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It is said that living in a country where foreign language is obligatory can cause significant social

concerns along with practical problems. This essay strongly agrees with this statement as lack of
knowledge can lead to important problems such as poor communication skills and the absence of self-
confidence in everyday activities.

Being settled in a country, where native language is required will make it challenging to communicate
with local people. In other words, people are unable to understand each other, and the person who is
not able to speak will feel separated from the native community. Consequently, individuals will have
unpleasant relationship with residents. To clarify, immigrants in US have major issues in everyday
communication, which is a huge social obstacle.

The second reason to support my view is that I believe that being faced with language barriers can cause
loss of self-awareness. This means that absence of fluency and skills in language can affect individuals’
self-confidence. For instance, people may find it difficult to do shopping, because they are not aware
that they can explain what they want. Furthermore, they think what workers in the shop will think about
them which leads to decline in assurance and results in emotional repercussion.

To conclude, there are serious issues i.e. loss of social communication skills and the unawareness due to
language barriers. The inspiration of settled foreigners to learn and develop their knowledge skills, will
create healthy relationships in society and will help them to boost their self-confidence.

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