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Unit of inquiry planner

(Early years)

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2019

International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
Grade/Year level: Pre K Collaborative teaching team:

Date: 19.08.2023 - 19.11.2023 Timeline: (continued investigation, revisiting once, or

numerous times, discrete beginning and ending,
investigating in parallel with others)

Transdisciplinary theme
(How We Express Ourselves)

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of
the aesthetic.

Central idea

Use of non-verbal expressions and applying movement elements in theater can help convey a story to the audience.

Lines of inquiry

1. Facial expressions that demonstrates feelings / Form

2. Variety of body movement elements as characters projection / Form
3. Body expressions as a perfromance tool / Function

Key concepts Related concepts Learner profile attributes

Form Open-minded
Function Technique Communicators
Imagination Risk-takers

Approaches to learning

Social skills:
1. Interpersonal skills. In the very beginning of this unit learners will sensory awarness about objects, spaces, people, learn to listen to different sounds. Those experiences will develop skill of giving attention and interact
between each other working in the groups, they will identify what is their space and others, what will support their farther understanding to others.
2. Social and emotional intelegence. While learning what is facial expressions and body language, learner will be able to identify what the emotion and feeling experience another person. This prior knowledge of other people

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feelings and recognition of your own will support development of care about own and others emotional situation. Basicly learners will learn to feel.
Creative Thinking:
1. Considering new perspectives. In this unit learners will meet new situations that they will need to find solutions for and create ideas how to illustrate the task or find solution to project a play. Using imagination and gained
knowledge throuth the unit learners will use the “what if” skill in the imaginary syquence learning and during sensory awarness processes.
Critical thhinking:
1. Analysing. Learners will use observetion methods to identify unique characteristics, in their situation it will be sounds, and unfamiliar to them yet objects. By using body awarness learners will cinsider new materials and
will explore knowledging them through differents experience.

Communication Skills:
1. Interpreting: Recognize the meaning of kinaesthetic communication (body language). Learners will use kinaesthetic communication to express the characters, their actions in specific environments; they will use body
language and facial expressions to role-play the imaginative sequence scenes.


In this unit students will learn about:

1. Body awarness: touch, move and use different body parts.
 Learn faccial expressions.
 Preprimary level of body language.
2. Sensory awarness:
 Touch objects and things to get awareness of different textures.
 Look at different things, objects and people to be able to distinguish shapes, color, height, size, etc.
 Listen to different sounds like voices, cars moving, airplanes flying, etc to distinguish volume, rhythm, etc.
3. Creative movement:
 Recognize and respond to different rhythms of movement.
 Move in a space in different ways.
 Move in a space, responding to sounds and to simple verbal instructions.

What opportunities are there for building on prior learning to support potential student-initiated action?
Learners will be given examples of facial and body expressions, such as short video where the character express emotions while being in a certain state/ or chosen scenario/sketch. Besides teacher will be a rolemodel character
(exagerating her facial expressions and gestures during lessons). By obsearving the situations learners will involuntarily absorb information.
Learners will experience enviroments that provocates their sensors (feel, touch, smell).
The learning process is designed to support maximum sequence of identify- feel-express. They will be doing practices to devolop their acting tecnique: body movement, face expressions, imagination, performance.
By the end of the units learners will be able to recognise simple emotions (sad, happy, scared, worried, exited, angry) and use body language to express emotions in respond to the music. Learners will rehearse a body movement
performance (creative scene), they will experince the rehearsing proccess, and performe on stage infront of audience for the event - “Grandparents Day” Show.

The art is a means of communication and expression:

 Respond to dance through spoken, written visual and/or kinaesthetic mediums.

We can express ourselves through arts:

 Engage in imaginative play using a range of stimuli
 Respond to word, rhythm and/or music through movements
 Explore basic bodily movements and the use of space.

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Prompts: Overview

Transdisciplinary theme Central idea Lines of inquiry Key concepts

Which parts of the transdisciplinary theme will the Does the central idea invite inquiry and support What teacher questions and provocations will Do the key concepts focus the direction of the
unit of inquiry focus on? students’ conceptual understandings of the inform the lines of inquiry? inquiry and provide opportunities to make
transdisciplinary theme? connections across, between and beyond subjects?
Do the lines of inquiry:
 clarify and develop understanding of the
central idea?
 define the scope of the inquiry and help to
focus learning and teaching?

