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PHYSIOLOGIC CHANGES IN ELDERLY  As a result, both the thickness and

Introduction elasticity of skin decrease.

 A number of physiological changes  Therefore, sunscreens and
occur as we grow older. moisturizing creams play an
 Some of the common changes are important part in protecting aging
the result of diseases. skin.
Body conformation Hair
 The height falls after the age of 50.  Hair becomes gray because of
 Nose and ears continue to grow in gradual decrease in production of
length. melanin, the pigment cells in the hair
 Male and female shapes become bulbs.
more similar with aging.  The graying of hair is also
Body content influenced by heredity and
 Male weight tend to increase till hormones.
late 50 and then decline.  There are also fewer hair follicles
 Female weight tend to increase till on the scalp and the growth rate of
60 and then decline. hair decreases in the scalp, armpits,
 Total body water male: young 60% and pubic areas. However, hair
to elderly 54%. growth actually accelerates and
 Total body water female: young 52% thickens in places like nostrils, ear,
to elderly 46%. and eyebrows, especially in men.
 Older women often have an increase
Integumentary System in facial hair as their estrogen levels
 One of the most common physical decrease.
changes that people associate with Health promotion strategies
aging is  Avoid solar exposure(clothing,
 Wrinkling sunscreen, stay indoors).
 Pigment alteration  Dress appropriately for
 Thinning of the skin temperature.
 Maintain a safe indoor temperature.
 The most common changes in the  Lubricate skin.
skin include:
 Thinning of the area between the Musculoskeletal System
dermis and epidermis (due to  By the time of age 80, most of loose
decrease in epidermal proliferation) an average height of about 2 inches.
 Elastic fibers are reduced in  The primary factors contributing to
number. this reduction in height include
 Collagen become stiffer.  compression of vertebrae
 Subcutaneous fat diminishes.  changes in posture,
 The decrease in number of  and increased curvature of the hips
capillaries in the skin results in and knees.
diminished blood supply.
 The skin becomes less able to retain  Weight increases until about age 60
fluids and is more easily dry and and then declines
cracked.  This pattern of weight change is
more likely the result of reductions
in activity and changes in eating can hold actually decreases because
rather than aging itself. the heart wall thickening.
 Bone mineral content diminished.  The maximum heart rate decreases.
 As age increases, muscles generally  The cardiac output decreases.
decrease in strength, endurance,  The aorta and other arteries
size, and weight. becomes thicker and stiffer which
 Typically, 23 percent of muscle mass may bring a moderate increase in
is decreased, by age 80, both the systolic blood pressure with aging.
number and size of muscle fibers In some individuals, this may result
decrease. in hypertension.
 Body fat mass can double; lean  The valves between the chambers of
muscle mass is lost heart thicken and become stiffer
Health promotion strategies due to the deposition of calcium and
 Exercise regularly. collagen.
 Eat a high calcium diet, limit  Blood flow to the kidneys may
phosphorus intake. decrease by 50 percent and to the
 Take calcium and vitamin D brain by 15 to 20 percent.
supplements.  The baroreceptors which monitor
 Encourage use of assistive devices if and adjust the blood pressure when
indicated we change position become less
 Modify environment to reduce fall sensitive with aging.
risk  This can cause orthostatic
 Encourage activity- take walks etc. hypotension.
Health promotion strategies
Respiratory System  Regular exercise and activities
 Lungs become more rigid and  Eat low fat diet, low salt diet
stiffer.  Participate in stress reduction
 Muscles of the chest wall becomes activities
weak.  Check blood pressure regularly
 Pulmonary function decreases. The
alveoli within the lungs enlarge and Gastrointestinal System
becomes thinner, increasing the  Reduced GI secretions.
amount of anatomic dead space.  Reduced GI motility.
 The number of cilia decline in  Fall of teeth is an obvious sign of
number as age grows. aging.
 Vital capacity declines.  Delayed gastric emptying.
 Reduction in respiratory fluid. Liver:
 cough efficiency decreases.  Reduced blood flow
 Altered clearance of some drugs
Cardiovascular System  Decreased weight of liver
 Heart disease is the leading cause  Reduced regenerative capacity of
of death in elderly. liver
 The size of heart increases in old  Liver metabolizes less efficiently
age. Intestines:
 Despite slight increase in heart size,  As we grow old, the small intestines
the amount of blood the chamber absorb less calcium and vitamin D.
 Therefore, we need more calcium to  Bladder capacity decreases and
prevent bone mineral loss and there is an increase in residual urine
osteoporosis in later life. and frequency.
 Some enzymes, such as lactase  With aging, there is a reduced
which aids the digestion of lactose hormonal response (vasopressin) and
(a sugar found in dairy products) an impaired ability to conserve salt
decline with age. which may increase risk for
 Reduced peristalsis of the colon can dehydration.
increase risk for constipation.  These changes increase the chances
 The sensitivity of the taste buds of urinary infections, incontinence,
decrease altering pleasure in eating. and urinary obstruction.
 They may also lose the ability to  In males, Benign Prostatic
differentiate sour, salty, and bitter Hyperplasia (BPH) is more common.
tastes.  In females, perineal muscles relax,
 There is decreased salivation, so there is urge incontinence and
