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2nd March 2023

Name: Nang Shwe Yone

ID: 6529510

How to Develop Academic Writing Skills

Academic writing involves writing clear, concise, and well-organized essays and research

papers that follow specific conventions. Reading and analyzing academic texts, practicing

writing regularly, and seeking and revising feedback can develop academic writing skills.

Firstly, reading and analyzing academic texts can develop academic writing skills. By

doing so, individuals can learn about the conventions of academic writing, including how to

structure arguments, cite sources, and effectively use evidence. Researchers have shown that

reading academic articles can improve students' writing quality and ability to use evidence,

making it an essential practice for both native and non-native speakers of English. Therefore,

individuals should regularly read and analyze academic texts, take notes, discuss with peers, and

apply the knowledge gained to their writing.

Regular writing practice is crucial for developing effective academic writing skills.

Studies have shown that practicing writing can improve critical thinking, communication skills,

academic performance, brain function, and problem-solving abilities. To enhance writing skills,

individuals should dedicate regular time to practice, join writing groups or courses, and utilize

online writing tools.

Finally, seeking feedback and revising work is important for improving academic writing

skills. The researchers found that students who receive feedback and revise their work show

greater improvement in writing quality than those who did not. Therefore, individuals should

choose knowledgeable reviewers, be receptive to criticism, focus on areas for improvement, and

revise their work based on feedback.

In conclusion, developing academic writing skills is a key aspect of succeeding in higher

education and beyond. By applying these strategies mentioned above, individuals can improve

their critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving abilities, which are essential skills

for success in academic and professional settings. Moreover, having strong academic writing

skills can help individuals convey their ideas effectively, contribute to academic discourse, and

advance their careers.

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