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Drama-INT-Unit1 – Gr1 - 2022

Central Idea Communities need people to fulfil different roles and

responsibilities to support the function of a community.

Line of Inquiry Roles and responsibilities of community helpers

IB learner profile Communicators, balenced

ATL Social skills, creative thinking

Key Concept Function

Related concepts Relationship, creativity

Subject based In this unit learners will define the value of working
individually and collaboratively, as actors of the
Theatre/Drama class they will create in groups short scene
performances identifying different careers in the community
and their relationships towards each other.

I will integrate by focusing on LP communicators, balanced.

ATL skills: Social skills, creative thinking

Related concept: Relationship, creativity

In this unit learners will define the value of working individually and collaboratively,
as actors of the Theatre/Drama class they will create in groups short scene
performances identifying different careers in the community and their relationships
towards each other.

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