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Certainly, here's a dialogue for a short drama between two roommates, Hayat and

Siam, discussing Siam's disturbing lifestyle and misbehavior in the hostel.

[Setting: A college dorm room, messy and disorganized. Hayat is sitting at a desk,
studying, while Siam is sprawled on his bed, playing loud music.]

Hayat: (exasperated) Siam, we need to talk.

[Siam, still engrossed in the game, doesn't respond.]

Hayat: (louder) Siam!

[Siam jumps, startled, and quickly removes his headphones.]

Siam: (nervous) Oh, Hayat. Did something happen?

Hayat: (irritated) Seriously, Siam? You've been gaming all day and all night for
weeks. It's like you live in a virtual world!

Siam: (defensive) Come on, it's not that bad.

Hayat: (angry) Not that bad? Last night, you were screaming at the screen until 3
AM! I couldn't sleep at all!

[Siam shifts uncomfortably.]

Hayat: (calming down slightly) And it's not just the gaming and music, Siam. It's
the mess you leave everywhere – dirty dishes, clothes on the floor and don't get
me started on the bathroom!

Siam: [Shrugs] What's the big deal, Hayat? It's just college life.

Hayat: But it's affecting my studies and regular life, and it's not fair. I can't
concentrate with your music blaring all the time.

Siam: [Rolls eyes] Come on, Hayat, loosen up a bit. Live a little.

Hayat: I don't mind having fun, but there's a limit. We have responsibilities here,
and this mess is a health hazard.
Siam: [Glances around] Mess? What mess?

Hayat: [Points at the cluttered room] This mess, Siam! You never clean up after

Siam: [Defensive] I'll get to it eventually. No need to be so uptight.

Hayat: It's been like this for weeks, Siam. It's disgusting.

Siam: [Sighs] Fine, I'll clean up... Happy now?

Hayat: It's not just about the mess. It's your behavior too. The other night, you
came in at 3 a.m. drunk and woke me up.

Siam: [Sheepish] My bad, I didn't realize it bothered you that much.

Hayat: And you're always inviting people over without asking me. I need some peace
and quiet sometimes.

Siam: [Apologetic] I'm sorry, I didn't think it bothered you that much.

Hayat: It's just about being considerate, Siam. We need to communicate and set
some ground rules.

Siam: [Nods] Yeah, you're right. Let's figure this out. I don't want us to fight.

Hayat: Good. I want this to be a comfortable place for both of us. We need to find
a balance.

Siam: [Reflects] I'll try to keep the noise down, and I'll ask before inviting
people over. And I'll clean up, I promise.

Hayat: That's all I'm asking for, Siam. We can make this work if we respect each
other's space.

[They both smile, and the tension eases as they begin to address their issues and
find common ground.]

[End of the drama]

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