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NGOs partners Monthly coordinating Meeting:


NGOs Focal Points:

1. Ms. Amal from Bamsat Amal NGO.
2. Ms. Sahar Waheed from Abna’ El Ghad Banaty NGO.
3. Ms. Eman Mohamed from CEWLA NGO.
4. Ms. Sarah El Seba’e from Al Shehab NGO declined from the monthly
coordination meeting for internal staff reasons.
5. MdM staff: Sally, Mariam & Fatma (liaison officer).

Guidelines for the meeting discussions:

1. Activities of the month passed and the month to come.
2. The drama therapy theater and the post-show period.
3. The monitoring NGOs internal & external sheets to be revised.
4. The linkage between the NGOs and the PHCs for the post PHCs-training

Main points raised by the NGOs focal points:

NGOs internal needs:
1. The need for more actual team work trainings inside the NGOs; a more
like defining the role of each staff member about the flow of work and their
vital tasks.
2. Communication skills too still to be addressed in regards to submitting
any piece of information about the progress of the target group and their
needs, besides adapting the NGOs staff member to the progress of the target
groups’ mental status.
3. The NGOs focal points referred to their need to build an internal
monitoring system upon the staff responsibilities, which I as a liaison
officer can help with.
4. Ms. Sahar talked a little about the internal challenges of the staff day-
to-day dealings which speak of the no-privacy attitude when handling the
street girls’ needs inside the NGO, besides she’s spoken of the fact that there
were some efforts done under their organization by holding a survey upon
their internal staff needs upon dealing with the street girls’ mental progress
over time, which we might ask them for having a look on it to get an idea

about what’s going on inside and the complications of the NGOs staff
5. As well, Ms. Sahar clarified at the end that there’s yet to be handled the
cultural background of the NGOs staff that needs to be converted over
time by some trainings into a more positively engagement style .

NGOs training needs:

6. The need for more drama therapy workshops to get the young cases of
the target groups busy.
7. Starting to build the linkages between the NGOs and the PHCs upon
the referral system, for example Ms. Eman Mohamed is to join Sally on a
near to come PHC visit to Boulaq.
8. Ms. Eman from CEWLA referred to their needs of the in-between the
trainings’ breaks, in order to test themselves upon implementations of the
training content and the needed skills to be used to handle the needs of the
target groups.
9. Ms. Amal from Basmat Amal NGO referred to the need to the
continuous IEC trainings for the mothers of the target groups, and as well,
for the need of a direct supervision upon the internal staff implementation of
the trainings given like: the CBT one.

MdM Staff Conclusions:

10. To be discussed the next few months; the effectiveness of the NGOs
receipt of the referred cases by PHCs; which is suggested by the technical
team meeting with the liaison officer to have an internal hotline established
to follow-up on the mapping of the NGOs & the PHCs, the referred cases
besides the treatments they received.
11. To be established: a connecting map between the NGOs & the PHCs
with each NGOs societal specialization and humanitarian work, and to
follow up too with the PHCs needs in that regard.

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