Related concepts Learner profile attributes Approaches to learning Action

Do the related concepts provide a lens for What opportunities will there be to develop, What authentic opportunities are there for students What opportunities are there for building on prior
conceptual understandings within a specific demonstrate and reinforce the learner profile? to develop and demonstrate approaches to learning to support potential student-initiated
subject? learning? action?

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Initial reflections

The main objective of the provocation at the beginning of the theme is to stimulate sensory awareness and recognising the environment, recognising yours and other people emotions.

Learners will be shown pictures with the scenes, they will need to name and show the emotions they see in the pictures. Learners will use facial and body expressions for the answers.

Prior learning

What type of assessment and provcations will be done to check what they know?

Learners will be assessed through the acting warm ups where the will have to show different emotions, and awarnes of body parts and musicality.
“Show me your face” game: educator asks learner to sit in the circle and cover face with palms; than she asks them “Show me happy face”; the repeat the movements for angry, sad, worried, scared, ecited, sleapy expressions.
“Body parts” : it is a dance – educator plays the music track (simple melody with the steady beat), on each beat teacher will name part of the body and learners will need to touch it with one hand.
Educator will be asking questions starting with “who can show me …”.

Connections: Transdisciplinary and past

Learning goals and success criteria

What is it we want students to know, understand and be able to do? How are learning goals and success criteria constructed between teachers and students?

Learners will be able to know:

- The importance of nonverbal communication in theatre.

- The ways facial expressions and body movements conveyto the audience.
- The elements of movement are used to enhance storytelling process.

Learners will be able to understand:

- To analyse various of facial expressions in corresponding to emotions.
- How body language and movement can communicate a message.
- How elements of movement and body language can be used in spacing and interactions between characters on stage and influence the perception of action to the audience.

Learners will be able to:

- Convey specific emotions through fecial expressions and body language.

- Develop various body movements of different characters.

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- Respond to the imaginary syquence.

Success Criteria:

Learners will be able to sensor and respond to the music tempo, tone, rhythm, intonation, mood, they will use pre-primary level of acting techniques of nonverbal communication to project te story line and expressing different
emotional situation of the characters during the act. Learneers will use improvasation skills based on their knowladge to act the imaginary sequence story that will be given them by educator.write down the success criteria

Assessment: To assess students' ability to use non-verbal expressions and apply movement elements to convey a story in a theatrical manner.

Activity Description:

1. Choose a simple and familiar story appropriate for students, such as a fairy tale or a short fable.
2. Divide the students into small groups. Each group will perform a short scene from the chosen story using non-verbal expressions and movement elements.
3. Provide the groups with a designated area (stage) where they can perform their scenes.
4. Allow students to choose their roles and rehearse their scenes with guidance and support from the teacher.

Success Criteria

1. Use of Non-Verbal Expressions focusing on Facial expression/body language and eye contact.
2. Application of Movement Elements/spatial awareness and variety of movements.
3. Storytelling and Creativity/ clarity and creativity.
4. Teamwork and Participation.

Teacher questions

What do we mean by facial expressions? (Factual) – Line of Inquiry #1

How do we express our emotions and feelings? (Factual) – Line of Inquiry #1
What facial expressions might signify different emotions? (Factual) – Line of Inquiry #1
How can our facial expressions to convey to feelings and emotions. (Conceptual) Line of Inquiry #1
What type of movement can indicate situation? (Factual) Line of Inquiry #2
How character body language can change from one situation to another? (Conceptual) Line of Inquiry #2
What is the role of body movement in creating performance and delivering messege to the audience? (Factual) Line of Inquiry #3
How body language can influence the emotional toneof story line of a performance? (Conceptual) Line of Inquiry #3

Student questions

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Prompts: Reflecting and planning
Initial reflections Prior learning Connections: Transdisciplinary
How can our initial reflections inform all learning and teaching in this How are we assessing students’ prior knowledge, conceptual and past
unit of inquiry? understandings and skills?
Connections to past and future learning, inside and outside the
programme of inquiry
How are we using data and evidence of prior learning to inform
What connections are there to learning within and outside the unit of
How does our planning embrace student language profiles?

