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1. Answer these question

+) Phases of globalisation theory
First Phase:

 Dates back to the 15th century and is known as the "proto-globalization" phase.
 Characterized by the exploration and expansion of European powers, such as the
Portuguese and Spanish, through trade and colonization.
 The primary drivers were the search for new trade routes, access to resources,
and the spread of European culture.

Second Phase:

 This phase is often referred to as "modern globalization" and occurred from the
mid-19th century to the early 20th century.
 Industrialization, technological advancements, and the rise of capitalism were
central factors driving globalization.
 The expansion of railroads, steamships, telegraphs, and multinational
corporations played significant roles in linking different regions of the world.

Third Phase:

 The third phase of globalization began after World War II and is commonly
known as "post-war globalization."
 The establishment of international organizations like the United Nations, World
Bank, and International Monetary Fund aimed to promote global cooperation
and economic stability.
 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), later replaced by the World
Trade Organization (WTO), facilitated global trade liberalization.

Fourth Phase:

 Often referred to as "contemporary globalization" or "neoliberal globalization."

 Started in the 1980s and continues to the present day.
 The key features include the rapid advancement of information and
communication technologies, the deregulation of markets, and the expansion of
global financial systems.
 Multinational corporations gained increasing influence, and trade agreements
like NAFTA and the proliferation of free trade zones became prominent

+) Dimensions of globalisation
1. Economic Dimension:
 Focuses on the integration and interdependence of national economies.
 Involves the free flow of goods, services, capital, and investment across
 Global trade agreements, foreign direct investment, and multinational
corporations are central to this dimension.
2. Political Dimension:
 Examines the impact of globalization on governance, political systems, and
global institutions.
 Involves the rise of supranational organizations like the United Nations and
the European Union.
 Globalization also affects state sovereignty, political ideologies, and the
role of non-state actors in decision-making processes.
3. Technological Dimension:
 Considers the influence of technological advancements on globalization.
 Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have played a
significant role in connecting people, businesses, and nations globally.
 Internet, mobile communications, and advancements in transportation
have accelerated the pace and reach of globalization.
4. Cultural Dimension:
 Focuses on the spread of ideas, beliefs, values, and cultural practices across
 Globalization facilitates the exchange of cultural products, such as movies,
music, literature, and fashion.
 Cultural homogenization and hybridization are important concepts within
this dimension.
5. Social Dimension:
 Examines the impact of globalization on societies and individuals.
 Involves issues such as migration, labor rights, social inequalities, and the
diffusion of social movements.
 Globalization can lead to both positive and negative social outcomes,
affecting employment, poverty levels, and access to healthcare and
6. Environmental Dimension:
 Considers the environmental consequences of globalization.
 Globalization can lead to increased resource consumption, pollution, and
environmental degradation.
 Climate change, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity are key concerns
within this dimension.

+) Effects of globalisation
1. Economic Effects:
 Increased international trade and investment, leading to economic growth
and the creation of new markets.
 Access to a wider range of goods and services at lower prices due to global
supply chains and competition.
 Integration of national economies through trade agreements, such as
reduced tariffs and barriers.
 Job creation and employment opportunities in sectors connected to global
 Economic inequalities, as globalization can exacerbate income disparities
between and within countries.
2. Cultural Effects:
 Greater exposure to diverse cultures, ideas, and values from around the
 Spread of global popular culture, including movies, music, fashion, and
 Homogenization of cultural practices and the potential loss of local
traditions and languages.
 Cultural hybridization and the blending of different cultural elements.
 Cultural conflicts and tensions as local and global values intersect.
3. Social Effects:
 Increased migration and mobility, leading to cultural diversity and the
formation of multicultural societies.
 Influence on social norms, behaviors, and lifestyles through media and
global communication.
 Transfer of knowledge and technology, improving access to information
and education.
 Social inequalities, as globalization can amplify disparities in wealth, health,
and education.
 Emergence of global social movements and activism addressing global
4. Environmental Effects:
 Global environmental challenges, such as climate change, deforestation,
and pollution, due to increased production, consumption, and
 International collaboration and efforts to address environmental issues
through global agreements (e.g., Paris Agreement).
 Exploitation of natural resources in developing countries for global
 Awareness and activism for sustainable practices and conservation.
5. Political Effects:
 Shifts in power dynamics, as global institutions and multinational
corporations gain influence.
 Challenges to state sovereignty and the rise of supranational organizations.
 Increased interdependence and cooperation between nations on political
and security issues.
 Rise of transnational activism and civil society organizations addressing
global concerns.
 Potential for conflicts and tensions as different political ideologies and
systems interact

