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Spain occupies most of the Iberian

Peninsula, stretching south from the
Pyrenees Mountains to the Strait of
Gibraltar, which separates Spain from
Africa. To the east lies the
Mediterranean Sea, including Spain's
Balearic Islands.

There are over 46 million people who

live in Spain; they speak Spanish.
is greeting used in Spain
that means hello.

The flag of Spain consists of three horizontal stripes: red, yellow and red, the yellow stripe being
twice the size of each red stripe.

The most elegant flamenco
suits are made up of red
skirts and black tops; a very
characteristic feature of
these clothes are white polka
dots, something typically
flamenco. The skirt should be a
full skirt and, if possible, a frilly
one. For special events and
celebrations women still use
today, the mantilla (lace veil),
the peineta (hair clip), and
abanico (hand held fan).

Bullfighting has been in the Spain culture 711 A.D.. Spaniards attend this weekly sporint event where
3 matadors fight a bull to death.

La Sagrada Familia is a Roman-Catholic
church situated in Barcelona. It’s
construction began in 1882 and it has still
not been finished. It is expected to be
completed by 2026. This is a stunning
world heritage site.

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What I learned about Spain


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