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Bùi Anh Thư

In recent years, global environmental problems have been a subject of widespread

concern. In fact, the environment is the most essential requirement for life. It is
therefore in our own interest to protect the environment. This writing is going to
discuss the reasons why people should protect the environment.
First of all, it’s vital that people should save the environment because the
environment is the main source of food that humans eat. Everything such as
vegetables and fruits is produced in the environment. By destroying the environment,
humans are only impeding their own food supply. Besides, when the environment is
damaged, the quality of food will be affected. Therefore, protecting the environment is
also conserving the food supply.
Secondly, the environment gives people the two very essential elements, necessary
for life – air and water. Human, animals, plants, and aquatic animals, require oxygen
and fresh air to survive. Water is also a vital element for sustaining life. Moreover, the
environment also provide a number of natural resources to help people to build homes,
businesses, schools, factories, and so much more.
Last but not least, billions of people depend on the environment to earn the livings.
They have taken up business out of so many resources that the environment provides.
Farmers, fruit sellers, fishermen, etc., all depend on the environment for a living.
In conclusion, people should preserve the environment stems from these reasons
One problem that city is facing.
One of the problems that urban areas suffer from is traffic jams. First, due to the fact
that many rural residents tend to migrate to cities to look for better employment
opportunities, leading to an increase in population density as well as vehicle usage.
Secondly, some people are in favour of using private transports over public transports
because thay can leave at a desirable time. However, they will be stuck in traffic jams
during rush hours. To solve this problem, the government can raise the tax on
privately owned vehicles to limit ownership and encourage people to use public
transports. Besides, the authorities should promote public transportation because the
use of public transport significantly reduces the traffic jams.

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