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Class Number: 9
Date: 19-09-2023
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Subject: English Integrated Skills II Listening and Speaking
Academic Year: II
Period: From 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Shift: Semestral

Unit IV: Is there a bank near here?

The impersonal “there is” and “there are”

-Is there a bank near here?

 Conceptual
- The students will follow through pieces of reading aiming at spotting consonant
ending sounds linked to vowel sounds.

 Procedural
- Talk about and describe places around town.
 Attitudinal
- Students will ask and answer questions with can can’t to talk about suggestions.
Organizational Teaching Forms (OTF):
I do, we do, and you do. Assessment.
 Teaching Media:
Lesson Plan, Whiteboard, Eraser and Markers, Computers, Pictures, TV.
 Bibliography:
Wilson K. and Healy T. (2007). “Smart Choice I”, Oxford University Press
-Welcome students
(10 min) (Start at 8:30 am and end at 8:40 am)
Greet all students and ask them how they feel?
Call the list.

Presentation of the new topic to students

(15 min) (Start at 8:40 am and end at 8:55 am)
The teacher will go over the units found in the book and the assessments for each

Show the students the vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

(20 min) (Start at 8:55 am and end at 9:15 am)
Bank shoe store near you
Book store shopping mall next door
Cheap restaurant sports stadium on market street
Coffee shop swimming pool on the next block
Convenience store across from my house ten minutes away
Copy center across the street boutiques
Department store around here clubs
gym around the corner furniture stores
internet cafe down te street grocery stores
national park in the neighborhood
post office in your town
-New topic and information
 Teaching students the new contents.
 Present a Power Point Presentation about the contents.
 Students will be asked to give their opinions about the topic.

 There is vs. there are and some vs. any.

(45 min) (Start at 9:15 am and end at 10:00 am)
We use there is / there are to say that something exist or (doesn’t exisit.).
There is a new restaurant in my neighborhood.
There isn’t one good sotore around here.
We use there is with singular nouns, and there are with plural nouns.
There’s a new movie at the theather.
Ther are theree new restaurants in town.

We often use some before plural nouns.

There are some good cafes in town. ( some = few)
We often use any before plural nouns in negative statements and questions.
There aren’t any movie theaters around here.
Are there any shoe stores around here.
(30 min) (Start at 10:00 am and end at 10:30 am)


-Practicing the new information
Complete the conversations.
(20 min) (Start at 10:30 am and end at 10:50 am)

1. A. Is there a good restaurant around here?

B._____________ one on the next block.
2. A________________ any noddles left?
B No_________________. They were very good.
3. A_________________ any coffee shops around here?
B No, _____________
4. A _______________ a swimming pool in this neighboehood?
B Yes, ______________. It’s five minutes away.
Complete the sentences. Use some or any.
1. There are some good stores around here.
2. There aren’t ______ buses after midnight.
3. There______ beautiful parks in this city.
4. There aren’t_______ mushrooms on my pizza.
5. There aren’t_______ beaches near here.

(50 min) (Start at 11:00 am and end at 11:50 am)

Chose the best answer to complete.

You can buy jeans at ____.
A) a department store
B) a convenience store
C) an Internet cafe
I can check my email at ____.
A) a post office
B) a convenience store
C) an Internet cafe
Jennifer can try on some high heels at ____.
A) a shoe store
B) a coffee shop
C) a drugstore
You can always change money at ____.
A) a bank
B) a department store
C) a drugstore
We can always look at magazines at ____.
A) a movie theater
B) a bank
C) a bookstore
Use the following to answer questions 9-14:

Complete the sentence. Use there's, there are, there isn't, or there aren't.

9. ____________________ a movie theater near my house. It's really big.

10. Sorry, but ____________________ a gym around here.

11. ____________________ some good Italian restaurants downtown. Let's go. I'm hungry!

12. No, ____________________ a convenience store near my house.

13. ____________________ any department stores near here.

14. ____________________ 520 stores in the Mall of America. It's huge!

Complete the question. Use Is there or Are there.

15. ____________________ a shopping mall in your town?

16. ____________________ any drugstores in your neighborhood?

17. ____________________ any shoe stores on Market Street?

18. ____________________ a coffee shop near your school?

19. ____________________ an Internet cafe in your town?

20. ____________________ any bookstores downtown?

-Class Evaluation
(10 min) (Start at 11:50 am and end at 12:00 pm)
Did you like tonight’s class?
Ask three students to participate
What did you like about tonight’s class?
What did you hate about tonight’s class?
No homework.

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