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Session 4 Pre-class

Course/Module: Principles of Management

Student Name: Methode

Instructor’s Name: Claire

Date: 01/February/2023

Introduction to the school of Management Thoughts

Question 1

Management though, I understand it as a created idea as a result of managers' real-world

experience in industrial organizations then took inspiration from a variety of other academic
disciplines, including science, sociology, and anthropology that direct how people are managed
within an organization.

Question 2

Frederick Winslow Taylor supposedly invented scientific management at the start of the 20th
century. This management approach examines and links a variety of tasks. This way of thinking
aims to promote personnel satisfaction, innovation, and economic effectiveness. Each activity is
closely monitored and examined by Scientific Management in an effort to increase worker
productivity. Still used in modern management techniques are Taylor's concepts.

Administrative administration was created by Henri Fayol at the turn of the century. The
management paradigm significantly emphasizes the value of hierarchy and structure in the
workplace. It places a high emphasis on creating set rules and guidelines in order to guarantee
effectiveness and efficiency. The focus of administrative management is on the functions of
managers in the supervision and coordination of resources. Many contemporary management
strategies still rely on Fayol’s fundamental ideas.
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Session 4 Pre-class

Human Relations Theory was created by Elton Mayo and his collaborators around the beginning
of the 20th century. It is a management philosophy that emphasizes the significance of
relationships at work. It places emphasis on how social engagement and dialogue can boost
output and job satisfaction. The foundation of personnel management philosophy is the idea that
people are driven by social aspirations and recognition. Many contemporary organizational
solutions continue to draw on Mayo's observations.

Question 3

My personal thought is that the most crucial management philosophy is servant leadership. This
response focuses on the requirements of the team and how the leader may create a friendly and
confident work atmosphere. The CEO may encourage a sense of creativity and cooperation while
upholding the crucial discipline and structure needed for any successful company by fostering a
culture of trust and respect. This leadership style boosts motivation and productivity by
encouraging team members to take ownership of their job. Ultimately, servant leadership results
in a more inspired and engaged workforce.

Question 4

According to Management by Objectives (MBO),

Organizations can better assess their progress and make sure that their resources are being used
effectively by creating defined goals and measurable targets. This strategy encourages staff
members to take responsibility for their work and contribute to the company's goals.

Servant Leadership: This approach highlights how crucial it is for a CEO to put the firm and its
employees first. Leaders should focus on promoting a culture of cooperation and support while
promoting personal development. This approach boosts staff involvement, strengthens the
organizational culture, and encourages employee effort and creative dilemma.
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Session 4 Pre-class


Session 1. Management: Thought and process. (n.d.). Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations. Retrieved February 1, 2023,

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