+) Glocalisation
1. Definition and Concept:
 Glocalization is a strategy that recognizes the importance of both global
and local factors in business, marketing, and cultural contexts.
 It involves tailoring global products, services, or messages to suit local
tastes, preferences, cultural norms, and regulations.
 Glocalization emphasizes the need to strike a balance between global
uniformity and local relevance.
2. Examples of Glocalization:
 Product Adaptation: Companies may modify their products to suit local
tastes, dietary preferences, or cultural norms. For example, fast-food
chains like McDonald's offer localized menu items in different countries.
 Marketing and Branding: Companies may adapt their marketing strategies
and branding to resonate with local consumers. This includes using local
languages, incorporating cultural symbols, or featuring local celebrities in
 Cultural References: In the entertainment industry, films, TV shows, or
music may be localized by dubbing, subtitling, or remaking them with
local actors and settings to appeal to specific audiences.
3. Benefits of Glocalization:
 Increased Market Relevance: Glocalization helps businesses cater to the
unique needs and preferences of local markets, increasing their chances of
 Enhanced Customer Engagement: By incorporating local elements,
companies can connect with customers on a deeper level, building trust
and loyalty.
 Adaptation to Regulatory Requirements: Glocalization helps companies
comply with local regulations, laws, and cultural sensitivities.
 Innovation and Creativity: Local insights gained through glocalization can
lead to the development of innovative products, services, or business
4. Challenges of Glocalization:
 Balancing Global and Local Demands: Finding the right balance between
standardization and customization can be challenging for companies.
 Managing Costs and Efficiency: Adapting products or services to local
markets can add complexities and increase costs in terms of production,
distribution, and marketing.
 Maintaining Brand Consistency: Ensuring consistent brand messaging and
values across different markets can be a challenge when implementing
glocalization strategies.
 Cultural Sensitivity: Companies need to be aware of and respectful toward
local cultural norms, practices, and sensitivities to avoid potential
controversies or misunderstandings

2) Provid 1 example of globalisation and Phone

The widespread availability and adoption of smartphones across the globe. Here's how
it exemplifies globalization:

1. Access to Technology: Globalization has facilitated the production, distribution,

and affordability of smartphones, making them accessible to people in various
parts of the world. Manufacturing takes place in different countries, with
components sourced from multiple locations, showcasing the interconnectedness
of the global supply chain.
2. Market Expansion: Smartphone companies operate on a global scale, marketing
and selling their devices in numerous countries. They adapt their products to
meet the needs and preferences of different markets, incorporating local
languages, apps, and functionalities. This demonstrates how globalization allows
companies to expand their reach and tap into diverse consumer bases.
3. Communication and Connectivity: Smartphones enable instant communication
and connectivity on a global scale. Through voice calls, text messages, and
internet access, individuals can connect with others across different countries,
fostering global communication networks and breaking down geographical
4. Digital Economy: The rise of smartphones has spurred the growth of the digital
economy, facilitating online shopping, mobile banking, and digital services.
Global e-commerce platforms and payment systems have emerged, allowing
people worldwide to participate in the global marketplace and engage in cross-
border transactions.
5. Cultural Exchange: Smartphones enable the sharing of ideas, information, and
cultural content globally. Through social media platforms, users can connect with
people from different countries, sharing experiences, and promoting cultural
exchange. This interconnectivity contributes to the dissemination of global
trends, ideas, and influences.
6. Technological Advancements: Globalization fosters technological advancements
in the smartphone industry. As companies compete globally, they invest in
research and development, leading to continuous innovations in hardware,
software, and features. These advancements drive progress and shape the
evolution of smartphones.
+) According to Statista, in 2023, the current number of
smartphone users in the world today is 6.92 billion, meaning
86.29%of the world's population owns a smartphone.
(Turner,A (2023,May 1) How Many People Have Smartphones
Worldwwide(May 2023.BankMyCell)

+) Gaubys, J. (n.d.). How many people shop online in 2023? [updated Feb 2023].

+) With more than 1 billion users worldwide and 2.5 million apps
— and counting — available across Google and Apple’s digital
marketplaces, smartphones are impacting day-to-day life in some
surprising ways. (
+) According to GSMA real-time intelligence data, there are
now over 11.148 Billion mobile connections worldwide,
which surpasses the current world population of 8.019
Billion implied by UN digital analyst estimates. This data
means there are 3.129 billion more mobile connections than
people worldwide.


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