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As a teacher you bring so much more than qualifications and experience .

You’re an individual with

your own approach, ideas and personality — all of which add up to create the perfect learning
experience for your people. But they’ll never know it if you don’t tell them.

Your ideal students deserve to see what you’re all about before they decide whether to sign up. In
fact, the more connected they feel to you through your content, the more likely they are to
choose you as their teacher.

That’s because your students need a certain level of trust in you to not only spend money but time
learning with you. Like I said, who you are is just as important as what you know.

to attract, connect with and convert more students.

Know: Becoming a familiar face and voice

Before you can expect anyone to respond to your posts promoting your available lesson slots, you
HAVE to make yourself known to them. And like any good friendship, that takes time.

You need to give your people a reason to follow your page, which means posting content that
speaks directly to their wants and needs.

Not only that, but when you write in the same voice — be it fun, friendly, sarcastic, blunt or cool
— they’ll begin to recognise you from your words alone, helping you build a sense of familiarity.

Like: Getting your students to like you

You’re here to make your mark in your niche by speaking to your people.

more genuine you are, the more genuine your connections will be.

tart is by choosing 3-5 adjectives to describe yourself.

Once you have these, ask ChatGPT for a list of grammar guidelines and words you can use to craft
copy that conveys these personality traits.

Trust: Earning the trust of your students

Before your ideal students will even think about taking the leap and handing over their hard-
earned cash to this near-stranger, they need to have confidence in you and your service.
This is where your achievements, certifications, and testimonials come in.

So, instead of being all ‘me, my qualifications and I’, your copy and content should lead with the
things your ideal students care about — how to hold a meeting in English, how to greet their
French inlaws or what to ask in a Spanish job interview — and back up with credibility markers like
experience and student success stories.

The ‘Know, Like, Trust’ factor is key to building meaningful relationships with potential language

And if you keep these three words in mind whenever you’re preparing content or writing copy,
you’ll find it gets a whole lot easier to write more compelling messages that catch attention and
get results.

These teachers will have:

✅ Made themselves known to their ideal audience.

✅ Build a connection with their people through their copy and content.

✅ Earnt their dream students’ trust so they feel comfortable buying from them.

Stranger: hablarle sobre un topic en especifico, un nicho.

Acquaintance: ser autentico, mostrar tus valores y hablar de cosas que les interesan a los dos ,

Student: Demostrarle que sabes de lo que estas hablando,comparti tu historia y experiencia y

mostra casos de éxitos y testimonios de otros alumnos que han logrado su objetivo.

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