there is difficulty in swallowing stress urinary incontinence.
food. Health promotion strategies
 Reduced gastrointestinal motility  Seek referral to urology specialist.
results in delayed emptying of  Have ready access to toilet.
stomach contents and early  Wear easily manipulated clothing.
satisfaction( feeling of fullness).  Drink adequate fluids.
Health promotion strategies  Avoid bladder irritants (caffeinated
 Use mouthwash, brush, and receive beverages, alcohol)
regular dental care.  Pelvic floor exercises.
 Sit up and avoid heavy activity after
eating. Reproductive System
 Limit antacids and laxatives. Male:
 Eat small, frequent meals.  Reduced testosterone level
 Maintain bowel habit.  Size of the testis and penis
Genitourinary System  Decrease in sperm production
 After 40 renal function decreases.  Seminal fluid decreases and
 By 90, we lose 50% of function. becomes more viscous
 Filtration and reabsorption is  Erection dysfunction may occur
decreased Female:
 Size and number of nephrons  estrogen and progesterone levels
decreases. declines
 Bladder muscles weaken.  Ovulation ceases
 Kidney mass decreases by 25-30  Introitus constricts and loses
percent and the number of glomeruli elasticity
decrease by 30 to 40 percent.  Vagina atrophies and becomes dry.
 These changes reduce the ability to  Uterus shrinks.
filter and concentrate urine and to  Breasts become pendulous and lose
clear drugs. elasticity.
Health promotion strategies
 Females may require estrogen  Can actually become clouded
replacement therapy.  Results in cataracts.
 To use a lubricant with intercourse.  Quantity of tears decreases.
 About 95% of individuals aged 65
Nervous System and older report needing glasses to
 Neurons of central and peripheral improve their vision.
nervous system degenerate Health promotion strategies
 Loss of brain mass  Wear eyeglasses, use sunglasses
 Synthesis and metabolism of the outdoors.
major neurotransmitters are  Avoid abrupt changes from dark to
reduced light.
 Nerve transmission slows so; older  Use large print books.
people take longer to respond and  Use magnifier for reading.
react.  Avoid night driving.
 Hypothalamus becomes less  Use contrasting colors for color
effective in regulating body coding.
temperature.  Avoid glare of shiny surfaces and
 Deep sleep decreases. direct sunlight.
 After 50yrs one loses 1% of neurons Hearing
each year.  Hearing loss is very common with
 Allow longer time to respond to aging.
stimulus and move more  Auditory changes begin to be
deliberately. noticed at about 40 years of age.
 Encourage slow rising from a resting  Membranes in the middle ear,
position. including the eardrum, become less
flexible with age.
Sensory System  In addition, the small bones in the
Vision: middle ear, the ossicles, become
 Visual impairment is the most stiffer.
common sensory problem of older  Both these factors somewhat
people. decrease hearing sensitivity but are
 Not all older people have impaired not thought to cause significant
vision. impairment.
 Loss of ability to see items that are  The vestibular apparatus begins to
close up begins in the 40’s degenerate with age.
 Size of pupil grows smaller with  Equilibrium becomes compromised
age: focusing becomes less accurate and older individuals may complain of
 Lens of eye yellows making it more dizziness and lose their balance.
difficult to see red and green Health promotion strategies
colors  Recommend a hearing examination.
 Sensitivity to glare increases  Reduce background noises.
 Night and depth vision decreases  Encourage to face person and use
 Eyelids become baggy and wrinkled nonverbal cues.
 Conjunctiva becomes thin and yellow  Speak with a low-pitched voice.
 Lens enlarges  Use of hearing aids.
 Lens becomes less transparent
Response: first line of defense for the
Smell immune system
 The number of functioning smell
Correct answer: helps determine
receptors decreases. hydration status
 After the age of 50 the sense of
smell decreases rapidly. Score: 0 out of 1 No
 By age 80, the sense of smell is
reduced by about half.
Question 3
Epidermal cells become thinner
making the skin look noticeably thicker
 Taste also diminishes with age
 Some atrophy of the tongue occurs Response: False
with age and this may diminish Correct answer: False
sensitivity to taste.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Immune System
 Decline in immune function
Question 4
Physical changes related to normal
 Fatty marrow replaced red bone
aging are not disease.
 As we grow older, our bodies are Response: True
less able to produce antibodies Correct answer: True
which are important in fighting
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
 As a result older adults are at
Question 5
greater risk for infections and the
The following nursing assessment
mortality rate from infection is
indicates changes in the
much higher than in the young. musculoskeletal system. Which one
Endocrine System does not apply?
 Estrogen levels decrease in women.
 Other hormonal decreases include
Response: D. Decrease in coughing
testosterone, aldosterone, cortisol,
progesterone Correct answer: D. Decrease in
coughing reflexes.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Which topic should student nurse
Elentores include when discussing Question 6
ways to prevent skin disorders? Hair growth on the scalp , armpits and
pubic areas decreases as one the
Response: b.) Effects of long exposure physiologic changes however , in men
to sunlight hair accelerates its growth in the
Correct answer: b.) Effects of long following areas, EXCEPT:
exposure to sunlight Response: Head
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes Correct answer: Head