What opportunities are there for students to develop conceptual

understandings to support the transfer of learning across, between and
beyond subjects?

How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and connects to local

and global challenges and opportunities?

Learning goals and Teacher questions Student questions

success criteria What teacher questions and provocations will inform the lines of What student questions, prior knowledge, existing theories,
What is it we want students to know, understand and be able to do? inquiry? experiences and interests will inform the lines of inquiry?
How are learning goals and success criteria co-constructed between
teachers and students?

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Early years

Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea: Who we are: Use of non-verbal expressions and applying movement elements in theatre can help convey a story to the audience.

Collaborative teaching team: Inna Kaiun Grade/Year level: Pre-K Date: 5/9/2023

Designing engaging learning experiences

Play, symbolic exploration and expression, learning spaces

Learning objective: Learners will answer on question “What emotions do you know”; they will demonstrate their prior awarness of facial expressions, appropriete call and response
using body (strong and smooth).

As provocation into central idea learners will demonstrate how they can be caring and communicate by use of social and emotional intelligence skills to identify what emotions face can
express. Learners will provocate their emotions through playing the “Hide your face” facial expressions game, where they have to show simple emotions, such as: happy, sad, angry,
excited, scared, funny and sleepy faces. As pre-assessment as well this “Hide your face”exercise will demonstrate learners awarness about facial expressions. Next, for the pre-
assessment we will have body awareness exercise, in this exercise learners will use interpreting skills to identify and show their body parts throught the interactive game leaded by
Tuning in
educator (students will have to touch the body part that will be named). Learners will take a risk to be first to demonstrate the task (facial expression or part of the body).
After assessing student prior knowledge, they will keep practicing the same materials by following exercises to gain their understanding. Learners will continue active learning through
Week 1 / Week 2
the dance, the will watch the video and respond to the music and video instructions (learning parts of the body). Next students will watch a video where they explore learning each
emotion on the example. They will use critical thinking skills to observe and analyse each emotion characters show in the video, than practice interpreting what they have learned.
Line of Inquiry #1
The practicing same matirial from different aspects and by repeating it with change of amplitude and dynamic will digging deeper into understanding the feelings and how sensors are
Facial expressions that demonstrates
used and support development of motor skills, listening and responding. Learners are becoming thinkers, communicators and inquirers through identifying new objects and perspectives
feelings / Form
in engaged and provacative classroom routins.

Next lesson will be added exercise for motor skills “Touch each finger separate”: this exercise exepects to touch the sumb with each hand finger, working with both hands, exercise must
be repeaten with change of tempo. This is good exercise for developing motor skills and seting body muscules and brain for development of coordination. Continue exrsicing facial
expressions by adding new emotions and ask learners what more emotions they can demonstrate to stimulate creative thinking. Learners will watch a cartoon with one character acting,
they will need to identify emotions a character will be passing through.

Finding Out/Sorting Out Objective: Learners will demonstrate appropriate call and response using their body, recognising and responding to the sounds and imagination to create and demonstarte objects.

Week 3 / Week 4/ Week 5 On the third week we will move into synthesizing and orginising ideas, as learners are becoming risk-takers while exploring senssory awarness by experiencing new objects and shapes.
Teacher will bring objects that will help learners identify what is hard and soft by touch. In order to consolidate the understanding of the structure of the objects, it is necessary to
Line of Inquiry #2 demonstrate it not only to the touch, learners will response by using body movements' exercise performing "soft and hard /square and round ".

