (atrium/ventricle)

• Two atriums
• Two ventricles

The importance of valves is to ensure blood flows in one way direction.

Septum separates left ventricle from right ventricle to prevent mixture of blood.
Oxygenated Blood
Lung Pulmonary Left Left Aorta/ Body Cells
vein Atrium Ventricle Artery


Deoxygenated Blood
Body Cells Vena cava Right Right Pulmonary Lung
Atrium Ventricle artery

Blood Vessel Artery Vein Blood Capillaries
Muscular Wall Thickest Thin Thinnest
Valve No Yes No
Size of Lumen Small Largest Smallest
Rate of blood circulation Rapid because high Slow under decreasing Slow under decreasing
pressure blood pressure blood pressure
Functions Transport oxygenated Transport deoxygenated Allow exchange of gases,
blood from heart to the blood from the rest of the nutrients and excretory
rest of the body except body (except for lungs) to products between blood
for lungs heart and cells
* Pulmonary artery * Pulmonary vein
transport deoxygenated transport oxygenated
blood from heart to lungs blood from lungs to heart

Pulse Yes No No

Diastole Systole
Closing of semilunar valves in the aorta and Closing of tricuspid valve and bicuspid valve
pulmonary artery
“dub” sound “lub” sound
Tricuspid valve and bicuspid valve are opened Semilunar valves in the aorta and pulmonary artery
Blood flows from atriums into ventricles Blood flows from ventricles into aorta and pulmonary
Measurement of Blood Pressure
Device : Sphygmomanometer
Systole – blood from ventricles being
push into aorta/artery
Blood pressure : x/y mmHg
X = systolic reading
y = diastolic reading

Measurement of ‘lub dub’ sound made by the

closing and opening of semilunar valves,
tricuspid and bicuspid valves.

Normal blood pressure : 120/75 mmHg

Pulse Rate 脉象
• Pulse is produced by the contraction and relaxation of the arterial
muscle wall.
• Each heartbeat will produce pressure that push the blood through the
• The pressure causes contraction and relaxation of muscular wall of
artery, producing pulse.
Factors affecting pulse rate
Type of physical activity Age
The more vigorous (激烈) the physical The older a person is, the lower the
activity, the higher the pulse rate. pulse rate.

Gender 性别 Body health 身体健康

The pulse rate of a woman is higher than The pulse rate of a unhealthy person is
man. usually higher/lower than a healthy
• Male : 70-72 person.
• Female : 78-82
Low pulse rate: Not enough blood
The size of heart of woman is smaller than
man, thus more heart beat to pump
blood. High pulse rate: Heart attack
Component in the blood
Blood plasma 血清
• 90% water
• 10% dissolved substances : CO2,
nutrients, hormones, medicine
• Transport dissolved substances and
heat to the body

Platelets 小血球
• Pieces of broken cell and
irregular in shape
• Helps in blood clotting 结
疤 to stop bleeding

White blood cell

• Irregular in shape and
have nucleus
• Fight infection and kills
Red blood cell microorganism
• Disc-like shape and no nucleus
• Contains haemoglobin that transport oxygen
Antigen and Antibody
Antigen Antibody
Red blood cell Blood plasma
types of antigen Two types
• A - Antibody anti-A
• B - Antibody anti-B
Antigen and Antibody
Blood Donations
Blood Group Donor


Universal Donor 可以捐给全部人 Blood Group O

Universal Recipient 可以接受全部血型 Blood Group AB

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