Question 2 Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

The following are considered
functions of the skin EXCEPT: Question 7
Which one is the best way to slow or Question 12
prevent problems with the muscles , It is a progressive decline in muscle
joints and bones. mass due to aging which results in the
Response: Exercise decreased functional capacity of
muscle. This condition is known as:
Correct answer: Exercise
Response: Sarcopenia
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Correct answer: Sarcopenia
Question 8 Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Each layer of the skin contains
connective tissues with fibers to give Question 13
support and provide flexibility and The total amount of air exhaled after
strength. This refers to: maximal inhalation, this refers to:
Response: Collagen fibers Response: Vital capacity
Correct answer: Collagen fibers Correct answer: Vital capacity
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

Question 9 Question 14
What is the largest organ of the body? Decrease in the function of sebaceous
Response: Integumentary system and sweat glands contribute to oily
Correct answer: Integumentary system
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Correct answer: False
Question 10 Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
People who live in an active lifestyle
lose less muscle mass and flexibility Question 15
as they age. The following are the physiologic
Response: False changes in aging EXCEPT:

Correct answer: True Response: Capacity of the bladder

Score: 0 out of 1 No
Correct answer: Capacity of the
Question 11 bladder increases.
A decreased in the number of cilia is Score: 1 out of 1
one of the changes in the lungs. If
increased in number, which one is
Response: Keep the airways clear of
mucus and dirt allowing to breathe
easily without irritation.
Correct answer: Keep the airways
clear of mucus and dirt allowing to
breathe easily without irritation.
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes

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