Learners will identify short and tall by demonstraiting enimals (exm.: giraffe –tall, rabbit - short) play based learning. Learners will explore new ideas and inovative strategies to
consolidate respond to square and round in practice where they demonstrate the enimals walk in squered and rounded directions (The floor will be marked accordingly. Guided practice).
Variety of body movement elements
as characters projection / Form Face expressions and body movements for developing acting tecniques, motor skills and ccordination are repeaten during each lesson with systematcly increased amplitude, dinamic and

To explore their sensory awarness to the sound learners will be going to the playground. Now in unusual for drama class enviroment learners will use critical thinking skills to observe
carefully, investigate, and identify unique sounds (cars, birds, people talking, etc.) and the volium (loud/quiet). On return to the class learners will be reflective while continue exploring

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sounds by using critical thinking skills during watching video, they are requiered to name the sounds they hear.
Farethermore, listenning skills developed successfully if they are practiced from more than one aspect. Next exercises are to respond to the musical rhythm and tempo by use of body
percussion. First exercise is guided, as aducator teaches students the body percussion movements, than learners are expected to respond to the beat by using the moves they learned.
Now, once learners identified what kind of sound are, we can connect what sound of emotion can be loud or quiet /silent. Once we have identifyed that there is silent note, we need to
use it in practice. Rhythmic exercices with silent note, on pre-pimary level uses first with claps than practices using music sound tracks for rhythmic.

Objective: Learners will identify significant information from text (setting, sense memory), and demonstrate active listening skills by creating appropriate movement and sounds for a
Finding Out/Sorting Out
The teaching artist shows a kindergarten class how to do:
o sound effects – sounds produced to imitate objects (e.g., telephone ring, engine), scenarios (e.g., busy street, underwater), or people and animals
o mimic – to imitate or copy somebody’s voice, gestures or appearance.
Week 6
Then educator models ways to make some basic sounds and invites students to come up with sounds of their own that everyone can try to identify. Learners will see the known or
unknown character from different perspactive, they will be communicators to express their ideas confidently and creatively.

The teaching artist reads “Going on a Bear Hunt” to learners and has them mimic his voice repeating lines using appropriate voice and volume.
Line of Inquiry #2 The educator helps the learners create some actions and facial expressions appropriate for volume, pitch, based on their experience with the reading of “Going on a Bear Hunt.”
Children make sounds with their hands, feet, and voice. (e.g., rub their hands together, stomp their feet, clap, pat, whisper, vocal gibberish is encouraged to match the action).
The audience guesses what the gestures, expression, noises, and actions mean.
Variety of body movement elements
as characters projection / Form Class continue practice the shapes exercise using the classroom space, learning how to be caring while sharing space and interact between each other respectively during body
movement. Learners add to the character walk the bear character and any more they have created previously. Learners are alowed to produce the sound of character they perform.

Supporting student agency

The classroom floor will be marked with colored tapes to create needed shapes on the floor to support classroom work. To support learners sensory awareness exploration educator will prepare resources (objects, figures) that
will be used in exercises.
Learners will work in the group and will be given voice and choice to chose and decide their roles in the groups and to perform indivisually.
Each students will be given voice and choice in their explorations and improvasations.

Teacher and student questions

Ongoing assessment

Facial Expressions that Demonstrate Feelings / Form:

Tool: Emotion Flashcards Provide flashcards with different emotions (happy, sad, angry, surprised) illustrated on them. Ask each student to pick a card and show the emotion using their face.
Strategy performance task: Emotion Mirror Game Pair up the students and have them take turns being the "emoter" and the "mirror." The emoter demonstrates an emotion with their face, and the mirror student tries to copy
that expression.
Assessment Focus: Observe how well the students recognize and replicate facial expressions corresponding to different emotions.

Variety of body movement elements as characters projection / Form

Tool: Learners will be shown images of enimals. As learners to volunteer to show (one on a time) the animal in action.
Strategy performance task: Ask students stand in a big circle, one student in the centre (volonteer). The student in the center will be a rolemodel. Name the levels short, medium, high, and the rolemodel person will need to show

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the animal in action of instructed size. Tell the other students to repeat the movements. Let every student try themselves in the role model position. Students should move in the circle one direction.
Assessment focus: Observe students leadership skills, imaginations, body expressions and space awareness and ability to recognise and replicate different body movements corresponding to different body expresions and

Body expressions as a perfromance tool / Function

Tool: Play the music with a sound effects of different mood or actions for students (rain, bird sound, airpalain flying, different enimals’ sounds, dance music). Tell sudent to act in respond to the sounds in the music they hear.
Strategy performance task: Create a symbols and signs that contains tasks of levels, movement (jump), object (stone, carrot), house, and more. Place them in the classroom space to create the environment to support a role and
imaginary play.
Assessment focus: Observe how students respond to the music sound, mood, tempo and rhythm, and how students use their body and body movement to demonstrate the character, object and action.

