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Nombre:Renato Buele
Curso:1 B


Custom or acquired habit of doing things by mere practice and more or less

25 vrbs; to describe routines

 Do the laundry
 Hang the clothes
 Iron the clothes
 Make the bed
 Go to bed
 Wake up
 Brush the teeth
 Drive to work
 Get home
 Take a bath
 Brush your hair
 Surf the net
 Play with friends
 Go to school
 Go shopping
 Exercise
 Wash the car
 Get dressed
 Go out with a friend
 Take pictures
 Play the guitar
 Water the plant
 Go for a walk
 Work
 Have breakfast
 Have lunch
 Have dinner
 Make dinner
 Fold the laundry
 Surf the net
 Feed the dog
 Take a taxi
 Wait for the bus
 Paint the picture
 Have a break (U.K) – Take a break (U.S)
 Walk the dog
 Take out the rubbish (U.S)
 Sweep the floor
 Rake the leaves
 Read the news
 Clean the window
 Cut the grass
 Do the dishes
 Paint the house

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