Daily learners will be assessed on their knowledge by providen exrecises and questioning them to confirm that the content is understood.
Educator will observe visually if students are on task due to the body movemets required amplitudes and coordination.

Making flexible use of resources


Student self-assessment and peer feedback

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Ongoing reflections

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Prompts: Designing and implementing (Early years)
Designing engaging learning experiences Supporting student agency
How do we recognize and support student agency
Play Symbolic exploration Learning spaces in learning and teaching?
What opportunities are there for uninterrupted play, and expression How will flexible learning spaces promote For all learning this means:
indoors and outdoors? What opportunities are there to support the exploration, wonder, creativity, risk-taking and  involving students as active participants in,
What opportunities are there for student-initiated development of language and mathematical learning through play? and as co-constructors of, their learning
experiences? understandings? How are resources and materials organised to  developing students’ capacity to plan,
How will students express their ideas, make support student choice and agency? reflect and assess, in order to self-regulate
How can we create authentic opportunities for
connections and consolidate their understandings in and self-adjust learning
students to develop and demonstrate approaches to What opportunities are there to involve students in
different contexts?  supporting student-initiated inquiry and
learning and attributes of the learner profile? the co-design and co-construction of learning
spaces? action.
How are we integrating languages to support

Questions Ongoing assessment Making flexible use Ongoing reflections

Teacher questions What evidence will we gather about students’ of resources For all teachers
What additional teacher questions and provocations emerging knowledge, conceptual understandings How are we responding to students’ emerging
How will resources add value and purpose to
are emerging from students’ evolving theories? and skills? questions, theories, inquiries and interests
How are we monitoring and documenting learning throughout the inquiry?
Student questions For all learning this means:
What student questions are emerging from students’ against learning goals and developmental How are we supporting opportunities for student-
milestones?  the thoughtful use of resources, both in and
evolving theories? initiated action throughout the inquiry?
beyond the learning community to enhance
How are we using ongoing assessment to inform and extend learning. This might include How can we ensure that learning is purposeful and
planning, and the grouping and regrouping of time, people, places, technologies, learning authentic and/or connects to real-life challenges and
Student self-assessment and students? spaces and physical materials. opportunities?
peer feedback How are we nurturing positive relationships
What opportunities are there for students to receive between home, family and school as a basis for
teacher and peer feedback? learning, health and well-being?
How do students engage with this feedback to
develop as self-regulated learners?

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Transdisciplinary theme/Central idea:

Collaborative teaching team: Grade/Year level: Date:

Teacher reflections

Student reflections

Assessment reflections

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Prompts: Reflecting
Teacher reflections Student reflections
How did the strategies we used throughout the unit help to develop and evidence students’ understanding of the What student-initiated inquiries arose and how did they inform the process of inquiry? What adjustments were
central idea? made, and how did this enrich learning?

What learning experiences best supported students’ development and demonstration of the attributes of the How are students supported in having voice, choice and ownership in the unit of inquiry? (For example, through:
learner profile and approaches to learning? co-constructing learning goals and success criteria, being engaged in student-initiated inquiries and action, being
involved in self-assessing and self-regulating, co-designing learning spaces and so on).
What evidence do we have that students are developing knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills to
support the transfer of learning across, between and beyond subjects? How have these experiences impacted on how students feel about their learning? (For example, through:
developing and demonstrating attributes of learner profile and approaches to learning, developing understanding
To what extent have we strengthened transdisciplinary connections through collaboration among members of the of the central idea, achieving learning goals, taking action and so on).
teaching team?

What did we discover about the process of learning that will inform future learning and teaching?

Assessment reflections
How effective was our monitoring, documenting and measuring of learning informing our understanding of student learning?

What evidence did we gather about students’ knowledge, conceptual understandings and skills?

How will we share this learning with the learning community?


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